12 research outputs found

    Studied on growth, flowering and propagation of Nerine.

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    本試驗主要以秋植品系的納麗石蒜為材料,探討其在台灣栽培之生育、開 花習性,分別於霧峰及魚池等不同氣溫地區種植,觀察其生育,調查、分 析其影響生育因子與園藝性狀,並研究其繁殖方法,以期建立納麗石蒜之 基本栽培資料。在兩試驗地的切花性狀,並無明顯的差異,平均開花率 有60﹪以上,花莖的長度平均47.5cm以上,霧峰到達盛花期比魚池早,尤 其以Early Snow為早7天。在植株生育方面,魚池試驗地的葉長,根數, 分檗球數皆比霧峰的高,且霧峰的葉較早黃化枯萎。以FCR螢光染色觀察 ,其花粉活力皆在 40﹪以上,30℃會造成花粉管末端破裂,以在20℃的 離體培養的發芽率約達50﹪為最高。在傳統的繁殖中,每個種球長的小球 數,以雙鱗片繁殖法的42.8個為最高,雙鱗片繁殖以20℃、25℃為最適 ,10℃幾乎沒有長小球。以沒有前處理的長球率及小球重為最高,NAA的 效果最差,且大多長癒傷組織。培養時仍以沒有生長調節劑的小球重為最 高,高濃度的BA小球有畸型的現象發生。在微體繁殖方面,以45℃的溫水 的消毒方式,其發黴率最低。培養基中以加有活性碳及生長調節劑者,小 球重較重為195.7mg,培養的溫度以20℃為最好,平均長球率為78.3﹪, 在生長調節劑的組合中,以NAA 1ppm、BA 1ppm的組合,小球重210.3mg為 最好。而BA濃度以1-3ppm的結果較好,並顯示IBA有促進作用,以IBA 1ppm為最好,而IBA 2.5ppm則有毒害的現象。Autumn-grown Nerines at Wu-Feng and Yu-Chyu were studied to observe the adaptability, growth and flowering, and methods of propagation for fundumental data in Taiwan. The average ratio of blooming is over 60%, and the flower stalks were over 47.5cm. Time of full bloom at Wu-Feng is earlier than that at Yu-Chyu, by 7 days earlier for cv. ''Early Snow''. Yu-Chyu was more than Wu-Feng in length of leaves, number of roots and offsets,and the leaves at Wu-Feng were yellow earlier than those at Yu-Chyu. The viability of pollen grains were over 40%,and the end of pollen tubes were broken at 30℃.The germination of pollen was over 50% at 20℃. In mass propagation, the bulblet number per bulb has 42.8 via twin- scaling, and the optimum temperature between 20℃ and 25℃. There was no bulblet formation at 10℃. The production and weight of bulblet without treating plant growth regulators was the best, and that with pretreatment of NAA was the worst, but it mostly producted calli. Weight of bulblet without treating growth regulators was the heaviest,and scales treated high concentration of BA appeared malformations. In micropropagation, the contamination was less in treating with 45℃ hot-water. Weight of bulblets were 195.7mg with activated charcoal and growth regulators in medium. The optimum temperature for incubator was at 20℃, and the production of bulblet was 78.3%. Weight of bulblets were 210.3mg with treating NAA 1ppm and BA 1ppm, and 1-3 ppm of BA concentration was better.In result,IBA have synergistic with 1ppm, but have phytotoxicity with 2.5ppm

    Development of Quarantine Technology for Atemoya

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    鳳梨釋迦為台灣重要出口果實之一,外銷市場有大陸、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼及加拿大等地,是相當具有外銷潛力之果品,但目前外銷上遭遇到主要的問題是東方果實蠅的檢疫問題。根據相關文獻顯示,鳳梨釋迦雖不耐低溫貯運,但可耐蒸熱環境,因此本試驗擬針對台灣所生產的鳳梨釋迦進行蒸熱殺蟲檢疫處理試驗,先期預計就東方果實蠅在鳳梨釋迦果實上的接種密度及生長情形等基礎調查試驗,做小規模的調查及測試,以探討殺除東方果實蠅及瓜實蠅精確之最佳蒸熱處理條件。進一步應用在大量的果實上,再針對其蒸熱處理後之品質做評估及調整蒸熱處理之步驟、細節,以期建立較佳的外銷處理作業流程,以減少損耗,增加銷售通路開拓外銷市場,增益產業發展。Atemoya is an improtant tree fruit in Taiwan, especially for exporting. The target markets are China, Hong Kong, Singpore, Malasiya, Indonesia and Canada. But the develpoment of exporting is limited by quarantine. Atemoya is the host of fruit fly. The objective of this study, we will determine whether vapor treatment could development that would provide quarantine security without damage by disinfesting Atemoya of fruit fly, and established and exported quarantine processing

    China''s Oil Diplomacy towards Africa (2002-2008)

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    中國於1993年正式成為石油淨進口國,其進口依存度隨著國內的經濟繁榮而越加高漲,石油依賴的進口地區遂成為中國重視的外交重點。近年來,中國將非洲列為其石油外交的重要地區,中國在非洲的石油版圖逐漸成形,主要發展迅速期為2002年起胡錦濤及其國家領導人頻繁出訪非洲,並利用2000年「中非合作論壇」已建立之談話機制平台,使中國與非洲國家間的對話與合作更加緊密。 本文探討中國自2002年起對非洲石油外交的模式。本文發現中國以中國石化企業在非洲的石油投資為基礎,對非洲國家「石油外交」採取的多元化方針包括:軍售、貸款、投資基礎設施及支持非洲國家保有國內政治自主權等。而中國於非洲所面對的潛在挑戰則是非洲因石油資源而衍生 出的政治與社會問題,如政府的貪污、腐敗、內亂等,這也是中國石化企業投資非洲油田的最大風險。另中國的「不附加政治條件」的援非政策,使得非洲各國政府的政治貪腐與貧窮問題更加惡化,也引起西方大國指責中國為不負責任的大國及「新殖民主義者」。中國對非洲的石油外交牽動著世界各國在非洲的石油利益,未來可持續觀察中國與其他競爭大國在非洲石油的互動關係。Since China officially became a net oil importing country in 1993, the importing dependence on oil has been soaring along with its domestic economic boom. Oil dependence importing area has become a diplomatic key point for China. In recent years, Africa has been listed the significant region for China's oil diplomacy. China takes shape in Africa''s petroleum domain gradually. The main developing rapid time is Hu Jintao and the leaderships have frequently visited Africa since 2002. Besides, China uses the conversation system platform, which was established in “Forum on China-Africa Cooperation” in 2000, making the conversation and cooperation with African countries are even closer. The thesis discusses China's oil diplomacy pattern toward Africa since 2002. It has found that China uses the investments of Chinese oil enterprises in Africa as base. The multiplex policies of oil diplomacy toward African countries are including: armed force sells, loans, infrastructure investments, and supports the African countries to hold the domestic politics right to independence etc. The potential challenges for China are the political and social problems growing in Africa because of the oil resource such as corruption, rotten, civil strife etc. These are the biggest risks for Chinese oil enterprise investing African oil field as well. China's unconditional supporting policy to Africa has made political corruption and poverty getting worse. It causes western countries to accuse China for being an irresponsible great country and “neo-colonialism”. China's oil diplomacy toward Africa affects the oil benefit of various countries in Africa. The interaction between China and other competitive counties in Africa oil would be observed continually in the future.目 錄 中文摘要…………………………………………………………ⅰ 英文摘要…………………………………………………………ⅱ 表目錄……………………………………………………………ⅵ 圖目錄……………………………………………………………ⅷ 第一章 緒論………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………1 第二節 研究方法………………………………………………4 第三節 研究架構與章節安排…………………………………5 第四節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………9 第五節 文獻回顧與探討………………………………………10 第二章 中國石油供需現況………………………………15 第一節 中國境內石油開發利用及儲量現況…………………15 第二節 中國石油消費現況……………………………………25 第三節 中國石油供應來源……………………………………35 第三章 中國在非洲的石油利益…………………………47 第一節 非洲的石油資源………………………………………47 第二節 非洲石油出口情況……………………………………66 第三節 中國與非洲產油國關係………………………………71 第四章 中國對非洲「石油外交」政策…………………79 第一節 石油外交政策目標……………………………………79 第二節 石油外交政策推展重點………………………………89 第三節 石油外交發展成果……………………………………101 第五章 中國對非洲石油外交面臨之挑戰………………115 第一節 他國競爭……………………………………………115 第二節 非洲國家的政治問題………………………………125 第三節 中國對非洲石油外交的困境…………………………131 第六章 結論……………………………………………137 第一節 研究發現……………………………………………137 第二節 未來發展……………………………………………140 參考書目…………………………………………………………143 表 目 錄 表2-1中國油氣資源分佈一覽………………………………………………18 表2-2中國油田產油狀況表……………………………………………19 表2-3 2001至2006年中國油氣儲量統計……………………………23 表2-4中國石油產量預估………………………………………………24 表2-5中國石油生產量與消費量歷年變遷狀況………………………26 表2-6中國石油進口量之歷年變遷表…………………………………29 表2-7中國石油生產、進口和進口依存度的統計與預測表…………30 表2-8世界主要國家石油儲備情況排名………………………………33 表2-9中石油公司於海外油氣開發合作情形(2002-2008.4)………38 表2-10 2007年全球石油煉製業公司排行……………………………43 表2-11 2006年中國石油進口排名……………………………………45 表3-1非洲北部和西部的主要盆地……………………………………50 表3-2非洲主要石油生產國例年石油探明儲量比……………………52 表3-3 2006年世界各地石油探明儲量及生產量………………………53 表3-4 2006年非洲地區主要產油國之蘊藏量與生產量統計…………54 表3-5非洲各國石油資源潛力…………………………………………65 表3-6世界各產油區之石油出口及消費狀況…………………………67 表3-7 2006年非洲地區石油出口的主要貿易夥伴……………………70 表3-8中國與非洲國家建交及產油、合作情形一覽表………………72 表3-9中國2007年石油進口來源地區成長排名……………………77 表4-1中國出訪非洲國家情形一覽表(2002年-2008年5月)…82 表4-2中國三大石化公司在非洲石油發展情形……………………93 表4-3國際石油公司在非洲擁有的勘探面積排名…………………101 表4-4中國從非洲進口原油(1992年-2000年)…………………102 表4-5中國從非洲進口原油(2001年-2006年)…………………103 表4-6中國與非洲產油國之石油發展成果…………………………106 圖 目 錄 圖1-1論文研究架構圖……………………………………7 圖2-1中國石油及天然氣分佈及名稱…………………………18 圖2-2中國的油田發現情況……………………………………22 圖2-3各行業石油消費量比(2005年)………………………27 圖2-4中國新車銷量……………………………………………31 圖3-1非洲石油產量變化………………………………………48 圖3-2非洲地區國家位置………………………………………55 圖5-1美國由西非各國進口原油增長情形……………………11

    The Implementation of Efficient Web-based Class Learning Community Using Web2.0 and F2blog Open Source Software

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    二十一世紀是高度資訊科技化社會的時代,隨著網路使用人口不斷地急遽上升,網路時代也緊追而來。資訊科技帶動了學習革命,學習型態也隨之改變,網路時代的來臨使得知識取得及人際互動更加多元化。 Web2.0是一個集體參與、互相分享、打破成規、共同互惠的時代。現今社會已從Web1.0邁入Web2.0時代,教育也是如此。然而Web2.0與Web1.0概念之最大不同處在於Web2.0的概念加入了集體創作、共同分享的概念。相對於教育、學習方式的改變,學生們的學習已從傳統的被動轉為主動地求知與學習。教師與學生之間的關係也將從傳統由上往下的單向教導方式,轉化成為平等互惠的多向對話。 F2blog為開放源碼軟體,它是利用PHP5語言與MySQL5資料庫開發而成,強調可多人共同編寫的Blog。F2blog採用了Ajax技術,減少了等待頁面裝載的時間,提供完善之後台管理。其中外掛功能,更讓管理者可自行開發程式,以符合成本效益的方式擴充。 本研究主要是利用Web2.0概念及F2blog開放源碼軟體建構更具效能之班級網路學習社群平台,協助教師進行班級經營、提供學生上課之線上輔助學習及課後延伸學習的平台。目的在以現有開放源碼F2blog建構班級網路學習社群平台,並導入PZB服務品質分析,依據服務品質滿意度來修正系統功能,藉此提高使用者服務品質滿意度。 研究對象以常春藤高中國中部學生參與實務社群進行研究分析,結果確實提高使用者參與網路學習社群之滿意度並提高了教師、家長及學生主動參與社群之意願。因此,本研究所建構之班級網路學習社群具有實用性,值得教育單位推廣及應用。The Twenty First Century is an era comprised by the technological information societies. It is also the beginning of the Internet Era, because the Internet population is growing rapidly. Information technology evokes a revolution of learning along with the changes in learning styles. The coming of the Internet Era diversifies how humans acquire knowledge and the ways humans interact with one another. Web 2.0 creates another period of time when everyone participates, shares among with other, breaks set rules and then gains mutual benefits. The users from current society have already crossed the boundary from Web1.0 and are making their way into Web2.0 And so is the Education system. Nevertheless, the biggest difference between the concepts of Web2.0 and Web1.0 is that Web2.0 includes the ideas of teamwork and mutual sharing. As to the changes in the aspects of education and learning styles, students convert their passive learning habits to a more proactive approach towards knowledge acquisition and learning. The relationship between teachers and students has also become transformed from a top-down one-way direction to a more equally beneficial horizontal platform. F2blog is an open source software. It was developed by using the PHP5 language MYSQL5 database. It utilizes a BLOG which can be accessed by many users. F2blog adopts the Ajax technology. It reduces the waiting time for reloading the page. It provides perfect content management system. The plug-in function even allows the administrator to develop his own program which is very cost-effective. This study focuses on using the Web2.0 concept and F2blog open source software to construct a more effective platform for classroom network learning community. This platform helps teachers to manage their class, to provide on-line learning assistance, and to extend learning beyond the classroom. The purpose is to use the existing open source F2blog to construct a platform for classroom network learning community. At the same time, a service satisfaction analysis is conducted through PZB. To enhance the service satisfaction rate, modifications on system functionality are acted upon through the analysis. The study targets on IVY junior high school students who have participated in the practical community. The research results illustrate the increased willingness of participating in the network learning community. Teachers, parents and students are more motivated to participate in the communities. Therefore, the classroom network learning community created in this study is indeed practical and should be recommended and utilized by educational institutes.第一章 緒 論1 第一節 研究動機1 第二節 研究目的3 第三節 研究問題、範圍及限制3 一、研究問題3 二、研究範圍及限制5 第四節 論文架構6 第二章 背景知識與相關研究7 第一節 Web 2.07 第二節 Ajax技術9 第三節 F2blog開放源碼軟體12 一、開放源碼軟體12 二、F2blog14 第四節 網路學習社群15 一、數位學習的互動類型15 二、網路學習社群(Web-Based Learning Community)18 第五節 班級經營24 第六節 PZB服務品質25 一、PZB概念性模式25 二、服務品質構面27 三、服務品質衡量方式—SERVQUL28 四、服務品質與顧客滿意度29 第三章 研究方法與程序30 第一節 研究方法30 一、研究對象30 二、研究工具30 第二節 研究設計32 一、文獻分析法32 二、系統開發法32 三、調查法33 四、觀察法33 第三節 系統發展34 第四節 研究流程35 一、研究流程35 二、服務品質研究架構39 第四章 研究成果40 第一節 系統功能與架構40 一、系統功能40 二、系統架構42 第二節 系統開發結果43 一、硬體系統架構43 二、班級網路學習社群模組系統發展結果44 第三節 系統服務品質問卷分析53 一、基本資料分析53 二、研究假設之驗證58 第五章 結論與建議67 第一節 研究結論67 第二節 未來建議69 參考文獻70 中文部分70 英文部分72 附錄73 附錄一「班級網路學習社群」參與前期望服務問卷73 附錄二「班級網路學習社群」參與後知覺服務問卷75 附錄三系統修正後之「班級網路學習社群」參與後知覺服務問卷7


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    本研究以聖誕紅盆花'Peter Star'為材料,分別在10℃、15℃、25℃下進行試驗包裝 貯運溫度對盆花品質表現和二氧化碳及乙烯生合成之影響,及灰黴病罹病程度。袖套包裝處 理10℃下貯運3天,葉片掉落率最高,25℃次之,15℃最低。在各試驗溫度貯運後除去袖 套後評鑑,發現第6天至第15天葉片及苞片及大戟花序掉落率最高。在袖套包裝前48小時 以1mM硫代硫酸銀(Silver thiosulfate, STS)噴佈整個植株,置入15℃貯藏,其灰黴病罹病度 較輕為0.8級,可避免灰黴病之影響。偵測Poinsettia pot flowers 'Peter Star' were stored at 10℃, 15℃, and 25℃ to test the influence of quality performance, carbon dioxide, ethylene biosynthesis and grey mold disease infection. Sleeve-pack pot flowers which stored for 3 days presented th


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    THe defoliation and removal of flower stalk were conducted with Oncidium hybrid 1 Gower Ramsey' to test off-season production possibility. The defoliation on different development stages of plant itself and leaf position presented influence of flow本研究以文心蘭切花品種Onc. 'Gower Ramsey',試驗不同生育期,不同部位除 葉處理及花莖剪除處理進行產期調節。試驗結果顯示,株齡愈小行除葉處理其開花愈低, 花序品質愈差。在假球莖成熟期除葉處理,不影響花芽形成率,只影響花序發育品質。除 葉處理試驗結果顯示,鞘葉是提供花序發育碳水化合物養分的主要部位,除去二片鞘葉造 成開花率低下、品質下降,除去上位葉則影響較少。文心蘭栽培時,鞘葉之生育攸關於切 花生產之量與質。花莖剪除再次抽新花莖試驗,在花莖長度5 cm時剪除,約有70%再抽出 二

    The Study of Hypobaric Fumigation on Cut Fowers of Export

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    本省花卉外銷到日本常被檢出含害蟲,燻蒸率頗高,切花之鮮度與品質明顯受損外,售價亦隨之降低,而影響收益及台灣花卉之形象。故本試驗以菊花為試驗材料,二點葉蟎及非洲菊斑潛蠅為標的害蟲進行減壓燻蒸試驗,燻蒸藥劑以溴化甲烷及磷化氫為主。以溴化甲烷8 g/m3 複合磷化氫3 g/m3 以250 mmHg 進行非洲菊斑潛蠅齡期之減壓燻蒸之抗性試驗,結果接卵後第2 日之燻蒸效果最差,其校正死亡率為21.1﹪,而其他齡期之校正死亡率皆在50﹪以上。以12 g/m3 溴化甲烷及4 g/m3 磷化氫燻蒸120 分鐘,於5、250 及500 mmHg之艙壓下燻蒸,二點葉蟎之校正死亡率分別為98.5%、99.98%及99.8%,而非洲菊斑潛蠅於250 及500 mmHg 之艙壓下之校正死亡率分別為100%及92.4%。在品質方面,`白天星’與`黃秀鳳’的品質不論在何種艙壓下之燻蒸處理後皆與未燻蒸處理對照組無異;而`黃精競’花瓣剖面則產生輕微黃褐化及花開放緩慢,且壓力越低藥害之症狀越明顯。以未燻蒸、無藥劑燻蒸、4 g/m3 磷化氫及12 g/m3 溴化甲烷兩種藥劑之單獨或組合於艙壓250 mmHg 下進行120 分鐘之減壓燻蒸處理,二點葉蟎之致死率分別為18.1%、36.0%、46.9%、72.8%及99.99%,以組合藥劑之處理之殺蟲效果最好。以4、8、12 及16 g/m3 溴化甲烷配合4 g/m3磷化氫於艙壓250 mmHg 下進行二小時之減壓燻蒸處理,非洲斑潛蠅之致死率分別0、70.4、87.8、100 及100%。以8 及12 g/m3 溴化甲烷配合4 g/m3 磷化氫減壓燻蒸處理後之品質,`黃精競`隨溴化甲烷藥劑增加其花瓣剖面黃褐化程度增加,而`白天星’與`黃秀鳳’之品質則與未燻蒸處理對照組無差異。以12 g/m3 溴化甲烷配合4 g/m3 磷化氫於250 mmHg 艙壓下進行90、120、135 及150 分鐘的減壓燻蒸處理,二點葉蟎之致死率分別為98.9 ﹪、99.99 ﹪、100 ﹪及100 ﹪。非洲菊斑潛蠅以90、120 及135 分鐘的燻蒸處理之致死率分別為89.7%、100%及100%。在減壓燻蒸處理後之品質方面,150 分鐘減壓燻蒸處理組之`白天星`與`黃秀鳳`外觀上仍無藥害之症狀,但花朵開放度有些微降低但差異不顯著,其他處理組之花朵開放度與未燻蒸處理組則無明顯差異。綜合以上之結果,在兼顧切花品質及達到檢疫殺蟲目的,外銷菊花之減壓燻蒸處理應以12 g/m3 溴化甲烷及4 g/m3 磷化氫艙壓250 mmHg,進 行135 分鐘的減壓燻蒸為較理想之處理。 The best resistance stage of Liriomyza trifolii Burgess is the second day of eggs for fumigation with methylbromide 8 g/m3 and phosphine 3 g/m3 in 250mmHg for 90 minutes. The mortality of Tetranychus urticase and Liriomyza trifolii Burgess were no difference in different pressures of fumigation. The best mortality is 99.9 % and 100% with 250 mmHg pressure of fumigation. In different treatments of fumigant, the mortality of Tetranychus urticase is 46.9 %, 72.8 % and 99.9 % with Phosphine 4 g/m3, Methylbromide 12 g/m3 and combining with both fumigants. In different concentration of Methylbromide and combining Phosphine 4 g/m3 of fumigant, the mortality of Liriomyza trifolii Burgess is 70.4 %, 87.7 %, 100 and 100 % . In fumigation time of 90, 120, 135 and 150 mins, the mortality of Tetranychus urticase are 98.8 %, 99.9 %, 100 % and 100 % respectively. In fumigation time of 90, 120 and 135 mins, the mortality of Liriomyza trifolii Burgess are 89.7 %, 100 % and 100 % respectively. About phytotoxicity of pressure and fumigant concentration, there were no symptom of toxicity in chrysanthemum cultivar of ‘Huang Sho Fong’ and ‘Pai Ten Sing’. But there were black-brown color of basal petal after fumigation with ‘Hung Chin Jen’ and ‘Pai Don Young’. There were no symptom of toxicity in ‘Hung Sho Fong’ with Methylbromide 12 g/m3 combining with Phosphine 4 g/m3, but the long time of fumigation reduced the levels of flower-opening. But for the quality of cutflower, the best combination is 135 min of fumigation with 250 mmHg of pressure and mixture of Methylbromide 12 g/m3 and Phosphine 4 g/m3