5 research outputs found

    Primary Production in the East China Sea and the northern South China Sea: distributions and correlations with phytoplankton community structure

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    初级生产过程是海洋生态系统最重要的过程之一,是分析生态系统物质循环和能量流动的基础。对中国海初级生产过程研究,过去主要集中在初级生产力的量级和时空分布方面,缺少对初级生产过程的微观研究以及对初级生产力的调控机制的定量研究。本研究以中国东海和南海北部两个边缘海生态系统为主要研究对象,针对中国亚热带边缘海(东海和南海北部)初级生产力时空变化规律与调控机制,特别是与海洋水体光学特征和浮游植物群落结构的关系等科学问题。采用P-E曲线法和特征光合色素法分别进行初级生产力和浮游植物群落结构的测量,并结合海水表观光学量、浮游植物光吸收系数、温度和营养盐等进行数据的综合分析,同时开展了碳酸酐酶活性如何影响光合...Primary production in the sea is a fundamental issue for the study of a marine ecosystem, and is the basis for research on ocean carbon cycle. In the past, the studies in the Chinese Seas focused on the magnitudes and spatial-temporal patterns of primary production. In this study, we investigated the primary production in the two marginal sea systems: The East China Sea (ECS) and the northern Sout...学位:理学博士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境科学学号:2262010015361


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    本研究于2014年7月至2015年7月在福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区潮间带滩涂采集表层底质沉积物样品,研究环境因子对红树林生境底质中的底栖微藻总初级生产力、群落呼吸速率和群落净生产力的影响和调控机制.结果表明,红树林滩涂生境底质中底栖微藻总初级生产力为(2. 4±0. 8) mmol C/(m~2·h),与温度正相关,呈夏季高、冬季低的特点,温度是影响底栖微藻总初级生产力的主要环境因子;受红树林凋落物的影响,红树林生境底质中群落呼吸速率较高,使得秋、冬、春季一些月份群落净生产力出现负值,群落净生产力全年均值为(0. 5±1. 8) mmol C/(m~2·h),基本上处于二氧化碳收支平衡的状态.本研究显示底栖微藻的初级生产力影响了红树林生境底质的二氧化碳源汇格局,在红树林湿地碳循环中扮演重要的角色.国家自然科学基金资助项目(41466001);;近海海洋环境国家重点实验室自主课题资助项目(MELRI1603);;滨海湿地生态系统教育部重点实验室自主课题资助项目(WELRI201601

    Responds of microphytobenthic chlorophyll fluorescence to the temperature and light in Dadeng Island intertidal zone,Xiamen

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    采用PAM叶绿素荧光技术,于2013年5月在厦门大嶝岛潮间带,对不同底质类型(泥质、泥砂质和砂质)底栖微藻的光合作用特征进行了初步研究.结果显示:底栖微藻的光合系统II最大光量子效率(fV/fM)呈泥质(0.33)>泥砂质(0.28)>砂质(0.01);底栖微藻叶绿素A含量亦呈上述变化趋势.不同温度(15~35℃)和不同光照透射率(0~100%)的短期(0.5~2.0 H)培养实验表明,底栖微藻光合作用的最适温度(27℃左右)接近于环境温度,体现了其对生长环境的适应;过高的温度(35℃及以上)会抑制光合作用活性,进而限制其生长;此外,光照实验表明底栖微藻可通过自身的运动和变化来适应光照强度的变化,不同底质类型可能存在不同的光适应策略.Photosynthesis characteristics of the microphytobenthos in different sediment types( mud,mud-sandy and sand) were investigated in intertidal zone of Dadeng Island( Xiamen,China) in May,2013.The results showed that the maximum quantum efficiency( Fv/Fm) of the photosynthetic system II in mud( 0.33) was higher than in mud-sandy( 0.28),and it was lowest in sand( 0.01).The trend was similar with Chlorophyll a content of the microphytobenthos.Short-term( 0.5 ~ 2.0 h) experiments showed the optimum temperature( about 27℃) for microphytobenthic photosynthesis tended to be close to the environmental temperature,and extreme high temperature( above 35℃) was harmful to microphytobenthos.In addition,short-term( 0.5 ~2.0 h) light( 0 ~100%) experiments showed microphytobenthos might accommodate to the light change with different adaptation strategies emerged from different types of sediments,such as migration or change its physiological features.国家海洋局公益性行业科研专项资助专项(201105021

    A preliminary study on the new productivity and primary productivity of East China Sea and northern South China Sea in winter

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    采用14C与15 n核素示踪方法,于2008年12月—2009年1月对东海和南海北部海域的初级生产力和新生产力的分布进行了研究,并对其环境制约机制进行了初步探讨。结果表明:调查海域叶绿素A质量浓度在空间分布上呈近岸高、外海低,表层高、真光层底部低的分布趋势。东海海域的积分初级生产力(IPP)和积分新生产力(InP)均低于南海北部海域,f比值为东海海域>南海北部海域,东海海域新生产力(nP)对初级生产力(PP)的贡献大于南海北部海域。浮游植物对氨盐的吸收速率(ρnH4)显著大于对硝酸盐的吸收速率(ρnO3)(P<0.05)。水柱平均新生产力与环境参数的相关性分析结果表明,营养盐是影响冬季调查海域新生产力的主要因素,温度和盐度为次要因素。14C and 15N nuclide tracer methods were used to measure new productivity and primary productivity of East China Sea and northern South China Sea in the winter of 2008—2009,and their environmental restraint mechanisms was discussed preliminarily.The results show that the distribution of chlorophyll a mass concentration is higher nearshore than offshore,and higher in the surface layer than that at the bottom of the euphotic layer.The integrated primary productivity and integrated new productivity are lower in East China Sea than that in northern South China Sea,but the f ratio in East China is lager than that in northern South China Sea,which indicated that the contribution of the new productivity to the primary productivity was greater in East China Sea than northern South China Sea.The ρNH4 is significantly greater than ρNO3(P <0.05).The correlation analysis between the new productivity and environmental parameters shows that nutrients are the major factors which influence the new productivity in winter in the study area while temperature and salinity is the secondary impacting factors.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40730846);“973”计划资助项目(2009CB421203

    Temporal and spatial variation of microphytobenthic photosynthetic pigments and its relationship with environmental factors in Yundanghu Lagoon,Xiamen

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    2010年7月至2011年7月,利用高效液相色谱分离分析技术研究了厦门筼筜湖潟湖表层沉积物的底栖微藻生物量(以叶绿素A计)和光合色素组成,探讨了其与环境因子的关系.结果表明,表层沉积物中检出岩藻黄素、别藻黄素、玉米黄素、叶绿素b四种光合色素,对应的微藻类群包括硅藻、隐藻、蓝藻和绿藻.底层(表层沉积物)与水层(水体)微藻叶绿素A生物量呈显著负相关关系(P<0.05),但底层-水层对应的光合色素不存在显著相关关系,此暗示底层光合色素主要是底栖微藻的贡献,而非来自水层浮游微藻的沉降.底栖微藻生物量随时间变化明显,夏季(6~8月)较低(1.30 Mg/M2),冬季(12月至翌年2月)较高(86.16 Mg/M2).各测站底栖微藻生物量存在空间差异,随湖区的水深增加而降低,与沉积物表层光辐照度呈显著的正相关关系(P<0.05).岩藻黄素与降雨量呈显著负相关,别藻黄素与水体无机氮含量呈显著正相关,玉米黄素分布主要受温度影响,除玉米黄素外,其他光合色素含量与光辐照度呈正相关.初步估算表明,底栖微藻占该浅水潟湖生态系统水层-底层微藻叶绿素A生物量和固碳量的27.64%和12.56%.From July 2010 to July 2011,high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) was used to study surface microphytobenthic Chl-a biomass and photosynthetic pigments at 3 stations in Yundanghu Lagoon,Xiamen.The correlation between environmental factors and microphytobenthic pigments was analyzed.The results showed that fucoxanthin;alloxanthin;zeaxanthin and Chl b were detected in surface sediments,which represented the benthic algal community of including diatoms,cryptophyta,cyanophyta and chlorophyta.There was significantly negative correlation of microalgal biomass between benthic layer(surface sediment) and pelagic layer(water column)(p<0.05),However,it was not significant for correlation of the corresponding photopigments between the benthic-pelagic layer.This implied the sediment photosynthetic pigments were mainly from the contribution of benthic microalgae,rather than the sinking pelagic phytoplankton.Temporally,microphytobethic biomass was lower in summer(June to August,1.30 mg/m2,) and higher in winter(December to February,86.16 mg/m2).For the spatial scale,microphytobethic biomass was higher in shallow water than that in deep water in Yundanghu Lagoon,and had a well positive correlation with light intensity(Iz) at the sediment surface(p<0.05).Fucoxanthin had a significant positive correlation with local rainfall,while alloxanthin was significant positive correlation with dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN),zeaxanthin was well influenced by temperature.Most of the photopigments had a well positive correlation with light internsity(Iz) except for zeaxanthin.Model-based data showed that benthic microalgae contributed 27.64% and 12.56% of Chl-a and carbon fixation,respectively,in the pelagic-benthic system in Yuandanghu Lagoon,Xiamen.国家973计划资助项目(2011CB403603); 国家海洋局公益性行业科研专项经费资助项目(201005015-3