18 research outputs found


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    Effect of Soil Management and Fertilizer Controll on Increase of Rice Quality

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    本計畫旨在建立提高良質米品質之土壤管理與施肥調控技術並製定良質米適栽土壤圖。 重要工作項目包括: 1.良質米專業區土壤評估與製定良質米適栽土壤圖:利用本所土壤資料庫與土壤肥力分佈圖,調查分析已規劃良質米專業區之土壤特性與適宜性,調查區內就土壤-肥料-米質之相關與適宜度,作通盤之調查分析,包括現場調查與採樣;並參考2之結果,建立以水田土壤管理組及土壤肥力能限分類為基礎,土壤排水特性為限制因子之評估架構,製定良質米適栽土壤等級圖。 2.建立良質米之土壤肥力與營養元素調控技術:依據土壤不同表底土型、質地剖面特性與肥力限制因子,設定肥料需求基準,從降低氮肥用量,控制氮肥供應強度,提高土壤有效性Ca、Mg、Zn、B含量,降低土壤K/Mg比,綜合此等機制,設立田間試驗與觀察區,探討對良質米品質-外形飽滿、減少心腹白與碎米率及口感等(蛋白質少,澱粉多,直鏈澱粉少)的影響,進而完成增進米質之土壤肥力與施肥控管技術之建立與應用。 3.提高良質米品質之土壤管理與改良對策: (1)依繪製之適栽土壤等級圖製定因應之土壤管理與改良策略,包括綠肥調節、深層施肥、改善土壤pH、調整施肥時期、次數與晒田等技術,並完成良質米之施肥技術資訊系統建構。 (2)重要工作項目包括:(a)霧峰地區不同土壤質地下施肥技術對稻米品質之影響(b)合理化施肥諮詢系統建構(c)水田肥料利用率提高技術之開發(d)主要良質米水稻品種之合理化施肥技術與品質提升之研究(e)開發良質米土壤別施肥與養分管理體系。 預期效益:建立良質米專業區土壤特性綜合評估系統一套 The objective of this project is to study the effect of soil management and fertilizer controll on increase of rice quality, and establish the adaptive techniques in applying fertilizer and improvement of nutrition balance for rice quality. The field experiments has been conducted on sandstone and shale alluvial soils in the farm of TARI and other aeria. The treatments for residue are composed of residue incorporation, residue burning and residue removal in the field experiments of TARI. The other soil survey and field invetigation include soil pH, texture, drainage condition, exchangeable calcium and magnisium content, organic matter, and balance of available nutrient. The effects of fertility and quality of irrigation water are also monitored in this study. It is expected with finishment of this project, techniques for appropriate soil management methods will be established to maintain the development of sustainable rice culture for high qualitity. On the other hand, this research also study the effect of cropping system, organic manure,. green manure crop, and other soil managements on the changes of available nutrients, especially for the balance between soil nutrients


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    Effects of Long-term Crop Systems on Rice and Corn Yields

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    本研究探討長期連輪作對水稻與玉米產量及有關之植物相剋作用的效應,試驗田設於本所農場,屬非石灰性砂頁岩沖積土。連續20年水稻連作並無減產,與玉米輪作則對養分的吸收有正面影響而顯著提高產量,水稻產量,不論連、輪作,二期作產量恒低於一期作,平均減產18%。不論一、二期作,輪作者產量恒均高於連作者,一期作增產16%,二期作增產19%。水稻連作,不論一、二期作產量並無逐年遞增或遞減趨勢,此並不表示水稻無連作障礙,因輪作之產量恒均高於連作者,表示水稻連作障礙是存在的,但輪作並不能使二期作產量提高至一期作水準,顯見仍有其它因素造成二期作的低產。輪作之產量雖大於連作,然不論一、二期作,產量亦無逐年遞增或遞減趨勢。台農351號玉米連作則減產嚴重,連作數年即幾無產量,而輪作效果雖遠較水稻顯著,但年度間亦呈下降趨勢,唯不致有連作之幼苗嚴重枯死情形。台農351號玉米連作數年生育受阻,在改種台農1號即見生育良好,顯見玉米連作,植物相剋作用的效力及其對品種的專一性值得注意。推測,來自玉米本身根系分泌物的自毒作用是台農351號玉米連作障礙的主因。 The long-term field experiment bas been conducted on a noncalcareous sandstone and slate alluvial soil at the farm of TARI since 1987. One of the purposes of this experiment is to study the effect of cropping systems under applying chemical fertilizers on crop yields and allelopathy concerned. Continuously 20 years, it was concluded that no matter monoculture or rotation, the rice yield of the 2^(nd) crop was always lower than the 1^(st) crop with a 18% decrease on average. No matter the 1(st) or 2^(nd) crop, the rice yield of rotation was higher than that of continuous rice cropping permanently with a 16.3% increase for the 1^(st) crop and a 19.2% increases for the 2^(nd) crop on average. As to paddy rice continuous cropping, no matter the 1^(st) or 2^(nd) crop, the rice yields did not have the progressively increasing or decreasing tendency year by year. Otherwise, this didn't show there was no existing of barrier for continuous rice cropping. Because the yields of crop rotation is higher than those of the continuous cropping permanently, it indicated that the barrier for the paddy rice continuous cropping was existing. But the crop rotation could not make the yield of the 2^(nd) crop increase to the yield level of 1^(st) crop, obviously there were still other factors contributing to the low yield for the 2^(nd) rice crop. As to corn, the barrier of continuous corn cropping was extremely obvious. The corn yield of TN 351 showed the serious repression on the growth of the young plant after continuously for several years, with almost having no harvest. After continuous barrier on TN 351 maize hybrid for several years, another maize hybrid TN 1 has been planted to change TN 351 since 2001. Obviously, there was no inhibition on the growth of TN 1 hybrid, Allelopathy in cropping system and it's specificity on maize hybrids was worth to pay attention to. The autointoxication from root secretion of corn is possibly the main factor on the corn barrier of continuous corn cropping

    Preliminary Study on Soil Fertility and Ground Water Quality Assessment Under Long-term Planting Water Bamboo at Puli Area in Taiwan

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    鑑於埔里茭白筍之特殊栽培、生理特性及飲用水水源水質保護區之重要性,建立了15處水質與土壤之環境品質監測點,定期採取地下水、灌溉水、土壤與植體樣本。調查顯示,一般農戶肥料用量極大,然肥料氮肥利用率極低,致土壤無機態氮含量極高(0-90 mg/kg,多為NH_4^+-N),土壤有效性磷含量亦極高(30-460 mg/kg P_2O_5),而有機田為42-110 mg/kg;導致土壤酸化嚴重,強酸性,土壤嚴重缺矽,僅8-22 mg/kg,又嚴重缺鎂,僅38-80 mg/kg。土壤缺矽、鎂、鈣等之養分不平衡,植株易出現營養障礙,並可能為茭白筍易發生胡麻葉枯病與銹病之因子之一。0.1 N鹽酸抽出之土壤重金屬含量均遠低於規定之標準值。至於地下水水質一般礦物元素含量均屬合理,尤其磷鐵錳均未被檢測出,顯示過多之磷肥均留於土壤中。但不同監測點硫之高低差極大,雖未超過標準亦屬偏高,應為肥料使然。而地下水重金屬含量整體言之均遠低於規定之基準值, 唯鋅、銅含量不同地點高低差異極大,有偏高或高者恆高情形,且鋅高銅亦高,可能與有機質肥料使用有關;砷、鎘含量則有出現超過第一類地下水監測基準值者,唯未連續出現。地下水NH_4^+-N監測值出現超過第一類地下水NH_4^+-N監測基準值 0.05 mg/L者;NO_3^--N監測值雖未超過第一類地下水NO_3^--N監測基準值5 mg/L,亦屬偏高;而地下水總氮量監測值有超過灌溉用水水質標準Total-N 3.0 mg/L者。此反映出埔里茭白筍產區土壤加入了太多之肥料,相當量的氮己進入地下水。強烈的土壤還原特性如有機栽培易使植株錳吸收過多而造成毒害作用,強烈的土壤酸性缺矽,植株矽含量低等,成為當地茭白筍產量不高原因之一。 In view of the special cultivation, physiological characteristics of water bamboo and the importance of resource protection for soil and drinking water, it has been established 15 monitoring sites to take samples of ground water, irrigation water and soils regularly for environmental quality assessment at Puli area. The investigation shows that the fertilizer consumption by farmers are enormous, and much larger than the general amount of 3 times for the paddy field. However, the fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency is extremely low, because very high content of inorganic nitrogen and available phosphorus were found in soil for 0-90 mg/kg of NH_4^+-N and 30-460 mg/kg of P_2O_5, respectively. Thus, it leads to serious soil acidification, strong acidity, and the deficiency of soil silicon and magnesium, the content ranged only 8-22 mg/ kg for silicon and 38-80 mg/kg for magnesium. The nutrient unbalances on lack of soil silicon, magnesium and calcium, and the strong soil reduction easily lead to nutrition disorders of water bamboo and to induce the basal stalk rot, rust disease and brown spot disease of water bamboo. The contents of soil heavy metal extracted by 0.1 N HCl are far below the requirements of the standard value. As for the ground water quality, the contents of general mineral elements are relative low, especially for phosphorus, iron and manganese, which are not detectable, showing that excessively phosphate fertilizers still remained in the soil. Although the sulfur concentration does not significantly exceed the standard value, the concentration is a little too high and obviously different among monitoring sites, showing the result of applying higher fertilizers. For the heavy metal in groundwater, for overall, its concentrations are much lower the regulations, however, the differences of zinc and copper contents among locations are obvious, and may be something to do with monitoring baseline value by applying organic manure. For the arsenic and cadmium, its content has occasionally found more than the monitoring baseline value of the first kind of ground water, but the higher content was not occurred continuously during the period of investigation. Also, the concentrations of NH_4^+-N in some ground water wells were occurred more than monitoring regulation of 0.05 mg/ L for the first kind of ground water. Although monitoring value of NO_3^--N does not exceed the monitoring regulation of 5 mg/L for first kind of groundwater, it seems relatively high for some monitoring sites, while the monitoring values of total nitrogen in some ground water wells are over the standard baseline value of total-N 3.0 mg/L for the standard of irrigation water quality. These results reflect that the soils are applied too many fertilizers, and a considerable amount of nitrogen has been leached into the ground water. Strong soil acidity and accompanying shortage of soil silicon and magnesium content, silicon and magnesium deficiency in plant tissue and the characteristics of strong soil reduction such as causing manganese toxicity of the plant become as one of the factors restrict the productivity of water bamboo

    Availability of Different Forms of Phosphorus and Their Chemical

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    本論文研究目的乃對本省中南部若干沖積土,探討土壤在還原氧化序列下 磷之吸附、脫附、型態轉變及其生物有效性評估與化學動力學的關係,以 了解影響磷有效性之途徑,供磷之施肥管理參考。田間土壤在浸水期間, 無定型鐵含量與磷吸附會大量增加,排水時二者會快速下降,但並不回降 至還原前的程度,經排水後120 天的土壤,磷吸附及結合能比初排水土壤 低,但均不達至原浸水前的測值水準,而其磷之生物有效性亦較未浸水土 壤為低。浸水期間會減少磷的脫附作用,而添加有機質及增加溫度更減少 磷之脫附,增加溫度及先前浸水處理會減少可溶性磷濃度,而以後者的影 響佔優勢,可溶性磷濃度隨時間而減少的反應為動力學一級反應,而當溫 度增加反應速率則增加。土壤浸水時,典型的變化就是Fe-P增加而Al-P減 少,在排水期間,對水田土壤,Fe-P和Al-P減少而RS-P增加。溫室盆栽玉 米顯示土壤無機磷中Al-P及Fe-P為供應玉米磷肥的重要來源,田間玉米磷 肥效應試驗,土壤的磷酸緩衝能量影響玉米相對產量百分率與Bray有效磷 間的相關關係,自亦影響不同緩衝能量土壤的缺磷臨界濃度。 序列封面 目 中文摘要 英文摘要 圖次 表次 壹、前言 貳、文獻研究 一、 支配土壤溶液中磷濃度的物理化學過程 (一) 吸附─脫附 1.恒溫吸附 2.影響磷吸附的因子 3.磷被定型土壤物質的吸附 4.磷脫附作用 (二) 沈澱-溶解 二、 浸水土壤中磷之化學變動 (一) 浸水影響磷有效性的物理化學變化 1. 在連續浸水下磷的變動 (1)可抽出性磷變化的原因 (2)在浸水土壤中磷的型態 2. 在乾濕交替下磷的轉變 (二) 浸水土壤中磷的土壤速測 三、 目前常用之磷有效性指標的土壤分析法 參、田間水田狀態下、浸水排水對土壤磷吸附的影響 一、 材料與方法 1.供試田間土壤性質、田間處理及磷吸附測定 2.不同型態含量測定 二、結果與討論 肆、浸水排水土壤,在不同排水期間對磷的吸附特性影響與生物有效性評估 一、 材料與方法 1. 供試土壤性質及浸水排水處理 2. 排水時期對磷吸附特性之影響測定 3. 排水時期對磷的生物有效性分析(盆栽試驗) 二、結果與討論 1. 不同排水時期對磷吸附特性的影響 2. 不同排水時期對磷的生物有效性影響 伍、經浸水排水土壤的磷脫附作用與其有效性評估 一、 材料與方法 1.不同土壤性質、浸水處理及磷的脫附作用測定 2.不同土壤性質及溫室中經浸水土壤之有效性評估(盆栽試驗) 3.土壤中鐵含量的測定 二、結果與討論 1. 磷之脫附作用在土壤間之差異 2. 有機質和溫度對磷脫附的影響 3. 土壤經浸水排水狀態下對植體磷有效性的影響 陸、溫度和先前浸水對土壤中磷吸附之強度及動力學影響 一、 材料與方法 1.所用土壤性質及土壤中可性磷之動力學影響測定 2.溫度及先前浸水對磷吸附之影響測定 二、 結果與討論 1.對土壤中可溶性磷之動力學影響 2.溫度和先前浸水對磷吸附之動力學影響 柒、土壤還原一氧化序列下,無機磷型態的變化 一、 材料與方法 1.供試土壤性質及浸水排水處理 2.各型態無機磷之分段分離 3.經浸水排水土壤磷加入後的變動 二、 結果與討論 1. 土壤中Al-P的變化 2. 土壤中Fe-P的變化 3. 土壤中Ca-P的變化 4. 土壤中RS-P的變化 5. 經浸水排水土壤磷加入後之變動 捌、土壤中不同型態磷含量與其生物有效性評估 一、 材料與方法 1.試驗用土壤性質及盆栽試驗 2.土壤性質之測定(一般性質、全磷量、磷之分段分離測定) 3.土壤有效磷的分析法 4.田間磷肥效應試驗 二、 結果與討論 1.盆栽供試土壤之一般性質及不同型態之分佈狀況 2.土壤所含植物有效性磷與土壤不同抽出法有效性磷含量 3.土壤中不同型態磷與溫室玉米磷吸收量的關係 4.土壤中不同型態無機磷與可抽出性磷的關係 5.土壤磷之緩衝能量對田間玉米相對產量百分率與有效磷間關係的影響 玖、結論 拾、參考文


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    (61(4):355-360)Effect of Long-Term Application of Chemical Fertilizers on Soil pH in Different Cropping Systems

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    長期試驗田於 1987 年設立於本所農場,原為種甘蔗之旱田土壤,未經水田作用,屬非石灰性砂頁岩沖積土。本研究探討長期施用化學肥料下,連續 20 年間不同耕作制度對土壤 pH 的影響。不同耕作制度間造成土壤 pH 呈明顯差異,以水稻連作者最高、穩定且無逐年減少或增加情形,水旱田輪作者次之,旱作連作者最低並呈逐年減少趨勢,表示不同耕作制度中水田作用對穩定土壤酸鹼度的重要性。顯示施用硫酸銨氮肥之旱作連作,土壤酸化嚴重,此時 pH 可從水田連作之 5.8 下降至 < 4.0,此顯示非石灰性沖積土對 pH 呈較低緩衝能量。水旱田輪作區,每年種玉米後 pH 較水田連作者在 20 年間平均下降 1.05 ± 0.36 單位,種玉米後之經一作水田則回升 0.57 ± 0.29 單位,但仍無法回升到原來的數值 (5.8 ± 0.28);此 pH 的下降幅度大而回升幅度小,應與土壤母質非石灰性、使用氮肥 (NH4)2SO4 及僅一作水田作用有關。 The objective of this study was to determine effect of long term application of chemical fertilizers on soil pH in different cropping systems. The long-term field experiment was conducted from 1987 to 2006 in a field of noncalcareous sandstone and slate alluvial soil at the farm of TARI. There were four treatments in this study, including rice monoculture, corn monoculture, rice-corn rotation and corn-rice rotation. The fertilizers for each rice crop were 124 kg N/ha, 140 kg P2O5/ha, and 70 kg K2O/ha, whereas the fertilizers for each corn crop were 270 kg N/ha, 140 kg P2O5/ha, and 70 kg K2O/ha. Results of the 20-year test showed that cropping systems have significant effects on pH values of soil and the maximum effect was the treatment of corn in monocropping, followed by the treatment of rice in monocropping, and the minimum effect in the treatments of rice-corn rotation and corn-rice rotation. The pH value of topsoil or subsoil was the highest in the treatment of rice monocropping, followed by the treatments of crop rotation, and the lowest in the treatment of corn monocropping. According to the relations between the pH value and the years, the pH value under rice monocropping and rice-corn rotation did not have progressively increasing or decreasing of soil pH year by year. However, the pH value of soil showed the drastic decreasing with years in the treatment of corn in monocropping. These results indicate that continuous monocropping of corn under dryland conditions and the application of high amount of ammonium-based N fertilizers for this crop are the major contributors to soil acidification. Therefore, pedogenic processes of paddy soils are important in maintaining the stability of soil pH and soil fertility in intensive agriculture

    (60(2):115-124)Effect of Long-Term Cropping Systems and Crop Residue Managements on Content of Organic Matter in Soil

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    長期施用化學肥料下,連續20年間不同耕作制度與作物殘體管理對土壤有機質含量變化的影響顯示,不同耕作制度間,從剛開始的第3年後,即造成土壤有機質含量呈明顯差異,以旱作連作者最高,水稻連作區者次之,水旱田輪作最低,且各耕作制度,表土有機質含量且均隨年度問呈增加趨勢,其中以旱作連作者增加之幅度亦最大;水田連作者次之,輪作者最低。作物殘株移除、掩埋或焚燒,三者間對土壤有機質含量造成的差異,每年的結果並不一致,但均呈逐年遞增趨勢,即於作物收穫後,即使將作物殘體移除或燒灰,並不會造成土壤有機質含量恒低於殘體掩施者,亦不會使土壤有機質含量逐年遞減;顯見原蔗田土壤在改變作物及耕作系統下,歷經20年土壤有機質似仍未達平衡狀態。 A long-term experiment was conducted from 1987 to 2006 in a field of noncalcareous sandstone and slate alluvial soil at the experimental farm of Taiwan Agriculture Research Institute, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan, to evaluate the effects of cropping systems and crop residue managements on content of soil organic matter in topsoil and subsoil. In this study, there were four cropping systems including I, Rice-Rice monoculture; II,. Rice-Corn rotation; III, Corn-Rice rotation and IV, Corn-Corn monoculture and three crop residue management methods, including 1, manual removal of crop redisues; 2, incorporation of crop residues in the soil and 3, burning of crop residues. Results showed that the content of soil organic matter was significantly (P 0.05) effect on content of soil organic matter, compared to the treatment of incorporation of crop residues in the soil. This long-term study indicates that rice and corn grown in continuous monoculture or in rotation and under different managements of crop residues, burning, removal or buried in soil, cause no loss of organic matter in top soil and subsoil


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    國立中興大學從民國七十四年開始進行台灣農田旱作生產力分級,分級系統是以灰斑 層在四○至一五○公分土中出現之位置為依據,分為Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四級,據以繪製 生產力分級圖,供稻田轉作及農地長期規畫利用之依據。本研究之目的在探討灰斑層 對作物根系和產量的影響。 地下水位資料顯示,灰斑層出現位置與地下水位有關,且灰斑層的上界出現在地下水 位最高月平均之上方,此兩者之差值、質地細者較大,例如全層為坋質粘壤土之和順 系為30公分、砂壤之土城子系為9公分。 因間調查玉米、高梁、香蕉、蕃茄等旱作物根系分佈、發現春作時,根系層無法伸入 灰斑層(灰斑50%以上)。秋作時,因地下水位降至灰斑層以下,根系可伸入灰斑 層。 田間觀察含石礫層沖積土,發現在石礫層之上方即出現灰斑層,如福基系、社角系、 東員寶系等。調查玉米根系、亦發現春作根系無法穿過此一灰斑層,相反的,紅土台 地在石礫層上方並無灰斑層產生,根系則可穿過石礫層,如三角林系、因此含石礫層 土壤亦可採用此灰斑分級系統。 進一步觀察紅土台地,發現退化紅土時常出現色度小於或等於3,而沖積土有灰斑土 層的,色度通常小於或等於2,否則就大於或等於4,很少出現3至2的情形。例如 後湖、竹圍、鳳山崎等土系,因此建議灰斑層的定義應改為色度小於等於3來代替2 。其理由並可從構造、總體密度和鐵錳結塊來解釋。 調查不同生產力等級土壤之玉米及香蕉產量,發現灰斑層出現的位置愈高,香蕉及春 作玉米產量愈低。在40公分具灰斑層之霧峰系、其香蕉產量每株13公斤,僅為為 不具灰斑層土壤翁子系的37%,且品質亦差。又在40公分具灰斑層的南屯系、山 腳鄉系,春作玉米產量最差,而在80公分具灰色層的本堂村系產量次之,二者產量 分別為不具灰斑層的軍功寮系土壤之56%及79%