6 research outputs found

    Floriculture Physiological Monitoring and Extension of Automation Systems for Protected Culture

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    1. 生物本體指標環控自動化:作物本體各元素含量偵測系統以結合原環控系統建立生理基礎之環控技術。 2. 結合葉部氣孔開啟測定系統以配合灌溉作業,使得植物生長潛勢感測與灌溉策略配合。 3. 延續設施花卉(國蘭、火鶴花、拖鞋蘭等)自動化作業體系之建立,由關鍵性作業項目開始推廣自動化技術,並逐漸引進溫室設施。 4. 示範點建立與技術推廣:以同一地區,同一作物之花卉生產班為對象。對共同性之作業場建立一貫化之機械化與自動化作業技術。持續依產業性質與地域特性建立技術示範點。 5. 延續技術服務團作業,推廣自動化技術。開發花卉生理感測技術,配合原環控系統促進設施花卉自動化生產之品質與產量,提升國內花卉之產值。The major items and practical methods of this project are: 1 Automationof the physiological monitoring for bio-index: The monitor of crop elements and combined eith environment control and fertilization control technique. 2. Combine the stem sap measurement with the irrigation. These control units will be incorporated into traditional control systems. 3. Environmental control of tissue culture rooms; to ensure the thermal uniform by therml distribution sensing. 4. Extensing the automatic production systems for Anthurium, Asian orchids, and Calla lily. 5. Establishment of the demonstration centers and technique extension; 6. The operation of automation service teams

    The Establishment of Production History and Precision Management for Flower Protected Culture

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    計畫用以開發花卉設施栽培精準管理技術,建立生產歷程制度,配合原自動化生產系統,促進設施花卉自動化生產之品質與產量,降低生產成本,提升國內花卉之產值。重要工作項目包括:1.建立溫室遠端監視系統與溫室系統持續改善2.結合作物本體各元素含量偵測系統與原環控系統建立生理基礎之環控技術。3.開發葉面病害感測元件與病蟲害預警系統 4.人體工學應用於組織培養場作業工具的改善 5.半開放設施花卉自動化作業體系之建立6.半開放式栽培設施噴霧降溫系統規劃設計7.單晶片配合通訊設備之記號傳輸能力系統研究8.服務團作業The purpose of this proposal is to develop the precision management technology so as to establish the production history for flower protected culture. The quality and quantity of the products can then be enhanced and the cost be reduced. The important working items include: 1. to develop the remote monitor system and improve the greenhouse control system, 2. to establish the relationship between the leaf element and control system, 3. to develop the leaf disease sensing element, 4. to improve the tools for tissue culture factory with human engineering, 5.to establish the auto-production system for part open protected culture, 6. to established the misting systems for part open protected culture, 7. serve the automation technology with service terms

    Research and Development of Agricultural Machinery (II)

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    為因應當前農業環境之重大改變,適應世界貿易自由化、國際化之潮流,並突破當前之農業困境,擬衡酌未來土地利用型農作物之發展趨勢,研究開發本土型之農作物種苗、栽培、管理、病蟲害防治、收穫及收穫後處理等作業所需之機械,以促進農業生產全面機械化,藉以解決農村勞力不足問題,降低生產成本,確保農產品之品質.本年度本計畫將繼續水果內部品質檢測之研究,並對NIR非破壞性檢測之應用,柿子加工去皮去梗修蒂機之研製,加工用印度棗清洗、選別及劃切之一貫化及菱角剝殼機之研究進一步發展以取代人工作業模式,提高品質.研究改良桿式噴藥機、動力雙軌車,草花種苗假植機以提高作業效率.開發鳳梨園用施肥機、曳引機承載夾起式洋蔥收穫機、自走式白蘿蔔收穫機,耕耘刀表面特殊處理技術與曳引機旁載式堆肥攪拌翻堆機等機械與技術,提高生產與管理的效率,降低成本.研製蒸氣處理介質土壤病蟲害防治設備與果實蠅誘蟲器監控系統,減少病蟲害影響並減低農藥之用量.研製連續式紅外線茶葉烘培機,低濕調溫乾燥機與進行自然通風器應用於溫室環控之研究,以建立現有控制技術在農產品處理與環境上之應用系統.預期依計畫進度完成相關農產品檢測、農作物栽培、管理收穫與處理機械,以降低生產成本,提高產品品質,加速國內農業之轉型,促進農業升級.To adopt the change of agriculture environment as well as the world trade structure, it is a must to develop machines for local crops, seedlings, cultures, management, protecting system of disease and insect pest, harvesting, and post-harvesting process. Thus, mechanization in agricultural production would solve the problem of labor shortage as well as lower the cost of production, and resulted in ensuring the quality of agricultural products. There are several sub-projects proposed in this project to replace the manual operation and to improve the quality. They are listed in the followings: evaluation of internal quality of fruits, application of non-destructive NIR method, development of skin peeling machine and stem trimming for the diospyros kaki process, development of the integrated operating machine consists of cleaning, sorting and scar-cutting for Indian jujube, and study on the manufacture of peeling machine for water caltrops. In addition, there are three sub-projects proposed to improve the efficiencies of operations, such as performance improvement of boom sprayer, development of double-rail car for spraying on slope land, and design and development of a transplanter for ornamental flower seedlings. To improve the efficiencies of production and management thus results in cost reduction, five sub-projects are proposed: the study for fertilizer of pineapple yard, studies on the mounted type of onion harvester, the studies on a self-propelled radish harvester, surface hardening treatment for tillage blades, and development study of compost turner side mounted type from tractor. To reduce disease and insect pest as well as lower the usage of pesticide, there are two sub-projects proposed, such as development of the steam treatment machinery for medium and soil and design and development of a monitoring system for the oriental fruit fly trap. In addition, there are two sub-projects proposed to apply the commercially available control techniques on agricultural productprocesses and environmental system. They are the development of infrared tea roasting machine for continuous type and the study and application of the energy-free turbo ventilator used in the green house. Based on the schedule of this project, it would complete the evaluation of some agricultural products, transplanting, machines for managing, harvesting and processing, to lower the cost as well as improve the quality so that helps local agriculture upgrade and transform in a considerable speed