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    A taxonomy of Ebenaceae in Taiwan

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    本研究利用OTU(Operational taxonomic unit)數據分類法及傳統的性狀形態分類法,探討台灣產柿樹科植物之分類問題,並與台灣鄰近地區(包括台灣、日本、中國大陸等東亞地區為主)所產的主要近緣種類做詳細比較,所得結果如下: 台灣原產柿樹科植物可處理為山豆柿D. lotus L.、俄氏柿D. oldhamii Max.、楓港柿D. vaccinioides Lindl. var. fengchangensis (S. Y. Lu) T. Y. Hsieh,comb. nov.、黃心柿D. maritima Blume、菲律賓柿D. philippensis (Desr.) Gürke、山紅柿D. morisiana Hance、軟毛柿D. eriantha Champ. ex Benth.、蘭嶼柿D.kotoensis Yamazaki、象牙柿D. egbert-walkeri Kostermans、老鴉柿D. rhombifolia Hemsl.等共十個分類群。 本科植物依其外部形態所表現之性狀特徵,經數據化分析計算後,所得之性狀相似性樹形圖及相似性指數矩陣與傳統分類法所得之研究結果大致相符,可印證本科植物各分類群間之關係。This study was investigated on the taxonomy of Ebenaceae in Taiwan by classical mathematical taxonomy.The results of the study were summarized as follows: According to the study, Ebenaceae in Taiwan was classified into one genera with ten species and one variety.They are Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth.、D. philippensis (Desr.) Gürke、D. egbert-walkeri Kostermans、D. lotus L.、D. kotoensis Yamazaki、D. maritima Blume、D. morrisiana Hance、D. oldhamii Maxim.、D. rhombifolia Hemsl.、D. vaccinioides Lindl. var. fengchangensis (S. Y. Lu) T. Y. Hsieh,comb. nov. The results of the mathematical taxonomy, based on the morphological characters were corresponding with the classification of the classical taxonomy of Ebenaceae. Besides the characteristic descriptions of the genera and species for Ebenaceae,an analytical key , synonym and description for all species were presented in this research. This study could be a useful indication for the taxonomy of Ebenaceae in Taiwan.一、前言 二、前人研究 三、材料方法 四、結果與討論 五、結論 六、參考文

    Taxonomy and Distribution of Indigenous Actinidia in Taiwan

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    獼猴桃性狀表現高多樣性,鑑定困難,各種分類問題亟待釐清。故本研究調查台灣各地原生獼猴桃分布狀況、採集標本及活體,並依據傳統分類法查閱相關原始發表文獻及模式標本,以確認分類群學名之使用。調查UPOV性狀及染色體,確認各物種間的性狀差異。以台灣原生獼猴桃屬活體與標本館標本為材料,選取60個性狀及72個野外獼猴桃族群,配合多變量統計與數值分類學中的分析方法,與UPOV及傳統分類的結果進行比較。 比對相關物種之原始發表文獻及模式標本,確認台灣原生獼猴桃屬共有五種,分別為闊葉獼猴桃(Actinidia latifolia)、 山梨獼猴桃(A. rufa)、 軟棗獼猴桃(A. arguta)、 台灣羊桃(A. setosa)及異色獼猴桃(A. callosa var. discolor),其中除軟棗獼猴桃染色體數為2n = 4x = 116,其餘種類皆為2n = 2x = 58。 UPOV性狀調查結果,闊葉獼猴桃每花序花數6-10花或超過10花、花梗長度長到極長(約3-6㎝)、花萼數2-3枚、花瓣主色黃或橙色,此可與其餘四種區分;山梨獼猴桃花瓣顏色類型為雙色,此可與其餘四種區分;軟棗獼猴桃染色體倍性為4倍、幼莖無絨毛、花萼顏色綠色、花藥顏色黑色、果實無絨毛,此可與其餘四種區分;台灣羊桃幼莖具密刺毛、葉背絨毛密、花梗絨毛長、花萼及花瓣數5或多於5枚、花徑大、果實具密剛毛或刺毛,此可與其餘四種區分;異色獼猴桃果實皮孔顯著、果實具極疏白色柔毛,此可與其餘四種區分。 數值分類方面,根據聚類分析及排序分析結果,台灣獼猴桃亦可大致分為上述5群。利用羅吉斯迴歸與貝氏分類法等判別分析技術,對相關模式標本分別進行鑑定的結果,亦與傳統分類所得之結果大致相符,故未來數值分類具有應用於驗證傳統分類結果的潛力。 另外根據數值分類性狀調查結果顯示,闊葉獼猴桃幼枝絨毛種類為星狀毛、雄花與雌花萼片3枚、雌花子房長度0.21-0.25㎝,可與其餘四種獼猴桃區分;山梨獼猴桃雌花與雄花白色稍帶水紅色,可與其餘四種獼猴桃區分;軟棗獼猴桃雄花與雌花花藥紫黑色、雌花子房長度0.61-0.67㎝、果頂尖、果實表面無斑點、無宿存果萼,可與其餘四種獼猴桃區分;台灣羊桃葉柄、一年生枝條、果實與幼枝皆具極密長刺毛、雌花子房長度1.22-1.27㎝、葉背具中至長毛、葉片厚紙質,可與其餘四種獼猴桃區分;異色獼猴桃雌花花瓣長度0.83-0.83㎝、寬度0.61-0.69㎝、雌花萼片寬0.31-0.36㎝、果實表面具顯著斑點,可與其餘四種獼猴桃區分。 分布調查結果,闊葉獼猴桃分布於台灣海拔300-2200 m山區,主要分布地點為拉拉山、谷關、蓮花池、惠蓀林場、明池、鞍馬山、泰安、日月潭、東源、霧社、梨山及太麻里等地;山梨獼猴桃分布於全島海拔50-2200 m區域,主要分布地點為陽明山、北橫沿線、棲蘭山、大溪、福山植物園、太平山、歸田、牡丹、和平林道、尖石、霧社、三腳南山及鳳岡林道等地;軟棗獼猴桃分布於中北部海拔1300-2600 m山區,主要分布地點有思源埡口、棲蘭山、司馬庫斯、拉拉山、和平林道、佳陽及太平山等地;台灣羊桃分布於全省海拔500 m以上山區,以1200-2500 m之間較為常見,主要分布地點有大雪山、阿里山、思源埡口、梅峰、梨山、棲蘭山、和平林道、杉林溪、太平山、司馬庫斯、尖石、觀霧、雪見、天池及能高越嶺古道等地;異色獼猴桃分布於全島海拔200-2100 m山區,主要分布地點為蓮花池、明池、福山植物園、溪頭、大漢山林道、和平林道、力行產業道路沿線、北東眼山、尖石、瑞里、大溪及阿里山等地。The traits of genus Actinidia are high diversity and have resulted in long-term confusion in its nomenclature, classification, and identification. The indigenous Actinidia distribution, specimens and living tissues collection were investigated and studied. UPOV, traditional classifications and chromosomal numbers were used to classify the genus. The examined herbarium specimens and protologue were used to confirm the scientific name of taxa. The 60 characters and 72 indigenous Actinidia populations were selected, and multivariate statistics and numerical taxonomy with the results of UPOV and traditional classification were compared each other. According to traditional classification, Actinidia in Taiwan can be divided into 5 groups. Refering to the related types of specimens and protologue, confirmed that the five groups were Actinidia arguta, A. callosa var. discolor, A. rufa, A. latifolia, and A. setosa. For chromosomal numbers, A. arguta is 2n = 4x = 116, the remaining 4 species are 2n = 2x = 58. Based on living tissues and field survey, UPOV traits showed that the A. latifolia, flowers 6-10 or more, pedicels length 3 to 6㎝, calyx 2-3, main color of petals yellow or orange, can be distinguished with remaining 4 species. A. rufa, bicolored petals, can be distinguished with remaining 4 species. A. arguta, tetraploid, young stem without hairs, calyx green, black anther, fruit without hairs, can be distinguished with remaining 4 species. A. setosa young stem with dense bristles, dorsal leave dense hairy, peduncle with long hair, calyx and petals 5 or more, can be distinguished with remaining 4 species. A. callosa var. discolor, fruits with significant lenticels, very sparse white pilose, can be distinguished with remaining 4 species. This study used different methods of numerical taxonomy to verify the traditional classification results. According to the results of cluster and ordination analysis, the Actinidia can be divided into 5 groups. Discriminant analysis, logistic regression and Bayesian classifier, were used to identify the relevant type specimens. The results are the same as the traditional classification. Thus, the numerical taxonomy may have the importance for further developing and verifying the results of UPOV and traditional classifications. Species distribution showed (1) A. latifolia, at 300-2200 m throughout the island, primarily at Lalashan, Kukuan, Lienhwachih, Hui-Sun, Mingchih, Amashan, Sun Moon Lake, Tai-an, Wushe, Lishan and Taimali; (2) A. rufa, at 50-2200 m throughout the island, primarily at Yangmingshan, Northern Cross Road, Chilanshan, Dasi, Fushan Botanical Garden, Taipingshan, Guetein, Mudan, Hoping Forest Road, Chienshih, Wushe, Sachiaonanshan and Fongkun Forest Road;(3) A. arguta , at 1300-2600 m in the north or central part of the island, primarily at Szuyuanyakou, Chilanshan, Szumakus, Lalashan, Hoping Forest Road, Jiayang and Taipingshan; (4) A. setosa, above 500m throughout the island and common at 1200-2500 m, primarily at Tahsuehshan, Alishan, Szuyuanyakou, Meifeng, Lishan, Chilanshan, Hoping Forest Road, Sanlinchi, Taipingshan, Szumakus, Chienshih, Kuanwu, Shichien, Tienchih and Lengao Crossing Trail; (5) A. callosa var. discolor, at 200-2100 m throughout the island, primarily at Lienhwachih, Mingchih, Fushan Botanical Garden, Chitou, Dahanshan Forest Road, Hoping Forest Road, Lixing Industrial Road, Peidongjanshan, Chienshih, Ruili, Dasi and Alishan.中文摘要…………………………………….……………………………i 英文摘要……………………………………...………………….…..….iii 目次.....................................………………….……………......…………v 表目次……..………...……………....…………......……………………vi 圖目次…………………………………………………...………...……vii 附錄目次……………………………………………………....…….…viii 緒言………..……………………………………………..………………1 前人研究………………………………………………...……………….3 第一章 台灣原生獼猴桃屬之傳統分類..................................................9 摘要........................................................................................................9 前言…………....…………………………………………………..…10 材料與方法………………………………………………………......11 結果與討論…………………………………………………..………19 第二章 台灣原生獼猴桃屬之數值分類................................................42 摘要......................................................................................................42 前言…………....…………………………………………………..…43 材料與方法…………………………………………...……………...44 結果……………………………………………………………..……55 討論…………………………………………………………………..70 第三章 台灣原生獼猴桃屬之分布........................................................72 摘要......................................................................................................72 前言…………....……………………………………………..………73 材料與方法…………………………………………………..……....74 結果……………………………………………………………..……77 討論…………………………………………………………………..81 綜合討論..................................................................................................82 參考文獻………………………………………………………..………84 附錄………………………………………………………………..……9

    Taxonomy and Investigating of Native Species of Pyrus in Taiwan

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    One native species and two naturalized species of Pyrus are recognized in Taiwan: Pyrus koehnei C. K. Schneider, which has so far been described as Pyrus kawakamii Hayata since in 1911, ‘Niauli', and Pyrus serrulata Rehder cv. ‘Hangshan'. Because of the type from Pyrus kawakamii Hayata is described as the pome that that have 3~5 carpels, and the leaf has crenulate-serrulate margin, can be distinguished with the leaf of Pyrus calleryana Decne which has crenate margin. I treated Pyrus kawakamii Hayata as a independent species. I thick Pyrus kawakamii Hayata is conspecific with Pyrus calleryana Decne var. koehnei (Schneider), which has been observed from Tiantai in Zhejiang province in Mainland China. Pyrus taiwanensis Iketani & Ohashi was described as same as Pyrus lindleyi Rehder. By comparing the type of Pyrus taiwanensis Iketani & Ohashi, I need to choose Pyrus taiwanensis Iketani & Ohashi as the name until one day the type of Pyrus lindleyi Rehder can be observed. ‘Hangshan' pear, whose calyx is persistent and leaf margin is not acute, and is not the same as Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai, and Pyrus serrulata Rehder is closer. ‘Hangshan' pear is possible a hybrid cultivars between Pyrus serrulata Rehder and other cultivars. By the reason, I treat it Pyrus serrulata Rehder cv. ‘Hangshan'. During the field research between Pai-Gu mountain and Tai-Du mountain, I have notice several wild pear trees with numerous characters perhaps are because they were grown in wilderness. Furthermore, I have notice the plants that has the looks of the red-leaf character along with the stipulate that has long and narrow shape. Both have an excellent potential in the agricultural industry due to their low level of dormancy.臺灣的梨屬Pyrus L.植物,以1911年發表原生台灣野梨 Pyrus Kawakamii Hayata,和相當早其引進栽培的台灣鳥梨及橫山梨,以及目前栽培的砂梨 Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm. f.) Nakai 與陸續不斷引進的各式梨種,使台灣地區的梨屬種類日益複雜。由台灣野梨Pyrus Kawakamii Hayata 之活模式標本(merotype),果實1㎝;子房3~5室;葉緣鋸齒明顯向前彎曲(crenulate-serrulate),與型態近似的豆梨 Pyrus calleryana Decne和楔葉豆梨Pyrus koehnei C. K. Schneider能夠區別,認為應維持使用Pyrus Kawakamii Hayata。「台灣鳥梨」族群枝條褐色;皮孔黃褐色,與嶺南梨Pyrus lindleya Rehdervu現存標本枝條黑褐色;皮孔白色有明顯區別。但1994年發表新種Pyrus taiwanensis Iketani & Ohashi,經原始發表文獻、模式標本和採集地標本的三方比對後,認為屬於台灣鳥梨的族群。衡山離萼片宿存;葉緣無芒尖,而砂梨Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm. f.) Nakai萼片脫落;葉緣有芒尖。而與華南地區的麻梨Pyrus serrulata Rehder果萼和葉緣相同,認為是麻梨於果實5室的栽培種雜交而成,初步認為應使用Pyrus serrulata Rehder cv. 'Hangshan'。 在埤谷山和大地山的田野調查結果,認為田野間野生梨樹性狀複雜,可能由於種堅雜交的關係。調查中發現具紅葉特徵的植株,和托葉狹長的植株,易於台中大肚山發現低休眠性(LCR, low chilling requirement)的植株,皆具有產業的利用價值

    A Revision of the Ebebaceae in Taiwan

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    This study was investigated on the taxonomy of Ebenaceae in Taiwan by classical mathematical taxonomy. The results of the study were summarized as follows: According to the study, Ebenaceae in Taiwan was classified into one genera with ten species and variety. They are Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth.、 D. philippensis (Desr.) Gürke、D. egbert-walkeri Kostermans、D. lotus L.、D. kotoensis Yamazaki、 D. maritima Blume、 D. morrisiana Hance、D. oldhamii Maxim. 、 D. rhombifolia Hemsl. 、D. vaccinioides Lindl. var. fengchangensis (S. Y. Lu) T. Y. Hsieh, comb. nov. The results of the mathematical taxonomy, based on the morphologicl characters were corresponding with the classificaton of the classical taxonomy of Ebenaceae. Besides the characteristic descriptions of the genera and species for Ebenaceae , an analytical key , synonym and description for all species were presented in this research . This study could be a useful indication for the taxonomy of Ebenaceae in Taiwan.本研究利用OUT(Operational taxonomic unit)數據分類及傳統的性狀形態分類法,探討台灣產柿樹科植物之分類問題,並與台灣鄰近地區(包括日本、中國大陸等東亞地區為主)所產的主要近緣種類做詳細比較,所得結果如下: 台灣原產柿樹科植物可處理為山豆柿Diospyros. lotus L、俄氏柿D. oldhamii Max.、楓港柿D. vaccinioides Lindl. var. fengchangnsis (S. Y. Lu)、黃心柿D. maritima Blume、菲律賓柿D. phipippensis (Dear.) Gürke、山紅柿D. morisiana Hance、軟毛柿D. eriantha Champ. ex Benth.、蘭嶼柿D. kotoensis Yamazaki、象牙柿D. egbert-wealkeri Kostermans、老鴉柿D. rhombifolia Hemsl等共10個分類群。 本科植物依其外部形態所表現之性狀特徵,經數據化分析計算後,所得之性狀相似性樹形圖及相似指數矩陣與傳統分類法所得之研究結果大致相符,可印證本植物各分類群之關係