A Revision of the Ebebaceae in Taiwan


This study was investigated on the taxonomy of Ebenaceae in Taiwan by classical mathematical taxonomy. The results of the study were summarized as follows: According to the study, Ebenaceae in Taiwan was classified into one genera with ten species and variety. They are Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth.、 D. philippensis (Desr.) Gürke、D. egbert-walkeri Kostermans、D. lotus L.、D. kotoensis Yamazaki、 D. maritima Blume、 D. morrisiana Hance、D. oldhamii Maxim. 、 D. rhombifolia Hemsl. 、D. vaccinioides Lindl. var. fengchangensis (S. Y. Lu) T. Y. Hsieh, comb. nov. The results of the mathematical taxonomy, based on the morphologicl characters were corresponding with the classificaton of the classical taxonomy of Ebenaceae. Besides the characteristic descriptions of the genera and species for Ebenaceae , an analytical key , synonym and description for all species were presented in this research . This study could be a useful indication for the taxonomy of Ebenaceae in Taiwan.本研究利用OUT(Operational taxonomic unit)數據分類及傳統的性狀形態分類法,探討台灣產柿樹科植物之分類問題,並與台灣鄰近地區(包括日本、中國大陸等東亞地區為主)所產的主要近緣種類做詳細比較,所得結果如下: 台灣原產柿樹科植物可處理為山豆柿Diospyros. lotus L、俄氏柿D. oldhamii Max.、楓港柿D. vaccinioides Lindl. var. fengchangnsis (S. Y. Lu)、黃心柿D. maritima Blume、菲律賓柿D. phipippensis (Dear.) Gürke、山紅柿D. morisiana Hance、軟毛柿D. eriantha Champ. ex Benth.、蘭嶼柿D. kotoensis Yamazaki、象牙柿D. egbert-wealkeri Kostermans、老鴉柿D. rhombifolia Hemsl等共10個分類群。 本科植物依其外部形態所表現之性狀特徵,經數據化分析計算後,所得之性狀相似性樹形圖及相似指數矩陣與傳統分類法所得之研究結果大致相符,可印證本植物各分類群之關係

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