11 research outputs found


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    世界各国都正在大力发展能在非常早期侦察出各种常见癌肿瘤 的技术,我国癌症的晚期治疗中,由于借助中草药,故寿命比西方 国家同类型癌症的晚期患者普遍延长;但在癌症的早期诊断方面仍 未赶上西方国家,因此在我国发展早期诊断方法是非常必要的,也 是非常重要的。 本文所述内容包括八章:①研究工作背景及本人的具体工作; ②实验设备及试剂;③文献综述;④发样采集和前处理;⑤流动 注射氢化发生电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(FI-HG-ICP-AES) 测定痕量硒;⑤人发中微量元素的流动注射超声雾化电感耦合等离 子体原子发射光谱法测定(FI-USN-ICP-AES);①HAIR数据模 型软件...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:1992420

    The Spectral analysis of Human Hair

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    评述了用分光光度、荧光(原子荧光)、原子吸收、原子发射光谱方法进行人发中多种元素测定的分析(包括发样采集、洗涤、消化).引用文献96篇The spectral analysis of human hair by spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry(including atomic spectrFluorimetry), the atomic absorption spectrometry and the atomic emission spectrometry have been reviewed in this paper, including sampling, the pretreatment methods.96 reFerences are given.厦门市三项基

    Determination of Trace Mercury in Samples of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Cold-Atom Generation Atomic Spectrometry

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    本文采用自制电热恒温石英管还原气化冷原子吸收光谱法,直接测定了六味地黄丸中的痕量汞。方法检出限为0.1PPb;回收率为90—98%;相对标准偏差为4.3%。该方法简便,重现性好,准确度高,可用于中成药中痕量汞的测定。Using a homemade device of the electric heated quartz-tube atomizer, including a controlling temperature unit and a continue hydride generator, trace mercury in,samples of traditional chinese medicine (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan) has been determined directly.The method is simple, convenient, and of good precision and high accuracy.It is a very practical method For the analysis of trace mercury.The detection limit is below 0.1ppb, and the recovery is 90-98%


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    Palladium and Magnesium Nitrate as GFAAS Martix ModiFiers For Tin Determination in Traditional Chiness Drug

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    本实验建立了钯-硝酸镁基体改进剂石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定六味地黄丸中锡的方法。研究了基体改进剂的加入方式对测定的影响。方法的相对标准偏差为2.5%,回收率在90%~110%之间,检出限为0.3ng/Ml。本方法可用于中成药中锡的测定。A graphite Furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method For the determination of tin in traditional Chimese drug〃 Liuwei Dihuang Wan〃is described.A mixture of palladium and magnesium nitrate is used as a matrix modiFier.A special procedure For the application of the matrix modiFier has been employed.The detection limit is 0.3ng/mL,and the relative standard deviation is 2.5%,The recovery is in the range of 90%~110%

    Studies on Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Analytical DynamicRange in ECHELE/CCD ICP-AES

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    ECHElE/CCd感耦等离子体原子发射光谱中信噪比和分析动态范围的研究杨原,王小如,应海,覃事栋,万婷,黄本立(厦门大学化学系,厦门,361005)关键词CCd模式噪音,ICP-AES,CCd动态范围扩展电荷感应耦合器件(CCd)和中阶梯光栅(EC...This paper reports the experimental study on the ECHELE/CCD ICPAES.The results show that the S/N ratio enhancement is particularly important in the signal process due to the low sensitivity of CCD in UV range.The eFFect of CCD noise pattern of dark cur rent and of sensitivity, and their correction methods are described.The analytical dynamic range of CCD has been expanded to the six orders of magnitude, by means of multiple-time integration or multiple-line integration.国家自然科学基


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    Determination of Trace Mercury in Samples of "Liu Wei Di Huang Wan" by Cold-Atom Generation Atomic Spectrometry

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    本文采用自制电热恒温石英管还原气化冷原子吸收光谱法,直接测定了六味地黄丸中的痕量汞。方法检出限为0·1PPb;回收率为90~98%;相对标准偏差为4.3%。该方法简便,重现性好,准确度高。可用于中成药中痕量汞的测定。Using a homemade device of the electric heated quartz-tube atomizer,including a con-trolling temperature unit and a continue hydride generator,trace mercury in samples of "liuWei Di Huang Wan"has been determined directly.The method is simple,convenient, and ofgood precision and high accuracy.It is a very practical method For the analysis of trace mer-cury- The determination limit is below O.1ppb,and the recovery is 90- 98%'国家教委重点实验室资


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    建立了 FI-UN-ICP/AES 联用技术,用所发展技术进行了头发中多种微量元素的同时测定。与常规气动雾化器 ICP/AES 技术相比,尽管是用流动注射方法引入样品,测定的检出限仍有较大改进(2—23倍)。多次注射测定的再现性(RSD)在0.6—5.0%范围内。同时进行了标准加入回收试验,获得了很好的结果(90—110%)

    Atomic Spectrometric Determination of Trace Elements in Hair Samples and Study on Preliminary Clinical Diagnostic For Cancer Patients

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    收集了厦门地区138例非癌症患者发样及64例癌症病人发样。样品经湿法消化后,用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法测定其中22种元素含量,用石墨炉原子吸收光谱(gf-AAS)法测定了SE含量,确定了厦门地区不同年龄段、不同性别发样中多种微量元素的含量范围。实验中通过对采样部位、采样方式、样品预处理方法(包括洗涤方法)、消化温度的比较及研究,选择了最佳实验条件,对发样中元素含量的纵向分布进行了初步探讨。实验数据采用化学计量学的主成分分析(PCA)和偏最小二乘法(PlS)等多变量分析方法进行分类处理,建立了癌症初级临床诊断模型,准确率达92.3%。air samples were collected From Xiamen area which include 138 cases of normal people and 64 cases of cancer patients.The samples were analyzed For 22 elements by ICP-AES and For Seby GFAAS aFter a wet digestion.Background value of trace elements in the sarnples For diFFerentages and sexes in Xiamen area were obtained.Experimental conditions were optimized,includingthe sampling position,the sampling method,the pretreatment methods and the digestion temperature of the samples.Concentration distribution along the growing length was also discussed.The results were treated with of PCA and PLS methods in order to distinguish cancer patientsand normal people.A preliminary clinical diagnostic model was established with a validity of92.3%.厦门市科委三项科研基