19 research outputs found


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    1. 本邦におけるトウガラシの栽培と育種のための基礎資料として内外の主要品種57を用い, 子葉, 本葉, 草姿, 花, 果実, 種子等の形質について特性調査を行つた。2. これらの特性調査に基ずいて, 利用上の見地から実用的な品種分類を行つた。まず用途によつて四大別し, さらに伏見甘群, 在来獅子群, Bell群, Pimento群, 鷹の爪群, 八房群, 伏見辛群, 辛味用洋系品種群, 五色群, 榎実群の10品種群に分つた。3. 品種の間について, 子葉と果実の間には大きさ形状のいずれにも相関は認められなかつたが, 本葉と果実の間にはいずれについてもかなり高い相関が認められた。1. As the fundamental material of production and breeding research of pepper in Japan, fifty seven varieties of pepper were collected from all over Japan and United States, and surveyed in their many characteristics, such as, size of cotyledon, leaf size and quality, habit of flowering, foliage type, floral numbers, fruit size and quality, and size of seed etc.. 2. From the results of this survey these varieties were classified practically into following ten variety groups. Fushimi-ama group Yatsubusa group Zairai-shishi group Fushimi-kara group Bell group Foreign hot group Pimento group Goshiki group Takanotsume group Enomi group In each group several variety were divided into some part according to its fruit size and fruit shape. 3. Among some characters the correlation coefficient were calculated. There was no significant correlation between cotyledon and fruit in both of size and shape, on the other hand, it was remarkable between leaf and fruit

    蔬菜・花卉の生長・生理に及ぼすジベレリンの影響(第 1 報)

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    ジベレリンは作物の種類により, その濃度, 撒布時期, 撒布回数等の影響が非常に異るものであるから, 個々の作物の最適条件を見出して応用しなければならない。本実験は園芸作物を材料として, その結果を報告するものである。1. マリー・ゴールドの生育および開花現象に対しては1.25∿10.0ppm濃度で影響を及ぼす。特に2.5ppm水溶液1回の葉面撒布の場合, 生育が最もよく, 又開花も1週間早くなる傾向をしめした。2. 花椰菜の花蕾叢の出現に対しては, 1.25∿2.5ppm水溶液を定植後3∿4回撒布することにより効果を認められる。3. 九条葱の生育に対してはジベレリンの1.25∿10ppm水溶液3回撒布では効果は殆んど認められない。10ppm水溶液3回撒布により分蘖数はやゝ増加し, 開花を遅らせる傾向を認めた。4. セルリーの生育に及ボすジベレリンの効果は, 10ppm水溶液3回撒布により, 葉長に於ては10糎以上増加し, 葉数に於ては影響はみられなかつた。重量に於ては170瓦の増加をみた。5. チユーリツプの生育及び開花現象に対しては, 100ppm水溶液8回撒布により草丈に於て6糎, 花梗長に於て8糎の増加を示し, 開花も10日早くなる傾向を示した。6. チユーリツプ球根を0.625∿20ppm濃度に24時間浸漬した場合, 発芽, 草丈および花梗長には影響が認められなかつた。開花状態は葉面撒布処理した場合と逆に低濃度で処理した程, 開花始めは早い傾向をしめした。7. ジベレリン水溶液にチユーリツプ球根を24時間浸漬することにより, dropperの発現率をたかめ, 待に1.25∿5.0ppm水溶液浸漬に於て顯著である。Gibberellin must be applied under the best possible condition, because its density and its time and frequency of spraying, etc. make very different effects according to the kind of plant to which it is applied. This is a report of the results of the experiments made by horticultural crops. (1) In the case of the growth and blooming of Marry Gold, it is effective in the density of 1.25∿10.00ppm Especially in the case of onepantspray of 2.5ppm solution, the best growth was obtained and blooming seemed to come one week earlier. (2) In the case of the appearance of the head of the Cauliflower, three or four sprays of 1.25∿2.5ppm solution after planting proved effective. (3) In the case of the growth of Onion (Kujyo), three sprays of 1.25∿10ppm solution of Gibberellin proved almost uneffective. By three sprays of 10ppm solution there was observed the tendency that the number of suckers increased a little and blooming was delayed. (4) As regards the effect of gibberellin on the growth of Cerley, three sprays of 10ppm solution incresed the length of the leaf more than 10cm. and gave no effect on the number of leaves; the weight of individual stab increased 170gr. (5) In the case of the growth and blooming of the Tulip, after eight sprays of 100ppm solution there was observed the tendency that the length of the leaf increased 6cm., the flower stalk grew 8cm. and blooming came 10 days earlier. (6) When the bulbs of the Tulip were soaked in solution of 0.625∿20.0ppm density for 24 hours, there was observed no effect on their germination, lengths of leaves and flower stalks. Inverse to the case of the process of plants sprayed, there was observed the tendency that the lower the density was, the earlier came blooming. (7) By soaking the bulbs of Tulip in gibberellin solution for 24 hours, the percentage of the appearance of dropper was increased. This was prominent especially in the case of soaking them in 1.25∿5.00ppm solution

    トウガラシ属栽培種の種間交雑に関する研究 I : 種間の交雑可能度について(農学部門)

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    我国の乾果トウガラシの育種に資する目的でトウガラシ属の栽培種Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, C. pendulum, C. pubescensおよびC. sinenseの相互間に種間交雑を行い交雑可能度を明らかにした。C. pubescensと他の4種との間の交雑では着果がみられず種子も得られなかつたが, 他の4種間の交雑ではいずれの組合せにおいても結実し稔実種子が得られた。しかし交雑種子は一般に充実不良であつた。交雑種子の発芽は一般に不良でC. annuumを親とする組合せでは全く発芽しないものもあつた。またC. annuumを親とする組合せのうちには種子が発芽しても幼植物の間に枯死するものがみられた。我国のトウガラシの経済品種のすべてを含むC. annuumはC. frutescensおよびC. pendulumの2種とのみ交雑可能である。交雑可能度から種間の近縁関係を推察すると, C. frutescens, C. pendulumおよびC. sinenseの3種は相互に交雑容易でもつとも近縁とみられ, C. annuumはこれらの3種と交雑困難または不能で或程度離れたものとみなすことができ, C. pubescensは他のいずれの種とも交雑せずもつとも遠いものと考えられる。1. Studies were made on the interspecific crossability among five cultivated Capsicum species, C. annuum L., C. frutescens L., C. pendulum Willd., C. pubescens R. & P. C. sinense Jacq. 2. The hybrid seeds developed in every cross-combination unless C. pubescens was the parent. 3. The germination of hybrid seeds were generally imcomplete, and in some combinations containing C. annuum, the germination of hybrid seeds was not observed and the seedlings could not grow. 4. C. annuum, which contains all cultivated pepper varities in Japan, is cross fertile with C. frutescens and C. pendulum. 5. From the result of interspecies crossing, the relations among five cultivated Capsicum species may be considered as follows : C. frutescens C. pendulum and C. sinense are mutually the most related species, C. annuum is considerably distant from these three species, and C. pubescens is the most distant

    トウガラシ属栽培種の種間交雑に関する研究 II : 種間雑種 F_1 の諸形質(農学部門)

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    我国の乾果トウガラシの育種に資する目的でトウガラシ属の栽培種Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, C. pendulumおよびC. sinenseの相互間種間交雑によつて得られた雑種F_1について調査を行なつた。F_1ではHeterosisが種々の程度に現われた。C. annuumの関与する組合せのF_1は生育が良くなかつたが, 他のF_1は一般に生育旺盛で草丈や枝張り面積が両親の数倍に達するものもみられた。花冠の有色・有斑は白色・無斑に対し優性を示した。果色は両親の中間を示すものが多く, 果実の脱離性は不脱離性に対し優性を示した。果実の含水量は高い側の親に近く, 乾燥速度も遅い側の親に近かつた。花粉稔性はかなり低く, 0∿50%の範囲にあつた。C. sincnseとC. frutescensのF_1はもつとも稔性が高く, C. pendulumとC. sinenseのF_1がこれに次ぎ, C. frutescensとC. pendulumのF_1は交雑方向によつて稔度に明らかな差がみられた。C. annuumについてみると, C. pendulumとのF_1は全く不稔で, C. frutescensとのF_1のみ可稔であつた。F_1花粉の不稔はそれぞれの種のゲノム構成の部分的な非相同に基ずくものと考えられる。交雑可能度およびF_1稔性の結果から我国の栽培トウガラシであるC. annuumにもつとも近い種はC. frutescensと考えられ, この種のもつ優良形質を導入して行くことが今後の方向といえよう。The characteristics of ten species hybrids among four cultivated Capsicum species, C. annuum, C. frutescens, C. pendulum and C. sinense, were observed and described. Heterosis were shown in all F_1 hybrids except the F_1 obtained from the interspecific crosses with C. annuum. Some of F_1 hybrids were so vigorous that they have grown up several times of their parents. Colored or yellow marked corolla was shown in dominance to white or no-marked. Mature fruit color of many F_1 hybrids was intermediate of the parents, and the deciduous character of ripe fruit was shown in dominance to nondeciduous. Water content of mature fruit of them were higher than the intermediate, and the hardiness for drying was shown in dominance. Pollen fertility varied from 0 to 51.8% in all F_1 hybrids. F_1 obtained from the crosses between C. frutescens and C. sinense were the most fertile, and the F_1 between C. pendulum and C. sinense is the next. In F_1 between C. frutescens and C. pendulum the percentage of normal pollen differed reciprocally. Pollen of F_1 between C. annuum and C. pendulum were sterile entirely while that of F_1 between C. annuum and C. frutescens partially fertile (38.1%). Pollen sterility of these F_1 hybrid would be due to the partial heterogeneity of genome constitution in the parent species. From the results mentioned above, it may be considered that C. frutescens is the most related species to C. annuum so this species is the most important for the breeding of Japanese hot pepper varieties


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    1 トウガラシ品種間における耐水性の差異を検討するため湛水試験を行つた。2 湛水後の枝梢伸長量の減少については品種間に大差がみられなかつたが, 排水後の回復力には明らかな差がみとめられた。3 在来品種は一般に耐水性強く, とくに鷹の爪・伏見甘が強く, 田中・五色・在来中獅子これに次ぎ, 在来品種中では, 八つ房がもつとも劣る。Harris Early Giant・California Wonder・Long Red Cayenne等の洋系品種は在来品種に比し耐水性弱く, Long Red Cayenneがもつとも弱かつた。1. to study the varietal difference of submersion resistance in pepper, ten varieties (Takanotsume, Yatsubusa, Fushimi-ama, Tanaka, Goshiki, Zairai-chushishi, Harris Early Giant, California Wonder, Early Pimento, Long Red Cayenne) were planted in wagner\u27s pots and submerged. 2. There were little differences among varieties on decrease of shoot growth caused by submersion, while remarkable differences on the recuperation after draining. 3. Native varieties were able to resist submersion better than foreign varieties. Among native varieties, Takanotsume and Fushimi-ama were the most resistant

    第八報 気孔並花粉粒の種間的差異(南瓜属に於ける形態学的差異に関する研究)

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    1. 本実験は第3報告の続きとして, 気孔並花粉粒の種間的差異を調査した。2. 気孔は3種とも形は略同様であるが, 大さ及一定面積内の数に於ては maxima Pepo, moschata と云う順位を示す。3. 気孔の数及大さが栽培過程に於ける露菌病罹病の多少に影響を及す。4. 花粉粒は種間に於て明確に差異を生ずる。色は maxima 種のみ稍黄緑色を呈するが他の2種は黄色を呈する。(之は種間に於ける花瓣の色と同様の傾向を示す)花粉粒の大さ及突起の大さは moschata 種, Pepo 種, maxima 種の順位を示す。5. 花粉粒はオシロイ花と共に最も大きい方に属する。(112∿148μ) 6. 花粉粒の種間的差異により種の分類が可能である。1. This experiment follows the report III in the examination of the interspecific differences of stomata and pollen. 2. The three species are similar in shape of stomata, but the gradation in size and number of stomata is as follows : i) maxima ii) Pepo iii) moschata 3. In the process of cultivation the rate of incidence of Pseudoperonospora is influenced by the size and number of stomata. 4. Their pollons as well as those of Mirabillis, are the biggest of their kind (112∿148μ). 5. Pollens have an apparent interspecific differences. Those of maxima are pale yellow-green while those of the other two species are yellow. (The same inclination is to be found in the color of petals.) The gradation in the size of pollens and protuberances is as follows : i) moschata ii) Pepo iii) maxima 6. The classification of those species is made possible by the interspecific differences of their pollens

    ソサイ スイコウ サイバイ ノ ジツヨウカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 11 バイヨウエキ オンド ガ トマト ナエ ノ セイイク ニ オヨボス エイキョウ ノウガク ブモン

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    トマト品種大型福寿を用いて, 水耕栽培における培養液温度が苗の生育におよぼす影響を調べた。液温は低気温時に10,15,20,25,30,35℃を, 高気温時に25,30,33,35,40℃を設定した。草丈, 生体重, 乾物含有率, 無機成分含有率, 葉数, 花房数などより判断すると, 生育は20,25,30℃で良好, 15,33℃でやゝ劣り, 10,35,40℃では非常に悪かった。根の伸長最適液温は草丈のそれよりも5℃程低かった。液温が高過ぎる場合, 茎葉が小さく, 根が極端に短く, 乾物含有率が異常に高く, また植物体のK含有率が低下するなど, 無機成分のバランスの乱れる傾向がいちじるしかった。気温条件の違いにより, トマト苗の生育におよぼす液温の影響にいくらかの差が認められた。Ohgata-Fukujyu tomatoes were used to study the effect of nutrient soln temperature on early seedling growth in water culture. Temperatures tested were 10,15,20,25,30 and 35℃ under cool atmospheric conditions, and 25,30,33,35 and 40℃ under hot ones. Tomato growth as expressed by plant height, plant fresh wt, plant dry matter percentage, mineral concn, leaf number and inflorescence number, was best at 20,25 and 30℃, rather depressed at 15 and 33℃, and very poor at 10,35 and 40℃. The optimum for root elongation was some 5℃ lower than that for the shoot. Plant growth at supraoptimal temperatures was characterized by stunted leaves and stems, extremely short roots, abnormally high dry matter percentages. The growth responce of tomatoes to the effect of nutrient soln temperature was, in some cases, modified by the difference in atmospheric conditions

    蔬菜水耕栽培の実用化に関する研究 XIV : 生育段階別の溶存酸素供給量の差異がトマトの生育と収量におよぼす影響(農学部門)

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    春作と秋作において大型福寿トマトを水耕栽培し, 栄養生長期, 開花結実期, 果実肥大期の一時期のみ培養液の溶存酸素供給量を多くして, 生育段階により溶存酸素濃度に敏感な時期があるかどうか, 生育, 収量にどのような影響をおよぼすかを調べた。開花結実期または果実肥大期に酸素供給量を多くすることにより, 開花から果実収穫までの日数が短くなった。生育の一時期に溶存酸素供給量を多くすることによる, 生育, 栄養・水吸収量, 収量におよぼす影響はほとんどなかった。酸素供給量の多い状態から標準供給量にもどした場合, 根腐れ症状がみられた。Tomato variety "Ohgata-Fukujyu" was water-cultured as spring and fall crops, where dissolved oxygen supply to the nutrient solution was increased at each of the vegetative growth stage, the flowering and fruit setting stage and the fruit developing stage. The effect of temporarily increasing the oxygen supply was studied in relation to the following factors : oxygen concentration, pH and electric conductivity of the nutrient solution, NO_3-N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe and water absorption, plant weight and size, root appearance, mineral composition of plant parts, yield and length of time required for fruit development. Effect of increased oxygen supply to the nutrient solution at one of the growth stages on growth, nutrient and water absorption and yield of the tomato was little, if any. The length of time required for fruit development, that is, the number of days from anthesis to harvest-ripeness of the indivisual fruit, was shortened when the oxygen supply was increased at the later stage of plant growth

    蔬菜水耕栽培の実用化に関する研究 XVII : 定植時の葉数がトマトの生育・収量におよぼす影響(農学部門)

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    トマトの水耕栽培における定植の適期を決定するために, 春作と秋作とにつき, 展開葉数が3,6,9,12枚時に定植して生育, 収量を比較した。品種は大型福寿, 培養液はれき耕用園試処方第1例の50%液を使用した。定植がおそくなると, 定植時および栽培終了時の草丈が大, 葉の大きさが小, 栽培終了時の植物体乾物含有率が大, 栽培前半の養水分吸収量が少, 開花数が少, 開花日がおそく, 開花より果実収穫までの日数が少となった。収量は, 春作では定植の早い区で大となったが, 秋作では定植のおそい区で大となった。Ohgata-Fukujyu tomatoes sown in sand and then water-cultured in nursery bed, were planted out in the culture bed at 3-, 6-, 9-, or 12-leaf stage, to determine the adequate age of transplants at planting out, in water culture. As the results of the later planting out, plant heights both at the time of planting out and the termination of experiment were higher, leaves were smaller, dry matter contents of plant component organs were higher, water and nutrient absorptions during early growth were lower, no. of flowers was less and no. of days required for fruit maturation was less, than those by the early planting out. The yield was lower and was often delayed by the later planting out in the spring crop, while it was higher and was delayed by a few days by the later planting out in the fall crop