507 research outputs found

    What is quality of a practice of expert athletes?

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    Analyzing expert baseball coaches\u27 strategy for physical tacit knowledge

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    従来、動作のコツは指導できないとされてきた。果たして、動作のコツを指導することは本当に不可能なのであろうか。そこで本研究では、動作のコツを習得する際に機能するといわれる学習者の形態化身体知に対する優れた指導者の働きかけを明らかにすることを目的とした。調査は、3名の指導者と1名の選手を対象とし、行動再検証により実施した。インタビューデータを分析した結果、優れた指導者の身体知指導方略の要素として、「認知特性の把握」、「動作イメージ形成の促進」の2つのカテゴリーが形成された。最終的に、優れた指導者は選手の身体組成や動きの違いだけではなく、動感に対する気づき方等の認知特性を理解した上で多様なイメージを提示することで選手の形態化身体知を活性化させ、動作のコツを習得させていることが明らかになった。Physical tacit knowledge is an important topic, when we research motor learning. But there are a few studies that clarified physical tacit knowledge in motor learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate expert coaches\u27 strategy for physical tacit knowledge during baseball pitching training. Three expert coaches and a player served as the participants for this study. 30 training sessions where coaches instructed players in physical tacit knowledge of baseball pitching skills were observed and recorded. Stimulated recall was used to gather data from each coach every training session. The interview data was regrouped using an inductive procedure for analyzing unstructured qualitative data (Cote, 1993). Results showed that expert baseball coach tried to comprehend players\u27 body experience and instructed them in coach\u27s internal imagery by figurative languages which brought out some kinesthetic sensitivities which were essential for skill acquisition. As a result, players could comprehend physical tacit knowledge by which he/she linked some kinesthetic sensitivities they had already experienced. And it was most important coaches\u27 work to make players sensitive their kinesthetic sensitivities during training. Expert coaches gave players the reference so that players could pay attention to their kinesthetic sensitivities. The reference allowed players adjusting their performance to internal imagery consisted of some kinesthetic sensitivities.論

    How did expert commit to soccer?

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    本研究は、ユース・サッカー選手が専心性(Commitment)を形成してきた過程に焦点を当て、その枠組みを定性的に分析することを目的とする。本研究ではスポーツにおける専心性を、「スポーツ競技それ自体に意味を見出しながら、自ら自己を投資している状態」と定義した。対象者は20名の選手、彼等の両親、および彼らの指導者である。インタビューは半構造化面接法を用いて行い、得られたデータはCote等(1993)の定性的データ分析法に基づきデータの分析を行なった。結果として得られた2つのカテゴリーは、1.楽しみ(Enjoyment)、および2.自己にとって最適な環境構築である。つまり、選手がサッカーに対するより大きな楽しみを感じること、および自己にとって最適な環境を構築すること、が相互に作用し、選手をより高いレベルの専心へと導いていることが明らかとなった。The purpose of this investigation was to clarify the forming process of sport commitment, which exceptional youth football players showed. Sport commitment was defined here as a psychological state formed by investment of personal effort and results in the individual realization of the meaning in playing sports. Twenty players, their parents, and coaches were participated in this research. Semi-structured interviews, focused on the process of forming sport commitment during the period from the players\u27 early childhoods to the high school ages, were conducted. The interview data was transcribed verbatim and then analyzed using Qualitative Data Analysis (Cote, 1993). As a result, two categories and five sub-categories have emerged: 1. enjoyment of playing football (cause of playing football, self-efficacy, and flow), and 2. the construction of the most suitable environment for the players (continued practices for training themselves, and the sense of acceptance by significant others). In this investigation, "enjoyment of playing soccer" was not only amusement, but also a feeling of happiness and fulfillment when playing soccer. And "environment", in 2. the construction of the most suitable environment for the players, was as it is perceived rather than as it may exist in objective reality. In short, Greater enjoyment in playing football and the construction of the most suitable environment leaded to higher levels of the sport commitment. The interaction of these two factors gradually shaped the sport commitment.論

    The effect of figurative verbal instruction on learning strategy during gymnastic training

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    従来、運動学習分野における指導言語の研究は言語集的なものが多い。特に、比喩はその有効性について指摘されているものの、比喩がなぜ運動学習で有効なのか検討したものは少ない。そこで本研究の目的は、比喩的な言語教示が体操競技者の学習方略にどのように作用するか調査することである。調査は、5名のコーチと10名のジュニア体操競技者を対象とし、深層的、半構造的インタビューにより実施した。分析の結果、比喩的な言語教示の作用として、「全体従属的感知」、「内的標準形成」の2つのカテゴリーが形成された。調査の結果、比喩的な言語教示をうけた選手は、動作の本質と類似する自身に蓄積された動作感覚を包括的に想起し、複雑な動作を1つの動作イメージとして捉えていることが明らかにされた。The purpose of this study was to investigate how figurative verbal instructions were effective in skill acquisition during gymnastic training. Five coaches and ten junior gymnasts (mean age 11.8) served as the participants for this study. Twenty four training sessions where coaches instructed junior gymnasts in gymnastic skills by figurative languages were observed and recorded. In-depth interview was conducted with each coach and gymnast stimulated recall by VTR every training session. Interview transcripts were divided into 40 meaning units. These meaning units were regrouped into two categories which crucial for the effect of figurative verbal instructions on gymnastic training. Two categories emerged from the analysis consisted of 1) subsidiary awareness, and 2) internal reference. Results showed that junior gymnasts linked their kinesthetic sensitivities they have already experienced, and coded the network. In other words, junior gymnasts could reconstruct some kinesthetic sensitivities as an imagery by which he/she can make simple network when coaches instructed them by figurative verbal instruction. For example, gymnasts can\u27t only pay attention to a part of skill but also to gymnastics sequence by simple network consisted of some kinesthetic sensitivities. In short, figurative verbal instructions are effective when coaches instruct gymnasts by figurative languages which bring out some kinesthetic sensitivities which are essential for skill acquisition.論

    Examining a distance psychological support for the athlete

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    スポーツ競技者は日々の練習場面や試合場面において,スキル獲得及びパフォーマンス発揮を目指した厳しい状況に自身を追い込むことが求められている.そこでは,競技不安,人間関係のあつれき,バーンアウト,及び熟達過程の葛藤といった様々なストレスに対し,心理的スキルを利用したプログラム等によって競技者自身が問題と向き合いながら解決を試みる例が多く報告されている.本研究では,そうした心理的支援方策が有する様々な制約に対し,遠隔カウンセリングを中心とした心理的支援の可能性と問題性について実践を通した検討を試みた.高等学校女子バスケットボールチームに所属する選手30名を対象とした25ヶ月に渡る実践を通して得られた質的データの分析から,スポーツ競技者を対象とした心理的支援は,パフォーマンス向上,人間関係,及び競技生活の3つのカテゴリーによって構成されることが明らかとなった.The purpose of this article is to present the effectiveness of a distance psychological support for the athlete. The results are based on a two-year action research with 30 female high school basketball players. The result shows that a distance psychological support comprised three categories and nine sub-categories. Three categories are performance enhancement, human relationship, and athletic life. The discussion of how a distance psychological support can affect athlete is provided.論

    A Qualitative Analysis of Mental Model of Expert Music Teachers

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    優れた指導者はいかにして学習者のパフォーマンスを高めているのだろうか。本稿の研究課題(research question)は,こうしたエキスパート指導者が指導場面において,状況をどのように理解し,どのような意図と見通しを持って,いかなる指導を行なっているのか,という教育情報の作用力について,音楽指導者を対象としメンタルモデル(mental model)の概念を用いて明らかにすることを目的としている。ヴァイオリン,ヴィオラ,ピアノ,マリンバ,及び声楽指導者を対象とし,深層的(in-depth),自由回答的(open-ended),半構造的(semi-structured)インタビュー及び行動観察が行われた。Patton(2002)による質的分析法に基づき,テキスト化された発話データを分析した結果,エキスパート音楽指導者のもつ指導メンタルモデルが,「技能習得」,「志向性の形成」,及び「支援的環境の構築」により構成されている点が明らかとなった。これ等3要因は,相互の関連の中で学習者の熟達化と意識化に働きかけ,学習者の認知的かつ身体的な変容をもたらす総合的作用として教育情報の作用力に関する概念的枠組みを形成している点が示唆された。How do expert music teachers enhance learners\u27 performance? The purpose of the present study was to construct the mental model of expert music teachers in Japan taking into account their perceptions of teaching concepts. Seven music teachers served as participants for this study. In-depth, open-ended, semi-structured interviews were conducted with each teacher. The data was analyzed inductively using qualitative procedures outlined by Patton (2002). The results suggest that teaching mental model comprised three categories, training, motivating and supporting. The strong relationship between training, motivating and supporting indicate a significant agreement between teaches\u27 perceptions of the concepts on how they evaluated their teaching activities in relation to holistic human development of the learners and performance enhancement of the learners.論

    Possibilities for Qualitative Research in Educational Informatics

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    指導者と学習者が学びの場で関わり合う中で作用し合う「教育情報」は,単なる物理的な符号としての情報とは異なる意味や価値,そして解釈を担う(野家,2003)点にその特徴をもつ。本稿では,教育情報の定義を「教え学ぶ過程で作用する意味を帯びた知」とし,質的研究方法論及び教育情報に関する概念整理を行った上で,スポーツ領域における分析事例を取り上げ,教育情報がいかに学びの場で生起しているのか,その質的な側面に焦点を当てた考究の可能性について考察を試みた。考察の結果,質的アプローチが教育情報学研究において現象の意味や価値を問う点で有用な方法論であり得る点が示唆された。To reap greater benefits from qualitative research method in educational informatics, a key step will to recognize and accept different views of knowledge that underlie between quantitative approach and qualitative approach. From this perspective, this paper focuses on possibilities to use qualitative research method in educational informatics to describe, interpret, and verify phenomenon of human beings.論