3 research outputs found

    A Study of Integrated Conservation Strategies for Tu-Di-Gong Creek Watershed, Taichung, Taiwan

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    Heavy rainfalls brought by successive typhoons in 2007 caused severe landslides in Tu-Di-Gong Creek Watershed. The (1) main road, (2) Ta-Kang #1 hiking trail, (3) public facilities, (4) and properties of residents were damaged. The objectives of this study were to (1) explore the environmental and human factors influencing the occurrence of soil and water disasters, (2) investigate the watershed conservation problems and propose countermeasures for reducing the possibility of the disaster occurrence in the future. This study investigated soil erosion, landslide, road construction, and slope conservation problems and propose countermeasures aimed at these problems in accordance with sustainable development guiding. Then, analyzing the future vision of watershed sustainable development and propose suitable landuse planning. Local residents can be trained to help soil and water conservation projects. This will allow them to make efforts to protect their own homes, at the same time achieve the objective of promoting community awareness. The secondary agricultural roads can use permeable pavement design. Slopeland conservation measures include (1) set up irrigation reservoirs to avoid water waste, (2) reduce improper landuse problems in accordance with the slope conservation and the soil and water conservation laws, (3) remove the abandoned farmhouse and planting vanilla herbs on the abandoned agricultural land to reduce the mosquito nuisance and also control provide education opportunities of vanilla herbs, (4) set up artificial wetlands and grasslands ditch to achieve effective water purification. Four landuse zones were planned for Tu-Di-Gong Creek Watershed sustainable development strategies. These four landuse zones are (1) Agricultural Production Zone, (2) Leisure Agriculture Zone, (3) Hydrophilic Activities and Ecological Teaching Zone, (4) Natural Forests and Ecological Tourism Zone. The purpose of the development of leisure agriculture is to increase the job opportunities, to improve the incomes and the quality of life, and to train the leading cadre to promote industrial development. The highly-educate native young people can be encouraged to return home and participate in community development to help accomplish the goal of sustainable development of the watershed.台中市大坑地區土地公坑集水區於2007年遭受接連颱風豪雨侵襲,區內除新增多處土石崩塌,舊有崩塌地更日益擴大,崩落下之土砂再度沖斷大坑一號登山步道、毀壞水土保持構造物和公共設施,河道嚴重淤積情況下,再遇颱風豪雨將對集水區內居民的生命財產安全造成嚴重威脅。 本研究搜集、整理、分析土地公坑集水區現有資料及相關文獻,並作必要的現場勘查,以宏觀的思維探討集水區保育治理問題並提出因應對策,本研究目的包括 (1)分析影響土地公坑集水區水土災害的自然因子(水文氣象、地形地質、地震等)及人為因子(墾殖、道路開闢等)。(2)探討集水區保育治理問題並針對問題提出因應對策,以利未來本集水區水土資源保育及永續利用規劃之參考。 本研究以永續發展為導向探討土地公坑集水區整體保育治理的各項問題,利用地理資訊系統分析地文資料,對集水區內土砂災害、道路闢建及坡地保育利用等水土保持問題進行探討,並研擬治理對策,以期將災害減至最低,建構安全穩定之坡地環境。藉與當地居民訪談之機會,確實瞭解當地需求及實際狀況,再配合集水區永續發展願景之分析,分析出土地公坑集水區所具備之發展潛力及特色,並利用分析結果作合理的土地利用規劃。 土地公坑集水區內居民主要經濟來源為農作物生產,農地流失及土砂災害對當地居民的生計影響甚深,為顧及民生經濟,在執行集水區保育治理時首先針對土砂災害及道路、農路兩項問題著手進行改善,將集水區建立在安全無虞的基礎上,方能朝向永續發展的目標邁進。 土砂災害治理方面,集水區上游崩塌地以源頭整治抑制崩塌再度發生,僱用在地人辦理打椿編柵、坡面排水等工作,保護自己的家園,同時達到凝聚社區意識的目的。溪流中上游段設置梳子壩以攔阻、控制土砂。無名橋上游設置沉砂池及多座砌石固床工,調整已有之固床工,並利用淤積土石建置砌石護岸。 集水區內大量農產運銷之路段,建議混凝土或瀝青柏油等方式處理;至於一般農路與園內道,可以採用透水路面設計,並規劃橫向排水系統;農路邊溝方面,可採用砌石、草溝或小型跌水處理。 坡地保育利用對策方面,(1)集水區內設置農塘可避免坡地農業漫灌問題。(2)土地利用不當的問題可依照山坡地保育利用條例及水土保持法處理。(3)將廢棄之房舍移除,農地改種香草植物,可提供防蚊及香草植物教育功能的機會。(4)集水區內污染之控制方面規劃設置人工溼地及草溝,以達到淨化水質功效。 集水區永續發展願景之分析結果得知土地公坑集水區最主要的特色為擁有完整的山域景觀及豐富的生態資源,區內土地利用型態以農業使用為主,自然條件完整,農村生活環境單純,適合發展休閒農業。交通便利為其優勢,與鄰近地區之遊憩景點銜接將有助於帶動地方產業發展,但是當地人力資源相當缺乏,因此應針對集水區特性進行座談會,整合區內居民之社區意識,做整體性的規劃,讓當地居民有確實參與管道,共同為這片土地努力。 本研究依據集水區背景條件與當地民眾之意見,經全方位之考量後將集水區分為農業生產區、休閒農業區、親水活動及生態教學區及自然山林保育及生態體驗區共四部份。尊重自然環境特性儘量不予擾動除可以維護溪流生態環境外,更可配合環境資源發展出具地方特色之產業,未來可在對農村生活及環境最小程度擾動前提下,將土地公坑溪周邊腹地作妥善規劃,並加入農村體驗與生態旅遊,在純樸的農村生活中導入生態教學因子與宣導自然保育的觀念,善用優質自然環境及淳樸農村景觀吸引遊客來訪,並推廣當地文化特色,藉由農村規劃提升土地公坑集水區整體價值,以達到永續發展的目標。摘要………………………………………………………………………I ABSTRACT………………………………………………….......….III 目錄………………………………………………………………….….V 表目錄…………………………….…………..………..………….VII 圖目錄……………………….………………...……...........VIII 第一章 前言 1.1 緣起…………………………………………………….…......1 1.2 研究動機………………………………………………………...2 1.3 研究目的………………………………...…………………....2 第二章 前人研究 2.1 坡地災害…………………………………………...………....3 2.2 闢建道路對集水區的影響……………………………...………9 2.3 集水區保育治理………………..……………………………...12 第三章 研究方法 3.1 研究流程……………………………………..………………...16 3.2 研究步驟……………………………………..………………...17 3.3 研究區域…………………………………..…………………...17 3.3.1地理位置及人文………………………………..………17 3.3.2地形………………………..……………………………18 3.3.3地質………………………………..……………………22 3.3.4土壤………………………………..……………………23 3.3.5土地權屬……………………………..…………………24 3.3.6土地利用……………………………..…………………25 3.3.7氣象………………………..……………………………27 3.3.8生態…………………………………..…………………28 第四章 結果與討論 4.1 集水區保育治理問題………………………………………….34 4.1.1土砂災害………………………………………………..34 4.1.2集水區內闢建道路……………………………………..55 4.1.3坡地保育利用問題……………………………………..65 4.2 集水區保育治理對策 4.2.1集水區治理之規劃理念與設計原則…………………..68 4.2.2土砂災害治理…………………………………………..69 4.2.3道路及農路水土保持………………………..…………72 4.2.4坡地保育利用對策……………………………………..77 4.3 集水區永續發展之願景 4.3.1集水區永續發展願景分析……………………………..86 4.3.2兼顧生態保育之土地利用規劃原則…………………..92 4.3.3集水區合理土地利用規劃………………………..……98 第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………102 參考文獻…………………………………………………………...10

    Pricing the Crash Option and Studying the Hedging Effectiveness of the TAIEX Spot Market Crash

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    [[abstract]]市場崩盤是一般投資大眾最不願意見到的,對投資人而言,可能因市場的不穩定而導致股市或其他交易市場崩盤,隨之而來的就是極大的財富損失。而一般傳統在估計風險的方法中:如變異數-共變異數法和歷史模擬法等,於估計一般事件的狀態下皆有不錯的表現,但是用於估計實際報酬分配的尾部時,其估計能力就略顯不足。因此本研究試圖以極端值理論,給予實際的指數報酬資料來做實證比較,本文主要以台指現貨分別以三種不同的部位:現貨部位、現貨部位加歐式賣權及現貨部位加崩盤選擇權,來探討其對於崩盤風險的報酬。本文先檢測台指現貨資料分佈的屬性,結果發現資料有高峰態與左偏的特性,與一般的常態分配有所區別,因此利用極端值理論來配適出合理的模型參數,接著利用得到的參數來討論其對於崩盤時的避險效果。[[abstract]]It is most unwilling for general investors to see the market crash. As to investors, it may cause the stock market or other trade markets crash because of the instability market. The following one is the great wealth lost. The general tradition in the method of estimating the risk: Examples for the variation, co-variance method and historical simulation method. All there is good behavior under the state of the general incident of estimation. But it is a little insufficient to estimate in the tail of the real remuneration distribution. So this research attempts to offer the real index remuneration materials to do the real examples and to compare under the extreme value theory. This text uses three kinds of different positions which separate with TAIEX Spot:TAIEX Spot, TAIEX Spot and add the European option sell right, TAIEX Spot and add the crash option to study its remuneration for the crash risk. This text measures the attribution of TAIEX Spot materials and distributing in the platform first. The results found that there was characteristic in peak attitude and left leant finally, the ones that accord with the extreme value theory to distinguish to some extents with the general normal distribution. By using the extreme value theory to match the rational model parameters in the next step. To make use of parameters received to discuss its hedging effectiveness at the time of crash finally