17 research outputs found

    A Research of the Fiscal and Monetary Policy Effects in China Based on Chinese Financial Resource Allocation Mode

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    我国从计划经济向市场经济的转变和“拨改贷”等改革举措使得国有企业较民营企业具有非市场性的竞争优势,这直接体现在金融资源对国有企业倾斜,而歧视民营企业,比如国有企业能够以低成本,甚至无成本获取资本,而民营企业获取成本较高,甚至无法获取,本研究将此现象称为“中国式金融资源配置模式”或“金融市场分割”。但是,这种中国特色的金融资源配置模式在传统的西方经济学理论中难以得到解释,在当前的研究中也鲜有体现。与此同时,近年来,国内外诸多经验研究一致表明,宏观政策调控下的财政货币政策效应可能会背离传统经济学理论,主要包括财政政策的“非凯恩斯效应”和货币政策的“价格之谜”等。在此背景下,对财政货币政策效应“异象...The transformation from planned economy to market economy and the reform of appropriation-to-loan have endowed the state-owned-enterprise (SOE) non-market- oriented competitive advantages relative to prive firms, which are directly embodied in the partial preference in favor of SOEs and against private firms when allocating financial capital. It's named Chinese financial resource allocation mode o...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552012015360


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    近年来,我国财政体制改革逐渐陷入停滞,地方债务风险快速积聚,从某种意义上说,这是1994年分税制改革的历史遗留问题,也从另一方面凸显了继续深化分税财政体制改革的必要性。该文通过对比中西方分税制改革具体实践,总结了我国分税制改革成效,指出:当前分税制改革的一系列问题实质上是经济体制转轨过程中两种制度之间矛盾的综合体现。后续改革深化要着力于财力与事责匹配、完善转移支付制度、理顺政府与国有企业关系。更重要的是,要积极推进市场化改革,建立市场型公共财政体制。国家自然科学基金项目“中国式金融资源配置模式下的宏观调控政策体系研究”(项目编号:71373217)和“人民币汇率变动对我国物价水平的微观传递和宏观影响研究”(项目编号:71303196); 教育部“2012年度博士研究生学术新人奖”项目; 中央高校基本科研业务费项目“二元政治经济机制下企业技术创新的资本市场支持研究”(项目编号:2013221010); 教育部人文社科一般项目“空间似无关回归模型:参数估计、设定检验及其应用”(项目编号:13YJC910003)的中间研究成


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    该文在前人研究基础上,从中国式金融资源配置模式视角进一步探究了推动第三财政产生的制度因素。笔者认为,我国经济转轨时期“拨改贷“举措为后来金融资源在国有企业与民营企业之间的不均衡分配埋下了伏笔。政府背景使得国有企业在获取金融资源方面具有非市场性的竞争优势,大规模盈利成为现实,进而催生第三财政、形成公共财政与国有资本财政并立的“双元财政“格局。因此,控制第三财政膨胀要着力于推进金融服务市场化,消除金融分割。国家自然科学基金项目“中国式金融资源配置模式下的宏观调控政策体系研究”(项目编号:71373217)和“人民币汇率变动对我国物价水平的微观传递和宏观影响研究”(项目编号:71303196); 教育部“2012年度博士研究生学术新人奖”项目; 中央高校基本科研业务费项目“二元政治经济机制下企业技术创新的资本市场支持研究”(项目编号:2013221010); 教育部人文社科一般项目“空间似无关回归模型:参数估计、设定检验及其应用”(项目编号:13YJC910003)的中间研究成果之


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    Public Debt,Fiscal Consolidations and Non-Keynesian Effects

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    笔者通过理论模型阐述了政府债务规模逆转财政冲击政策效应的作用机制。应用我国1998—2010年省际面板数据和SyS-gMM方法,研究发现,我国经济在财政巩固政策冲击下,当期表现出了凯恩斯主义的典型特征,但政策效应在滞后期随即反转,呈现出非凯恩斯效应。结合理论和实证研究结论,笔者认为我国政府债务规模水平可能已经接近临界值,政策当局应该注意滞后的非凯恩斯效应有可能会扭曲甚至反转政策制定的初衷。This paper shows that the impacts of fiscal policies may be reversed as public debt accumulates based on a theoretical model.Using the 1998—2010 panel data of China and GMM technique,we find that China exhibits traditional Keynesian behavior in the current period under fiscal consolidations but reveals modest nonKeynesian effect in next period.Based on above,this paper suggests that the debt levels of local governments are approaching the threshold and is calling for more attention to the delayed Non-Keynesian effect that may alter or even reverse the original intention of fiscal policies.国家自然科学基金项目“中国式金融资源配置模式下的宏观调控政策体系研究”(项目编号:71373217); 教育部“2012年度博士研究生学术新人奖”项目; 中央高校基本科研业务费项目“二元政治经济机制下企业技术创新的资本市场支持研究”(项目编号:2013221010

    Selective Corrosion in Duplex Stainless Steel

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     双相不锈钢中的铁素体(α相)和奥氏体(γ相)具有不同的晶体结构和化学成分,使之在水溶液环境中表现不同的耐蚀特征.本文应用空间分辨电化学技术测量2205双相不锈钢中铁素体和奥氏体的电位差异,并用电镜技术分析了α相和γ相的选择性腐蚀形态.结果表明,在0.01mol/LNaCl溶液中,铁素体的腐蚀电位比奥氏体高,而在2mol/LH2SO4+xmol/LHCl溶液中,双相不锈钢在活化_钝化电位区出现两个明显的阳极电流峰.铁素体相的选择性腐蚀发生在较负的阳极峰电位,而奥氏体则在较正的阳极电位峰发生选择性腐蚀.In duplex stainless steel, the two constituent phases, namely ferritic (α)and austenitic(γ) phases, have different crystal structure and chemical composition. They may thus exhibit different corrosion resistances in aqueous environment. In this investigation, an electrochemical technique with spatial resolution was employed to measure the potential difference between these two constituent phases in 2205 duplex stainless steel. Image analyzing techniques were also used to examine the preferential corrosion between α and γ phases. The experimental results showed that ferrite had a higher potential than austenite in0.01 mol/L NaCl solution. In 2 mol/L H2SO4+x mol/L HCl solution, two distinct peaks appeared in the anodic polarization curve in the passive_to_active transition region. Preferential corrosion occurred in the ferrite phase at a lower anodic peak potential, while in austenite at a higher anodic peak potential.作者联系地址:台湾成功大学材料与工程学系,台湾成功大学材料与工程学系,厦门大学化学系固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室,厦门大学化学系固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室 台湾台南 ,台湾台南 ,福建厦门,361005 ,福建厦门,361005Author's Address: 1.Dept.of Materials Science and Engineering Cheng Kung University Tainan, ChinaXiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Chin

    Convergence Behavior of Local Fiscal Capacity

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    基于本级财政收入口径,在兼具异质性与时变性的分析框架下考察我国各省市地方财力的条件收敛行为。研究发现,2000—2010年间各省市地方财力收敛于五个不同俱乐部。进一步使用逻辑排序模型进行实证分析的结果表明,初始人均gdP、初始人均收入和历年人均收入能够促进地方财力俱乐部收敛;而人均gdP、人口密度、第二与第三产业占gdP比例以及人均净转移支付则不利于收敛。此外,相对于位于我国东部地区的省市,中西部省市在地方财力上更表现出俱乐部收敛。This paper employs the log t test and clustering algorithm developed by Philips & Sul( 2007,2009) to explore the conditional convergence behavior of local fiscal capacity,which is defined as fiscal revenue collected at local level,with respect to cross-sectional mean under an analysis framework that considers heterogeneity and time-varying characteristics.Our study shows that between 2000 and 2010,Chinese provinces converge to five clubs,which survives the robust test.Further empirical results indicate that initial per capita GDP,initial per capita income,and annual income stimulate club convergence while per capita GDP,population density,the size of secondary and tertiary industry,and per capita net transfer impel divergence among jurisdictions.Besides,middle and western provinces are more inclined to show club convergence compared with their eastern counterparts.Our research has important policy implications国家自然科学基金项目(71373217


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    An Empirical Analysis of IPO Under-pricing Factors——A Perspective Based on Growth Enterprises Market

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    笔者立足于刚启动半年的创业板市场数据,通过回归分析探索影响IPO抑价的主要因素,并与主板市场的结论对比,研究结果表明,创业板市场和主板市场的IPO抑价影响因素基本一致,但创业板市场上的发行价格和市盈率均失去解释能力,且非流通股比例与初始收益率负相关而其系数并不显著。要控制IPO抑价应积极推行市场化改革,提高投资者投资水平。Using the data from the newly erected growth enterprises market,the authors investigate the factors that determine the degree of IPO under-pricing in this market through econometric method referring to some outstanding current researches.A comparison with motherboard shows that the results in both markets share tremendous similarity except that variable issue price and P/E ratio fail to explain IPO under-pricing,and that the rate of non-tradable shares in growth enterprises market displays inverse correlation with the initial return in contrary to that of the motherboard in spite of its weak statistical significance of coefficient.Finally,suggestions are put forward to control the degree of IPO under-pricing such as implementing market-oriented reforms and enhancing the investment ability of the investors in the market