2 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Facebook Users’ Individual Differences, Brand Information Disclosure Behavior, and Their Construction of Self-concept

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    隨著網路世代的到來,社群網站成為了人們生活中不可或缺,滿足社交與資訊交流的平台,而在現實生活中的自我概念建構,也藉由社群網站延伸到了線上的世界。本研究以Facebook使用者的個人差異因素與品牌資訊揭露行為作為研究之切入點,探討其與線上自我概念建構之互動關係。 本研究以相關之理論文獻為基礎,並提出一假設理論模型,經由問卷設計與發放,回收276份有效問卷,再接續使用SmartPLS之結構方程模式分析工具來驗證研究假設模型中,變數間的假設關係。研究結果顯示,以品牌呈現自我的需求程度對於透過品牌資訊揭露進行之自我彰顯、自我維持與自我保護的自我概念建構三構面都有顯著的正向影響,而使用者個人的自我監控與自我隱藏程度,則分別對於自我維持和自我保護有正向的影響,此外,對獨特性的需求、恐懼錯過與自我需要的個人差異因素也會對使用者在Facebook上以品牌呈現自我的需求程度產生正向影響。 本研究希望補足相關領域之量化研究,並提供企業品牌之社群專頁的經營管理以自我概念建構為核心的思維邏輯,最後也提出相關研究限制與對於後續研究的建議方向。With the coming of “Net Generation”, “Social Network Sites” (SNSs) has become indispensable for people to fulfill their needs to exchange information and to socialize. The construction of self-concept has therefore, been extended from offline to online world. This research aims to explore the relationship among Facebook users’ individual differences, brand information disclosure behavior, and their construction of self-concept. The study proposed a model based on prior literature and empirically tested it for further analysis. This research has received 276 valid questionnaires, and adopted Structural Equation Modelling(SEM) and SmartPLS to verify the relationship among the research constructs. The research showed that “self-presentation through brand” had positive effect on all the three constructs of the “construction of self-concept”, and users’ individual degree of “self-monitoring” and “self-concealment” had separately its positive effect on “self-maintenance” and “self-protection”. Moreover, users’ individual degree of “need for uniqueness”, “fear of missing out” and “self-needs” had also positive relationship with their need of “self-presentation through brand”