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    Fence Sitters vs. Competent Staff

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    [[abstract]]企業會對屬下的工作表現做一評估,以了解員工完成工作任務水準的情況,並從評估中辨認出員工的優、缺點以做為員工訓練、發展的參考。績效評估的主要目的在於提供資訊以供企業進行人事決策以及員工發展的參考。因此,績效考核當然成為員工獎懲、加薪升遷的重要參考依據。員工受到激勵而在工作上表現優異時,管理者如何看待其他績效未提升之員工?而績效考核的結果是否運用在內部員工關係上?若考核只憑印象或私交或有不公平時,對於員工的士氣造成很大打擊,甚至導致衝突發生,對於整個組織將產生嚴重負面的影響。 本個案取自一家本國成立的商業銀行台中分行放款部門,柯先生過去10年來一直待在銀行的借貸部門,業務能力非常強。其同事胡先生銀行資歷約6年,其業績表現平平與主管之交情相當有一套。林專員係從別家銀行跳槽過來的經驗行員。吳經理是人人公認之好好經理,有一天,總行來了一只公文表示該單位業績不如預期必須將人力精簡為二人,吳經理迫於現實而將林專員砍頭,以致後來造成內部相關員工之間關係不合諧、工作氣氛不佳,而後的考核與晉升亦處理失當導致銀行內整體士氣大減、績效不佳。本個案探討的重點包括衝突管理、績效考核、內部員工關係、升遷政策…等。[[abstract]]Enterprises conduct appraisals on the staff members for an understanding of the completion standard of tasks. Hence, enterprises can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the staff from the appraisals and formulate related staff training and development. The main objective of performance evaluation is to provide information to enterprises for human resource decision-making and staff development as references. Therefore, the performance evaluations become important references to the rewards and punishments, salary increase, promotion and deployment of the staff. How does the management handle other staff members who have not yet attained the performance levels when certain staff members have achieved excellent performance after motivation? Are the performance results employed in the staff relationship? Should the evaluations be conducted based on impressions or personal acquaintances or in an unfair manner, the morale of the staff shall be materially impacted and conflicts may result, which shall contribute to extreme adverse effects on the entire organization. This case is based on the situation of a loan department at a Taichung branch of a commercial bank established in Taiwan. Mr Ko has been working in the loan department of the bank for the past ten years and he is very competent as to business perspective. His colleague, Mr Hu has been working in the banking industry for six years. The performance of Mr Hu is fair, and yet he is good at establishing relationships with supervisors. Mr Lin is an experienced staff member from another bank while Manager Wu is a good manager recognized by all the staff members. The headquarters announced the department did not perform as anticipated one day and should be streamlined to two staff members. Mr Hu was then forced to dismiss Mr Lin, bringing about the disharmonic relations between the related internal staff members and a poor working atmosphere. The general morale of the bank was substantially lowered and the performance was impacted due to improper handling of performance and promotions afterwards. This case-study focuses on conflict management, performance evaluation, internal staff relationships, promotions and deployment policies, etc


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