5 research outputs found

    Fast and New Measurement System of Temperature Coefficient for Open Dielectric Resonator

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    谐振频率温度系数是微波介质陶瓷材料的重要性能参数之一,文中提出了一种微波介质谐振器温度系数的新型快速检测方法,并介绍了系统的测试原理、电路结构和软件组成。该系统对微波陶瓷材料温度系数进行测量时,所产生的系统误差、人为误差最小,可实现精确和快速检测。Resonant frequency temperature coefficient is an important property parameter of the microwave dielectric ceramic materials, a fast and new measurement system for temperature coefficient of microwave dielectric resonator is presented. The principle and circuits as well as,software of measurement system is introduced. It is shown that the system has low system error and man-made error, and can measure the temperature coefficient of microwave ceramic materials accurately and fast.国家863计划资助项目(2001AA325100);; 福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(J0650016


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    Optimized combination detection for microwave ceramic dielectric resonator measurement

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    [中文文摘]微波介质陶瓷材料的介电性能主要由3个参数表示:介电常数、介质损耗和谐振频率温度系数。本文优选组合了3种检测介质谐振器方法:短路型介质谐振器轴向的短路界面测定方便准确,用于测量微波介质陶瓷材料的相对介电常数;开路型平行板与介质谐振器无直接接触,用于测量介质损耗系数;自行研制的旋转开放腔,可同时放置多个样品,加快温度系数的测量速度。3个参数采用3种不同测试法,充分应用了不同测试法各自的优势,满足微波介质陶瓷材料介电常数跨度大、介质损耗低、温度系数快速测量的需求,可得到精确、快速的测试效果。[英文文摘]Dielectric p roperties of microwave dielectric ceramic material are featured in three parameters: comp lex permittivity, dielectric loss and temperature coefficient of resonant frequency. In this paper, a short-circuited resonatormethod is developed to measure the comp lex permittivity of a microwave dielectric material; an open - circuited parallel p late resonatormethod is developed to measure the dielectric loss due to the fact that the dielectric resonator does not contact the open parallel plates physically; the temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency is efficiently measured in a rotary open resonator cavity designed by ourselves. All the parameters are measured p recisely and efficiently by taking the respective advantages of short2circuited and open2circuited methods to satisfy the specific measurement requirements of microwave dielectric material.国家863计划(2001AA325100) 、福建省自然科学基金(11081087) 、厦门大学创新基金(70009)资助项

    Research and design of microwave time-spread ranging algorithm and system based on correlation sampling

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    以微波作为载波的测距系统由于测距精度高、探测性能稳定、良好的环境适应性及小型简洁的系统结构在非接触式测距系统中占据主导地位,在军事、工业及民用领域都得到了广泛的应用。脉冲测距系统在交通管制、工业控制等要求测距精度高且测距性能稳定的近程测控领域具有广阔的应用前景。本文针对脉冲测距系统设计可能存在的关键技术问题展开研究工作,主要围绕电磁波的空间传输效应、提高脉冲测距精度的信号处理方法、脉冲多目标测距技术和测距系统的电路实现和结构改进等几个方面进行分析研究。 本文首先介绍微波测距基本原理和系统结构,研究目前常用的几种测距算法及其测距精度;针对脉冲测距系统应用环境,对电磁波的空间传输效应进行研究,使...Microwave ranging system plays a leading role in non-contact ranging areas and has been widely used due to its high ranging precision, stabilized performance, good environment adaptability and compact system structure. Pulse ranging system has wide applications prospects in short-range ranging field such as traffic control and industrial control which need high ranging precision and stabilized ran...学位:工学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_电路与系统学号:2312007015348

    Automatic Calibration and Measurement for Microwave Ceramic Materials

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    [中文文摘]介绍了短路型平行板法测量微波陶瓷介质谐振器的原理、平行板法自动测量系统的硬件组成、自动化校准测试程序的流程图以及友好直观的测试界面;为提高测试数据的可靠性和精确性,该系统特别增添具有自动搜索判别正确谐振峰的功能,并采用2种不同的方法对平行金属板电导率进行标定,不仅完善系统的自动化测量程度,而且提高微波陶瓷材料的测试可靠性和精确性,可实现精确、自动地测量微波陶瓷材料的介电性能参数。[英文文摘]Automatic measurement for microwave ceramic materials is presented,including the principle of measurement for microwave ceramic dielectric resonator with short parallel plates,hardware construction of automatic measurement system,flow chart of automatic calibration and measurement program and friendly measurement interface. The functions of searching and estimating resonant peaks automatically and accurately are applied and two different methods to calibrate the surface conductivity of the parallel plates are also adopted,to increase the reliability and accuracy of measurement data and to improve automation degree of the system for microwave ceramic materials.国家863计划项目(2001AA325100); 厦门大学“创新基金”项目(K70009)