156 research outputs found


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    Study on Regulation of IPO of Stocks in China---Analysis Based on Realistic Institutions

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    我国证券市场建立十多年来取得了巨大的成就,证券市场对国民经济的影响越来越大,但是证券市场的欺诈、违规行为也是屡禁不止。这些欺诈和违规行为不仅严重影响了证券市场的健康发展,同时也严重侵害了证券市场投资者的利益。在此背景下,证券市场的监管问题也引起了学界和业界越来越多的关注和重视。作为证券市场监管的一个重要组成部分,股票首次公开发行的监管在证券市场中所发挥的作用是非常关键的。我国证券监管部门自证券市场设立之初,就对股票发行进行了严格的监管。证券监管部门通过设立并实施发行标准、建立专业发行审核机构——发行审核委员会、建立规范的发行审核程序对拟公开发行股票的公司实施实质性审核,希望以此把劣质公司或者存...Chinese securities markets has achieved a great deal since its establishment more than ten years ago, which plays an increasing role in national economy.But as a result of the market failure phenomenons as information asymmetry, externality etc.,there are frequent violations of regulations,like swindle,in Chinese securities markets.These illegal acts not only affect the healthy development of secu...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_财政学(含税收学)学号:B20034101

    The Comparative Analysis of the Re-financing Strategies for China’s Listed Companies——A Case Study of the Re-financing plan of MoSu Science & Technology

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    上市公司在首次公发募集资金后,企业可持续发展很大程度上要看其再融资能力。目前在我国证券市场上,上市公司通过资本市场进行再融资的规模越来越大,再融资在资本市场中发挥的作用也越来越重要。在我国资本市场中上市公司再融资的方式主要有:配股、增发新股和发行可转换债券。如何有效地利用这三种再融资方式一直是上市公司和证券公司投资银行部门研究的课题。本文将对这三种再融资方式进行系统的比较和分析,并结合历年证券市场再融资案例,对这三种再融资方式进行系统的讨论,并对上市公司再融资理论与实务进行一些有益的探讨。 本文的研究共分三个部分。第一部分是简要概述我国上市公司通过证券市场再融资体系的形成过程;第二部分是对三...The sustainable growth ability of the listed companies after their IPOs depends largely upon the re-financing capacity. China’s stock market has witnessed continuously growing re-financing, which is playing more and more important role in the market. Currently the major refinancing methods include: seasonal issues, additional new issues and the issue of convertible bonds. Both listed companies and...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19991501

    参与国有企业改革 促进投资银行发展

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    The Design and Implementation of Mobile Phone Music Player Based on Android

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    本研究课题属于移动互联平台嵌入式软件开发领域,开发基于Android嵌入式平台手机音乐播放器软件。目前大部分针对PC机的音乐播放器软件功能强大、性能优越,但是嵌入式设备由于其自身硬件设备存在技术参数瓶颈(CPU频率、内存大小、音频架构等),播放器软件运行时不能占用太多资源且依赖的音频架构不如PC机成熟。该款播放软件可以为广大Android手机用户提供方便快捷的本地音乐播放功能,并在UI方面做了个性化的设计,提高用户和播放器的互动性。与部分同类软件相比,MPlayer(魅力音乐播放器)具有软件体积小、可移植性强、可扩展性强、对终端设备配置要求低等优点,适用于大范围的高中低档Android手机用户...This issue belongs to the field of Mobile interconnection platform in embedded software development,based on embedded Android platform mobile phone music player software.Currently, most music player for PC machine has a powerful function and good performance,but Embedded equipment has a defect that it`s hardware equipment has technical parameters limits ,for example, CPU frequency,Memory size and ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023021

    The Study on Measurement-based Algorithm of Physical Layer Uplink for TD-LTE

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    TD-LTE具有全面的宽带化与数字化,各国都大力推动TD-LTE的发展。目前,TD-LTE移动终端性能能否达到预期目标,能否与已有的无线网实现互联互通,都需要有特有的仪表对其进行测试。对移动终端的完整测试分为软件测试、硬件测试以及无线指标测试,由于接收机的解调性能受发射端调制质量的影响,本文主要针对无线指标测试中的调制质量的测试进行研究,对TD-LTE物理层上行测量算法进行深入研究。移动终端测试位于整个产业链的上游,对加快终端产品的研发,推动新产品的上市具有重要的意义,因此研制和开发测试仪表具有重要理论和实际应用价值。 本文在介绍了调制质量的表征参数EVM((ErrorVectorMagni...TD-LTE has a comprehensive broadband and digitization, many countries are making a great effort to put forward the development of TD-LDE. At present, whether the performance of mobile terminals can achieve the desired target and realize interconnection and interworking with the existing wireless networks or not, special instruments are required to test them. The complete tests with the mobile term...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电子与通信工程学号:2332010115308


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    本文采用2001—2013年中国地级及以上城市数据,从理论和实证两个层面探讨了国际经济调整对国家内部的地区经济增长的影响。结果发现,国际经济调整对我国外部经济依赖度更大的城市造成了更...国家自然科学基金面上项目“行政审批改革的经济增长效应研究:理论机制、实证识别与政策设计”(71773038);; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2018ZDXM07)的阶段性成

    Application of space spectrum estimation technique based on MUSIC algorithm in TD-LTE uplink timing

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    空间谱估计算法因其在参数估计方面具有分辨性能高、稳健性好等优点被广泛应用。为提高Td-lTE低信噪比时定时的准确度,提出一种基于空间谱估计的定时偏移估计算法,利用Td-lTE上行特殊的导频结构,构造出与空间谱估计相类似的模型,利用MuSIC算法进行定时偏移估计。仿真结果表明,即使在信噪比很低的情况下,基于MuSIC的定时偏移估计算法的估计性能依然很好。与传统的算法相比,存在多径的情况下,基于空间谱估计技术的定时准确度大大提高。The spatial spectrum estimation algorithm was widely used at the aspect of the parameter estimation because of its many advantages such as higher resolution,greater robustness and so on.In order to improve the timing accuracy at low sig nal-to-noise ratio(SNR)of TD-LTE,a kind of timing offset estimation algorithm based on the spatial spectral sstimation was presented.By the special pilot structure of TD-LTE uplink,a model which is similar to patial spectrum estimation can be built and then use MUSIC algorithm to get the timing offset estimation.The simulations reveal that,the estimation performance is very good even in the case of low signal-to-noise ratio.Compared with the traditional algorithm,the timing accuracy will greatly improve when use a technology which is based on spatial spectral estimation algorithm.国家自然科学基金项目(61201192):基于时频域耦合的分布式MIMO信道建模; 重大专项项目(20122X03003007-004)支持:基带集中处理的RAN构架研究; 973项目(2012CB316000); 无线移动通信国家重点实验室(电信科学技术研究院)合作项目(20122000153):认知无线电中的动态频谱分配技术研


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    Expression and Construction of Yeast Expression Vector of LBM2eHBc+ gene in P.pastoris

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    禽流感病毒一直是家禽和家畜健康养殖的巨大威胁,之前的研究表明,原核系统中表达的lTb和M2EHbC+融合基因的产物能有效诱导免疫动物对禽流感病毒M2E多肽产生特异性的粘膜免疫应答.酵母作为生物反应器应用于生物制品生产具有独特的优点.本研究构建了PPIC9k-lbM2EHbC+酵母表达载体并对酵母gS115进行了遗传转化,甲醇诱导表达结果表明lbM2EHbC+融合基因在酵母细胞中得到表达,表达出的融合蛋白能够被M2抗体识别.Avian influenza virus(AIV) has been a constant threat to the healthy development of livestock and poultry breeding industry.Previous research has shown that the products of LTB and M2eHBc+ fused gene expressed in prokaryotic cells can effectively induce mice mucosal immune responses against M2e epitope.P.pastoris yeast has a unique advantage as a bioreactor used in the production of biological products.LBM2eHBc+ fused gene fragment was obtained by PCR,then inserted into pPIC9K plasmid which contains methanol promoter and yeast signal peptide to construct yeast expression vector pPIC9K-LBM2eHBc+.The recombinant vector was transformed into P.pastoris GS115.The methanol induction result has indicated that the LBM2eHBc+ fusion gene can be efficiently expressed in GS115 cell and the expressing protein has the specific binding activity to M2 antibody by Western blotting analysis..福建省科技厅重大项目子课题(2006NZ0003-2);福建省教育厅A类科技项目(JA09168