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    利用等位酶多态位点作遗传标记 ,采用水平切片淀粉凝胶电泳技术检测了我国福建浮宫 (2 4°2 4′)、广东深圳福田 (2 2°32′)、广西山口合浦 (2 1°2 8′)和海南东寨港 (19°5 1′) 4个红树植物分布区内木榄种群的基因型 ,进而利用多位点异交率估测程序 (ML T)估测其交配系统。所用多态酶位点在浮宫、广西、海南均为 Mdh- 1、Mdh- 2、Me- 1,在深圳为 Mdh- 1、Mdh- 2、Aat- 1、Aat- 2。结果表明 :各种群多态位点异交率之间有很大差别 ,浮宫种群最大 ,为 0 .845 ;海南种群最小 ,为 0 .2 6 7。多位点异交率与单位点异交率平均值的差值显示出除广西种群为随机交配外 ,其余 3个种群都存在轻度的双亲近交。因此 ,木榄属于混合交配类型 ,以杂交为主。这主要受植物种群密度、结构 ,传粉者适应性和活动能力以及是否自交亲和等因素的影响We investigated genotypic variation in 4 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (mangrove) populations using horizontal sliceable gel electrophoresis for polymorphic loci of allozymes as a genetic marker. Mating system was also investigated with MLT. The four populations studied were located between 24°24′N and 19°51′N on the Chinese coast at (from N to S) Fugong (Fujian), Futian (Guangdong), Shankou(Guangxi) and Dongzhai Horbor (Hainan). The polymorphic loci selected for analysis differed among the four populations: Mdh-1, Mdh-2,Me-1 in Fugong, Guangxi and Hainan and Mdh-1,Mdh-2,Aat-1,Aat-2 in Shenzhen. A strong difference in outcrossing rates of polymorphic loci was found: Fugong, at 0 845, had the highest rate while Hainan, 0 267, was the smallest. The difference between outcrossing rates of polymorphic loci and the mean outcrossing rates of monomorphic loci in these four areas also varied, showing slight biparental inbreeding in the mating system of the Fugong, Guangxi and Hainan populations but random crossing in the Guangxi population. We conclude the Bruguiera gymnorrhiza is a mixed-mating species and the mating system is mainly outcrossing.This is influenced by factors such as plant population density and structure and the adaptability of pollinator as well the presence or absence of self-incompatibility mechanisms.国家自然科学基金项目! (396 70 135

    Effect of salinity on genetic differentiation of Kandelia candel population

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    探讨盐分选择对秋茄种群遗传变异与遗传分化的影响。结果表明 ,海沧、金山与浮宫 3个亚种群的遗传变异性较小 ,期望杂合度 (H e)分别为 0 .30 1、0 .2 5 3、0 .30 4 ,遗传一致度较高 ,为 0 .9778~ 0 .992 0 ,但亚种群间遗传分化程度很小 (0 .0 2 30 ) ,表明仅有 2 .3%的分化来自亚种群间 ,而 97.7%来自亚种群内部 ,说明盐分选择对秋茄种群遗传分化影响不大 ,这种遗传结构的维持机制是秋茄亚种群之间强大的基因流 (N m=10 .6 2 )。 【英文摘要】 Kandelia candel is a species of mangrove which are woody plant communities growing in tropical and subtropical areas along seashores and widely distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian and Taiwan provinces of China. This study investigates the genetic structure of three Kandelia candel subpopulations growing on different soil salinity along Jiulong River of the Fujian province. The three Kandelia candel subpopulations are Haicang, Jinshan and Fugong named after their location, and the soil salinity...国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 9670 13 5 )~

    Genetic variation and ecological differentiation in several species of mangroves, China

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    红树植物是生长在热带亚热带海岸潮间带的盐生木本植物群落在我国主 要分布在福建广东广西海南和台湾五省区浙江省引种成功秋茄一种我 国红树林分布区在世界范围内属于印度西太平洋类群的亚洲沿岸和东太平洋群 岛区即印度马来西亚区的东北沿岸目前共计有12科15属27种含1个 变种由于红树植物生长在干湿交替高盐和缺氧的湿地生态系统中因此为 适应这样的环境特点它逐渐在生理和形态上有了其适应性如胎生支柱根和 板状根呼吸根树皮富含单宁等另外红树植物也可以抵御风浪红树植物 分布区内的环境变化不大最主要的影响因子是温度和盐度在不同的地点盐 度会有很大差别本论文就是对这种特殊生态系统下的植物进行其生态分化...Mangroves are woody plant communities growing in tropical and subtropical intertidal regimes,and mainly distributed in Fujian,Guangdong,Guangxi,Hainan and Taiwan Provinces of China.The distributed areas of mangroves of China belong to Asia area of Indo-West Pacific group and Northeast area of Ind-Malesia of east group.There are 26 mangrove species and 1 variety,belonging to 12 families and 15 gen...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_植物学学号:B19962601

    Genetic diversity in three species of Casuarina from Xiamen and relationships between them

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    利用水平切片淀粉凝胶电泳技术,对厦门市木麻黄属的三种木麻黄种内遗传变异和种间亲缘关系进行了研究。共检测了6个酶系统12个酶位点.三种木麻黄种内都维持有较高的遗传变异水平。普通木麻黄、细枝木麻黄和粗枝木麻黄的多态位点百分率(P)分别为83.3%、83.3%和75.0%;期望杂合度(He)分别为0.436、0.429和0.399;观察杂合度(Ho)分别为0.523、0.420和0.482.在普通木麻黄和粗枝木麻黄中,均存在杂合子过量的情况,而细枝木麻黄符合Hardy-Weiberg平衡.三种木麻黄种间的遗传一致度很高(0.9605-0.9654),体现出其亲缘关系很近.相似的生境和相同的染色体数目使其种间的分化很小。Genetic diversity in three species of Casuarina from Xiamen and their relationships were studied by horizontal sliceable strach gel electrophoresis. Six enzymes encoded by twelve loci were accessed. Genetic diversity within these three species, Casuarina equisetifolia, C. Cunninghamaina, C. Gluca, were relatively high. The percent of polymorphic loci ( P ) were 83.3%, 83.3% and 75.0%, respectively, and the expected heterozygosity ( He ) were 0.436, 0.429 and 0.399 while the observed heterozygosity ( Ho ) were 0.523, 0.420 and 0.482, respectively. The heterozygotes were exceeded both in Casuarina equisetifolia and C. Gluca, while C. Cunninghamaina approched to Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic identity between three species were relatively high ( 0.9605-0.9654 ) which indicated there was very close relationships between them. The similar habitats, same number of chromosome were factors in maintenance of the highly genetic identity.国家自然科学基金资助项目(39670135


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    本文主要对黑龙江省哈尔滨市一定点大棚内土壤剖面通气孔隙的变化进行了研究.结果表明:土壤容重从表层向下依次增加,除0~10 CM层次外,土壤剖面其它各层次通气状况不好,并随着栽培时间的加长,日趋板结,严重影响作物的生长发育.This article mainly studied the variation of aeration porosity in soil under shed protection in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province.The results showed that the soil aeration porosity was not very well.The bottom layer was quite low which was between 5.62% and 8.42%.But the upper kyer was quite good which was more than 15%

    The study on Moisture Suction in Soil under Shed Protection

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    主要研究了黑龙江省哈尔滨市一定点大棚内,其土壤水吸力的动态变化.研究表明:0~30CM层次大棚土壤水吸力底层大于表层,表明土壤水分运动方向是从底层流向表层.水吸力在100~400x102PA时,土壤水分处于田间持水量到毛管断裂含水量之间,水分有效性最大.但受人工灌水方式的影响,这种情况只占水分状况的41.8%,其余水分状况或多或少,表明大棚土壤的水分状况不理想.水吸力在4~10月份的生长期内呈周期性变化.This study dealt mainly with the dynamic variation of moisture suction in soil under shed protection in Harbin,Heilongjiang Province.The results showed that the bottom moisture suction in 0 ̄30cm was more than upper, which indicated that the movement of water was from bottom to upper.When moisture suction was 100 ̄400cm,the water was between field moisture capacity and capillary disrupting moisture, and the water was the most efficient.But this was affected by irrigation, which was only 41.8% of total water regime, and the rest was more or less, indicating that the water regime in soil under shed protection was not very well


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    Study on distribution and foundation mechanism of two Avicennia marina populations in Xiamen

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    利用水平切片淀粉凝胶及聚丙烯酰胺凝胶分析了位于厦门市两个白骨壤(Avicenniamarina)种群的遗传变异及遗传分化,进而分析了其中的游泳池种群的分布及建立机制。结果表明:游泳池白骨壤种群和东屿白骨壤种群相比较,种群内的遗传变异较大,两种群之间的遗传分化较大,游泳池种群建立时未受到建立者效应的影响。 【英文摘要】 Using horizontal sliceable gel electrophores is and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to examine the genetic diversity of two Avicennia marina populations in Xiamen, and to study the distribution and foundation mechanism of Avicennia marina population of Youyongchi. The results show that the genetic diversity of Avicennia marina between Youyongchi and Dongyu is quite large, and the genetic differentiation of these two populations is also large. The foundation of Avicennia marina population in Youyongchi is...国家自然科学基金资助项目(39670135

    Genetic diversity and their relationship among three species of Bruguiera Rhizophoraceae

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    通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和水平切片淀粉凝胶电泳,对红树科木榄属3种植物木榄、海莲和尖瓣海莲的遗传变异和种间亲缘关系进行了研究。共检测了5个酶系统7个酶位点。结果表明,木榄属这3个种的遗传变异水平较高,遗传分化很大。进一步明确尖瓣海莲的分类地位,推断尖瓣海莲可能是海莲与木榄的杂交种。 【英文摘要】 Using horizontal sliceable gel electrophoresis and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to examine the genetic diversity and their relationship among three species (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera sexangula, Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynchopetala) of Bruguiera, Rhizophoraceae. Five enzyme systems and seven loci were detected. The results showed that the genetic diversity and the genetic differention of these species neze large. Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynchopetala may be theoutcrossing specie of Bruguiera ...国家自然科学基金资助项目(39670135