10 research outputs found


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    The effect of dietary protein and energy density on nitrigen metabolism in growing pigs

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    為瞭解不同可消化能(DE)與理想蛋白質(Idela protein )濃度對生長豬氮代謝 的影響而進行本試驗。 採用日齡(平均104日)與體重(平均33.5公斤)相近之三品種雜交肉豬36 頭,依逢機完全區集設計,每一重複為一區栠,配入9種使用不同飼料的試驗處理。 試驗飼料為3×3複因子之處理安排,即按3種可消化能濃度(16.0,14.5 及13.0MJ/kg飼料)以及各種可消化能濃度分別再依3種離胺酸對可消化能 之比(0.84,0.76及0.68g離胺酸/MJDE)配成。調整餵料量以使 各處理組攝取等量之可消化能,並依14.5MJ DE/kg處理組為準估計餵料 量(g/日)=241.894體重(kg)^0.4873。 試驗結果顯示:飼料可消化能濃度(XMJ/kg)對熱能消化率(ED),氮消化 率(ND),氮蓄積量(NR)及飼料濺出量(SF)有顯著的影響。迴歸方程式依 次為ED(#)=-268.29+47.13X-1.55X;ND(%)=- 227.42+41.42X-1.36X;NR(g氮/體重(kg)^0.75 / 日)=-9.26+1.43x-0.05X;SF(kg飼料/7日)=1.3 84-0.077X。欲得最佳之熱能消化率,氮消化率及氮蓄積量,飼料之可消化 能含量分別為15.2,15.2及14.9MJ/kg。飼料熱能濃度與離胺酸/ 可消化能比之間的交互作用對熱能消化率,氮消化率,氮蓄積量及飼料濺出量影響不 顯著(P>0.25)。提高飼料離胺酸含量(0.68至0.84g/MJ DE )雖可增加氮蓄積量但不顯著(0.10>P>0.05)

    Development of Energy Saving and Carbon Reducing for Automatic Livestock Raising Models

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    ??? 本研究將以三年的時間完成節能減碳的自動化畜禽飼養模式,期能因此對溫室氣體之減量能夠盡一份心力。主要的畜禽產業以肉豬、蛋雞與乳牛等為核心,從飼料的準備、環境控制、收穫與處理及排泄物處理與利用等方面,進行資料之蒐集比較調查、評估、實作、田間試驗等前期作業,進而提出專利申請、技術移轉與推廣的後續作業,以顯現研究績效。節能減碳之落實,可按照以下之程序進行,其一為節能,做法為選擇高效率且符合需求的設備,避免不必要的能源消耗與落實相關設施的維護,經由以上措施,可節省5%以上之能源;是以本研究將進行主要產業之飼養模式之調查,評估其節能之可行性,進而估算減碳之效益。????其二為降低飼料產生溫室氣體之來源或資源化再利用,因畜禽生產乃趨向密集性且自動化的飼養方式發展,是以從飼料配方之調整、排泄物的處理過程與廢棄資源再利用等方面進行研究,以實作進而發展有效模式,以降低溫室氣體之排放,例如草食動物採用環保飼料後,其降低溫室氣體排放之百分比;並運用在地原料進行肉豬後期與土雞進行現場飼養,以評估其可行性減碳效果;調整堆肥化的過程以降低N2O與CH4的釋出;充分收集甲烷並尋求可確實利用的方式,以降低排放量並取代相關之石化或電力能源,均為本研究之重點。??? 其三為運用節能技術與設備及能源再利用,以降低畜牧場之溫室氣體的排放與減排,調查現行採用石化燃料者,以電力驅動;進行畜牧場廢棄資源能源化利用的調查與評估,建立碳足跡與生命週期之評估模式與實測之建議;運用微風力發電機於密閉式畜舍,可持續供電。以降低能源消耗。降低畜牧場內之溫室氣體排放、提升廢棄資源能源化之效能及回收與節能設備之研發應用,取代傳統能源,為本研究之重要項目。??? 其四為運用再生與永續能源於畜牧場,經由調查與實作,可以降低對傳統能源之依賴,可降低溫室氣體之排放,根據畜牧場所處地區之特性,運用沼氣為加熱源搭配節能設備而開發仔豬之保溫系統,運用太陽能搭配熱泵進行雛雞保溫系統及評估畜牧場再生與永續能源之利用模式等。??? 其五為經由知識管理與團隊激盪,以提升研發能力與研發績效,並符合政策需求。??? 綜合言之,本研究之總目標描述如下,可經由以下工作的完成,進而估算節能之數量與減碳之當量等,及溫室氣體減排之具體作法,以供政府施政參考:完成主要畜禽模式之調查,評估並推動節能減碳模式,以利畜牧產業永續經營。完成泌乳牛之環保飼料配方、蛋雞糞之處理模式與甲烷利用之最佳模式,以降低溫室氣體之排放並增加能源效益。完成適用於畜牧生產之節能技術與能源再利用設施之開發,降低畜牧場內之溫室氣體排放並增進能源效益。完成再生或永續能源應用於畜牧場的開發,以降低溫室氣體排放。透過團隊合作與知識管理,提升研發效率與研發績效並契合政策目標。This study will?complete the automatic?raising models of livestock production for energy saving and carbon reduction in three years.? The contributions of this research?will help the farmers to meet the policy goal through adoption the suggestions from research efforts.? The major livestock?industries are defined as hogs,layers,and dairy cows.? The research achievements can be proved through the preparation of feedings, environmental control, harvesting and processing and waste management and utilization?by?comparison of?data?collection, evaluation and ?field?tests.? Applying?transferring technologies?and?extension work will be conducted to become?practice. ???? The implementation of energy saving and carbon reduction can be carried out through the following procedures.? Firstly, it is saving?energy, practices for the selection of high efficient and?suitable?equipments, then preventing unnecessary energy consumption and holding good maintenances.? Energy saving will be about 5% through the recommend practices.? The main industries?will be investigated?through comparing feeding patterns, evaluating the feasibility of energy saving,? and?estimating the effectiveness of carbon reduction. ???? Secondly, adjusting feedings for cows?applying local feedings for finishing pig and chicken will be?conducted for reducing the emission of CH4, adjusting the procedures of waste treatments for chicken manures is conducted for reducing the emissions of N2O, and collecting and ultilizing biogas is also conducted for reducing the emissions of CH4 and increasing the energy saving effects.? ???? Thirdly, replacing traditional? fossil?sources to electricity is conducted for reducing the carbon production at farms, appling livestock manures as energy sources and suggesting the methodologies of carbon footprint and life cycle assessment are also conducted for reducing the emissions of green house gases and increasing the energy saving effects, and applying wind power generators at closed type farm is conducted for recycling energy and reducing the consumption of electricity for reducing the carbon reduction at farm and increasing the energy saving effects.???? Fourthly, applying biogas as energy sources is conducted to develop a piglets heating system with year-round operation consideration for reducing carbon production, apply solar energy and heat pump is conducted to develop a chick heating system with year-round operation consideration for reducing carbon production, and investigate the methods and policy is conducted to study the effects and possibilities of renewable energy ultilization in livestock farm for reducing carbon production and increasing the energy saving effects.???? Fifthly, promoting the research ability and achievement is conducted to meet the policy requirements through team works and knowledge managements.???? In summary, the goals of this study will be described as followings, and the calculations of energy savings, carbon reduction, and green house emissions wll be developed through the completion of the proposed research efforts.? Evaluating the energy saving models will be applied to the related industries for sustaining management. Developing the environmental friendly feedings for cows, the proper treatment for chicken manures, and the optimal methods for utilizing biogas, will be applied to farms for reducing the green house gases emission and creating energy. Developing energy saving technologies and recycling facilities will applied at farms for reducing the green house gases emission and creating energy.? Applying renewable energy will be conducted through recommandation and modification for reducing the green house gases emission at farm.? Matchimg the goals of energy saving policy will be conducted by team works and knowledge managements of this research efforts