7 research outputs found

    The Research on Regius Statute of Imperial Examination

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    《钦定科场条例》作为科举文献,全面记录了科举考试的程序、形式、方法、规则、处罚等事项,为清代科举制度研究提供了宝贵的原始资料。在一定意义上,对《钦定科场条例》规制内容的研究,不仅是对清代科场法制及其基本精神的客观分析与评价,亦是对清代科举制度基本特征及体系的梳理与考证。基于此,本论文以《钦定科场条例》规制为研究对象,以科场法制内涵与精神为视角,旨在挖掘《钦定科场条例》本身的学术价值。 本论文除参考文献与后记外,共分为九章。 第一章,绪论部分。旨在对《钦定科场条例》进行概述,并对已有《钦定科场条例》研究做详细论述。 第二章,场期的“情理”与“律法”。从乡、会试期及加科,以及起送会试、解卷等...Regius Statute of Imperial Examination,as the document of Imperial Examination, comprehensively records the procedure、form、approach、rule、penalty in Imperial Examination system,which provided valuable raw materials for studying Imperial Examination in Qing Dynasty.The research on the regulations of Regius Statute of Imperial Examination, in a certain sense,is not only for the objective analysis and...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_教育史学号:2572011015374


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    On Relationship Between Pre-Qin Confucianism And Imperial Ideology

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    自汉始,以先秦儒学为基础之哲学体系,遂为影响中国封建社会政治制度之核心思想,其“道“、“贤“、“公“、“君子“、“闻达“等内容,为后世政治制度阐幽发凡,对“求至公“、“举贤才“、“尚君权“、“重声名“之科举思想之产生、发展与变迁,影响深远。以禄进贤,士人心性虽有万千气象之变化,或循君子贤士之道,自爱强志以求仁达;或饰正藏邪,巧言令色以图仕禄。然而,科举制度之总体设计,首重遴选严守儒家传统精神之士子“入仕“治政,故而科举思想正在于继承与阐发先秦儒学之价值核心,儒学最终得以走上制度化之昌盛,也正是借助了科举这一外在形式中之内在价值要求而得以实现。Since Han Dynasty,the thought of philosophy based on Pre-Qin confucianism affected chinese feudal society’s political system.But the imperial ideology lies in inheritance and development of Pre-Qin’ value core in confucianism.The prosperity of confucianism to the institutionalization achieved with the help of intrinsic value of The external form of the imperial examinatio

    The brief Analysis on Francis Pott's Educational Concept

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    1886年,来华传教士卜舫济正式监管圣约翰书院。他严格学业标准,全力推行英文教育,调整学科体系,注重“三育“发展,改善校舍建设,培育出的“圣约翰教育制度“,启发着中国传统教育模式的革新,在中国高等教育近代化进程中取得了显著成功。然而,圣约翰大学在移植西方教育模式的基础上,难以摆脱西方教会对近代中国人才培养的影响,致使卜舫济教育理念由灵活走向守旧。在突遇内外政治局面动荡的艰难时期,其保持圣约翰基督教性质的努力,以及对学潮迭起的隐忍,亦难以获取执政当局与公众对教会学校严守中立信条的同情,正是这种“圣约翰大学政治立场“与“国难“之间的冲突升级,最终使得卜舫济在处理圣约翰立案问题上选择“坚持独立“的态度,直接影响了圣约翰大学的后来发展及其命运,也折射出中国高等教育近代化转型时期,卜舫济教育理念的进步性与局限性。Francis Lister Hawks Pott,a western missionaries in China,took formally charge of Saint John's College since 1886.He strictly controlled the academic standards,carried out the English Language education with all his strength,adjusted the disciplinary system,lied emphasis on the all-round development of morality,intelligence physique,improved the construction of school buildings,and eventually breed the educational system in Saint John's College,which guided the reformation of China's traditional education mode,as well as achieved a remarkable success in the process of modernization of higher education in China.Saint John's College,however,is hard to detach the influence on the cultivation of talents in modern China from the Western churches on the basis of grafting the western education mode,which resulted in the conservation of Francis Pott's educational concept from the flexibility.During the tough time of the international politically turbulent,Francis Pott's efforts to preserve the Christian nature of Saint John's College with the forbear for student unrest,were harder to get the government authorities and the public's sympathy for the doctrine that missionary school should strictly observe neutrality.It is such an upgrading conflict between the political stand of Saint John's College and national calamity,which finally caused that Francis Pott approved of the attitude of sticking to the independence when disposed of the accreditation of Saint John's College,which also directly influenced the future development and its destiny of Saint John's College,insinuates the progress and limitation of Francis Pott's educational concept during the transformation period of higher education modernization in China.2013年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目《中国科举通史》(编号:13JJD880010); 教育部人文社科青年基金项目:《我国内地高校住宿学院制改革的本土化实践研究:以五所高校为例》(编号:13YJC880026

    The Research of Formation of "Intergenerational Media" Stereotype

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    改革开放以来我国不断发展变迁的大众媒介,对某些社会现象的解读和传播也日益达成一个共识,如“70后“、“80后“、“90后“等一系列代表代际差异的名词划分,使得代际问题从社会现象逐渐发展成为一个学术议题。现有的研究多集中在代际问题的提出、代际特征个性和共性的描述等方面,而代际刻板印象的形成机制探讨,将是今后研究中需要不断完善的部分。研究发现,“80后“被试在外显和内隐态度上出现了分离,被试在外显报告中表现出了对“90后“的积极偏好的显著倾向,在IAT实验中对“70后“的评价要比“90后“更加积极,由此为积极情境线索的反刻板印象想象实验提供了可以降低被试内隐代际刻板印象的IAT效应理论依据。分析代际刻板现象的形成机制可以使我们正确看待青年的社会适应性问题,增进代际间的理解和沟通,消除代际刻板印象和偏见,从而构建有利于青年身心发展的包容性舆论环境。The mass media in China has faced enormous changes and its interpretation and communication of certain social phenomena have become a mainstream consensus since the Reform and Opening up.A series of terms such as 70s,80s and 90s,which represent intergenerational difference make intergenerational issues evolve from social phenomenon into an academic issues.The existing researches focus on intergenerational issues,personality and generality description etc.,but the formation mechanism of intergenerational stereotype will be the continuous improvement of the study.The research initially concludes that subjects show divergence in explicit and implicit attitudes.They show preference for the post-90s generation in explicit tests,but show more preference for post-70s generation in IAT experiment.Thus the thought experiment on inter-generational stereotype in the situation where positive clues are provided provides the basis of the theory that can lower down the implicit stereotype IAT effect of subjects.We can look upon the problems of youth social adaptability correctly,enhance intergenerational understanding and communication,eliminate for the physical and mental development of youth through the analysis of the formation mechanism of the formation mechanism of intergenerational phenomena.教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助项目研究成果之一;项目编号为:12YJC19002

    Discussion on Scholarship as Psychological Incentive for Graduate Students:a Case Study for Xiamen University

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    以厦门大学为例,采用调查法对硕士研究生奖学金制度改革的实效进行分析,通过引入核心自我评价和成就动机两种心理品质来研究奖学金制度对研究生自我价值感与成就动机倾向的影响。结果表明,硕士研究生总体上追求成功动机的得分高于避免失败动机的得分;在硕士不同年级中,文科生追求成功的动机要低于理工科学生;核心自我评价在研究生对奖学金制度改革的满意度和避免失败的动机中起着部分中介的作用。厦门大学的奖学金制度改革对研究生具有一定的心理激励影响,但在奖学金金额梯度设置、优化学科资源和倡导良性竞争等方面仍需要不断完善。A case study was conducted at Xiamen University to investigate the reform in its graduate scholarship system and,by means of core self-evaluation and achievement motivation,to determine the effects of the scholarship system on students'sense of self-worth and attitude to achievement motivation.It was found that most master's students scored higher in the motivation of pursuing success than avoiding failure and humanities students showed lower scores in the motivation of pursuing success than students of science and engineering.Core self-evaluation played a partial intermediary role in students'degree of satisfaction about the reform of the scholarship system and motivation to avoid failure.The scholarship system reform at Xiamen University provides certain psychological incentive for students,but improvements are needed in the settings of scholarship amounts,optimization of program resources and promotion of healthy competition.国家社会科学基金教育学重点课题“高校招生制度改革研究”(AFA110008); 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助项目(12YJC190021