73 research outputs found


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    The Enhancement for Fertility of Interspecific Hybrids in Arachis

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    計畫目標: 探討生長調節劑等處理對不同種間雜種稔實率的增進效果及雜種第二代染色體及遺傳性狀之變異, 從而建立高效率的遠緣雜交育種途徑.架構( 重要工作項目 ): 材料: 以栽培種花生與A.villosa、A.pusilla、A.cardenasii、A.correntina及A.spegaziinii等野生種雜交獲得之雜種( F? )植株的扦插苗為材料.方法: ( 1 )將F?扦插苗以直徑30公分的塑膠盆種植於溫室, 試驗採CRD設計, 3重複, 每重複4株, 於開花期噴施GA3、IAA及Kinetin等植物生長調節劑.處理期間調查開花數及子房柄形成率, 成熟期則調查莢果形成率, 觀察胚珠受精及發育情形.( 2 )將F?後代種植於田間, 行株距為50x 50cm, 於苗期取根尖觀察染色體數, 生育期間調查植株形態性狀及各種農藝性狀.預期效益: 改善花生遠緣雜交育種技術.Several workers have produced triploid hybrids which had a low percentage of pod set resulting from unreduced gametes, and suggested that triploid can be used in Arachis interspecific breeding for increased recombination between chromosomes and quick recovery of A.hypogaea like tetraploid line.In this study, five interspecific hybrids will be planted at greenhouse to investigate the fertility characteristics and the technique of podding enhancement through PGR treatment.F?generation of TNS9x A.villosa will be planted at field condition and used to examine the variation of chromosome.The results can be used in peanut breeding program


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    The Evaluation and Utilization of Indigenous Plants, Alpinia Genus, in Taiwan

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    月桃屬植物(Alpinia)為薑科(Zingiberaceae),在台灣地區約有15種,分布在全島亞熱帶低海拔地區,是台灣著名的民俗植物。月桃的用途廣泛,具有極高的藥用、食用及觀賞價值,全株皆可利用。植體含許多酚類化合物,如種子所含cardamomin與alpinetin,地下莖所含flavokawain B、dihydroflavokawain B、dihydro-5,6-dehydrokawain及5,6-dehydrokawain都是很好的天然抗氧化劑,這些成份可減緩糖尿病患肥胖及胰島素抗性等副作用,另有研究證實也具抗潰瘍、抗血小板凝集作用、抗真菌活性、鎮痛及抗癌的效果。葉片萃取物也分離出dihydro-5,6-dehydrokawain,其精油有myorelaxant和antispasmodic的作用,還可作為天然抗氧化劑、芳香療法的精油產品及天然芳香劑及抗菌劑,因此除作為傳統保健及藥用用途外,依其所含之成分可開發推廣成一種多用途之經濟作物。國內對於月桃植物之研究報告很少,本試驗擬蒐集各地月桃屬種原,進行繁殖、遺傳及農藝特性調查,並針對其植株性狀及成分分析作進一步研究,進而開發各種產品。Alpinia genus plants are perennial rhizomatous spicy plant indigenous to Taiwan, it contains fifteen species. In addition, the leaves are used to make the zongzi (glutinous rice dumpling) in Taiwan; the aromatic root is thought to dispel abdominal distension and increase stomach secretion and peristalsis. Many Alpinia plants are famous medicinal herbs, they have been reported to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, immunostimulating, hepatoprotective, and antinociceptive activities. According to the results obtained from literature survey, the essential oil of A. zerumbet at the dosage less than 1mg/ml dosage could active on the nerve, blocking compound action potential generation and conduction. However, to the best of our knowledge, it has not been found that the phytochmistry and bioactivity study of Alpinia plants until now.In fact, variations of characters, molecular markers and main compounds of these species still have not advanced studied. Hence, the objective of this study is to collect germplasms of Alpinia genus in Taiwan, construct the technique of propagation, examine the variation of plant characteristics and molecular markers, and variation of main compound in plant. Finally, we hope to select some useful genotypes and to develop some products


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    Studies on the Collection, Genetic Diversity, and Main Compounds Analysis of Vitis thunbergii in Taiwan

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    山葡萄為高經濟傳統中草藥,亦是民間珍貴的保健作物,全株皆可利用。一般民間入藥之山葡萄包括葡萄屬之細本葡萄及小葉葡萄。近年來因民間大量的全株採擷,使種原已面臨滅絕之威脅,故亟須收集保存種原。目前雖有細本山葡萄之栽培,因其繁殖效率並不高,因此也有必要對其繁殖技術加以探討。山葡萄品系眾多,有關其種內之遺傳變異及其有效成分之差異仍然缺乏深入研究。因此本研究擬進行台灣山葡萄種原之收集,除建立其繁殖技術及探討植物性狀及分子層次之遺傳多樣性,也將瞭解主要成分之變異性,作為推廣利用上之參考。Wild grapevines are high-economical Chinese herbal medicine which also have been taken for healthy foods in folk. Vitis thunbergii is the main species as herbal medicine in Taiwan. Recently, this species had been muchover gathered and was reduced to extinction. Therefore, it is necessary to collect and reconvert this germplasms. The variation of characters, molecular markers and main compounds of this species still have not advanced studied. Hence, the objective of this study is to collect germplasms of Vitis thunbergii, construct the technique of propagation, investigate the genetic variation by plant characteristics and molecular markers, and variation of main compound in plant

    Studies on Genetics and Breeding of Antioxidant in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)

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    胡麻為一高經濟價值的油料作物,自古以來即被東方民族當作保健食品。近年來,對於食物中抗氧物質的利用廣受世人重視。胡麻之所以備受矚目,主要原因在於其含有獨特的lignan類抗氧化相關化合物,如sesamin、sesamolin、sesamol、sesaminol及lignan glycosides等化合物。因此,本研究擬探討(1)胡麻種子抗氧化物質之品種(系)變異,(2)抗氧化物質含量與農藝特性之相關關係。研究結果可供胡麻品質改良及相關產品開發利用的參考。Sesame is an oil crop with high economical value and as health food in eastern people. Recently, the use of natural antioxidants in foods is receiving special attention. Much attention has been focused on the presence of a number of sesame lignans, mainly sesamin, sesamolin, sesamol, sesaminol and lignan glycosides in sesame seeds. Therefore, the objective of this study were to investigate:(1)the varietal variation of the antioxidant componentsin sesame seeds;(2) the relationship between antioxidants and agronomic characters. The results could be provided as reference for the quality improvement and product ultility of sesame


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    計畫目標: 探討不同濃度TDZ對不同花生種間雜交組合未熟胚誘導芽體與增殖效果, 以及種間雜種芽體及體胚再生小苗的條件.架構( 重要工作項目 ): 以花生栽培種台南十一號與野生種落花生A.monticola、A.villosa、A.cardenasii、A.pusilla、A.rigonii、A.correntina及A.spegazzinii等雜交未熟胚為材料.於清晨6點以栽培種台南十一號為母本與野生種進行雜交授粉, 同時噴施50ppm的GA , 子房柄形成且入土後噴施100ppm Kinetin.雜交後20至30天的子房按種子成熟度分為兩群, 成熟種子直接進行無菌播種, 未達子葉期之未熟種子則於27±1℃、16小時光照下, 進行胚培養.未熟胚培養: 以MS基礎培養基, 探討不同濃度2, 4-D及TDZ等對種間雜交未熟胚誘導芽體或體胚的形成及增殖效果.另以MS基礎培養基添加ascorbic acid為芽體發根培養基, 再將發根小苗進行健化.最後觀察不同花生種間雜交組合雜種之農藝性狀及染色體鑑定.預期效益: 建立種間雜交胚的拯救技術.The objective of this project is to find a efficient protocol for regeneration of peanut interspecific hybrids from immature embryos via organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis.The immature embryos of seven crosses between cultivar ( TN11 )and wild species will be cultured on the MS media supplemented with TDZ or 2, 4-D.The formation of multiple shoots or somatic embryos, and multiplication rate will be scored after 45days culture.The regenerated shoots will be cultured on the MS medium with ascorbic acid to induce roots, and then transfer to plastic pod for hardening.The agronomic characters and chromosomes of different hybrids will also be examined.The results can be used to establish the rescue technique for interspecific hybrids