The Enhancement for Fertility of Interspecific Hybrids in Arachis


計畫目標: 探討生長調節劑等處理對不同種間雜種稔實率的增進效果及雜種第二代染色體及遺傳性狀之變異, 從而建立高效率的遠緣雜交育種途徑.架構( 重要工作項目 ): 材料: 以栽培種花生與A.villosa、A.pusilla、A.cardenasii、A.correntina及A.spegaziinii等野生種雜交獲得之雜種( F? )植株的扦插苗為材料.方法: ( 1 )將F?扦插苗以直徑30公分的塑膠盆種植於溫室, 試驗採CRD設計, 3重複, 每重複4株, 於開花期噴施GA3、IAA及Kinetin等植物生長調節劑.處理期間調查開花數及子房柄形成率, 成熟期則調查莢果形成率, 觀察胚珠受精及發育情形.( 2 )將F?後代種植於田間, 行株距為50x 50cm, 於苗期取根尖觀察染色體數, 生育期間調查植株形態性狀及各種農藝性狀.預期效益: 改善花生遠緣雜交育種技術.Several workers have produced triploid hybrids which had a low percentage of pod set resulting from unreduced gametes, and suggested that triploid can be used in Arachis interspecific breeding for increased recombination between chromosomes and quick recovery of A.hypogaea like tetraploid line.In this study, five interspecific hybrids will be planted at greenhouse to investigate the fertility characteristics and the technique of podding enhancement through PGR treatment.F?generation of TNS9x A.villosa will be planted at field condition and used to examine the variation of chromosome.The results can be used in peanut breeding program

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