2 research outputs found

    Physiological and Ecological Responses of Kandelia obovata and Sonneratia apetala Saplings under Global Warming and Sea-Level Rise Conditions

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    红树林是位于热带亚热带海岸潮间带的木本植物群落。其同时受到气候变暖和海平面上升的双重影响,是应对全球变化的敏感区域。我国乡土红树植物秋茄(Kandeliaobovata)是北半球最耐寒的红树植物;多分布于中高潮,具有较强的抗淹水能力。从孟加拉国引种的无瓣海桑(Sonneratiaapetala)具有较耐低温、高适应性和生长迅速等特点;并具有一定的淹水适应能力。 本研究运用人工增温-潮汐淹水装置,模拟未来100年平均气温升高2℃、海平面上升后潮汐淹水时间的变化(每个潮水周期淹水时间由2h延长至6h)。探讨气温增加和海平面上升条件下,秋茄和无瓣海桑苗木的生长生理响应。得到以下主要结论: 1. ...Mangroves ecosystems distribute along the coastline in tropical and subtropical regions. They are facing the extreme conditions of global climate change, including air warming and sea-level rise, etc. Kandelia obovata, the most cold-resistant species in China, which commonly distributes at the middle and high intertidal zones. After introduced from Bangladesh into China, Sonneratia apetala grew fa...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_生态学学号:3332013115170

    Vegetation carbon stocks and net primary productivity of the mangrove forests in Shenzhen,China

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    红树林是滨海湿地"蓝碳"的主要类型之一.准确和定位评估不同植物群落的固碳能力,对于红树林保育管理和恢复造林具有指导作用.本研究对深圳福田红树林4种代表性群落(白骨壤群落、秋茄群落、海桑群落、无瓣海桑群落)的各个植被碳库组分(乔木植物生物量碳库、林下灌丛碳库、呼吸根碳库、枯立木碳库、枯倒木碳库和枯枝落叶层碳库等)进行调查,计算各群落的植被碳储量,并通过生长增量-凋落物产量法计算得到各群落的净初级生产力.结果表明:白骨壤群落、秋茄群落、海桑群落和无瓣海桑群落的植被碳储量分别为28.7、127.6、100.1、73.6 t C·hm~(-2),各群落的净初级生产力分别为8.75、7.67、9.60、11.87 t C·hm~(-2)·a~(-1).位于深圳市中心的福田红树林,每年固定大气CO2高达4000 t.本研究结果将为红树林"蓝碳"碳汇功能的评估提供理论指导,并为我国红树林碳汇林建设提供依据.Mangroves are the most important coastal blue carbon sinks. The accurate estimation on the carbon sequestration capacity of plant communities would guide the mangrove conservation,afforestation and management. This study investigated the vegetation carbon stocks of dominant mangrove communities,which were Avicennia marina,Kandelia obovata,Sonneratia caseolaris,and Sonneratia apetala in Futian Nature Mangrove Reserve in Shenzhen,Guangdong Province of China.Vegetation carbon stock consisted of living trees( aboveground and belowground biomass),understory,pneumatophore,standing dead trees,fallen dead trees and litter in these communities. The net primary productivity( NPP) was calculated from the litterfall and incremental growth in the same year of each community. Our results showed that the vegetation carbon stocks for A. marina,K. obovata,S. caseolaris,and S. apetala communities were 28. 7,127. 6,100. 1,and 73. 6t C·hm~(-2),and the NPP were 8.75,7.67,9.60,and 11.8 t C·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),respectively. Therefore,acting as urban forests,Futian mangroves in Shenzhen assimilated about 4000 t CO2·a-1.These results provided guidance for mangrove blue carbon assessment,and theoretical basis for the construction of coastal carbon sequestration forests in China.国家自然科学基金项目(31270581);; 福建省自然科学基金项目(2013J01145);; 深圳城市管理局科研项目(201406)资助~