3 research outputs found

    Research on Geometrical Model Based Medical Image Segmentation

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    图像分割作为计算机视觉领域中的基本技术之一,是大多图像分析系统的组成模块。伴随着造影技术的逐年发展,在治疗前后使用医学图像进行测量和分析,将有助于医生的诊断,以及辅助治疗方案的制订或者修改,提高外科手术的精确度和成功率。这对于医学应用而言,有特殊的重要意义。本文从CT图像出发,使用肝脏图像数据进行分析,重点研究了以下几个自动分割算法。 首先,对距离正则化水平集方法开展了研究。内容包含双井势函数的距离正则化效应,演示了DRLSE方法结合活动轮廓模型在图像分割的应用。补充讨论了利用窄带法对轮廓线演化进行加速。通过实验对该方法的抗噪声干扰能力进行测试,观察到DRLSE方法对噪声干扰的鲁棒性较差,并...Image segmentation is the basic technology in image processing and computer vision, it is an important part of image analysis and visual systems. With the development of imaging technologies, the medical image is used to make a quantitative measurement and analysis before and after treatment, the analysis of medical image will help to disease diagnosis, follow-up of treatment or amendments to the ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机系统结构学号:2302011115310

    Liver Segmentation Based on 3D Statistical Shape Model

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    基于三维统计模型的肝脏分割是医学图像处理领域最近几年兴起的一种分割方法,其以分割效果好和错误率低得到研究者关注.但该分割算法对模型的初始定位敏感,人工定位容易引入误差,这限制了三维统计模型算法的进一步应用.描述了肝脏平均模型的构造和应用,改进了平均模型的加权形式,提出了基于统计直方图的全自动定位方法,简化了模型的定位.Liver segmentation based on three-dimensional statistical shape model is a novel method in the medical image processing field recently.The advantage of good segmentation performance and low error rate has aroused the focus of researcher.In addition,the location of model in volume data effect the segmentation.Artificial location may introduces extra error,which limits its further application in the segmentation of the liver in practice.In this article,we discribe the constrution of statistical shape model.We propose the form of the weighted average model in this paper.Automatic location method based on statistical histogram is proposed to point the positioning of the model.国家自然科学基金项目(61102137;61271336

    Duct Segmentation Method Based on Seed Region Growing Algorithm

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    目的:对CT片中的胆管进行分割。方法:采用图像分割技术中的种子区域增长法,首先,选取种子点,得到种子点所对应CT值和相邻26个点均值,然后以种子点所在位置为起点往其临近26点扩散。若其临近点CT值与种子点CT值差值在正负10个Hu或者均值满足相同要求则该点为同类点,依次类推,直到不再有同类点时算法结束。结果:自动分割的准确率>80%,计算误差 80%,computation error < 10%.Condusions:seed region growing method can be used to automatically segment bile duct in the film CT.国家自然科学基金项目资助(编号:61271336;61327001)~