1 research outputs found

    Discussion of Treatment for Insomnia Based on Relationship between Melatonin and Yin-Yang

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    中医学认为,人是天地之气的产物,人体的构成及其生命活动与天地阴阳的变化相合相应,息息相关。褪黑素的分泌节律与光照周期变化关系密切,本文分别从昼夜阴阳变化、四时阴阳变化、生物体生命周期3个角度入手,探讨褪黑素与阴阳的关系,从而为失眠症发病机理及治疗方法的研究提供新思路。In traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) theory,human belonged to the product of vital breath in the universe,and human composition was in close correspondence between the changes of yin and yang.The rhythm of melatonin secretion has intimate connections with light cycles.In the review,in the sight of three aspects,yin-yang motivated changes in day and night,in four seasons and during the biological life cycle,relationships between melatonin and yin-yang were discussed,in order to provide a new method for the researches of mechanisms and treatments for insomnia.科学技术部国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAF14B10):外配式经耳穴迷走神经刺激仪的研发,负责人:荣培晶;; 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(81473780):耳甲-迷走神经刺激治疗失眠症的临床及机制研究,负责人:荣培