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    以林相變更柳杉造林地之樣區資料去建立直徑分佈(size clase distribution)和收穫預測(yield prediction)模式。用Weibull 機率密度函數模擬直徑分佈,並由其累積機率函數算出各直徑階的材積分佈。本文中所採樣區分佈於全省,其有關資料可供全省20 年以下之柳杉林生長收穫推測之用。

    Challenge of the Private Holding Forests toward Sustainable Management in Taiwan

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    台灣民營森林的種類,若以森林持有權的觀點,包括了私有林、公有林、原住民保留地森林、國有林班租地造林、國有林班解除地及原野地之租地造林,以及陸續增加之農地造林,目前合計共有56 萬ha 的林地(占台灣森林面積的27%),為25 萬個林主所擁有。這些森林土地由於其經營上之特性,想要朝向永續經營是相當困難的挑戰。本文提出一個民營林永續經營的內涵架構,認為經濟存活、環境確保、社會接受三個目的,是民營林永續經營所同時所必須追求之最終目的。為達到這些目的,可以仰賴相對應的手段來完成,而吾人最終所期望看到的民營林永續經營的狀態是:林主因追求本身利益而有生產力及經營意願,森林因適當經營管理而具有健康性狀以及地區之多樣性,民營森林之有形產出與無形服務能維持社區的活力與傳承及滿足社會的需求。這些表象將可以發展適當的指標來衡量,與進行監測。若有關當局有心導正民營林之經營朝向永續,本文提出一個IRCIMOs 計畫,內容包含了掌握資訊(Information),角色定位(Role),社區發展(Community),體質改善(Intervention),目標監測(Monitoring),增加機會(Opportunities),期盼可以作為改善民營森林經營逐漸朝向永續的工具。Private Holding Forests (PHFs) are the forests manage by private or public (non-national) organization. From the tenure viewpoint with forest, there are six kinds PHFs in Taiwan, there are including privately owned forest, publicly owned forest, aboriginal forest, national or public forestland leased forests and farmland forest. The PHFs totally have 560,000ha (27% of forest coverage of Taiwan) and they were hold by 250,000 owners or holders. It is to be quite difficult challenge for the PHFs toward sustainable management duo to the management characteristics of these forests. In this article, we proposed a framework about the content of sustainable management for the PHFs. The framework shown that “economically viable”, “environmentally sound”, and “socially acceptable” are the ultimate purposes and should deserve to pursue simultaneously. In order to achieve the three purposes, it can be dependent on the corresponding means execute them. The ideal situations of sustainable management in the PHFs are: 1. The holder has his or her own interests to manage and to be productive of his or her forests. 2. The forests are health and diversity in different eco-zones because of proper management and administration. 3. The tangible output or intangible service of the PHFs can maintain the vigor, tradition of the community, and meet society's demands. The three appearances mention above also can further develop the appropriate indicators to measure and monitor the sustainable management of the PHFs. If the authority is willing to pay attention to sustainable management problems of the PHFs. We also proposed a IRCIMOs plan; its content includes Information, Role, Community, Intervention, Monitoring and Opportunities. It expects that it can be an effective tool to help PHFs gradually toward sustainable management


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    The Roles and Positions of Women in Modern Forestry (I)

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    氣候變遷直接間接改變環境現況,而環境變化又會改變人類的習慣與價值觀,人們為能調適新的環境會找新的生活方式與產生新的環境行為。本篇論文係透過個人與集體,從感覺、印象、認知的意識中對森林受到氣候變遷產生的連環影響作初步觀念與價值的探索,並從中尋找共識作為未來擬定林業經營政策之參考。Environment has been influenced directly or indirectly by climate change, and the change of the environment will alter the ordinance and the value of human beings. People will create new life style and environmental behavior to acclimate the new environm