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    [[abstract]]背景與目的:高血壓患者認識及瞭解中風相關知識有助於降低中風的發生和確保中風發作時的即時反應。儘管高血壓患者是中風的高危險群,但有關於高血壓患者中風知識的數據資料仍缺乏。本研究目的在探討高血壓患者的中風知識及其相關影響因素。方法:採橫斷式調查性研究,於南桃園某區域醫院心臟內科門診收案,共有310位之高血壓患者進行調查。研究工具包括基本資料問卷、中風知識量表-中文版,以SPSS 17.0版進行建檔與統計分析。結果:本研究中75.5%的高血壓患者的中風知識低於平均水準,中風知識答錯率題項前二名為「哪個年齡層最容易中風」、「如果有疑似中風的症狀,應該什麼時候打電話叫救護車?」;中風知識自我認同知識缺口題項前二名為「台灣成年人中風發生率,每千人約有多少人?」、「短暫性腦缺血發作的警訊徵象大多於多久內消失?」。高血壓患者「年齡」與中風知識呈弱的負相關(r= -0.268,p < 0.001),而「教育程度」(F = 51.04,p < 0.001)、「家人是否罹患中風」(t = 2.65,p <0.001)、「是否接受中風相關衛教」(t = 2.74,p < 0.001)與中風知識有顯著差異。結論:由本研究結果顯示高血壓患者尚缺乏足夠中風知識,建議可透過公共或社會媒體幫助高血壓患者認識中風知識、安排患者於門診候診時給予衛教並透過提供教育光碟和相關知識之衛教單張提升患者的中風知識

    Studies on the Production and Quality of Yam (Dioscorea spp.)

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    優良種原之引進為本省山藥品種改良與生產利用之首要工作。在已蒐集之團品系中,有40個為D. alata系,其中70W04及70W05特具生產潛力,此二品系之公頃產量可達40t/ha以上;具30t/ha以上生產力的有10品系,如山藥台農1號及70W01等;另有4品系之產量在20t/ha以上。在23個D. alata var. purpurea品系中,較具生產潛力的為70R01及70R08,二品系之公頃產量可達23t/ha以上。在6個D. esculenta品系中,71W19有29t/ha之生產潛力。71W14為5個D. rotundata品系中較高產之品系,有22t/ha之產量。除了未經種原鑑定之10品系外,在其他山藥物種中,較具高產潛力的為D. bulbifera之71W21,產量可達25t/ha。屬於D. alata之山藥台農1號及70W04之塊莖肉部色白,屬於D. alata var. purpurea之70R01則色紫紅,三品系同具高產傾向。由台中地區經三個連續栽培年度及1992年在三個不同地區之產量比較結果可知,70W04及山藥台農1號同具31t/ha以上之高產表現,且甚穩定。由不同海拔之試驗結果可知,較高海拔(850m)似對70W04及山藥台農1號塊莖性狀及產量之影響較大。另由品質之比較結果可知,70R01具有較山藥台農1號及70W04為高之蛋白質、脂肪、粗纖維及灰分成分,其P、Mg、Fe及Ca之含量亦較高,惟塊莖較易褐變且粕度劣變較快,是其缺點。 The introduction of superior germplasm is essential to the varietal improvement, production, and utilization of yam in Taiwan. A total of 90 genotypes including 40 of D. alata, 23 of D. alata var. puiparea, 6 of D. esculenta, 5 of D. rotundata, and 1 of D. balbifera have been collected, propagated, and evaluated by Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. The two most productive yam genotypes, 70W04 and 70W05, with yield potential over 40 t/ha, belong t D. alata, Ten genotypes (including Tainung No. 1) and 4 genotypes (including 70W02) of D. alata also possessed yield potential higher than 30 and 20 t/ha, respectively. The average yield of D. alata var. parpurea genotypes 70R01 and 70R08 in the field experiment was over 23 t/ha, The representative and productive genotypes of the other yam species include 70W19 of D. esculenta , 70W14 of D. rotuadata , and 70 W21 of D. bulbifera, with mean yield of 29. 4, 22.1 and 25.3 t/ha, respectively. Field experiments had been conducted ofr three consecutive years at Taichung area and at three different locations in 1992 to investigate the agronomic and yield performance of genotypes Tainung No. 1, 70W04, and 70R01. Both 70W04 and Tainung No. 1 had high and stable yield with average tuber yield over 31 t/ha. Cultivation at high altitude showed a more detrimental effect on 70W04 and Tainung No. 1 than on 70R01. Despite the easier browning and faster decrease in viscosity, chemical analysis indicated the superior nutritional quality of 70R01 tubers by its higher contents of protein, fat, fiber, total ash, and mineral elements of P, Mg, Fe, and Ca, as compared to the other two genotypes

    Varietal Improvement of Yam (Dioscorea spp.)

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    山藥為最重要根莖類作物之一,具高產及富含營養之特色。由於分佈極廣,遍及全部熱帶、副熱帶及其他地區,品種十分繁雜“其種原能否加強蒐集,實為本省山藥品種改良與生產利用之首要工作。在眾多山藥種原中最具生產力的為D. alala L.、D. esculenta (Lour.) Burk. D. rotunda/a (L.) Poir.、D. cayenensis Lam.及D. bulbilera L.;而就本省而言,D. alala L.、B alala L var. purpurea (Roxb.)M. Pouch. D. japonica Thunb. var. pseudojponica (Hay.) Yamam.及D. doiyophora Hance亦深具發展潛力。多年來,台灣省農業試驗所即針對上述重要山藥種原積極進行引種工作,至今已有卯品系,除了先行繁殖、觀察及進行農藝性狀與產量之調查外,同時另進行開花習性、細胞遺傳及同功異構酣電泳之探討與分析,並繼續進行早熟性、抗病或抗蟲性、成分分析及其他性狀之篩檢工作,以配合山藥選種或育種工作之進行。由於大多數山藥種原不易開花,若有開花亦因其雄株或雌株具不孕性,不易生成種子,故傳統雜交育種工作極為困難,一般以選擇育種法為主。本所利用選擇育種法育成山藥台農1 號及篩選得到優良品系70W04,此二優良品種(系)共同具備高產、質優、適應性大、耐貯性佳及適合多元化加工及利用之價值,值得促銷推廣。70W04之另一特色為其葉與蔓產量甚高、營養豐富、且質地細緻可口,有可能成為本省夏季蔬菜之另一良好供源。 Yam is one of the most important root crops due to its high yield potential and nutritional value. It is distributed in almost every part of the tropics and subtropics and possesses a wide diversity in its genetic background. The collection of yam germplasm resources is particularly imperative to the successful varietal improvement of yam in Taiwan. A total of 90 genotypes belonging to five most productive yam species in the world, i.e., D. alala L., D. esczilenla (Lour.) Burk., D. roLundala (L.) Poir., D. cayeneasis Lam., and D. bulbifera L., and four promising species in Taiwan, i.e., D. alala L., D. alala L. var. prnpurea (Roxb.) M. Pouch., D. Japonica Thunb. var. pseudojponia (Hay.) Yamam., and D. doryophora Hance has been collectedpoodgated by Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. A number of traits including agronomic and cytological characters, yield performance, flowering habit, isozyme patterns, disease and insect resistances, and chemical composition have been investigated on all or part of those genotypes. With the exception of a few species, e. g., D. rotundata varietal improvement by conventional method is difficult because of the low frequencies of flowering and seed-setting. Therefore, introduction and subsequent selection of the introduced germplasm have been adopted in the breeding programs. A new yam variety, Tainung No. 1 and a superior line, 70W04 have been selected for their high yield potential, quality, wide adaptability, long shelf life, and processing feasibility. The leaves and vines of line 70W04 are very productive and are thus recommended as good sources of summer vegetable due also to their high nutritional value and fine texture