433 research outputs found

    Determinants of Free Trade Agreements Based on the Multilateral Trading Agenda:A Perspective of the FTA Network Relationship

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    近年来,多边谈判近乎停滞,而自由贸易协定(FreeTradeAgreement,FTA)作为国家间区域合作的新平台备受青睐。TPP、RCEP等FTA的涌现,已成为当前国际经贸格局调整的重要形式。作为一个贸易大国,我国把加快实施FTA战略视为近期对外开放的重要内容。在此背景下,基于FTA网络关系的视角,深入研究多边背景下FTA签订的影响因素具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。 现有文献关于双边与多边的关系已有较多探讨,但此类研究多停留在理论层面的经济效应等分析,对FTA网络关系的研究甚少,实证检验多边进程背景对FTA签订的影响更鲜有学者涉及。基于此,首先,本文从FTA网络关系的视角分析了影响FTA签...Recent years, multilateral negotiations based on WTO are almost stagnant while Free Trade Agreement (FTA) began to play as a new platform for regional cooperation among countries and favored by great powers. TPP, RCEP and China-Japan -South Korea FTA emerged several years ago, and behind the emergence are adjustments of the international trade structure among big countries in all over the world. A...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_国际贸易学学号:1572014115193

    “Actiones a Diecticiae Qualitatis” in Roman Law

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    增加之诉本身不是存在于罗马法上的有名诉讼,它是中世纪法学家创立的一个罗马法诉讼群的总称。这个诉讼群产生于公元前2世纪,适用于家父、主人或者授权人对他的他权人或者总管的合同行为承担责任的情形,包括追究全额责任的以授权为归责基础的针对船舶经营人之诉、总管之诉和依令行为之诉;以及追究限额责任的以特定财产为归责基础的特有产之诉、转化物之诉和分配之诉。这个诉讼发展出了通过他人行为直接取得债的现代代理制度的最初形态;构建出了最初始的有限责任和无限责任企业形态,为罗马法的企业组织制度奠定了法律基础。 增加之诉的考察始终围绕三个问题:从盖尤斯到优士丁尼时期增加之诉诉讼群在罗马法中的形态;增加之诉构建的通过他...Actiones adiecticiae qualitatis is not a roman name, which was named by the medieval jurists. It is generally accepted that these actions were available at the latest by the second century B.C. These actions were given against paterfamilias or dominus or the principal to take the responsibility for the activities of his dependant or his manager. There were three actions actio exercitoria,actio ini...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:1202005140280


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    Study on Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants and Photoelectrocatalytic Hydrogen Production of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays

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    纳米结构TiO2作为一种新型的无机半导体功能材料,在光解水制氢、光催化降解有机污染物、太阳能电池、生物材料和气敏传感器等领域显示出了极大的应用前景。特别是纳米TiO2光照下的强氧化性、无毒、长期光化学稳定性、能级与水的氧化还原电位相匹配等特性,使其在净化环境和光电催化分解水方面具有诱人的发展前景。与TiO2纳米颗粒薄膜相比,利用阳极氧化法在Ti基底表面制备的TiO2纳米管阵列具有高度有序的纳米管阵列结构,优异的光电转换性能和良好的化学稳定性,且通过调节制备参数可实现对TiO2纳米管阵列形貌、管径、管壁厚度、管长和晶型的可控制备,从而能够满足更高的性能要求。锐钛矿型TiO2的禁带宽度为3.2eV...Nanostructured titanium dioxide (TiO2), as a novel inorganic semiconductor material, has exhibited attractive applications for hydrogen production by splitting water, photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants, dye-sensitized solar cells, biological materials and gas sensor. Especially, TiO2 has promising prospect in environmental protection of its good oxidation characteristics, nontoxicity...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_应用化学学号:2052010115164

    Study on Population Genetic Structure of alien species Sonneratia apetala in Jiulong River Estuary of Fujian

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    无瓣海桑(SonneratiaapetalaBuch-Ham)是红树林中优良乔木树种之一,天然分布于印度、孟加拉国、斯里兰卡等国盐度较低的泥质滩涂。 作为我国从国外引进的第一种红树植物,无瓣海桑具有生长快、生产力高等特点,在生产中被大量推广,并获得较好的生态、经济和社会效益。除此之外,无瓣海桑还被广泛地应用于控制外来入侵植物互花米草的蔓延。但无瓣海桑毕竟是外来种,是否会造成生物入侵并给滨海滩涂带来生态灾害目前尚无定论,但比较一致的看法是无瓣海桑有一定扩散和竞争能力,所以引进该树种应慎重。本实验通过研究福建九龙江口以及种源地海南东寨港的无瓣海桑种群的遗传多样性及其遗传结构,探讨该地无瓣海桑种群...Apetala ( Sonneratia apetala Buch-Ham ) is one of the excellent tree species in the mangroves, naturally distributed in lower salinity and muddy tidal flats of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other countries. Apetala with fast growth and high productivity is the first kind of mangrove plants, which was imported from foreign countries.Apetala was promoted widely in production, and acquired goo...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_细胞生物学专业学号:2172009115218

    The Origin and Methodology of the New Political Economy

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    政治经济学与政治学分离之后,出于对方法论进步的渴求,数理分析方法被大量引入经济研究,而政治的因素则日益淡化。这造就了“经济学”的繁荣,却也导致其根本缺陷。现实生活中经济与政治的内在关联决定了经济研究中政治的因素不可或缺。在此背景下试图通过从制度和历史的角度批判主流经济学的假设和概念、进而重构大多数经济学模型的新政治经济学悄然兴起。它所体现的研究取向为中国经济问题的解决提供了有益的启示。After the separation of political economy from political science,mathematical analysis was introduced into economic research on a large scale out of an aspiration for better methodology while political factors were increasingly weakened.This contributed to the prosperity of "economics",but also resulted in its fundamental drawbacks.The internal interconnection between economy and politics in real life determines the indispensableness of political factors in economic research.Against this background,the new political economy has emerged,which seeks to criticize the assumptions and concepts of mainstream economics from an institutional and historical perspective and reconstruct most economic models.Its research orientation offers useful inspiration for the resolution of economic problems in China


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    A Study on the Development of Academic Graduate Students’ Research Capacity:Based on a Survey of Xiamen University

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    随着学术型硕士研究生教育和专业型硕士研究生教育的共同发展,我国的研究生教育体系将日臻完善。学术型硕士研究生教育在世界研究生教育发展史上,发展较早,影响也较大。尽管研究生教育格局正在发生重要改变,但坚守其培养核心——科研能力的培养,既是学术型硕士研究生教育的使命,也是国家科技发展对于学术型硕士研究生教育的期许。 学术型硕士生科研能力的维度主要为文献的搜集及处理能力、逻辑思维能力、问题发现及解决能力、论文写作能力和批判能力等五个方面。学术型硕士研究生的科研能力状况主要表现为:第一,学术型硕士生科研能力发展情况不佳,对科研能力的满意度不高。第二,不同群体的学术型硕士生在科研能力的表现上存在差异,具...With the development of both academic graduate education and professional graduate education, the graduate education system of our country is improving. Academic graduate education advanced earlier so that it has a greater influence in the history of the graduate education in the world. Although important change is being taken place in the pattern of graduate education,developing research capacity...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572011115176

    On the Passive Europeanization and Its Optimization Strategies in the English-Chinese Translation of Culture Smart-France

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    翻译是语言之间相互接触的主要形式。正如美国语言学家萨丕尔所说的:“语言像文化一样,很少是自给自足的。”一种语言必须与其它语言相互接触、相互作用,从而促进自身的发展。英汉翻译一方面可以促进汉语的发展,另一方面也不可避免地导致了汉语的欧化。本论文所提到的“欧化”主要是指以印欧语言为参照系,在吸收某些词汇、句法结构时,对其构词方式和语法格式过分仿造而造成译文不符合汉语行文规范和习惯的现象,即消极欧化。消极欧化不仅给译文带来不良影响,而且降低了读者的阅读体验。本论文旨在结合具体的翻译实践,从词汇和句法两个角度分析一些常见的消极欧化现象,包括滥用介词、名词、长句以及“被”字句等,以引起译者的注意,在今后...Translation is the main form of language contact. As the American linguist Edward Sapir said, "Language is like culture. Few can be self-sufficient". One language should contact and interact with other languages to improve itself. On the one hand, English-Chinese translation boosts the development of Chinese. On the other hand, it inevitably leads to the Europeanization of Chinese. The Europeaniza...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院_翻译硕士学号:1202012115256

    Institutional Evolution within a Firm: An Analysis in the Perspective Based on Organizational Learning

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    由于对人类理性这一问题所禀持的哲学观点不同,已有的制度变迁理论大致沿着两条思路展开,即以哈耶克为代表的演进理性主义和以诺斯为代表的工具理性主义。两种思路孰优孰劣似乎并无定论,但诺斯的转向代表了制度演化分析的一种趋势,表明新古典经济学假设的局限难以很好解释历史上的制度变迁。本文从组织学习角度出发倾向于演进理性的思路。通过建立在个人、团队学习基础之上的组织学习,共享心智模式逐渐形成,企业内制度演化得以有效扩展。 企业作为经济型组织的典型,首先是一个知识分布体系和分工协调体系,它又是一个开放的系统和一种演化体,同时,它也是一个利益分配体系。在此理解之上,组织学习就可以分解为知识获取子过程和利益博弈...For the different philosophical opinion on the human rationality, there are two kinds of research paradigms about the theory of institutional evolution. One is tool rationalism represented by North, the other is evolutionary rationalism represented by Hayek. It seems to be no right or wrong between them, but North’s turning is meaningful. It indicates a trend and shows that new classical economics...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_政治经济学学号:2005130267