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    【中文摘要】 特色型大学是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,并对我国的高等教育发展和社会经济建设做出过重大贡献。当前,具有行业背景的特色型大学在发展中存在着定位不明、特色淡化的问题,从高等教育分类的角度研究特色型大学的发展,有助于这类大学从定位中走出困境,实现科学发展。一、关于高等教育的分类从不同的视角出发,研究者对高等教育有着不同的分类。联合国教科文组织1997年颁布的"国际教育标准分类法"在纵向上将高等教育分为两个阶段,序号分别为5和6


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    碩士[[abstract]]有關本論文之研究係以國家安全的戰略角度,探討人口販運此類非傳統安全(Nontraditional Security)的威脅,建構一套防範機制,減低對個人、社會及國家三個影響層面。從防制人口販運的3P政策中「預防」的角度切入研究,認為應強化國境管理並具體實施人流管控,阻絕人口販運「供」的方面,且配合境內查緝阻斷人口販運「需」的方面,實踐防制人口販運所帶的威脅。 蓋因在全球化新形勢下,全球人口快速的流動,且我國現今在移民政策採行鬆綁,以吸引專業人士及開放資移民刺激我國經濟產業,並持續大量引進外勞填補人力市場的缺口。近年來,又兩岸關係逐漸和緩,兩岸擴大各項交流活動,無論官方和民間交流的廣度和深度更勝以往。這兩大因素固然我國將重獲得大的利益,但人口販運此類跨國境犯罪也將隨之而來,基於防制人口販運及其他與人口販運有關的犯活動,有必要強化以往的作法,維護國家安全。有關我國從事防制人口販運之作為,已受到國際的肯定,惟犯罪活動不會因此停止,反而更要精進防制作為。本論文提及預防跨國境犯罪,最重要的落實在人流管控,將人流管控的攔截點放在駐外使、領館或辦事處的審核及國境的證照查驗,目的有效過濾非法人士入境遂行犯罪活動。內政部入出國及移民署部派駐移民官在部分我駐外使、領館或辦事處協助外交部領事業務;而國境的證照查驗則注重施旅客的查驗工作。為精進旅客的查驗,引述美國、英國、德國及日本等國家的經驗,將生物辨識系統運用在證照查驗,目的強化攔截從事人口販運犯罪相關人士。打人口販運固然在查察方面將犯罪繩之以法,透過本論文研究將國外防範跨國境犯罪並運用生物辨識系統的經驗,不僅使民眾認知生物辨識對我國為維護個人、社會及國家的目的,減少對隱私權過多的疑慮與猜疑,然而生物辨識系統也兼具快速通關的便民服務。 本論文在第五章特別論述目前所面臨防制人口販運防範機制的的困境,原因有三,其一為主管機關內政部入出國及移民署可能面臨防制人口販運執行的問題,如組織架構、人員不足、教育訓練及業務增多等必須克服的因素。其二為凡人口販運與大陸地區人民有關的問題,如牽涉是否落實司法互助、互設辦事處、陸客自由行等因素,將使得執行層面更顯複雜。其三生物辨識嚴然成為預防犯罪的好利器,但國外學者提出若干警告,必須將個人資料及生物特徵妥善管理,防止資料外洩擴散全球各地。此外若開放陸客自由行,而陸客容易將成為犯罪集團覲覦的對象。 關鍵字:人口販運、預防機制、反販運,移民政策[[abstract]]This thesis uses strategic and national security perspectives to research the issue of human trafficking which is a kind of Nontraditional Security threat. To build prevention mechanism for reducing the effects of three levels, personal, social and national. From the “3P” anti-trafficking policy, the third dimension of anti-trafficking policies, “prevention policy,” such as strengthen management of border and control the flow, block the offer of human trafficking, and with the domestic investigation to obstruct the demand of it. Because of the globalization and the rapid growth in global population, our country has relaxed the immigrations policies to attract professionals and open immigration to stimulate our economic and has continued to introduce a mass of foreign workers to fill gaps in the labor market. Moreover recently, cross–Strait Relation have been improved, have enhanced kinds of activities and expanded both official and unofficial exchanges activities than ever before. Due to the above two factors, our country will re-gain big benefits but such cross-border crime, human trafficking will also be followed. In the prevention of human trafficking and other offenders of human trafficking-related activities, it is necessary to strengthen the policy in order to safeguard national security. Our country has won international recognition for the effectiveness in the prevention of human trafficking. Mentioned in this paper to prevent cross-border crime, the most important is to control in the flow, to dispose the flow control interception point on the examination of embassies, consulates or offices and border inspection, in order to filter illegal immigrants involved in criminal activities. National Immigration Agency accredit immigration officers to assist the foreign ministry consular service in some of our embassies, consulates or offices, in Border focus on the passport inspection and learn the experiences of the United States, Britain, Germany and Japan to use the biometric systems in passport inspection system, in order to strengthen crime-related blocked persons engaged in human trafficking. This paper to investigate the experiences of other countries to use the biometric systems in prevention of human trafficking, let people to know the propose of the biometric recognition and to reduce excessive doubts and suspicions of personal privacy. Moreover, biometric Systems offer fast-track Customs clearance the convenience services. In the Chapter V discusses the plight of preventive mechanism of human trafficking. There are three factors: First the National Immigration Agency may face the problem of the implementation of prevention of human trafficking, such as organizational structure, inadequate staffing, training and business increase in the number of factors. ect. Second, the human trafficking related to the China issues, such as the implementation of mutual legal assistance, the mutual establishment of offices, the free exercise of mainland tourists and other factor, will make the implementation to be more complex. Third, the biometric becomes a good weapon for the crime prevention, but foreign scholars warned that personal information must be properly managed and biological characteristics, to prevent the leakage of information spread around the world. In addition, if open to the free exercise of mainland tourists, and easy to mainland tourists will be the object of criminal groups.[[tableofcontents]]第一章 緒論……………………………………………………3 第一節 研究主題、動機與目的………………………………8 第二節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………12 第三節 研究方法與架構………………………………………14 第四節 概念界定………………………………………………17 第五節 文獻評析………………………………………………18 第二章 台灣人口販運的實況與威脅…………………………29 第一節 人口販運對國境安全之影響…………………………36 第二節 人口販運對我國移民政策之影響……………………41 第三節 人口販運對我國國際地位之影響……………………55 第四節 小結……………………………………………………56 第三章 世界主要國家因應人口販運的策略…………………58 第一節 主要國家移民單位與國境管理之變革………………59 第二節 主要國家人口販運與國境安全之影響………………72 第三節 打擊人口販運與國際合作之關係……………………75 第四節 小結……………………………………………………80 第四章 台灣「阻絕於境外」防制機制………………………83 第一節 加強境外駐點面談機制………………………………84 第二節 國際合作建立國際網絡………………………………95 第三節 國境線之策進作為……………………………………99 第四節 強化境內查察…………………………………………105 第五節 小結……………………………………………………110 第五章 人口販運防範機制的執行成效評估…………………112 第一節 司法警察機關與偵(審)機關案件之認定差異……112 第二節 非政府組(NGO)的角色與侷限 ……………………119 第三節 資訊整合與機關組織之功能與侷限…………………123 第四節 小結……………………………………………………131 第六章 結論……………………………………………………132 第一節 研究總結………………………………………………132 第二節 心得與啟示……………………………………………136 第三節 未來研究方向與建議…………………………………137 參考書目 ………………………………………………………139 大事紀要 ………………………………………………………145 圖目次 1-1「3P」政策圖………………………………………………8 1-2 研究架構圖 ………………………………………………15 2-1 人口販運與其他犯罪競合關係圖 ………………………40 2-2 移民對目標圖 ……………………………………………42 3-1 日本入境指紋登錄自動閘門圖 …………………………71 3-2 人口販運運送流程圖 ……………………………………73 4-1 預防機制圖 ………………………………………………84 4-2 亞洲駐點圖 ………………………………………………85 4-3 美洲駐點圖 ………………………………………………86 4-4 歐洲駐點圖 ………………………………………………87 4-5 非洲駐點圖 ………………………………………………87 4-6 大洋洲駐點圖 ……………………………………………88 4-7 冒領(用)護照流程圖 …………………………………101 4-8 比較移民署與警政署時期查察權責分工圖 ……………108 5-1整合系統圖 ………………………………………………134 5-2內政部入出國及移民署架構圖 …………………………128 表目次 1-1 我國歷年人口販運報告情況 ……………………………4 1-2 文獻評析表 ………………………………………………19 2-1 歷年國際防制人口販運會議整理表 ……………………30 2-2 歷年人口販運研討概況 …………………………………42 4-1 查處大陸地區人士在臺從事非法活動(因案註參)統計表 ……91 4-2 採行生物特徵之國家 ……………………………………100 5-1 非政府組織一覽表 ………………………………………122 6-1 防範機制之功能、侷限及解決途徑 ……………………134[[note]]學號: 797330239, 學年度: 9

    [[alternative]]Social construction of student groups through the Sunflower Movement

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    碩士[[abstract]]社會建構論的觀點可提供政策過程之觀察,社會建構論認為政府政策有賞善罰惡的邏輯,越傾向正面形象與政治權力越高者越容易獲得政策待遇。Schneider與Ingram(1993)指出政府會因為政策目標群體的政治權力與社會形象,影響其所獲得的政策待遇;相對地,政府的政策也會傳遞是否「值得」為其服務,進而影響其社會形象。然而,Schneider與Ingram對於社會建構的觀察僅限於政府的角度,政府作為主要的社會建構者;較少有學者探討除了政府以外的社會建構者,對於社會建構者需要更多研究予以了解。基此,本研究以太陽花學運中的學生團體為對象,探討學運前後學生團體的社會形象與政治權力是否出現變化,以中國時報與自由時報歷時三個月的新聞資料與深度訪談法進行研究。研究結果發現,學生團體在佔領議場前的形象是模糊的,佔領議場後受到社會中優勢團體的聲援、民眾的自發性支持得以讓學生行動獲得合法性框架。並在占領行動初期對學生較負面認定媒體,看出學運退場階段正面報導則數增加,推論學生形象可能出現偏向正面的成長。學生團體的政治權力,也因為佔領行動而提升對服貿議題的話語權,政府回應的層級也從行政院長提升至總統,在新聞媒體的報導則數上也出現了明顯增加的趨勢。學生團體並藉此對政策制定者施壓,企圖讓政策出現改變。研究發現可作為未來社會議題發生衝突時的參考依據,檢視為什麼是某一群人獲得了政策利益。[[abstract]]The viewpoints based on Social Constuctionism serve as in-depth observations in relation to policy-making process. According to Social Constructionism, all government policies conform to the logic – rewarding the virtuous and punishing the wicked. For this reason, people with positive image and political power are more likely to acquire political benefits than others. According to Schneider and Ingram (1993), governments tend to grant political benefits to the target groups based on their political power and social images. On the other hand, however, government formulates policies based on whether a target group “deserves” the government’ service, and with the policy, the government attempts to influence the target group’s social image. Nevertheless, Schneider and Ingram observed the phenomena from government’s standpoint and treated government as the major social constructor. Up until today, few researchers have studied any social constructor other than the government. It is therefore necessary to find out more about other social constructors. For this reasons, this study focused on the student groups involved in the Sunflower Student Movement, attempting to find out if student groups’ social images and their political power have changed before and after the movement. The news data released by China Times and by Liberty Times in a three-month period as well as in-depth interviews were examined for this purpose. According to the research results, student groups had an ambiguous image before they occupied the conference hall; students were supported by the dominant groups after they occupied the conference hall; and then students earned their legitimating frame with the spontaneous support from all walks of life. Some news media held a negative view of the student movement in the early period of occupation. More positive reports were made after students exited from the conference hall. The increasing number of positive reports indicated the positive image of the student movement. Apparently, student groups gained political power from the occupation of conference hall. Thus, student had the right to speak about the issues related to Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement. Eventually, the President had to respond to the students directly instead of though the Premier, and at the same time more and more news reports echoed the student movement. With the favorite response from the news media, students put pressure on policy makers in an attempt to change the policy. The findings serve as the reference for researchers to study the conflicts arising from social issues in the days to come and thus find out the reason why certain people gain political benefits while other people don’t.[[tableofcontents]]目 次 第一章 緒論 ............................................................................... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 ................................1 第二節 研究問題 ............................................. 5 第三節 章節安排 ............................................. 6 第二章 文獻探討......................................................................... 7 第一節 社會建構理論 ................................... 7 第二節 社會建構與運動 ............................ 22 第三節 綜合討論 .......................................... 29 第三章 研究設計 .......................................................................33 第一節 個案說明 .......................................... 33 第二節 研究方法 .......................................... 40 第四章 學生團體之社會形象建構.......................................45 第一節 佔領立法院前的社會形象 ......... 45 第二節 社會形象的正面化 ....................... 46 第三節 新聞媒體中社會形象的變化 .... 53 第四節 社會形象轉變過程中的角力 .... 56 第五節 小結 .................................................... 61 第五章 學生團體之政治權力建構 .......................................63 第一節 佔領立法院前的政治權力 ......... 63 第二節 議題影響力的增強與應用 ......... 64 第三節 新聞媒體中權力結構的改變 .....76 第四節 小結 ................................ .................. 82 第六章 結論與建議 ....................................................................85 第一節 結論 ................................................... 85 第二節 研究貢獻 .......................................... 90 第三節 研究限制 .......................................... 92 第四節 未來研究建議 ................................ 93 參考文獻 ........................................................................................94 附錄 ................................................................................................. 98 表次 表 2-1 社會建構與政治權力-目標群體的類型.............. 10 表 2-2 真實社會中的社會建構模型.......................................18 表 2-3 社會建構的媒體管道比較............................................27 表 2-4 社會建構理論命題和補充觀點..................................31 表 3-1 太陽花學運事件歷程.....................................................38 表 3-2 太陽花學運學生團體與政府部門代表....................39 表 3-3 論述分析方法操作流程.................................................41 表 3-4 太陽花學運重點事件......................................................42 表 3-5 資料分析與編碼範例......................................................43 表 3-6 訪談對象..............................................................................44 表 4-3 學生佔領議場事件政黨立場........................................66   圖 次 圖 2-1 社會建構者之關係圖.......................................................20 圖 2-2 社會建構者的競爭場域..................................................20 圖 4-1 太陽花學運前後正負面報導則數比較......................54 圖 4-2 太陽花學運新聞報導則數變化....................................77 圖 6-1 學生團體的社會建構變化.............................................87[[note]]學號: 602640020, 學年度: 10