74 research outputs found


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    为了深入贯彻习近平总书记关于高校思想政治工作的指示精神,改变医学生对思想政治理论课的冷漠态度,西南医科大学马克思主义学院《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》教研室经过多年的探索与实践,逐渐摸索出了SPSS+多维立体教学模式。此教学模式以专题教学(Subject Teaching)、实践教学(Practical Teaching)、科研助学(Scientific-research-aid)、模拟讲课(Simulative class)为主干,再由任课教师随事而制地加入其它的教学环节和方法。目前该教学模式已取得了一定成果。泸州市-西南医科大学联合项目,项目编号2016LZXNYD-R1


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    Promotion of proliferation of luminal B breast cancer cells by mesenchymal stem cells and its underlying molecular mechanisms

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    目的分析人脐带间充质干细胞(hUC-MSCs)对Luminal B型乳腺癌细胞生长增殖的影响,并初步探讨其可能的分子机理。方法绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)和荧光素酶共表达慢病毒感染人Luminal B型乳腺癌细胞BT474,并经嘌呤霉素筛选两周后,于荧光显微镜下观察GFP的表达情况,IVIS Kinetic成像系统拍照以观察和记录慢病毒感染后BT474细胞荧光素酶的表达情况;荧光显微镜下直接观察,结合MTS实验分析hUC-MSCs共培养或其浓缩上清处理对GFP和荧光素酶共表达BT474细胞生长增殖的影响;Western blot法检测hUC-MSCs浓缩上清处理对BT474细胞Akt和MAPK信号通路激活情况以及下游细胞周期调控蛋白Cyclin D1表达的影响;常规RT-PCR法检测hUC-MSCs中NRG-1、NRG-2、IGF-Ⅰ、IGF-Ⅱ和EGF等配体的表达。荧光素酶表达强度与细胞数量的相关性经由Excel软件行统计学分析,MTS实验数据则经由SPSS13.0统计软件行统计学分析。结果荧光显微镜和IVIS Kinetic成像系统的观察结果分别证实,GFP和荧光素酶经慢病毒载体系统的介导可在BT474细胞中成功地共表达,且荧光素酶的表达强度与细胞数量呈直线相关。MSCs共培养或其浓缩上清处理均可显著促进Luminal B型乳腺癌细胞BT474的生长增殖,其细胞存活比例分别为各自对照组的148.06%(P<0.005)和147.99%(P<0.001);MSCs浓缩上清处理同时激活BT474细胞内Akt和MAPK信号通路,并上调细胞周期调控蛋白Cyclin D1表达。此外,RT-PCR结果显示,hUC-MSCs中NRG-1和EGF的mRNAs水平呈高表达,而NRG-2、IGF-Ⅰ和IGF-Ⅱ等配体的mRNAs表达也可见。结论 MSCs可通过表达并分泌NRG-1等配体,从而激活Luminal B型乳腺癌细胞BT474的下游Akt和MAPK信号转导通路以上调细胞周期调控蛋白Cyclin D1的表达,进而促进其生长增殖。Objective To investigate the effect of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells(hUC-MSCs) on proliferation of luminal B breast cancer cells and its underlying molecular mechanisms. Methods Human luminal B breast cancer cells BT474 were infected with GFP and luciferase co-expressing lentiviruses and then subjected for selection with Puromycin for 2 weeks. The expression of GFP and luciferase was detected by fluorescent microscopy and IVIS Kinetic image system, respectively. The effect of coculture or treatment with conditioned medium of hUCMSCs on proliferation of BT474 was analyzed with MTS assay. Western blot was carried out to detect the effect of treatment with conditioned medium of hUC-MSCs on the activation of both Akt and MAPK signalings in BT474, as well as the expression of downstream cell cycle regulator Cyclin D1. Regular RT-PCR was applied to analyze the mRNAs expression of ligands such as NRG-1, NRG-2, IGF-Ⅰ, IGF-Ⅱ, and EGF in hUC-MSCs. The correlation between relative luciferase activity and cell number was analyzed with Excel software, while MTS assay data was statistically analyzed with SPSS 13.0 software. Results The co-expression of GFP and luciferase in BT474 via lentiviral expression system was visualized by fluorescent microscopy and IVIS Kinetic image system. The linear correlation between relative luciferase activity and cell number was determined by curve fitting analysis. Coculture or treatment with conditioned medium of hUC-MSC significantly promoted the proliferation of BT474, with survival rates being 148.06 %(P < 0.005)and 147.99 %(P < 0.001)of control, respectively. In addition, treatment with conditioned medium of hUC-MSC was shown to induce activation of both Akt and MAPK signalings, which further upregulated the expression of Cyclin D1. Moreover, high mRNAs expression levels of both NRG-1 and EGF, as well as moderate mRNAs expression levels NRG-2, IGF-Ⅰ, and IGF-Ⅱ were showed by RT-PCR. Conclusion Our results here demonstrated that MSCs may promote the proliferation of luminal B breast cancer cells through paracrine of ligands such as NRG-1, which in turn results in the activation of both Akt and MAPK signalings and upregulation of the expression of Cyclin D1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(81272922);; 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2016J01577);; 福州总医院院内课题国际合作研究专项(2015G01


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    将Zn O纳米线阵列作为模板,采用射频和直流磁控溅射法,结合快速退火工艺制备了Zn O/Ti O2/Ag/Zn Se复合光催化材料。利用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪、透射电镜、紫外可见吸收光度计、拉曼谱仪等仪器分别考察了复合纳米线的形貌、结构、光学性质和催化性能。研究结果表明,在Zn Se半导体敏化和Ag纳米粒子诱导表面等离激元的共振作用下,复合材料在紫外光和可见光方面表现出了良好的光吸收性能和光催化性能

    The effect of nurse initiated patient/family education strategy on people with schizophrenia in Beijing

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    2004-2005 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe


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    采用硅饥饿的培养方法,假微型海链藻(Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasleet Heimdal)得以同步生长.再通过流式细胞仪测定假微型海链藻的细胞周期,荧光显微镜观察假微型海链藻新硅质壁的形成,硅钼黄法检测假微型海链藻在细胞周期各阶段硅含量的变化,研究了假微型海链藻在细胞分裂周期中硅吸收与硅化作用的变化特征及相互间的偶联关系.结果表明:硅饥饿24h后,细胞停滞在G1/S期的边界,重新加入硅后,细胞同步生长.同步化培养后1h和3h,分别是吸收硅、合成新壳环带的主要时期,与G1/S期偶合;第5小时和第7小时,分别是吸收硅、合成新壳面的主要时期,与G2+M期偶合

    A New Design of PPG Pulse Sensor and Noise Analysis

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    脉搏血氧仪能够无创、快速、实时地测量血氧饱和度,光电式脉搏传感器是脉搏血氧仪的重要组成部分。介绍了光电式脉搏传感器的原理和设计方案,采用集成光敏部件和放大器的光敏芯片代替传统的分立光敏器件实现对脉搏的测量。芯片的集成化能够有效减小器件间匹配引起的干扰,提高脉搏测量精度。在实验测试过程中,采用该光电式脉搏传感器对人体的脉搏进行实时测量,对脉搏信号测量可能引起的噪声来源做了分析,并做相应的抗干扰处理,得到比较理想的脉搏波形,为脉搏信息的提取和分析提供了良好的数据。A new photoplethymograph(PPG) pulse sensor for long tern,continuous monitoring is presented in this paper.The PPG pulse sensor is attached to the finger base for monitoring beattobeat pulsation.Comparing with the traditional design,the pulse sensor uses a new integrated chip,which is integrated the photosensitive unit and the signal amplifier.This design can efficiently remove the system noise and improve the precision of measure.In the experiment,using the new PPG pulse sensor can measure the pulse directly from the pulse in real time.At the same time,making the noise analysis and dealing with the measure noise,and getting a good pulse wave.国家自然科学基金(60371012);; 福建省科技重点项目(2002Y021

    2013——2014 香港公共服务满意度:基于连氏城市公共服务满意度数据的实证研究 = Hong Kong's public service satisfaction: an empirical study based on Lien index 2013-2014 surveyed data

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    香港是全球重要的金融、航运和贸易中心城市,九七回归后,香港保持社会稳定和经济增长,在中国经济版图中居于重要地位,其经济社会发展和城市治理是大陆城市、特别是沿海开放城市的参照坐标。香港奉行“小政府,大市场”自由主义经济原则,鼓励企业精神和公平竞争,通过简单低税制、与西方贸易体系接轨的规则制度,和易商环境吸引海外投资发展经济。香港连续 20 年被美国传统基金会和华尔街日报评为最自由经济体,2013 和 2014 两年,世界银行评级香港营商环境为全球第二。 香港公共服务和社会服务提供在长期社会发展变迁中,逐渐形成了政府、社会、市场三者结合的模式,通过明确自身公共服务促进者的角色和责权,政府直接提供的是核心公共服务,如公共医疗,交通,九年免费教育等,其它公共服务则通过非政府组织和市场提供,特别是引入市场机制,政府制定政策法律对各服务提供主体,如公营机构,私营企业,非政府组织等进行公平的监管,提高了服务水平和效率。香港优质的公共服务和社会服务是社会的“稳定器”,如公共交通道路网络安全畅通、便捷,在高密度人口城市达到了高效率;公共医疗基本实现“不让市民因经济原因而得不到适当医疗照顾”,保证了港人享有公平的医疗服务;各种社会保障和专业的社会服务为社会提供了安全网;企业通过低税制和易商环境创新发展等,使港人的生活需求、企业发展与经济繁荣得到保障。Accepted versio


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    Study and Design of the Pulse Oxygen Saturation in Blood Measuring Instrument Based on PIC MCU

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    氧是维护生命的基础,血氧饱和度是人体极为重要的生理参数.血氧饱和度的测量在临床和日常保健中有重大意义.系统是以PIC18C252单片机为核心控制的测量仪,在硬件上实现了使用光传感器采集红光和红外光透过动脉血管后产生的信号电路以及相关的测量电路,实现了与PC机的通信;在软件上实现了以PIC18C252单片机为核心的控制程序,实现了数字信号处理算法和计算人体脉率和血氧饱和度(SaO2)的复杂算法,有效地克服了测量信号的漂移和噪声干扰,从而满足临床生理监护的需要.Oxygen is the base for maintaining life.Oxygen saturation are the very important physiological parameters of human body.The measurement of oxygen saturation in blood has great significance in clinical and daily health care.This paper first analyses the measurement principles and methods in detail.On the basis of comparison among various related pulse oxygen saturation in blood instruments,the paper gives the overall design of pulse oxygen saturation in blood instrument based on PIC18C252 single chip microcomputer.The system is a measurement instrument that takes PIC18C252 as the core control.In hardware,it fulfils the signal circuits and the related measurement circuits by using photo-sensor to collect red light and infrared ray passing through arterial vessel,the communication with personal computer.In software,it implements the control programs that take PIC18C252 single chip microcomputer system as the core,the processing algorithms of numerical signal,and complicated algorithms of computing human's pulse rate and oxygen saturation.This system is effective in overcoming the signal excursion and the noise,so that it can satisfy the need of clinic wardship