5 research outputs found
Research on Price Game and Government Regulation in China’s Housing Market
论文摘要近年来,中国住宅商品价格整体升温,部分地区呈现过热现象,市场出现了投资增长过快、供给结构不合理、房价涨幅过大、空置面积却不断增加等涉及产业健康发展的问题。与此同时,中国楼市也经历了种种政策“过山车”,先是土地的“8•31大限”,后有“国八条”和七部委下发的“意见”以及银行“按揭”贷款利率的不断调高,再有2006年的“国六条”,等等。在政策洗礼下的中国楼市是否真的实现了预期的宏观调控效果?当然,要实现中国楼市健康稳定有序的发展,需要有个过程,但就目前来看,政策高压下的房价增幅尽管有所回落,而上涨势头依然不减,投机性购房有增无减,保障性住房与土地供给缺位,供给结构矛盾仍然突出,...Abstract In recent years, the price of Chinese housing commodity is temperature-elevating overall, the superheat phenomenon presented in some areas, and the market appeared some questions involve the industrial healthy development, they are: the investment grows excessively quickly, the supplies structure was unreasonable, the increase scope of house price oversized, the vacant area increased unce...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_产业经济学学号:B20041601
A Optimized Equilibrium Study Based on the House Price Game Model under Asymmetric Information
目前我国住宅市场存在严重的信息不对称,如何进行规制引起多方关注。首先利用房价博弈模型研究我国住宅市场信息不对称下的非理性均衡和精炼优化的序贯均衡,进而探求政府对市场房价经济优化规制后的理性序贯均衡,以此提出政府对住宅产业的规制方式和对策建议。Currently housing market in China exist serious asymmetric information.This paper from the house price and house quality to construct the reasonable house price judgment standard and deeply analyze the game of the house price's multi nash equilibrium and refined sequential equilibrium,the trend of the market equilibrium,the irrational equilibrium paths create under asymmetric Information.Finally,give conceive of the government incentive price economic regulation,and use the game model to identify the rational housing market equilibrium under economic optimized regulation and give the industry economic regulation method and suggestion.福建省社科规划项目《中国城市住宅价格:基于不完全市场下的经济性管制研究》(2006B071
Set up urban housing security system: a study based on relative problems brought by cheap renting house
当前房地产市场供给结构性矛盾突出,面向中低收入阶层的经济适用房所占比例较低,对解决中低收入家庭的住房需求作用有限;面向最低收入家庭的廉租住宅严重“缺位”,对城市发展过程中廉租房的相关问题进行了研究,目的在于构建面向住房弱势群体的城市住房保障制度。Inconsistency of supply and demand structure in real estate market is serious now.The proportion of relatively lower priced houses which are supplied to the middle and low income groups is rather low,so it has limit effect on resolving the housing needs of middle and low income family.And,the supply of cheap renting house to the lowest income family is serious shortage.This paper researches on some questions about cheap renting house in the development of city in order to construct city housing guarantee system for the house disadvantageous group