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    文化按其本性既具有经济上的“文化产业化”的向度,也具有人文上的“文化的人化”的向度,比 较而言,前者侧重于追求“经济效益”的“文化产业”,后者侧重于追求“社会效益”的“文化事业”.文化作 为一种“产业”强调的是对外“竞争力”,文化作为一种“事业”,强调的是对内“凝聚力”.在当代中国,“文 化的产业化”被过多地强调,而“文化的人化”则相对被冷落.当代中国文化的繁荣与发展,不能厚此薄 彼,也不可顾此失彼,而应遵循文化发展的基本规律,在“文化产业”与“文化事业”之间寻求平衡与张力.国家社科基金一般项目“全球视野下中国话语体系建构与中国话语权提升研究”(16BKS093)的阶段性成果

    From Political Emancipation to Human Liberation --on the Basis of On the Jewish Question and An Introduction to Critique of Hagel' s Philosophy

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    马克思政治哲学的思想贡献之一,就在于“政治解放”与“人的解放”既紧密联系又相对区分。在马克思的语境中,“政治解放”主要是反对封建专制,首要问题是享有公民权和人权;人的解放的任务则是使人从资本主义市民社会的物化、物役与自私自利的利己主义中解放出来,真正实现人的类本质,进而确立人的全面发展基础上的自由个性。人的解放的实质就是批判资本主义市民社会把人变成孤立的且相互敌对的利己主义个人,消解“人对物的依赖”,从“我”走向“我们”。One of the contributions of Marx' s political philosophy is that "political emancipation" and "human liberation" are closely related and relatively differentiated. Marx in the context of "political emancipation" is mainly against feudal autocracy, the primary issue is the civil rights and human rights;human liberation is the task of the liberation of people, from the civil society of capitalism and the enslavement of egoistic self - interest, to realize human nature and then establish the comprehensive development of the free personality. The essence of human liberation is to criticize capitalist civil society and turn people into isolated and hostile individualism, and to eliminate "human dependence on things" from "I" to "we".2015年全国高校优秀中青年思想政治理论课教师择优资助计划“马克思主义基本原理概论课教学话语体系创新研究”(15JDSZK023)的研究成果

    Modernity Ideology and Its Problems in the Critical Vision of Marx's Civil Society

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    鲍金,上海交通大学马克思主义学院副教授、博士生导师;潘虹旭,上海交通大学马克思主义学院博士研究生。【中文摘要】按照马克思的观点,具有普遍性形式的意识形态总是维护“自己的利益”,这表明意识形态的存在根基是特殊的。依据这一点,能够发现现代性意识形态始终发挥着确证市民社会之合法性的历史功能,即现代性意识形态在本质上是市民社会的理论表现。从市民社会批判视域出发,马克思紧紧抓住自由、平等和所有权这三个现代性意识形态要素,深刻剖析了作为自然权利的 自由、权利平等的理念和私人财产权的原则的本质规定性及其运动机理,揭示出市民社会的“反权利”本质,指明了现代性意识形态的深层问题。这对于在理论上辨析现代性意识形态、在实践上提升意识形态应变能力和维护意识形态安全,具有重要的价值。 【Abstract】From Marx's point of view,ideology in the universal form is concerned with preserving “its own interests” ,indicating that it has an existential foundation. Based on this,we can find that modernity ideology consistently performs the historical function of confirming the legitimacy of civil society ;in other words,modernity ideology is essentially the theoretical expression of civil society. From the perspective of civil society criticism,Marx firmly grasped the three elements of modernity ideology-freedom,equality and ownership,conducted an in - depth analysis of the essence of freedom, equality of rights as natural rights,the principle of private property rights,and its movement mechanism. He also revealed the “anti - right” essence of civil society,and identified the deep problems of modernity ideology. It is of great value to analyze modernity ideology in theory,enhance the adaptability of ideology,and maintain the security of ideology in practice.国家社会科学基金一般项目“整体性视阈中的习近平马克思主义观研究”(18BKS036