312 research outputs found


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    A novel function of TR3 dependent on TRAPγ in regulation of ER-Stress response

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    核受体蛋白TR3具有核浆穿梭的功能,TR3的不同亚细胞定位决定了其发挥不同的生理功能。TR3转运出核至线粒体启动细胞凋亡的结论,已被广泛地研究报道。然而,最新研究表明在神经母瘤细胞及食道癌细胞系中,凋亡诱导剂CD437也能够诱导TR3转运至内质网上,诱发钙库耗竭并启动内质网应激相关的细胞凋亡。内质网跨膜蛋白TRAP是内质网膜上蛋白转位子的组成部分,与蛋白转运有关;并且能够参与内质网应激引起的未折叠蛋白反应UPR(UnfoldedProteinResponse)中非正常折叠蛋白的输出。尽管两种蛋白都与内质网应激具有一定关联,然而目前并没有文章报导它们之间的相关性。 本文研究中,我们首次发现了T...TR3, an orphan receptor, exerts distinct biological functions in cells dependent on its subcelluar localization. It has been widely reported that translocation of TR3 to the mitochondria triggers cell apoptosis. However, the latest research shows that upon CD437 treatment, TR3 translocates from the nucleus to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in Human neuroblastoma cells and human esophageal squamous...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物医学科学系_细胞生物学专业学号:2162007115199

    Optimization of the Channel of JC Electroplating Material Company

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    电镀作为制造业的基础工艺之一,广泛应用于各种行业,是无法取代的服务性行业,电镀工业已逐渐融合并进入了多个产业的加工生产工序,有着很大的发展空间,JC公司作为专业生产电镀材料—硫酸镍、氯化镍(简称为镍盐)的厂家面临着巨大的机会和挑战。作为中小企业的JC公司,能否在市场竞争中运用营销渠道的理论知识对公司的渠道进行优化非常重要,渠道优化是保证市场竞争优势的关键,也是保障JC公司在国内电镀企业产业转型升级中立于不败之地的重中之重。 本文通过对JC公司电镀镍盐材料业务的销售、渠道现状和存在的问题进行了分析,充分论述了运用渠道策略、服务营销及市场细分与定位等基本理论对JC公司电镀镍盐业务进行营销渠道瓶颈...Plating as one of the basis of the manufacturing process, widely used in various industries, is unable to replace the service industry. Electroplating has gradually merged into the multiple industry production process, and has the very big development space. As a medium-sized enterprise, whether JC company in company's channel optimizing in market competition with the theories of marketing channel...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115093


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    岡大温研報 第8号 正誤表

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