7 research outputs found
交叉学科是从基础学科产生和发展起来的,是取得突破性原创性成果的重要途径,是解决重大技术、社会问题的必然选择,更是培养创新型人才的有效依托。环境毒理学这一交叉学科包含的基础学科有生物学、化学、数学、物理学等,是环境科学重要的分支。由于环境毒理学需要有多个基础学科的知识储备、内容更新快、实践性强,因此不容易组织教学以及培养相关人才。文章针对环境毒理学这一交叉学科特点,对教学、科研、人才培养所表现的特点以及存在的问题进行阐述,并提出和讨论可能的解决方案。Interdisciplinary subjects developing from basic science are important for innovative achievements, provide soils for the growth of distinct scientists and specialist and are the consequence of the development of modern science and society. Environmental Toxicology is the inter-discipline of biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics, and is an essential component of Environmental Science. The study of Environmental Toxicology requires strong background in many subjects in basic science, keeping updated of the cutting-edge development of knowledge, and experience in practical issues, which raises the difficulty and challenge in teaching and personnel training. The present paper discussed the issues existing in the teaching of Environmental Toxicology and provided insights of the possible solutions
Insist on the Strategy of Forestry Sustainable Developmnet
该文分析比较了前人在杉木林和火力楠林两种林分的林冠、枯枝落叶层、土壤结构与肥力、土壤微生物等因素保持水土方面的研究成果,从战略上提出了长泰县林业可持续发展对策。The paper analyzes and makes comparison among the research achievements in water and soil conservation by leaves, defoliation layer,soil structure and fertility, soil microorganism in fir woods and nanmu woods,put forward,from the strategic poinlview ,the countermeasures for forestry sustainable development in Changtai County
由人为活动排放的二氧化碳(CO2)而引起的海洋酸化,预计将影响对热带、亚热带海域的初级生产力有显著贡献的固氮浮游植物。本研究揭示了海洋酸化对优势固氮蓝藻束毛藻(Trichodesmium spp.)的生长和固氮的影响及其机理。研究表明,虽然海洋酸化中的CO2升高对束毛藻有促进效应,但酸化的整体效应为抑制其固氮和生长。究其原因,海洋酸化引起束毛藻胞质pH下降,从而降低固氮酶效率、干扰胞内pH稳态、影响细胞产能。在铁限制条件下,由于有限的铁难以满足束毛藻响应海洋酸化胁迫所做出的生理响应,因而铁限制加剧了海洋酸化对束毛藻的负面影响
Reduced nitrogenase efficiency dominates response of the globally important nitrogen fixer Trichodesmium to ocean acidification
工业革命以来,海洋吸收了约三分之一人为排放的CO2,以迄今3亿年来最快的速度酸化(CO2升高、pH下降),这势必影响海洋生态系统的关键过程和功能。研究团队创新性地从区分海洋酸化过程中CO2上升和pH下降的双重效应入手,揭示了海水CO2升高的正效应小于pH下降的负效应,故酸化的净效应为抑制束毛藻的固氮作用。这是因为酸化引起束毛藻胞质 pH下降,从而降低固氮酶效率、干扰胞内pH稳态、影响细胞产能。在上述研究工作的基础上,进一步系统地测定了固氮和光合系统蛋白的表达量及其含铁量,建立了一个束毛藻的“资源最优化分配”细胞模型。实现了实验数据和数值模型的紧密结合:实验数据是构筑模型的坚实基础,并提高了模型的预测水平;通过模型模拟,加深了对实验发现的认知,并对实验结论进行了时空拓展。
罗亚威博士和史大林博士为论文的共同第一作者和共同通讯作者,史大林课题组的洪海征教授、研究助理沈容和博士生张福婷为共同作者。论文的共同作者还包括美国佛罗里达州立大学助理教授Sven Kranz博士和乔治亚大学副教授Brian Hopkinson博士。【Abstract】The response of the prominent marine dinitrogen (N2)-fixing cyanobacteria Trichodesmium to ocean acidification (OA) is critical to understanding future oceanic biogeochemical cycles. Recent studies have reported conflicting findings on the effect of OA on growth and N2 fixation of Trichodesmium. Here, we quantitatively analyzed experimental data on how Trichodesmium reallocated intracellular iron and energy among key cellular processes in response to OA, and integrated the findings to construct an optimality-based cellular model. The model results indicate that Trichodesmium growth rate decreases under OA primarily due to reduced nitrogenase efficiency. The downregulation of the carbon dioxide (CO2)-concentrating mechanism under OA has little impact on Trichodesmium, and the energy demand of anti-stress responses to OA has a moderate negative effect. We predict that if anthropogenic CO2 emissions continue to rise, OA could reduce global N2 fixation potential of Trichodesmium by 27% in this century, with the largest decrease in iron-limiting regions.This work was funded by the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0601404 and 2016YFA0601203), NSFC (41476093, 41721005, 41890802, 31861143022 and 41376116), and the MEL internal research fund (MELRI1502).本项研究得到了国家重点研发计划(2016YFA0601404 和2016YFA0601203)以及国家自然科学基金系列项目(41476093, 41721005, 41890802, 31861143022 和41376116)的资助
Photosynthetic pigments in seawater of Xiamen Harbor
应用反相高效液相色谱 (RP HPLC)方法分析测定了冬季厦门鼓浪屿水文观测站两周内不同潮位海水中的光合色素的组成与含量 ,包括多甲藻素、1 9 己酰基氧化岩藻黄素、硅甲藻黄素、硅藻黄素、玉米黄素、叶绿素a、脱镁叶绿素a、β 胡萝卜素等 .同时还实测了小球藻、金藻、盐藻、甲藻、角毛藻、螺旋藻等多个实验室培养藻种的色素组成 .数据表明 ,不同种类的藻类具有不同的色素组成特征 ,从海水中光合色素的分析数据可推测其浮游植物主要种类组成情况 .潮汐的水动力情况在色素组成变化上有所反映 ,表明港内外的浮游植物组成分布有梯度存在 ,且在特征上有所不同 .Photosynthetic pigments in seawater samples of Xiamen Harbor in winter have been measured by HPLC, and pigments of some cultured species of phytoplankton have also been measured, such as Chaetoceros sp., Prorocentrum cassubicum,Isochrysis galbana, Dunaliella salina, Spirulina platensis, Synechococcus sp. The data of about 15 kinds of pigments are obtained, including chloropyllide a, chlorophyll c, peridinin, 19'-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin, fucoxanthin, 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin,violaxanthin, diadinoxanthin, diatoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll a, phaeophytin a, beta-carotene. The abilities of pigments indicating phytoplankton in seawater of Xiamen Harbor are discussed and results shows that tidal current is a most important controller to abundance and specific composition of phytoplankton and pigments indicate that diatom and chrysophyceae are the main phytoplankton.国家自然科学基金资助项目 (4 980 6 0 0 4
Mechanisms of hexabromocyclododecanes induced developmental toxicity in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) embryos
National Science Foundation of China [41206090]; Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China [20120121120032]; Recruitment Program of Global Youth ExpertsHexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) are widely used as additive brominated flame retardants, and are now ubiquitous contaminants in the environmental media and biota, including the marine environment and marine organisms. However, the impacts of HBCDs on marine fish are not well known. In this study the embryos of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) were used to assess the developmental toxicity of HBCDs. Freshly fertilized marine medaka embryos were exposed to various concentrations of technical HBCD (tHBCD, 0, 5, 20 and 50 mu g/L) until the first fry stage, and hatch success, morphology and cardiac function were examined. In all the exposure groups (5,20 and 50 mu g/L) tHBCD significantly increased the embryo heart beats. The measurement of sinus venosus-bulbus arteriosus (SV-BA) distance indicated that tHBCD significantly enlarged the SV-BA distance at exposure concentrations of 20 and 50 mu g/L. The malformation rate at the first fry stage was also induced by tHBCD in a dose dependent manner, with the formation of pericardial edema and yolk sac edema as the most frequently observed malformation. In addition, the concentrations of total HBCD isomers (Sigma HBCDs) in embryos in the current study were comparative with environmental levels and increased with increasing exposure duration. Furthermore, exposure to tHBCD also induced the level of 8-oxodG, a representative oxidative DNA damage. The mechanisms of HBCD-induced developmental toxicity were further explored by TUNEL assay, gel-based quantitative proteomic approach and measurement of the expression of several stress responsive genes, such as p53, TNE-alpha, IL-1 beta, CYP1A, COX-1 and COX-2, together with the activities of caspases. The results suggested that HBCDs exposure at environmentally realistic concentrations induced oxidative stress and apoptosis, and suppressed nucleotide and protein synthesis, which all together resulted in developmental toxicity, particularly in the cardiovascular system, in the embryos of O. melastigrna. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
The complex effects of ocean acidifiaction on the prominent N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium
史大林教授为论文的通讯作者,其课题组成员洪海征副教授为论文第一作者,研究助理沈容、博士生张福婷和温作柱等为研究骨干;论文的合作者还包括来自我实验室和美国佛罗里达州立大学、普林斯顿大学的科学家。【Abstract】Acidification of seawater caused by anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) is anticipated to influence the
growth of dinitrogen (N2)–fixing phytoplankton, which contribute a large fraction of primary production in the tropical and subtropical ocean. We found that growth and N2-fixation of the ubiquitous cyanobacterium Trichodesmium
decreased under acidified conditions, notwithstanding a beneficial effect of high CO2. Acidification resulted in low cytosolic pH and reduced N2-fixation rates despite elevated nitrogenase concentrations. Low cytosolic pH required increased proton pumping across the thylakoid membrane and elevated adenosine triphosphate production. These requirements were not satisfied under field or experimental iron-limiting conditions, which greatly amplified the negative effect of acidification.该研究工作得到了中组部“青年千人计划”、国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年科学基金”和面上项目、国家重点研发计划等的资助