599 research outputs found

    Exploration of the Reform in Port Management System from the “Three ones” of Customs and Inspection and Quarantine Cooperation

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    随着国际贸易的快速发展和我国“一带一路”战略构想的提出,对外贸易发展对口岸通关模式提出了更高的要求。在此背景下,对口岸通关时效影响最大的海关与检验检疫部门提出了全新的“三个一”通关作业改革,即:“一次申报、一次查验、一次放行”。改革试点的初期,“三个一”改革取得了积极而卓有成效的社会影响,海关、检验检疫将监管与服务充分融合,有效地降低了试点企业的贸易成本,提高了口岸的通关时效。但是随着“三个一”改革的全面推广,该模式带来的便利性和时效性受限于整个口岸管理体制而逐步降低。“三个一”改革遇到的困难与阻力表明了口岸通关环境的深度改善难以单纯依靠部门联系配合办法或联席会议机制解决,只有大步推进管理体制...With the rapid development of international trade and the proposing of Chinese "the Belt and Road" initiative, foreign trade development has higher requirements on customs clearance. In this instance, the customs and the quarantine department put forward a completely new “Three Ones” customs clearance operation reform, namely "one time declaration, one time inspection and one time release". At the...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392013115034

    Study on algae-laden water treatment of dissolved air flotation integrated with ·OH strong oxidation

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    我国饮用水水源约有25%是湖泊水或河流库区水库水,高藻发生的频率与严重程度都呈现迅猛的增长趋势,因藻类大量繁殖引起的水源污染,造成自来水厂被迫减产或停产,严重地威胁城市供水和饮用水安全。本论文针对厦门九龙江北溪流域日益严峻的富营养化及水华爆发危及饮用水安全的重大问题,以大气压强电离放电生成羟基自由基(•OH)致死高藻水中藻类为核心,建立高效、经济、安全的高藻水处理的组合工艺,取得的主要成果如下: (1)以强电场电离放电产生•OH为核心,建立气浮-•OH强氧化组合工艺。在强电场电离放电形式下,O2解离、电离生成O2+、O(1D)、O(3P)等氧活性粒子,通过...About 25% of drinking water sources in China are lake or reservoir water in rivers, but there is a rapid growth in algae bloom frequency and severity in these water sources. The water pollution caused by algae bloom forces the waterworks to reduce the output or even stop production. This study aims at solving the increasing serious problems of eutrophication and algae bloom in Jiulong River in Xia...学位:工学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境工程学号:3312012115163

    The Research of the Relationship for Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance of Pharmaceutical Listed Companies in China

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    如何提高公司经营绩效是上市公司关注的焦点之一。公司相关利益主体通过合约安排形成特定的公司治理结构,这种所有权与经营权分离下的相互制衡机制,可以有效防范内部管理层做出损害公司利益和股东利益的决策和行为,避免影响企业的长期有序发展。然而,股权结构对公司绩效有何影响?上市公司应该采取怎样的股权结构?优化后的股权结构是否能够显著提高公司绩效水平?这些问题一直备受关注。 医药行业关乎国计民生、经济发展和社会进步,其行业地位不言而喻。然而医药行业高技术性、高风险性、高收益性的特征,决定了其股权结构安排不同于其他行业。在我国资本市场改革不断深入和上市公司治理制度不断完善的背景下,一些医药上市公司的股权结构...How to improve the company's operating performance is one of the focus of attention of listed companies. By contractual arrangements, stakeholders form specific corporate governance structure. The balances mechanism under the separation of ownership and managerial authority can effectively prevent the behaviors of damaging the interests of the company's and the shareholders'. It can ensure the lon...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融硕士学号:1562014115208

    The studies about the role of auxin in regulating alternative polyadenylation

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    生长素广泛参与了植物生长和发育过程的调控。然而人们仍然没有完全了解其行使这些调控功能的内在分子机制。特别是,生长素对信使RNA前体转录后调节方面的影响几乎不为人所知。通过使用本实验室创建的多聚腺苷化末端测序技术,我们揭示了生长素处理条件下选择性多聚腺苷化图谱。我们的研究表明在转录水平上,665个多聚腺苷化簇的使用水平被生长素调节;生长素降低多聚腺苷化簇在5'末端非编码区的分布,同时增加在3'末端非编码区的分布。通过对单个基因多个腺苷化位点使用率的分析,我们发现42个基因的选择性多聚腺苷化位点的使用比例发生了倒挂,这暗示生长素能够影响选择性多聚腺苷化位点的选择。同时,多聚腺苷化识别信号在生长素处...Auxin is widely involved in the regulation of plant growth and development. However, the molecular mechanisms that explain how auxin carries out this regulatory work are mostly unclear. In particular, the impact of auxin on pre-mRNA posttranscriptional regulation is mostly unknown. By using a poly(A) tag (PAT) sequencing approach mRNA alternative polyadenylation (APA) profiles after auxin treatmen...学位:博士后院系专业:环境与生态学院_生态学学号:201417002


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    Estimation in Partially Linear Spatial Lag Panel Model with Fixed Effects

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    本文构建了一类部分线性固定效应空间滞后面板模型,在此模型中,综合考虑了固定效应、参数自变量和非参数自变量的影响。基于截面拟极大似然估计方法对模型的参数部分和非参数部分进行了估计,并在个体数n和时期数T都很大的情况下,推导估计量的大样本表现。研究结果表明,在大样本条件下,估计量具有一致性,参数估计量满足渐近正态分布并且收敛速度为(nT)~(1/2)。We proposed a class of partially linear spatial lag panel model with fixed effects. The influence of fixed effect,parameter and nonparametric independent variables are considered synthetically in the model.The parametric and nonparametric parts of the model are estimated on the basis of the profile quasi-maximum likelihood estimation,and asymptotic properties for the estimators are deduced under the condition that the number of individuals and the number of periods are large. The results show that,under large sample conditions,the estimators are consistent and the parameter estimator satisfies the asymptotic normal distribution and the convergence rate is (nT)~(1/2).国家社会科学基金重大项目“资本存量核算的理论、方法研究与相关数据库建设”(15ZDB135)的阶段成

    Comparison and Thinking of Western Government Office Automation System

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    高效合理的政府办公自动化系统(OA)是当前政府科学决策的基础,是改善公共服务的重要条件,是政府服务能力的集中体现。只有在实现了真正意义上的办公自动化之后,才能使政府信息化的其他各项应用效果得以充分发挥,企业和公众才能够享受到电子政府提供的高质量的公共服务。本文首先通过文献研究总结了办公自动化和电子政府的相关理论,在前人研究的基础上借鉴西方政府较为成熟的办公自动化系统的成功实践经验,对电子文化管理、电子邮件管理、内部信息管理、工作流程管理等功能性需求进行比较分析和梳理归纳,力图得出一些有益的经验总结,为政府办公自动化系统走入科学化、制度化、合理化提出一点思路。 本文大致分为五个部分,首先叙述了...Efficient and reasonable government office automation system is the basis of government scientific decision, is the important requirement to improve public services, is the embodies of government services capacity. Only really achieve office automation can improve the effective of government information, what’s more,the enterprises and public can share the high—quality public service. This passage...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:1392007115066

    Study on System of Group Action

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    伴随着我国经济的迅猛发展与社会转型期的矛盾凸显,群体性纠纷成为了我国司法界不得不面对的严峻问题。作为我国的群体性纠纷解决模式,代表人诉讼制度在司法实践运行中日益式微,制度内在缺陷极大制约了其对”扩散型”小额多数权利的救济。本文通过对德国团体诉讼制度进行全面梳理,为我国在群体性纠纷解决模式中引入团体诉讼制度提供理论上的论证及建议。全文除引言和结语外,共分为四章。 第一章团体诉讼制度概述。团体诉讼制度是法律授权的特定社会团体以独立当事人地位提起“一对一”形式的公益保护之诉,具有保护公共利益、平衡诉讼双方力量、弥补诉讼动力缺失等价值功能。本章分析各派学说之后界定了诉权基础性质——公益诉讼信托。 ...Along with the rapid development of China’s economy, multi-party action becomes a severe problem that the judiciary of our country has to face. As our country’s group-disputees resolution model, representative action system increasingly declines in judicial practice, and the system of internal defects greatly restricts the relief for multi-party disputes with small claims. This discourse attempts ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_诉讼法学学号:1292007115020