123 research outputs found

    On the Legal Defense in Crime of Abducting and Trafficking in Women

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    中文摘要 本文共分三部分,以一起被拐卖妇女正当防卫杀死人贩子的案件为引子,综合运用正当防卫的基本理论和相关的刑法学、犯罪学知识逐层论证分析了“拐卖妇女犯罪中正当防卫的特殊性”问题。 前言首先指出由于我国拐卖妇女犯罪发案居高不下,伴随而来的被拐卖妇女对人贩子正当防卫的案件也是屡见不鲜。接着以一起被拐卖妇女正当防卫杀死人贩子的案件为例,提出了拐卖妇女犯罪中正当防卫有其特殊性的问题。 第一部分,首先介绍该案的案情和相关案件的背景,并就该案是否成立正当防卫以及是否符合防卫限度提出法理疑惑。 第二部分,先介绍正当防卫的构成要件的相关理论,为接下来对该案例进行法理分析做好理论准备,随后将该案审理过...ABSTRACT This article has three parts.Fristly, the case of woman who was adbucted killed criminal would be the clue.Then according to the fundamental theory of legal defense and relevant knowledge of criminal juriprudence and criminology, I will analyse the paticularity of legal defense in the crime of abducting and trafficking in women. In preface, I point out the rate of exposed cases is high....学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法学学号:X200812008

    Research on Visualization and Virtual Surgery of Liver and its Vessel Based on CT Data Set

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    虚拟器官的建模与仿真是当前国际上生物医学工程领域研究的前沿课题。肝脏作为人体最大的实质性脏器,其建模与仿真系统的实现具有十分重大的科学价值和实用意义。肝脏的管道系统是人体内最复杂的管道系统之一,分析其拓扑及形态结构不仅可以应用于解剖教学,更有助于肝脏外科手术规划的制定。本课题中,我们首先探索出一种对DICOM格式的CT数据进行半自动图像分割的方法。并在此基础上重建出肝脏与其内部管道的表面模型。接着运用我们提出的基于平滑的模型简化算法对模型进行平滑与简化。之后,提取出肝脏管道的骨骼线,并给合管道的表面模型实现了管道的交互式分析。最后使用以上结果实现了一个用于肝癌栓塞治疗的初步手术仿真系统。本课题...The modeling and simulation of virtual organ is one of the frontier areas of biomedicine research. As the largest internal organ within human body, liver plays an significant role in modeling and simulation from academic or practical respect. Hepatic vessel system is one of the most complex vessel systems in human body. The morphology and topology analysis of the hepatic vessel system is vital for...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:20022802


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    选题意义:近几年来,由于国内经济发展速度减缓,有效需求不足,财政和货币政策难以启动消费市场,大多数商品呈现供过于求或供求平衡的状况,于是,如何扩大内需,拉动经济增长,成了政府经济部门及经济学者广泛探讨的话题。与此同时,教育市场却供不应求,供需矛盾因教育经费投入不足而长期无法得到解决。特别是随着人们对教育的日益重视及对知识需求的不断提高,这一矛盾越发突出,教育已日益成为社会关注的热点。理论界对此进行了深入的探讨,可以说,教育产业问题不仅是涉及到教育基本性质的理论问题,也是关系到当前教育政策及今后教育可持续健康发展的重大现实问题。 论文重点:本文尝试从产业经济学的角度,对高等教育的产业属性进行分...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_产业经济学学号:19981601


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    The research of Tax assessment in Zhangzhou national tax system

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    经济决定税收,是税收的来源,税收征管活动使得潜在的税源转化为现实的税收收入。我国当前经济社会环境正面临着巨大的转变和不确定性,税务机关必须面对经济的全球化、企业经营日益复杂化等问题带来的冲击和挑战,税务机关既要提供优质、高效、低成本的纳税服务,也要积极发现和矫正不遵从税法的行为,创设公平的税收软环境。纳税评估作为我们目前对纳税人申报纳税情况开展定性及定量判断的一个重要手段,是我们税源管理的关键环节。 随着我国经济社会的发展,税收征管质量要求日益提高,在深化税收征管改革的新形势下,对基层税务机关的纳税评估实践进行研究显得尤为必要。本文以纳税评估为研究对象,通过运用文献分析、案例分析、访谈调查等...Economy determines tax, tax comes from economy. The potential tax sources are converted into the reality of tax revenue by Tax collection and management. The current economic and social environment in China is facing a huge change and uncertainty. Tax authority will be in the face of impacts and challenges which are brought by the problems such as economic globalization and the increasing and comp...学位:税务硕士院系专业:经济学院_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552012115180

    The Relations of Interface Design of Digital Game-based Learning Systems to Flow Experience and Cognitive Load of Learners with Different Levels of Prior Knowledge—The Effects of the Five Dimensions of Interface Design, including System Features, Cognitive Support, Effectiveness, User Control, and Playfulness

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    [[abstract]]Many studies have indicated interest in learning digital game-based learning has become an effective teaching strategies and teaching tools. In the past decades, empirical studies showed that digital game-based can enhance learners’ cognitive, affective and skills as learning objectives. Current research focused on how the new technology integrated into teaching strategies and teaching interest in digital learning system for the learners with different back-grounds and characteristics. Many studies have shown that learning process in which the flow experience for learning has a significant impact. In addition, re-searches have also pointed out that the multi-media materials presentation and system interface design will affect the learning of learners carrying out the ex-ternal and the proliferation of cognitive load. The excessive amount of cogni-tive load for learning will have a negative impact. Research indicates that learn-er’s prior knowledge and learning strategies to influence the flow of experience in the heart of learners, learning outcomes and cognitive load of the main fac-tors. Digital game-based system design includes the design of teaching content and system interface design. Previous studies have mostly concentrated on teaching the content of the application of the principles of instructional design. According to previous studies, the interface design of learning system will af-fect learner's learning, motivation, satisfaction, learning efficiency, and quality of interaction and so on. Therefore, the digital learning system interface design became an important factor toward learning. There are many studies have shown the system visibility, cognitive support, efficiency, user control, joyful-ness are the important aspects of learning system design. Some scholars have pointed out that the learning system in the interface design should not be as high as possible on each aspect. In other words, the system interface design and flow experience, cognitive load and the relationship between the effectiveness of learning is not a simple linear correlation curve but curvilinear correlations. But very little empirical research has done about what extent is the "moderate" or "best" design. In addition, for learners of different backgrounds should have different design. Therefore, the purpose of this study were to explore digital game-based mobile learning system visibility, cognitive support, efficiency, us-er-controlled, and joyfulness for different prior knowledge learners’ flow expe-rience, cognitive load and learning achievement.[[sponsorship]]HCI International[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20140622~20140627[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Creta Maris, Heraklion, Crete, Greec

    Active H_∞ fault-tolerant control design and online optimal selection schemes of fault-tolerant controllers

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    本文设计了主动H∞容错控制器及其在线优化选择的多种容错控制策略,并且构造了“离线设计在线选择“容错控制模式下故障模式与容错控制器的多对多映射关系.首先,提出了针对给定故障模型的H∞容错控制器设计方法,离线设计了可恢复故障模式的容错控制器;其次,根据不同的需求,设计了3种方法缩小故障模式与容错控制器的所有可容错映射关系;然后,提出了4种主动容错控制器在线优化选择策略来满足不同的优化需求,提高容错控制性能;最后,仿真验证了所提出的主动H∞容错控制器及在线优化选择策略的有效性.This paper proposes an active H∞fault-tolerant control and optimal schemes for selecting a controller online, and constructs many-to-many mappings between fault modes and controllers under the "off-line design, online selection"fault-tolerant structure.According to the specific fault model, the active H∞fault-tolerant control is designed off-line for every recoverable fault mode.Then, three methods are presented to shrink all fault-tolerant mappings between fault modes and fault-tolerant controllers for different requirements.As a result, four selection schemes are proposed to choose a proper controller from a given set of controllers for a given fault mode.These four selections are designed for different requirements to improve the fault-tolerant performances of systems.Finally, a simulation is performed to illustrate and validate the effectiveness of the active H∞fault-tolerant controllers and the selection schemes.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61304110;61273162

    Design and Analysis of Nonlinear H_∞ Guidance Law

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    针对导弹拦截目标制导过程中的测量噪声和干扰以及未知目标机动,本文提出了具有严格解析形式的三维非线性H∞导引律的设计方法。通过构建基于改进极坐标系下的三维弹目相对运动方程和存在多种测量噪声和干扰下的弹目相对运动方程,归纳推导出简洁的导弹拦截目标的系统方程;利用非线性H∞控制理论构造相应的HJI偏微分方程不等式,并且提出了HJI偏微分方程不等式的一种解法,得到了一组解析解,同时得到了拦截系统的一个正定储能函数,进而构造了非线性H∞导引律;通过分析非线性H∞导引律的设计方法和几项关键的制导拦截影响因素,定性指出了如何调整设计参数能够有效对抗各种不利因素,提高制导性能;最后,仿真研究验证了非线性H∞导引律的有效性和定性分析的有效性。An analytical three-dimensional nonlinear H∞guidance law is designed for coping with measurement noise and disturbance and unknown target maneuvering in the process of a missile intercepting an attacking target.By building a three-dimensional relative motion equation between the missile and the target in the modified polar coordinate and a relative motion equation between the missile and the target involving many types of measurement noise and disturbance,a simplified system equation of the missile intercepting the target is deduced.Then the corresponding HJI partial differential inequality is constructed by using nonlinear control theory.And then a solution method of HJI partial differential inequality is offered.Thus a set of analytical solutions and a positive definite storage function are obtained,and then the analytical three-dimensional nonlinear H∞guidance law is designed successfully.By analyzing the relationship of the design parameters of nonlinear H∞guidance law and several key interception factors of guidance,the analysis qualitatively points out that how to adjust design parameters can deal with a variety of adverse factors and improve guidance performance further more.Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law and the effectiveness of the qualitative analysis.国家自然科学青年基金(61304110;61301008); 航空科学基金(20140768003

    Anti-tension technology of slipway in long-stroke horizontal vibration table

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    为了解决长行程水平向振动台中管线对滑台牵拉引起的输出波形失真问题,提出一种带动管线跟踪滑台同步运动的随动装置设计方法.建立管线牵拉力作用下的水平向振动台机电耦合动力学模型,计算管线牵拉力对振动台输出波形失真度的影响;设计一种基于光栅尺的滑台随动装置,带动随动平台与滑台做同步运动,滑台上的管线经随动平台后引出,此时管线的牵拉力直接作用在随动平台上,而滑台上受到的牵拉力趋于零.试验结果表明,通过增设滑台随动装置,水平向振动台在做超低频大行程振动时的输出波形失真度得到极大的改善.In order to solve the problem of output waveform distortion due to the pipes and wires' tension in a long-stroke horizontal vibration table,a follow-up-gear design technology was put forward which drove the pipes and wires to move synchronously with the slipway.The electromechanical coupling kinetic model of a horizontal vibration table was analyzed considering the tension of pipes and wires in it,and the influences of tension forces of the pipes and wires on the output waveform distortion of the horizontal vibration table was calculated.A follow-up gear for the slipway was developed based on a precise linear encoder,and drove a following table moving synchronously with the slipway.And the pipes and wires on the slipway were led out through the following table,on which the tension forces directly acted,but the tension force on the slipway drove to zero.The experimental results indicate that the output waveform distortion improves greatly after adding the follow-up gear when the horizontal vibration table works in long-stroke and ultra-low-frequency motion.新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-08-0494);浙江省“钱江人才计划”资助项目(2009R10026);浙江省重点科技创新团队建设资助项目(2009R50008