149 research outputs found

    pyrolyzed hemin/C as non-platinum cathodic eletrocatalyst for direct methanol fuel cells

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    受氧还原(ORR)慢动力学影响和贵金属催化剂成本高、利用效率低的限制,阴极氧还原电催化剂已成为制约质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)商业化的主要因素之一。金属卟啉(porphyrin)类大环化合物具有高的共轭结构和化学稳定性,在酸性条件下对分子氧有好的电催化还原活性,而且它在直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)中避免了从阳极透过的甲醇在阴极反应造成的电位损失,这使其成为氧还原电极非常有希望的非贵金属氧还原电催化剂。生命体系极为普通地采用铁卟啉(Heme)类——线粒体(细胞的动力工厂)中的主要活性中心——进行氧还原反应为生命体系提供能量,历史极为悠久(超过二十亿年),这为我们指明了的研究方向。 本论文创...Abstract Cathode catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) become the main challenge of commercialization of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), limited by not only slow dynamics of ORR, but also the high cost and low availability of noble metal catalysts. Macrocyclic compounds of metalloporphyrin have high conjugation structure and chemical stability, as well as good electrocatalytic...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2052007115098

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance in China

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    20世纪80年代以来,公司治理问题一直是政府、企业界和学术界关注的热点问题。进入90年代以后,各种国际组织针对公司治理问题纷纷发表一系列文件,各国政府也纷纷发表有关公司治理的指引,修改或制订相关法律,以改善公司治理机制,提高企业竞争力。与此同时,我国公司治理方向的改革也在不断的摸索中进行。经过放权让利、承包经营、股份制改造以及现代企业制度的改革,我国的改革已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩。但是,国有企业“所有者缺位”问题和国有股“一股独大”问题仍然很严重,并且中国股市的流通股比例太小,外部治理机制无法有效发挥作用。为了提高公司治理效率,保护广大投资者利益,我国上市公司的股权结构改革势在必行。本文立足于...Since 1980s, governments, entrepreneurs and scholars have paid close attention to corporate governance problems. After 1990, international organizations published a series of documents concerning corporate governance problems. Governments worked out laws to improve corporate governance mechanism and enhance companies’ competitiveness. In the mean time, the corporate governance reform is just un...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_数量经济学学号:20021003

    A Study on Investor Sentiment and Corporate Financial Behavior in China’s Listed Companies

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    经典的金融学理论认为,投资者是完全理性的,资本市场也是有效的。因此,股票收益的唯一决定因素是市场风险。在资本市场有效的前提下,管理者会基于一定的薪酬契约和公司治理机制追求自身利益的最大化。然而,心理学与行为金融学研究表明,投资者的心理偏差和有限套利会导致市场的无效,投资者情绪可能显著影响资产价格。与此同时,IPO的“热市”现象、并购潮的兴起等企业活动也很难被理性因素所解释。近年来,随着行为公司财务学的兴起,投资者情绪引起的“资产误定价”对公司财务行为的影响成为新的研究热点。 与此同时,资本市场的投机泡沫造成的股市动荡,以及由此导致的金融危机及对实体经济的影响一直是各国政府高度关注的现实问题。...Classical financial theory holds that investors are totally rational and the capital market works. Thus, the only determinant of stock returns is market risks. Under the assumption that the capital market works, managers tend to pursue maximum personal interests on the basis of certain compensation contracts and corporate governance mechanisms. However, the research in psychology and behavioral fi...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:2005140296

    Selective Oxidation of Toluene and Ethylbenzene over Vanadium-Based Catalysts

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    本论文以研究甲、乙苯的液相氧化和甲苯的气相选择氧化为目标反应,研究了钒基催化剂的合成、表征和催化性能,论文共分为两大部分。第一部分研究了在双氧水存在下若干钒基催化剂对甲、乙苯液相氧化的催化性能。结果表明,在乙氰为溶剂的反应体系中,所研究的钒基催化剂包括VPO、VOPO4、V2O5、VO(acac)2和NH4VO3等均表现出以苯甲醛为甲苯选择性氧化主产物和以苯乙酮为乙苯选择性氧化主产物的反应结果;从反应活性和主产物选择性来看,按以下顺序递减:VPO>V2O5>VOPO4~VO(acac)2>NH4VO3。对于具有(VO)2P2O7晶相的VPO催化剂,对甲苯选择性氧化主产物苯甲醛...This dissertation sets the selective oxidation of toluene and ethylbenzene as the objective of study, focusing on the synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of vanadium-based catalysts, and is composed of two parts. In the first part, the selective oxidation of toluene and ethylbenzene using hydrogen peroxide over vanadium-based catalysts such as VPO, VOPO4, V2O5, VO(acac)2, NH4V...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:20022507


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    本文运用比较分析的方法通过考察借鉴西方国家的经验并结合我国的实际情况探 讨了转轨时期我国政企关系重塑的目标模式和主要内容全文共分三个部分 第一部分首先回顾了我国计划体制下政企关系的主要特点和弊端指出了政企关系改革的 历史必然性其次分析了市场经济条件下企业与政府各自的地位与作用提出了合理政企 关系的基本特征即企业应是具有四自特征的法人实体和市场竞争主体政府与企业的 关系应建立在纠正市场失灵和实现特定社会经济目标的基础之上 第二部分考察了西方国家处理政府与企业关系的基本经验西方国家的市场经济经过几百 年的发展在政府与企业之间形成了比较成熟合理的关系模式其成功之处值得我 国借鉴主要表...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:法学院政治学与行政学系_行政管理学号:19950600


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    Liquid Phase Selective Oxidation of Toluene and Ethylbenzene over V-based Catalysts in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide

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    研究了若干钒基催化剂在双氧水存在下对甲、乙苯的液相选择性氧化催化性能 .结果表明 :在乙腈为溶剂的反应体系中 ,所研究的钒基催化剂包括VPO ,VOPO4,V2 O5,VO(acac) 2 和NH4VO3 等均表现出以苯甲醛为甲苯选择性氧化主产物和以苯乙酮为乙苯选择氧化主产物的反应结果 ;从反应活性和主产物选择性来看 ,按以下顺序递减 :VPO >V2 O5>VOPO4>VO(acac) 2 >NH4VO3 .对于具有 (VO) 2 P2 O7晶相的VPO催化剂 ,在双氧水存在下对甲苯选择性氧化主产物苯甲醛的最高选择性为 5 8 8% ,乙苯选择性氧化主产物苯乙酮的最高选择性为 67 8% ;其催化性能与P/V比、焙烧条件、双氧水的使用量、反应溶剂等有关 .从已有的实验结果推测 ,钒基催化剂在双氧水存在下的甲、乙苯选择氧化反应与V5+ /V4+ 的“氧化 -还原”作用密切相关 .The selective oxidations of toluene and ethylbenzene using hydrogen peroxide over vanadium-based catalysts such as VPO, VOPO 4, V 2O 5, VO(acac) 2 and NH 4VO 3 have been studied. These catalysts were found to be active for the oxidation of toluene and ethylbenzene to benzaldehyde and acetophenone as main products in acetonitrile solvent, respectively. The activity and selectivity, however, in a sequence of decrease order, was found to be followed as: VPO>V 2O 5>VOPO 4>VO(acac) 2>NH 4VO 3. The highest selectivities to benzaldehyde from toluene and acetophenone from ethylbenzene were 58 8% and 66 1% over VPO catalyst with P/V=1 1 (molar ratio) in acetonitrile solvent, resepectively. The catalytic performance of VPO with (VO) 2P 2O 7 phase was affected by the molar ratio of P/V, hydrogen peroxide amount, solvent property and temperature. The active center for the oxidation was believed to be (VO) 2P 2O 7 sites (V 4+) in combination with dynamic V 5+ sites involving a reversible redox cycle.国家自然科学基金 (No.2 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 )资助项


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    An evaluation of two semi-analytical ocean color algorithms for waters of the South China Sea

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    基于42组不同年份不同季节获得的遥感反射率、水体各组分吸收系数的实测数据,对QAA(QuASI-AnAlyTICAl AlgOrITHM)和gSM(gArVEr-SIEgEl-MArITOrEnA)算法在寡营养的南海和富营养的福建沿岸两种不同类型水体的吸收系数反演进行了检验。以水样测量值为参考,两种算法在本研究水体中的反演成效与他人在其它水域的研究结果相当。QAA算法在南海的反演成效高于福建沿岸水体。对于443nM的总吸收系数A(443),南海的对数均方根误差rMSE为0.044,平均相对误差ε为7.9%,对数平均偏差δ为0;福建沿岸水体rMSE=0.190,ε=30.6%,δ=-0.167。gSM算法在两类水体的反演成效类似,A(443)之rMSE和ε,南海分别为0.156和27.7%,福建沿岸分别为0.146和32.1%;但从A(443)的δ值看,其在南海反演值低于实测值(δ=-0.142),在福建沿岸则略呈高于实测值(δ=0.016)。两种算法中的部分经验参数与实测值之间的差异是产生反演误差的主要原因,为了提高反演精度,对算法中经验参数的更进一步区域化调整可能是必要的。With 42 in situ measurements of remote sensing reflectance and component absorption coefficients taken in the South China Sea and coastal waters off Fujian, China during different seasons, the authors evaluate the performance of the Quasi-Analytical Algorithm (QAA) and the Garver-Siegel-Maritorena (GSM) algorithm for water absorption coefficients.It is found that the retrieval performances of the two algorithms are similar to those of the algorithms by other researchers conducted in other regions.In this study , QAA performs better in the South China Sea than in the waters off coastal Fujian.For the total absorption coefficient at 443 nm a(443), the rootmean-square error (RMSE) is 0.046 in the South China Sea, with an averaged percentage error (ε) of 7.9% , and averaged error in log scale (δ) close to 0.For the waters off coastal Fujian, RMSE, ε and δ are 0.194, 30.6%, and -0.167, respectively.The performance of the GSM is similar for the two waters.For a(443), RMSE and ε are 0.161 and 27.7% in the South China Sea and 0.149 and 32.1% in the waters off coastal Fujian , respectively; their δ values, however, are negative (-0.142; indicating underestimation) in the South China Sea and positive (0.016; indicating slight overestimation)in the waters off coastal Fujian.Further analysis indicates that the differences between the empirical parameters employed in the algorithms and actual values of the studied waters are the main reasons causing the errors in remote sensing retrievals, therefore, it is necessary to regionally refine those parameters in order to improve the algorithm performance.863计划项目(2006AA09A302;2008AA09Z108);国家自然科学基金项目(40521003