5 research outputs found

    Study on Investor Attention, Earning Management and Resources Allocation Efficiency

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    我国资本市场上的投资者结构体现了我国与发达国家资本市场发展程度的差距。截止2015年3季度,我国的个人投资者持股比例占A股流通市值的41.58%,同时还存在一定比例的短期机构投资者。可以看出活跃在股票交易市场上的投资者持股比例之大,对资本市场定价的影响之深,与西方发达资本市场存在较大的差异。然而,面对着数量庞大的上市公司以及爆炸式的信息,投资者的有限注意力和有限理性决定了投资行为的非理性。行为金融学认为投资者关注是资本市场反应的前提,投资者的关注影响着资本市场的股票定价。现存的“价格压力假说”、“被忽略的公司效应”、“过度关注弱势假说”等理论与假说分别对投资者关注与资本定价的关系做出了解释。而...The investor structure of stock market in China reflects the certain differences of stock market development lever between developed country and China. Until the 3rd quarter of 2015, the shareholding of retail investor in China occupied 41.58 percent of the negotiable share, without considering the short-term institution investor. This indicates the size of shareholding and the depth of impact of ...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752013015373


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    Investor Attention, Over Investment and the Mediating Effect of Equity Capital Cost

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    本文从过度投资的视角分析投资者关注对企业资源配置效率的影响,并结合行为金融学的价格压力假说考察股权融资能力是否属于影响的渠道。研究发现:投资者关注与过度投资呈现正相关关系,其中权益资本成本是投资者关注对过度投资影响的中介变量;随着投资者关注程度的提高,管理层为了迎合投资者的需求,提高了投资水平,恶化了过度投资。在这个过程中,投资者关注有助于降低权益资本成本,进而向上市公司管理层传递了融资能力变化的信息,降低了潜在的股权融资约束,引起投资水平的提高,并导致投资效率的降低。This paper analyzes the influence of investor attention on the efficiency of enterprise resource allocation from the perspective of over investment, and examines whether the equity financing capacity belongs to the influence channel based on the price pressure hypothesis of behavioral finance. Research finds that: investor attention is positively related to the over investment, and equity capital cost is moderating variable of the influence of investor attention on over investment; with the increasing of the degree of investor attention, the manager of the listed companies raise the degree of investment in order to eater investor, thus resulting in the higher degree of over investment. During the process, investor attention helps to reduce equity capital cost, and then transfers financing capability change information to the management of listed companies, reducing the potential equity financing constraints, raising the level of investment, and leading to lower investment efficiency.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“大数据环境下财务报告分析框架的重构与应用”;项目编号:15JJD630011