7 research outputs found


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    Data from a previous study were reanalyzed (a) to develop the Scale of Childhood Discipline and (b) to identify intergenerational communication between mothers and daughters about feelings regarding their upbringing. Factor analysis identified three factors related to feelings about how mothers of female university students were brought up. These included active involvement (Instruction), social roles (Roles) and interest in emotions and affects (Interest). Results suggested that combinations of these three factors formulated feelings about a person\u27s upbringing during childhood. Such feelings suggested that there were differences in how mothers raised their children, indicating that feelings of mothers about their upbringing influenced how they raised their children. However, in relation to a mother\u27s feelings about her upbringing, differences in the female university students\u27 perceptions on how they were raised during childhood were seen for only Roles. It was shown that mothers had dealt with Instruction and Interest in ways independent of their feelings about their upbringing


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    This study hypothesized that generational differences have arisen in the subjects` awareness of childcare and childrearing attitudes, and attempted to create a scale for examining such differences. As a preliminary survey, we asked 124 university students to write freely about the discipline they had received from their mother during infancy, childhood and adolescence, and to describe things they liked and disliked, as well as things they wished their mothers had done. The results showed differences in the number of answers and their distribution according to the time period and the questions posed. We categorized only the specific content of things they liked and disliked during childhood, and studied their distribution.In the main survey, we provided 246 female university students with a 5-scale evaluation questionnaire on their parents`attitudes to childrearing, as experienced during the student`s childhood. The questionnaire was drawn up based on a preliminary survey as well as findings on educational assets. As a result of factor analysis, 4 categories and 18 subscales were determined for "parental and social approaches" and 4 categories and 8 subscales for "a child`s abikities and attitudes." Most of the subscales received high scores. However, scores were low for the subscale "diverse activities.


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    This survey investigated if contemporary mothers bring up their children differently as a result of the drastic changes in values and living conditions following the Second World War, in comparison to how they were brought up. We asked university students and their mothers to describe their upbringing. Mothers also described how they raised their children. Data obtained from 91 female university students and their mothers were analyzed. Results indicated the following.(1) University students generally felt that they had been disciplined more severely during their childhood, whereas their mothers felt that they did not severely discipline their daughters. Moreover,mothers felt that they had been disciplined more severely than they disciplined their daughters in relation to the following behaviors: mingling with friends, disciplinary rules, encountering occupations,patience,good models,and motivation for learning.(2)The types of discipline that mothers stressed more in comparison to their own parents included the following behaviors:acceptance,acting together, emphasizing involvement,mingling with other families,encountering other cultures,behaviors fostering development,assertion,and motivation for learning. Conversely,role allocation,respecting parents,encountering occupations,and patience were far less emphasized than when they were young.(3)The students indicated that their mothers had disciplined them more than the mothers had realized in all the above behaviors,with the exception of mingling with relatives

    殺生行動に関する認識の発達I : 具体的殺生場面への賛否と判断理由の分析

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    We human beings cannot live without destroying other fauna and flora. This survey was done to investigate how opinions for and against life-destroying behaviors and their reasons differ among different age-groups. The subjects were 229 5^ grade elementary children, 256 7^ grade junior high school students, 187 university students and 128 elementary and junior high school teachers. Their opinions for and against 4 different situations, namely, shooting bear for human safety, eating chickens that they had raised, cutting down a big tree to get sunshine, and shooting birds or rabbit for pleasure, chosen from 5-scale answer sheets, and their writings of open-ended reasons, which were later classified into 8 levels from which the authors also elicited 8 types of mental attitudes, were analyzed. The major results are as follows. 1 The rate of affirmative opinion toward the life-destroying behavior grew larger as the age of the subjects increased. But the number of negative answers by both elementary and junior high school students was in the majority in all 4 situations. 2 As the age of the subjects increased the level of mature judgment reasons grew higher. But the range of individual differences within the older group was wider than that of the younger group. 3 As for types inferred from the dominant judgment levels, the inferior type was prevalent in younger students. But a clear difference concerning types among age-groups was not detected. 4 The 8 types did not show any correlation with opinions for life-destroying behaviors

    大学生の「具体的殺生行動」に対する認識構造の分析 : 「殺生行動」に対する賛否判断理由の水準分け

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    In this study, in order to clarify ideas on the human life destroying behaviors, 188 university students were required to state their opinions for and against and give reasons for 4 different situations, namely shooting bears, eating chicken that they had raised, cutting down a big tree and hunting rabbit. There was most approval for shooting bears, and there were many objections to cutting down a big tree. Their reasons were classified into 7 types: labeled "emotional reaction", "the human center", "respect of the life support", "the human center while the life is respected", "the conflict condition", "concession" and "integration". According to the situation, different reasons were given, and, the for and against opinions rate were different by the judgment type. The "respect of the life support" type tended not to support life destroying behavior, but on the other hand, "the human center" type tended to support it

    学生・教員の殺生行動に関する認識構造を規定する要因 : 生活体験・価値観・殺生可能性は殺生への態度に影響を与えるか

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    This survey was done to investigate how everyday experiences in childhood, value systems concerning life and life-destroying capabilities, influence the ideas on the life-destroying behaviors. The subjects were 187 university students undergoing teacher training and 128 teachers. Firstly, the scales on past experience, life value system and life-destroying capability were examined. There were 5 subscales on past experience, 7 subscales on life value system and 4 subscales on capability of life-destroying. The results of multi-regression analyses showed that subscales on capability of life-destroying were differently related to subscales on past experience and life value system. And the kind and rates of regression of subscales on past experience were different from life values. The subjects\u27 opinions for and against 4 different situations, namely, shooting bear, eating chickens that they had raised, cutting down a big tree and hunting rabbit, and their reasons were required. Students were more objective than teachers but teachers\u27 levels of reasons for life-destroying behaviors were higher than that of the student. The influence of their past experiences, value systems and life-destroying capabilities were different among the 4 different situations. Also, the amounts of brutal game playing or comic reading were significantly different among types of reasons given for destroying life

    殺生行動に関する認識の発達 III : 新課題設定による殺生行動にかかわる認識水準の再検討

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    To make a stable standard for measuring conceptual structures of "life-destroying behavior", we set up 8 situations, three from the previous questionnaire and 5 new items, namely, shooting bear for human safety, eating domestically raised chickens, cutting down a big tree to get sunshine, reclaiming land from the ocean for constructing an expressway (burying seacreatures alive), killing sharks for safety at a bathing beach, selling ducks grass-fed on a rice paddy as organic meat, cutting trees in a forest to build apartment houses, and maintaining the wild monkey population by killing off any increase to avoid harm to humans. The subjects were 448 elementary school children of 5th and 6th grades and their opinions for and against the above 8 different situations were marked on 5-scale answer sheets with reasons. The data was classified into 9 levels from which 6 types were elicited. The results are as follows. Generally, they had negative opinions for life-destroying behaviors, but the degree was different according to the situation. The kinds and distribution of opinions for and against the life-destroying behavior were various. The most dominant concept among all was \u27to pay respect for supporting life\u27. The 3 major concepts inferred from the result were \u27to pay respect for supporting life\u27 (29.9%), \u27anthropocentricity\u27 (8.7%), and \u27conflict\u27 (4.7%). Compared with the previous result, responses were analogous for similar questions though the distribution rates of plural reactions in each situation varied. The responses to the similar scenes showed correlations. The appearance rate of \u27to pay respect for supporting life\u27 was higher and the rates of \u27conflict\u27 and \u27concession\u27 were lower than those of the previous result