79 research outputs found
The Japanese Watakushi shosetsu/Shi shosetsu as Seen in Relation to Asian Culture : Comparison with Asian Language and English Translations as Opportunity
研究成果の概要 (和文) : 2年間の研究実施期間においては、主にワークショップと研究集会を開催することによって研究をすすめた。18年度には夏・冬にワークショップ、秋に研究集会と合計8回、19年度には夏にワークショップ、春・冬に研究集会と合計6回、あわせて14回の勉強会を開催した。これらの内容報告については、本研究課題ウェブサイト(http://www.i-novel-hosei.org/kaken.htm)にて公開している。西欧ではなくアジア文化との比較から日本の「私小説」を考えるという目的から出発した本研究は、研究実施期間において次の5つの研究を行った。1つめは、中国、韓国、台湾における「私小説」の認知状況のアンケート調査である。これらの結果からは認知を越えて、各地域での「私小説」に関する認識を得ることができた。2つめは、アンケート結果から示唆を得た各地域における、日本近代の「私小説」に影響を受けた作品、「私小説」に類似する現代の個人化傾向のある作品についての具体的検討である。3つめとして、これら各地域における「私小説」的作品の質的な差違が、歴史や文化的背景によるものであることを検討し確認した。4つめは、志賀直哉「城の崎にて」の中国語訳、韓国語訳との翻訳比較である。5つめは、海外の「私小説」研究書として、魏大海『私小説 20世紀日本文学的一个"神話"』(中国)、安英姫『日本の私小説』(韓国)の全訳の完成、E・ファウラー『告白のレトリック-20世紀初期の日本の私小説(米国)の「序論 私小説における現象と表象」の翻訳を行った。これらの成果は「研究成果報告書」に収めている。研究成果の概要 (英文) : We have made progress by holding workshops and research meetings in the 2 years of research period. For example, we had 8 meetings including the summer and winter workshops as well as research meetings in autumn in 2006. In 2007, 6 meetings were held including 1 summer workshop and 5 research meetings in spring and winter. As a result, a total of 14 meetings were held during our research period. The outcomes of our research are disclosed on the dedicated website of this research program (http://www.i-novel-hosei.org/kaken.htm). The research program features a Watakushi shosetsu/Shi shosetsu comparison between Japanese works and Asian works instead of Japanese-Western comparison. It is composed of 5 sub researches: 1) The 1st sub research was an investigation on the cognition of Watakushi shosetsu/Shi shosetsu in China, Korea and Taiwan. We caught a picture of how Watakushi shosetsu/Shi shosetsu are recognized in these regions through this initial sub research. 2) In the 2nd sub researc h, we chose several locals works which are identified as being influenced by or considerably close to the modern Watakushi shosetsu/Shi shosetsu in Japanese, and discussed these works in details. 3) We discussed and formulated our conclusion on reasons of the substantial differences among these Asian works, which we believe were developed from their different historical and cultural background. 4) We made a comparison between the Chinese translated version and the Korean version of Shiga Naoya\u27s “Kinosaki nite" (“At Kinosaki"). 5) We translated several overseas works into Japanese. Those works include Wei Da hai\u27s “The Watakushi shosetsu/Shi shosetsu-a miracle of 20th Century\u27s Japanese Literature" (China), An Young hee\u27s “The Japanese Watakushi shosetsu/Shi shosetsu “(Korea), Edward Fowler\u27s “The Rhetoric of Confession-the early 20th Century\u27s Japanese Watakushi shosetsu/Shi shosetsu-Introduction phenomenon and symbols of Watakushi shosetsu/Shi shosetsu" (US). All the outcomes of our research mentioned above are presented in our “Research Report"
Study on the Riparian Insect Community and Ecological Function in Artificial Wetlands (III)
昆蟲類是生態系中物種多樣性最高,生態角色也最複雜的類群,但是國內良好的昆蟲生態群聚及研究頗為欠缺。本研究除配合團隊研究之需要另發展簡化的昆蟲生物量評估方法,開發生態系模式相關的生物多樣性與生態系功能之效力函數,以供應用。依循生態系長期生物多樣性普查及監測之標準作業程序,以本計畫之目標及資訊需求之項目選定樣區,進行調查,由人工濕地濱水帶之昆蟲群聚調查、昆蟲群聚之生態功能群之結構分析食物鏈(網)及食物塔。第一年之初步結果,本計畫配合團隊計畫之人工濕地監測擬利用各種昆蟲調查方法,這是第三年計劃,已發展出昆蟲群聚生物量之估算方法,以及以生物量估計肉食性及植食性食物鏈之生物量傳遞量之計算等方法,以便達到第三年食物網模式建立之目標。例如分析植物覆蓋度,是否影響昆蟲群聚,進而探討影響植食性為中心之食物網及肉食性為中心之食物網之生物量變化。利用食餌種類及生物量和取(捕)食者之體重關係式,推估取(捕)食者體重和體型對食餌需求量之關係。除了食物塔各營養層的結構當作棲地特性指標外,可以由植群覆蓋及營運管理和昆蟲群聚的結構瞭解人工溼地之源與匯,進而探討人工溼地的生態過程及其健康程度。另外,為了解濱水帶昆蟲與水生生態系之生態過程相關物種之結構,在第三年將依國科會生物多樣性行動方案之計畫,發展出之指標生物種(群)評估標準,將選出具指標性之昆蟲生物群供人工濕地管理監測之用,另建立捕食者與特定食餌種類之族群密度關係,進而利用昆蟲群聚之結果建構食物網,以便分析生態過程之連結及利用效率之生態模式分析之應用。This project is part of the team project on the artificial wetland monitoring. Various methods forinsect survey and investigation will be applied according to the standard operation procedure (SOP)of ecosystem inventory and monitoring. Under the SOP items such as the goal or target of the groupproject, data requirement etc. and site survey to choice the sampling plots in each artificial wetlandfor the study. We are trying to study and construct the food chain (web) and food tower based on theinvestigation insect community and ecological functional groups. The preliminary result of first yearshow that the estimating format for biomass of insect community in the riparian and terrestrialecosystem is the basic for the study of the transicient efficiency. This project of secondary year willtrying to apply the parameters and format for analyzing of both phytophagous and predaceous foodchains. The third year might evaluate the indicator groups of insects by the SOP of indicator species(group) of the acting plane project of Biodiversity to NSC for the monitoring to the artificialwetlands. The project will firstly established the methodology to study the insect preys for somepredators by the insect body weight and intestine weight versus the body size, such as body length.Further more, through the feeding behavior to construct the food web for studying the ecologicalprocess and the tropic efficiency in the ecological modeling analysis. It is trying to meet therequirement of the task to manage the artificial wetlands
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