26 research outputs found

    Effects of a Sliding Plate on Morphology of the Epiphyseal Plate in Goat Distal Femur

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    The aim of this study was to observe the effects of a sliding plate on the morphology of the epiphyseal plate in goat distal femur. Eighteen premature female goats were divided randomly into sliding plate, regular plate and control groups. Radiographic analysis and histological staining were performed to evaluate the development of epiphyseal plate at 4 and 8 weeks after surgery. In the sliding plate group, the plate extended accordingly as the epiphyseal plate grows, and the epiphyseal morphology was kept essential normal. However, the phenomenon of the epiphyseal growth retardation and premature closure were very common in the regular plate group. In addition, the sliding plate group exhibited more normal histologic features and Safranin O staining compared to the regular plate group. Our results suggest that the sliding plate can provide reliable internal fixation of epiphyseal fracture without inhibiting epiphyseal growth

    A solution for the classification and recognition of the temporal system of the Chinese language

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    汉语是一种缺乏形态变化的语言,与英语相比,汉语的时间系统更为复杂,在汉语的语篇理解和机器翻译中,汉语的时态往往会造成理解和翻译上的困难,而传统的仅基于规则的方法在处理无时态特征词的句子,多时态特征词的句子存在较大问题。本文分析了汉语的时间系统,从两个方面入手确定汉语的时态:时体和时制。针对汉语时体,本文从统计的角度,提出一种基于模式分类的时体确定方法,首先通过梯度下降的学习方式,得到相关词语对应时体的权值表;然后加入无监督学习,扩大权值表;通过这个权值表,计算出每个句子的分类函数值,从而确定该句子归属的时体类别。这种方法综合评价了句子中相关词语对时体确定所作的贡献,能够处理无时态特征词的句子和...One of the outstanding characteristics of the Chinese language is that its tense is usually implied rather than obvious. As far as NLP is concerned, the tense of the Chinese language is especially hard to tackle. Hence, the Rule-based solution is far from suitable for the recognition of tense in situations where tense-informing words are missing or more than one of such words are present. This...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:20022801

    Research on Several Key Technologies of Public Opinion Analysis in Blog

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    博客、微博和社交网络等web2.0的应用使得舆情传播变得越来越迅速和不 可控,因此,研究面向博客的舆情技术,对于推动网络舆情的良性发展,提高政 府和企业的管理和应急水平具有重要的理论研究意义和应用价值。本文将舆情内 容分析与网络链接分析相结合,从话题跟踪及话题传播两方面来研究博客社区中 的话题。由于博客是一种自媒体形式的组织结构,与传统的论坛和新闻报道等舆 论媒体形式具有很大的区别,因此本文围绕博客的组织、博客作者的兴趣偏好和 博客中信息传播的信息流特点,研究了博客的话题表示、跟踪、话题层次性和话 题传播四个方面的内容,本文的主要创新性工作概述如下: 一,对话题信息缺失问题进行...Blog, twitter and social networks, those Web2.0 applications make public opinion difussion become more and more rapid and uncontrollable. Therefore, the study of public opinion oriented blog technology to promote the sound development of the network public opinion and to improve the management and emergency response level of the government and enterprises has important theoretical significance...学位:理学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_人工智能基础学号:2302007015368

    A Pattern-classification Based Solution for the Recognition of Tense of the Chinese Language

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    汉语时态是中文信息处理领域的一个难点。基于规则的处理方法在无时态特征词的句子,多时态特征词的句子处理等方面存在很大问题。本文从统计的角度,提出一种基于模式分类的时态确定方法,该方法综合评价句子中每个词对时态确定所作的贡献,能够处理无时态特征词的句子和多时态特征词的句子,并且该方法使用线性判别函数,具有对多维数据分析,训练与判别速度快的特性。在开放测试环境下,对单句的汉语时态确定正确率与召回率分别为79.8%和95.3%。As far as NLP is concerned,the tense of the Chinese language is especially hard to tackle.One of the outstanding characteristics of the Chinese language is that its tense is usually implied rather than obvious.Hence,the Rule-based solution is far from suitable for the recognition of tense in situations where tense-informing words are missing or more than one of such words are present.In this paper,we introduce a pattern-classification based solution,which evaluates each single word in terms of its contribution to the recognition of tense for the concerned sentence.This solution proves effective when processing sentences containing none or more than one tense-informing words.Furthermore,the implementation of linear discriminating function in this solution leads to its abilities of multi-dimensional data processing and training, and helps to achieve decent performance.Evaluated under open conditions,the Precision and the Recall of this solution for single sentences are 79.8% and 95.3%,respectively.国家863高科技项目(2001AA114110);; 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(A0310009);; 福建省科技重点项目(2001J005

    Blog Topic Diffusion Prediction Model Based on Link Information Flow

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    How to predict the topic diffusion is a challenging research work in social media data mining. The classical research works in Twitter and Micorblog mainly focus on diffusion links that ignore the importance of diffusion content. In this paper, we propose a Link Information Flow-based topic diffusion prediction model, which combines the link view and content view in diffusion. The experiment results show that our model achieves good performance in topic diffusion prediction. ? Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

    Automatic image annotation with long distance spatial-context

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    Conference Name:2014 14th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, UKCI 2014. Conference Address: Bradford, West Yorkshire, United kingdom. Time:September 8, 2014 - September 10, 2014.Because of high computational complexity, a long distance spatial-context based automatic image annotation is hard to achieve. Some state of art approaches in image processing, such as 2D-HMM, only considering short distance spatial-context (two neighbors) to reduce the computational complexity. However, these approaches cannot describe long distance semantic spatial-context in image. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a two-step Long Distance Spatial-context Model (LDSM) to solve that problem. First, because of high computational complexity in 2D spatial-context, we transform a 2D spatial-context into a 1D sequence-context. Second, we use conditional random fields to model the 1D sequence-context. Our experiments show that LDSM models the semantic relation between annotated object and background, and experiment results outperform the classical automatic image annotation approach (SVM)

    Blog Community Discovery Based on PCM Clustering Algorithm

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    针对传统的社区发现算法无法发现社区中的核心成员和边界成员的缺点,提出了基于PCM聚类算法的blOg社区发现算法,用来识别blOg社区的核心和边界.首先,使用随机行走的方法计算可以衡量两个blOg亲密度的对称社会距离;然后,在对称社区距离的基础上使用PCM聚类算法对blOg进行聚类,得到每个社区中的成员属于社区的概率表示.最后,通过确定相应的概率阈值,确定社区的核心和边界.实验结果表明:该算法能够获得社区中的成员属于社区的概率,根据这个概率可以确定社区中的核心成员和边界成员.Considering that the traditional calculation of community discovery can not find the shortcomings of the core and boundary members of the community,this paper puts forward Blog community discovery algorithm based on soft clustering algorithm PCM to identify the core and boundary of the Blog community.Firstly,the use of calculation with random walk method can measure the symmetrical society distance between two Blogs′ intimacy.Then,on the base of symmetrical society distance,algorithm use PCM to cluster Blog to get the probability of the member in every community group belonging to community group.At last,the core and boundary of the community can be determined through the definition of corresponding probability threshold value.The experiment has shown that the algorithm can obtain the probability of the community member belonging to the community and can find out the core and boundary members of the community according to the probability.国家自然科学基金(60803078)资

    Analyze Blog′s Simularity Passing the New Clustering Algorithm Called Increase K-Means

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    针对现有聚类算法k-均值存在事先指定聚类类数及仿射传播存在计算复杂度偏高的缺陷,提出了一种新型的聚类算法InCrEASEk-MEAnS,并将其应用到blOg内容的相似度聚类分析中,较好地满足了社区发现和话题跟踪的需求.仿真结果表明:在blOg文本聚类分析中,InCrEASEk-MEAnS在时间上与k-MEAnS相近,在精度上与仿射传播接近,适用于大规模网络文本的分析处理.In view of existing situations that K-Means must assign the breeds in advance and Affinity Propagation must endure high Computational Complexity,we presented a new clustering algorithm called Increase K-Means.We applied this new approach to the analysis of the Blog′s content similarity,and served the need of Community finding and Topic tracking better.Experiments showed that our new approach approximated to the K-Means in the running time and got close to the Affinity Propagation in the accuracy,just saying this,our new approach was suited to deal with the large-scale Web text better.国家自然科学基金(60803078)资

    Improving motion state change object detection by using block background context

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    Conference Name:2014 14th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, UKCI 2014. Conference Address: Bradford, West Yorkshire, United kingdom. Time:September 8, 2014 - September 10, 2014.Motion state change object detection, such as stopped objects detection, is one of important topics in Video Surveillance Systems. Generally, backgrounds in the most Video Surveillance Systems have the property of pureness and self-similarity. In this paper, we propose a block background context based background model to solve the motion state change problem. Unlike the classical background model, our approach first models blocks of background, and then determines the learning rate of each block background model by using the block background context information. There are two main advantages. First, the model adaptively selects the learning rate for each block of background model, and that is more flexible than the adaptive learning rate for the whole background. Second, context information helps the determination of true foreground and brings in more reliable information in foreground detection. Our experiments results show that our model outperforms the higher and lower learning rate Gaussian mixture background model in motion state change object detection

    A novel image annotation feedback model based on internet-search

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    Conference Name:2012 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining, WISM 2012. Conference Address: Chengdu, China. Time:October 26, 2012 - October 28, 2012.Xihua University; Leshan Normal UniversityWe propose an Internet-search-based automatic image annotation feedback model, combining content-based and web-based image annotation, to solve the relevance assumption between the image and text and the limited volume of the database. In this model, we extract candidate labels from search results using web-based texts associated with the image, and then verify the final results by using Internet search results of candidate labels with content-based features. Experimental results show that this method can annotate the large-scale database with high accuracy, and achieve a 5.2% improvement on the basis of web-based automatic image annotation. 漏 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012