287 research outputs found
Application of real option method in BOT investment decision of Haicang water treatment project
随着城镇化水平的提高和人民生活水平的提高,我国需要投资数万亿人民币,改善城市的供水系统和水质。为了解决资金来源的问题,水务项目投资开始不断拓宽资金渠道。BOT项目投资模式以其独有的优势,吸引了外商资本、本国民间私人资本以及国外先进技术设备与管理经验,减轻了政府财政及债务负担,转移和降低多种风险,因而得以在水务项目投资领域中广泛应用。由于基础设施的先行,城区特别是工业园区的建设充满着变数,传统的净现值投资决策方式在未来现金流量不确定性的情况下局限性明显,引入实物期权决策方式恰恰可以克服这一缺点。本文以海沧水厂项目为例,比较了现金流量法及期权法的分析结果,并利用实物期权方法对海沧水厂投资决策进行了...With the improvement of the level of urbanization and the improvement of people's living standard, China needs to invest trillions of RMB to improve water supply system and water quality of the city. Therefore in order to solve the funding problem, water project began to expand investment continuously to improve water supply system and water quality. BOT investment mode with its unique advantages,...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院_项目管理学号:X200515301
Design and Implementation of Automatic Report System
随着企业的全球化势头愈演愈烈,要在这种激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,企业必须加强内部管理,利用数据资料的统计及分析来响应市场的变化。报表是企业数据展现的主要形式,是各部门掌握动态信息的重要手段,使企业各级人员制作、查询报表更加方便、快捷,提高源头数据库的应用价值。由于通用报表可变因素较多,目前市场上存在的报表系统不能满足用户的需求,存在缺乏灵活性、不能灵活地定义查询条件、不可跨平台同时连接多个数据库等不足。 自动报表系统的设计与实现是为了提高报表定义的灵活性,减少系统后期的维护工作量,满足用户动态的需求;它可以实现跨平台连接多个数据源;能对输入或导出数据进行多种计算,并且可以根据计算展现相应...With the intense globalization of enterprises, enterprises should strengthen inner management and utilize statistics and analysis of data to response to turn of the market on order to survive in the fierce market competition. Report, an important method to master dynamic information among different departments, is designed for enterprise’s personnel to construct and inquiry report more convenientl...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200623004
A Dynamic View of Halliday’s Context Model——Middle Voice in the Introduction Text of Scenic Spots
系统功能语言学在语境理论方面的研究取得了很大的发展,Halliday语域理论的建立和发展可以使我们更好地理解语境特征如何在语言交际中影响和制约语言使用。然而,从社会文化角度对语境所做的研究对语境的动态特征没有给予足够的重视。有鉴于此,本文首先探讨了语言学领域中语境理论的发展以及众多学者对语境的观点,从而探求语境的动态本质,阐明言语活动中的语境动态因素。 Halliday语境模型的动态观构成本文的理论框架,以期更好地把握语言的意义和功能。本文认为话语参与者之间的协商会导致语境发生变化;语境因素和语义结构之间的关系是一对多的关系而非一对一的关系。 为了说明该语境动态观,本文分析了中动语态在旅游...Systemic Functional Linguistics has achieved great development in context theory. The establishment and development of Halliday’s register theory enable us to better understand the influence and constraint of context on language use in linguistic communication. Nonetheless, such research was conducted from the social and cultural perspectives and insufficient attention was paid to the dynamic natu...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1202008115284
Theoretical and Practical Analysis of Connective System of Procuratorial Work with People’s Mediation——Taking City M Procuratorate as a Example
作为一项新的司法制度探索,检调对接机制成为近年来大家关注的热点,在经历了一段时间的探索之后,检调对接机制的下一步发展引起了普遍的思考,对于前一时期的检调对接机制探索如何评价,正在进行的刑事诉讼法再修改是否涉及检调对接机制,以及经人民调解成功后案件如何处理等问题,在法学理论界和司法实践中仍存有争议。本文从调查了解的数据资料入手,论文的分析路线遵循“提出问题——分析问题——解决问题”的逻辑思路,采取比较分析和社会调查等方法,具体运用恢复性司法理论和刑法谦抑性理论为分析框架,分析建立检调对接机制的必要性和实践模式,进而提出进一步完善检调对接机制的建议,以促进刑事诉讼体系更趋科学。 本文共分五章。第...As a new exploration of judicial system, Connective System of Procuratorial Work with People’s Mediation,(hereinafter referred to as the CSPWPM) become a hot topic in recent years. After a period of exploration, further development of the CSPWPM arise many considerations. These questions about how to assess exploration during the former stage, where the ongoing further revision of criminal procedu...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200712005
Direct determination of nitrites,nitrates and phosphates in seawater using suppressed conductivity ion chromatography with large volume injection and on-line sample preparation techniques
采用戴安公司谱睿(PrE)在线样品除氯技术,结合OnguArd bA柱去除硫酸盐,建立了离子色谱直接测定海水中亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐和磷酸盐的方法。该方法以IOnPAC Ag23为富集柱,高容量IOnPAC AS23为分离柱,淋洗液自动发生装置在线产生kOH溶液进行梯度淋洗,抑制电导检测。实验结果表明:样品稀释5~10倍时,直接进样不会干扰目标物测定。当流速为1 Ml/MIn、进样量为500μl时,海水中nO2--n、nO3--n、PO34--P的方法检出限分别为0.3、0.4、0.2μg/l,线性范围分别为10~500μg/l、14~680μg/l、3.4~170μg/l,线性相关系数r均大于0.999 0。测得人工海水样品中目标物的加标回收率为92%~106%,相对标准偏差(rSd,n=6)为1.2%~7.7%。该方法一次进样可在13 MIn内完成分析,具有操作简单快捷、无污染等优点,能满足近海海水中nO2-、nO3-、PO34-的定量分析要求。Using on-line pre-chlorine and sulfate removal technique,a rapid and direct method was established for the simultaneous determination of nitrite-N,nitrate-N and phosphate-P in seawater by ion chromatography(IC) with suppressed conductivity detection.In this method,an IonPac AG23 column was used as the enrichment column,an IonPac AS23 column with high capacity as the analytical column,and KOH solution as the eluent for gradient elution produced by an eluent generator on-line automatically.The results showed that the determination of the targets was not interfered when a seawater sample diluted 5 to 10 times was directly injected.The method detection limits(MDL) of nitrite-N,nitrate-N and phosphate-P were 0.3,0.4 and 0.2 μg/L respectively,under the conditions of 500 μL sample volume and 1 mL/min elution rate.The linear ranges of nitrite-N,nitrate-N and phosphate-P were 10-500 μg/L,14-680 μg/L and 3.4-170 μg/L respectively,and the correlation coefficients(r) were all greater than 0.999 0.The average recoveries of the 3 analytes spiked in a sample ranged from 92% to 106% with the relative standard deviations(RSDs,n=6) of 1.2%-7.7%.The whole sample analysis process can be completed in 13 min.The method has the advantage of simple operation,reagent-free and pollution-free,and can meet the quantitative analysis requirements of seawater.国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(海三科2008002);中国极地科学战略研究基金项目(20080222
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