4 research outputs found

    バナジウム テンカブツ ITOマク ノ ビコウゾウ ト デンキトクセイ

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    Microstructure, crystallinity and electrical properties of vanadium-added ITO (In : Sn : V=93. 3 : 3.7 : 3.0 at. %) films, which were prepared using conventional rf magnetron sputtering, were compared with ITO (In : Sn=97.8 : 2.2 at. %) films without vanadium. At a substrate temperature of 300℃, the resistivity (ρ) of 1.58×10^ Ωcm with a carrier density (n) of 1.03×10^cm^ and Hall mobility (μ) of 38.3 cm^2 V^s^ was obtained for the vanadium-added ITO film, whereas ρ=3.27×10^ Ωcm with n=3.99×10^cm^ and μ=48.0cm^2V^s^ was obtained for the ITO film without vanadium addition. The vanadium addition enhanced the crystallinity and the densification of In_20_3 lattice. The enhanced electrical conductivity (increase in the carrier density) due to vanadium addition is explamed by the increase in the efficiency of Sn doping. The effect of vanadium addition is similar to that of silver addition into ITO films as reported elsewhere by the present authors