3 research outputs found

    Spatial Interdependency of Tourist Attractions——A Spatial Econometric Approach

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    旅游景区是旅游业的核心构件,是促进区域旅游发展的第一生产力。近些年,我国 旅游业高速发展,旅游景区也不断开发。面对竞争日趋激烈的旅游市场,旅游景区之间 应该如何相处?这是旅游政府部门和景区管理者亟待解决的难题。 本文利用广东省75个旅游景区2007年-2009年36个月的面板数据,运用动态空间 面板模型,估计景区之间的空间关联程度。此外,基于吸引力叠加理论和核心-边缘理 论,本文分别按照类型和等级,将75个景区分组,探讨组内景区之间或者组间景区之 间的空间联系。本文研究结论如下:(1)总体而言,景区之间存在正向的空间联系, 多景区旅行在广东省范围内显著存在;(2)就不同类型的景区...Tourist attractions are the core elements of tourism industry and the first power for regional tourism development. In recent years, with the rapid growth in China’s tourism, tourist attractions have been continuously exploited and established. Confronted with the increasingly fierce competition, how should tourist attractions get along with each other? This is an urgent issue needed to be so...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理学号:1782014115116


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    Spillover Effect of Attractions:Estimation Based on Dynamic Spatial Models

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    周波,厦门大学管理学院教授,经济学博士;杨陛,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学酒店管理学院博士研究生。【中文摘要】为了应对旅游市场日趋激烈的竞争,在世界范围内越来越多的政府和行业组织致力于开展区域旅游合作。利用我国长三角和渤海湾地区98个城市2002—2014年的面板数据,建立动态空间面板模型,估计景区溢出效应——即特定地区的旅游接待量如何关联于邻近地区的景区供给,结果表明:景区存在显著的正向溢出效应;在不同类型的景区(包括自然、人文与人造景区)中,自然景区的正向溢出效应在统计意义上显著;景区溢出效应的有效距离获得确认。基于不同的空间权重矩阵的估计结果证实上述结论的稳健性。 【Abstract】Employing panel data from 98 cities in the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Gulf Region,this study utilizes dynamic spatial panel data models to estimate the spillover effect of attractions,which refers to the impact the attractions in the adjacent regions have on the tourist arrivals of a particular region. The results show that significantly positive spillover effect of attractions exists,while among different categories of attractions,natural attractions produce the most significant spillover.The geographical range where the spillover effect of attractions takes effect is also examined.The study of attraction spillover effect contributes to the theoretical analysis by extending the research horizons on tourism spillover;it also provides specific suggestions on how the geographically connected regions can collaborate in the tourism industry.国家自然科学基金资助项目“高铁对区域旅游经济的异质性影响:理论与实证研究”(71773101);国家自然科学基金资助项目“知识企业治理柠檬问题的策略研究” (71172048