467 research outputs found

    Product Market Competition,Financial Flexibility and Corporate Financial Policies

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    产品市场竞争会对公司财务政策产生深远影响的结论已得到广泛的认可,不同学者从不同方面展开研究,经过许多学者的努力,已经取得了相当丰富的成果。Graham&Harvey(2001)对美国392位CFO的调查研究表明,财务灵活性成为CFO在做融资决策时候的首要考虑因素。Bancel&Mittoo(2004)以及Brounenetal.(2006)对欧洲CFO的调查研究同样表明,财务灵活性是影响CFO融资决策的主要因素。因此,产品市场竞争会对公司财务政策影响必然因为公司财务灵活性的不同而存在差异。利用2001-2014年中国A股上市公司数据,结合我国证券发行特殊监管背景,研究产品市场竞争、财务灵活性和...It is commonly accepted that corporate decisions are fundamentally affected by competition in product markets. In particular, financial economists have shown that the nature of product market competition may influence firms’financing policy. On the other hand,financial flexibility is preferred by CFO as the most important determinant of capital structure and the critical missing link for an empiri...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_财务学学号:3212012015339

    Research and Implementation of Automatic Recognition System in Bridge Competition

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    桥牌是一种风靡全球的智力游戏。目前桥牌比赛信息主要采用人工方式录入系统,这种方式耗时耗力。采用计算机技术,从桥牌比赛视频中自动实时地识别牌手的叫牌打牌过程,可极大地降低人力成本,减少因工作人员失误造成的错误,提高桥牌比赛的自动化监管水平。同时有助于把桥牌比赛通过文字直播在网络上,让更多人了解并参与桥牌比赛。本文的目标是根据桥牌比赛的特点,采用计算机图像处理技术,给出一个实用的桥牌比赛信息自动识别系统。 桥牌比赛信息自动识别系统主要包括推盘和桥牌卡片的定位、桥牌卡片字符的分割和桥牌卡片字符的识别。 在推盘和桥牌卡片的定位方面,为保证成功定位,本文采用了基于辅助标记和基于连通区域的综合定位方法...Bridge is a kind of intellectual games, which is fashionable all over the world. Currently, the information of the bridge game is mainly entered into systems in the time-consuming manual way. Recognize the process of bidding and playing of players from bridge video automatically and real-timely by the application of computer technology, which can greatly reduce labor cost and the mistakes due to h...学位:工程硕士院系专业:航空航天学院_工程硕士(控制工程)学号:2322013115336

    Financial Flexibility,Product Market Competition and Capital Structure

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    以2001-2014年中国A股上市公司为样本,将财务灵活性价值和产品市场竞争状况纳入资本结构的分析框架进行研究。结果表明:在其他条件不变的情况下,财务灵活性价值越高,公司的财务杠杆越小;除了掠夺风险与市场杠杆之间的关系不显著之外,产品市场竞争与财务杠杆正相关;由于受到严格的监管,公司在中国资本市场上的股权融资难以实现,产品市场竞争所引致的融资需求会减弱财务灵活性价值对资本结构的负向作用。This paper uses the A shares of listed companies for the period 2001-2014 to estimate and compare the value of financial flexibility. We use three different measures of product market competition:predation risk, HHI and the number of listed companies,then we analyzes the effect of financial flexibility and product market competition on capital structure of Chinese listed companies. The conclusions show that, ceteris paribus, the capital structure negatively related to the value of financial flexibility. Subjected to the supervision of CSRC, except for predation risk shows no significant effect on market leverage,other results show that the leverage of listed companies increase with the strength of product market competition;the effect of the value of financial flexibility on the capital structure is weakened by product market competition.国家自然科学基金项目(71472160);; 教育部人文社会科学规划项目(20120121110041

    A Study on Syntagmatic Analysis and Distinguishing Senses in Dictionary of Common Words

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    义项划分是词典编纂中最复杂的环节之一,是释义的前提。如何在“意义联系最薄弱的地方划分义项”,至今还没有一个客观、可操作的标准。从理论到实践,这都是一项需要进一步探索和挖掘的工作。从词典编纂的现状看,义项划分存在着划分标准不统一,义项归纳不完整等问题。从方法论的角度看,以往义项划分的理论和方法存在着诸多不足,迄今还没有一种客观有效的理论和方法来指导义项的划分。从基础理论看,对“义项”等术语的界定上也存在着不明朗之处,需要用新的理论和方法指导义项划分,对义项划分作深入的探讨。词义组合分析是词义研究的热点,本文从组合分析的角度出发,对词义的义项划分问题进行了新的思考。我们认为义项划分可以依据组合分析...It is one of the most complicated links in the dictionary compiling to distinguish the new senses. This is also a premise of paraphrase. But how to distinguish a new sense in the weak places of the meaning connection is a question. We should distinguish a new sense according to some standard, yet the objective and operable standard that do not exist so far. From theoretical to practice, the study ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_语言学及应用语言学学号:20020101

    Analysis on Legal Repyesentative At-Present System in Interrogation of Minor Suspect

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    未成年人是一个特殊的社会群体,他们的成长和发展受到社会各界的广泛关注;同时,未成年犯罪嫌疑人的权益保护也是值得大家深入思考的问题。当前学术界对未成年犯罪嫌疑人犯罪的原因、特点、趋势、矫治模式、起诉审判等方面的研究比较深入,取得了一定的成果。然而,如何切实保障未成年犯罪嫌疑人在刑事诉讼程序中的权益问题却在一定的程度上未引起足够的重视。 随着未成年人犯罪现象的日益突出,如何在刑事诉讼体系中针对这一群体的特殊性,建立一套适合未成年犯罪嫌疑人的刑事诉讼程序,是我们立法和司法实践一直探寻的目标。然而,如何构建一套完善的司法程序是一个庞大的系统工程,我们无法面面俱到。因此,本文以侦查阶段侦查人员讯问未成...The minor is a special social group, whose growth and development is under an extensive concern of various communities, while the minor suspects’ rights protection is also worth pondering. The current academia goes deep into the research on the causes, the characteristics, the trend, the rectification mode, the prosecution and the trial of minor crime and has obtained great achievements. However, ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200912015

    Tax Treatment for Building industry: the Case of Fujian

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    在社会主义市场经济发展的条件下,税收是国家财政收入的主要来源,随着市场经济和社会主义民主与法治建设的发展,税收在国民经济中的地位和作用日益增强,税收管理制度也在不断完善,但离市场经济发展相适应的目标仍有一定距离。1994年进行的税制改革将税务系统分为国家税务系统和地方税务系统。税制改革后,我国的税收事业取得了很大成效,但同时也存在一些弊端和问题,制约了税收作用的发挥,税收改革的核心是税收管理问题,因此税收管理问题的改革迫在眉睫。 建筑业是国民经济的重要产业部门,产业增加值在GDP总量中长期稳步居于国民经济各产业的前列,对国民经济和社会发展的贡献巨大。改革开放以来,福建省的建筑业得到了前所未有...Under the development of the socialist market economy, Taxation is the main source of state revenue, the state forces taxpayers for free to increases revenue to meet public needs the public goods. Then the state optimals allocation of resources to compensate the harm caused by market failure, adjusts aggregate demand and income distribution, optimizing the economic structure to promote economic de...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200815710


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    在中国南海的矛尾翻车鲀(Masturus lanceolatus)中发现了两种复殖吸虫,Accacoelium contortum(Ruldolphi,1819)和Accacladocoelium petasiporum(Odhner,1928),它们隶属于凸腹科(Accacoeliidae Odhner,1911),这两种复殖吸虫的子宫走向和以前的描述不同,对它们的形态进行了重新描述。另外,研究中的A.contortum是在宿主肠道中发现,而不是如从前记录的发现在宿主的鳃上。这两种虫及其所在的属都是首次在中国发现和报道。Two species of the Accacoeliidae Odhner, 1911, Accacoelium contortum(Ruldolphi, 1819) and Accacladocoelium petasiporum(Odhner, 1928), are redescribed based on new materials collected from the intestine of the sharptail mola Masturus lanceolatus(Lienard) off the coast of Hainan Island in the South China Sea. Characteristics of uterus of the two species are different from previous descriptions, and the specimens of A. contortum were collected in intestine rather than gills as reported previously. Both of these two species and their genera are firstly recorded in China.National Science Foundation of China(No.:31072215


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