4 research outputs found


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    Reasons for and Measures Against Dumping and Anti-dumping for Post-WTO China

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    加入WTO后,国际交往日益频繁,倾销与反倾销案等国际贸易纠纷日益凸显。西方某些发达国家从贸易保护主义利益出发,利用未认定我国市场经济地位和我国企业间的无序经营及某些行业的薄弱环节等经常对我国实施倾销和反倾销。从中国入世三年来所遭受的倾销、反倾销案探讨其生成原因,并分析中国加入WTO后对国外的倾销、反倾销措施应采取的对策,指出中国企业应关注并完善世贸组织规则,建立并完善倾销、反倾销法则,以《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》为依据实施贸易救济。International trade disputes such as the dumping and anti-dumping cases has become conspicuous in post-WTO China. The fact that China's full market economy status is yet to be recognized from some developed countries has exposed China to suffering from the dumping and anti-dumping actions launched by foreign enterprises and governments. This article explores the reasons of such conflicts basing on the study of the dumping and anti-dumping cases China has suffered over the past three years. It points out that Chinese enterprises should pay close attention to perfecting the rules of WTO, especially the dumping and anti-dumping rules, and carry on trade relieving measures and other countermeasures based on the "anti-dumping regulations of the People's Republic of China"

    Trade Problems between China and Australia on Agricultural and Mining Products

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    自“中澳自由贸易区”谈判启动以来,双边贸易额不断增长,贸易领域不断拓宽,经济互补性持续增强,彼此已成为主要的贸易伙伴。中国从澳大利亚进口农产品和矿产品,并在两类产品上形成了对澳较高的进口依存度。但是,随着国际原材料价格上涨,两国农矿产品贸易逆差增大,中国对澳大利亚的贸易条件出现恶化趋向。本文从实证出发分析产生这种现象的原因,并结合中澳自贸区谈判的进程提出多样化的应对策略。Since the starting of negotiation of Sino-Australian free trade area, the bilateral trade volume has continued growing and the field of trade broadening. The economic complementarity and trade cooperation between the two countries develop rapidly and the two countries have become important trade partners of each other. China mainly imports from Australia agricultural and mineral products and has formed a high degree of import dependency on these two kinds of products. However, as the prices of international raw materials increase, the trade deficit between China and Australia increased, and China's terms of trade has shown signs of deterioration. This dissertation analyzes the causes of this phenomenon empirically and makes diversified countermeasures