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    Cheng-Mou Lin and the Research on His Modern Poetry

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    作家書寫文字之後,讀者藉由閱讀行為而能感覺到作者的意念與情感,如此過程中,讀者可能被作品感動,也可能看不懂,更可能產生不同程度的認知。其中,文字的書寫者──作者──如果在書寫工具的選擇上,做了徹底改變,那麼文本的閱讀便充滿了討論的空間。 林沈默(1959-)於七0年代開始以本名林承謨發表詩作,並於1983年出版華語詩集《白烏鴉》;解嚴(1987)之後,為了追求自我認同(尤其是民族情感)的文化尊嚴並確立身為台灣人的主體意識,林沈默改變了寫作的語言,以其母語(台語)寫詩。除了語言的改變,林沈默更改變了寫作策略,以不同於寫作華語詩的抒情風格,寫下更加凸顯現實意義的台語詩,並於2002年出版《林沈默台語詩選》、2006年出版《沈默之聲》此兩冊現實主義風格強烈的台語詩集。 林沈默寫作語言工具的改變,相當程度上代表著他的歷史觀已經產生變異。改以母語書寫的林沈默,自知其選擇的敘述方式與敘事觀點,將透過文字,透過閱讀,建構屬於自己的意識與意識形態。相對於他之前寫作的華語詩,林沈默後期的母語詩明顯帶有語言工具選擇上的顯義作用,標舉了一種顛覆的血統。 在當代台灣文學的發展脈絡中,母語詩的出現,不但衝撞了既有的文壇面貌,也為台灣文學整體的內涵所包容。這樣的文學現象,讓台灣文學增添了新的血統。林沈默的現代詩作品,從華語到台語,當中過渡的時代意義,值得探究。The readers could feel the poet’s ideas and feelings by reading his poems , In progress of reading , the readers could be touched by the poems possibly ; however , they couldn’t understand the poems possibly on the contrary , Furthermore, these poems could result in different degree of recognition , For example , if the script writer ── the poet, made a absolute change in choosing writing instrument , then the script would have more bigger space for discussion . In 1970s , Lin Cheng-mou(1959-)begam to publish his poetry with his true name Lin Cheng-mou (林承謨) , His Chinese poetry album 《White Crows》 was issued in 1983 , After martial-law ended(1987), In order to pursue the cultural dignity of self-recognition(especially national affection)and to establish the subjective awakening firmly of being a Taiwan citisen , Lin Cheng-mou changed his former writing language into his mother tongue-Taiwanese instead . Not only writing language Changed but also the tactics of writing . Differing from the lyric style of Chinese poetry , he wrote down Taiwanese poems with more realistic meaning . He issued two Taiwanese poetry selections with strong realistic style , one is《Lin-Cheng-Mou’s Taiwanese poetry selection》in 2002 , the other is《The Silent Voice》in 2006 . It represented farly that Lin Cheng-mou had changed his historical viewpoint by changing his wrting language . Lin Cheng-mou wrote his poems in Taiwanese ── his mother tongue he just knew clearly the way of statement and the poem’s viewpoint would construct his consciousness and the status of sense througt the suinpt and reading . Compared with his former Chinese poetry , Lin Cheng-mou ’s poems eaten in mother tongue not only had a evident meaning obviously , but also emphasized a subversive descent . In the developing veins of Taiwan Contemporary culture the poems in mother tongue not only bumped into the old looks of literary circles , but also mixed with the whole Taiwan literature , The new status of literature created a new tradition in Taiwan literature , Therefore , Lin Cheng-mou’s contemporary poetry that differed from Chinese to Taiwanese , from the old era to a new one was worthy of studying .第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………..1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………………..1 第二節 文獻回顧與探討…………………………………………………..5 第三節 研究方法與章節架構……………………………………………14 第二章 從林承謨開始:華語詩集《白烏鴉》及其他…………………19 第一節 林承謨華語詩的抒情主題………………………………………19 第二節 林承謨華語詩的現實主題………………………………………50 第三節 林承謨華語詩的特色……………………………………………74 第三章 政治、母土、歌詩:《林沈默台語詩選》……………………..80 第一節 《林沈默台語詩選》的寫作背景與時代意義…………………..80 第二節 《林沈默台語詩選》的政治性格………………………………..86 第三節 《林沈默台語詩選》的母土形象………………………………107 第四章 現實主義的發皇:聽見《沈默之聲》………………………..145 第一節 歷史想像與想像歷史…………………………………………..145 第二節 《沈默之聲》的即時性…………………………………………151 第三節 《沈默之聲》的現實性…………………………………………161 第五章 結論:林沈默現代詩的延展與質變…………………………..171 第一節 從華語的林承謨到台語的林沈默……………………………..171 第二節 從抒情的林沈默到寫實的林沈默……………………………..176 第三節 空間的林沈默與人間的林沈默………………………………..180 參考書目……………………………………………………………………185 附錄一:林沈默已發表但未收入詩集的作品……………………………195 附錄二:林沈默文學年表…………………………………………………197 附錄三:林沈默訪問稿….…………………………………….…..………209 附錄四:全詩內容(361行)……………………….21