3 research outputs found

    Group-DIA: analyzing multiple data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry data files

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    Discovery proteomics has limited quantification capabilities because of stochastic precursor-ion selection. Several data-independent acquisition (DIA) methods have been proposed to overcome this limitation1, 2, 3, 4, including the sequential-window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH-MS)4.the National Science Foundation (NSF) of China (grants 91429301 and 31221065), 973 Program 2015CB553800, National Major Project 2013ZX10002-002, 111 Project B12001, funding from Xiamen City (grant 3502Z20130027) and the NSF of China for Fostering Talents in Basic Research (grant J1310027)

    A novel analysis method for data-independent acquisition MS data

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    质谱作为对一种可以对蛋白质进行定性和定量分析的重要工具,一直以来都在生物学研究中受到人们的青睐。传统的数据依赖获取(data-dependentacquisition,DDA)质谱可以有效地对蛋白质进行定性分析,但重复性不高,定量精确度不高。而选择反应监测(SelectedReactionMonitoring,SRM)虽然重复性高、定量准确,但通量过低。近年来新兴的SWATH质谱作为一种数据不依赖质谱,很好的解决了上述两种质谱的缺陷,因此收到了人们的广泛关注。但已有的SWATH质谱的数据分析方法需要在利用质谱鉴定时往样品中加入iRT肽段,此外,在进行分析前,还需要事先构建好肽段特征文库,费时费...As an important tool for qualitative and quantitative analysis of proteins, mass spectrum (MS) has been popular in biological research since its emergence. Traditional data-dependent acquisition (DDA) MS can effectively operate qualitative analysis of proteins, but its repetitiveness and quantitative function are weak. Another method, selected reaction monitoring (SRM), though with high repetitive...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162010015389

    Inflammation,Promoting Cancer or Protecting the Body Against Cancer?

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    联系作者:韩家淮,教授,[email protected]。[中文文摘]任何事物都具有两面性,炎症反应也不例外。作为生物体内最常见的生理反应之一,炎症反应不仅可以消除细菌、病毒等外界因素的入侵,还是免疫系统用于清除病变细胞的工具,从而保证机体健康;另一方面,炎症可以促进肿瘤的发展、转移和恶变。解析炎症反应和癌症的关系,了解其中的分子机制,有助于发展新的预防和治疗癌症的方法。[英文文摘]Inflammation is a double-edged sword in tumorigenesis and tumor development. While it plays an important role in promoting cancer, inflammation is a major defense mechanism of the immune system in protecting the body against cancer as well as infection. The relationship between inflammation and tumor in different stages of cancer development is a key issue in cancer study. The aim of our 973 project is to gain a better understand of the role of inflammatory signaling pathways and thereby provides new ideas ...for preventing and treating cancers.国家973计划(2009CB522200