13 research outputs found
A Technology for the Measurement of Autonomic Nervous System Activity
對糖尿病的病患而言,自主神經病變可發生於第一型的糖尿病,也可發生於第二型的糖尿病。自主神經病變可能在患者被診斷為糖尿病時就發生了,其會影響心血管系統、消化道系統、泌尿道系統、排汗功能、代謝性的障礙及瞳孔異常,且與病患的死亡率有關,因此早期的診斷與治療是非常重要的。研究在於發展一套臨床設備,以脈波波速、動態心率變異度(DHRV)分析和平均動脈壓(MAP)來檢測自主神經系統的強度。用六個頻道之壓力感測器,同時量測身體六點之脈波,而測量出三組脈波波速,可比較左、右肢或上、下肢之脈波波速,加上心電圖計算其動態心率變異度,並將之推廣於量測自主神經之強度,和比較整體跟週邊對姿態改變的變化程度。驗的對象:控制組選擇正常、沒有循環系統疾病的人,共有六人一女五男,年齡23±2歲。糖尿病患組選擇沒有高血壓等其他心血管疾病,共10人七男三女,年齡為54±11歲。還有一組是糖尿病患有Charcot foot的病患2名男性年齡分別是37歲和50歲。當傾斜角度增加,下肢脈波波速變化率比上肢來得大,而且控制組比其他兩組都大。MAP變化率控制組為正,兩組病患為負。兩組病患的DHRV值比控制組小,而患有Chartcot foot的病患其值又比一般的糖尿病患小。以上結果顯示,這套非侵入性的檢查設備可以檢測出自主神經的強度。In diabetes autonomic neuropathy may occur in Type1 and Type2. It may occur before being diagnosized and affect cardiovascular system, digestive system, Genitourinary system, sweat gland and metabolism. Autonomic neuropathy is relative to the mortality of the diabetes, so the early diagnosis and treatment are very important.his study is to measure the mean arterial pressure(MAP), dynamic HRV and the pulse wave simultaneously at four limbs by pressure receptors, and use the electrocardiogram as the reference to synchronize the recorded pulse wave at different vessels. Using the data to calculate the dynamic HRV(DHRV) and the pulse wave velocity(PWV). With the pulse wave velocity of different vessels and DHRV , we can understand the autonomic nerve activity and the local sympathetic nerve activity in different diseases and different sites. research 6 normal young people with no cardiovascular disease as control group. 5of them are male and 1 is female aged 23±2.The second group contains 10 people(7 males and 3 females), who have Diabetes mellitus(Type 2) without hypertension aged 54±11. The third group has only 2 males aged 50 and 37, are Diabetes mellitus(Type 2) patient with Charcot foot.hen the tilt-table tilts the change of PWV of lower limb is greater than upper limb. The change of PWV of lower limb in control group is greater than the other 2 groups. The DHRV of control is greater than the other 2 groups, and the DHRV of the patients with Charcot foot is much smaller. The change of MAP is positive in control, but negative in the other. Then we can prove that this technique can measure the activity of autonomic nervous sysyem.誌謝...........................................................I文摘要..................................................... II文摘要..................................................... III錄......................................................... .V目錄.......................................................VII目錄....................................................... IX一章 序論................................................. 1.1 前言.................................................1.2 文獻回顧.............................................2.3 研究動機及目的.......................................5.4 論文架構............................................ 6二章 研究原理.............................................. 7.1 糖尿病患的周邊神經病變.............................. 7.2 動脈壓調節機制...................................... 9.3 血管特性............................................11.4 自主神經系統之調節性............................... 12.5 心率變異度分析......................................13.5.1 時域分析 (Time domain) .........................13.5.2 頻域分析 (Frequency domain) ................... 13.6 脈波特性............................................14.6.1 脈波傳遞........................................14.6.2 脈波波速........................................15三章 實驗方法及設備....................................... 17.1 實驗方法............................................17.2 實驗設備............................................17.3 系統校正............................................19.4 實驗受試者..........................................19.5 實驗流程............................................20.6 資料處理與分析......................................20.6.1 動態心率變異度時域分析..........................21.6.2 脈波波速計算分析................................22 3.7 統計分析............................................ 22四章 結果與討論........................................... 23 4.1 波速變化率的比較.................................... 23 4.2 姿勢改變心跳和平均動脈壓的變化...................... 25 4.3 姿態改變對動態心率變異度的影響...................... 26 4.4 各參數間的關係...................................... 27 4.4.1 脈波波速變化率對患病時間的關係 ................. 27 4.4.2 MAP變化率和DHRV對患病時間的關係................ 27 4.4.3 脈波波速變化率、MAP變化率和DHRV間的關係........ 28 4.5 動脈壓調節機制...................................... 29五章 結論與未來展望....................................... 30 5.1 結論................................................ 30 5.2 未來展望............................................ 31考文獻..................................................... 32錄......................................................... 60目錄2.1 血管橫切面............................................ 382.2 壓力感受器位置........................................ 392.3 傾斜床實驗典型範例.................................... 392.4 脈波波速量測方法...................................... 402.5 心搏的一個週期........................................ 403.1 上下肢動脈............................................ 413.2 壓力感測器............................................ 423.3 壓力感測器線路配置示意圖.............................. 423.4 血壓計................................................ 423.5 電動傾斜床............................................ 423.6 系統訊號誤差校正圖.................................... 433.7 實驗步驟流程圖........................................ 443.8 Labview 資料擷取軟體介面.............................. 45 3.9 壓力波特徵點標準方法................................. 45 3.10 動態心率變異度時域分析步驟.......................... 46 3.11 三次微分取得正確foot點............................. 47 3.12 氣帶及心電圖貼片的位置.............................. 484.1不同角度波速的變化......................................494.2 脈波波速平躺狀態到傾斜60度的變化率.................... 504.3 心跳和平均動脈壓對姿態改變的變化率..................... 514.4 不同姿態下的平均動脈壓................................. 514.5 不同姿態下的心跳速率................................... 524.6 實驗過程中心跳對時間的關係............................. 534.7 RR變異度............................................... 534.8 正常人RR intervals在平躺和站立時的情況................ 534.9 動態心率變異度(DHRV)................................... 544.10 上肢波速變化率對糖尿病患病時間的關係(r=-0.35)......... 544.11 下肢波速變化率對糖尿病患病時間的關係(r=-0.73)......... 554.12 傾斜時動態HRV平均值對糖尿病患病時間的關係(r=-0.49)... 554.13 MAP變化率對糖尿病患病時間的關係(r=-0.61)............. 554.14 HR變化率對糖尿病患病時間的關係(r=-0.11).............. 564.15 上肢波速變化率對糖尿病患年齡的關係(r=-0.67)........... 564.16 下肢波速變化率對糖尿病患年齡的關係(r=-0.24)........... 564.17 HR變化率對年齡的關係(r=-0.39)......................... 574.18 上肢波速變化率對MAP變化率的關係(r=0.53)...............574.19 上肢波速變化率對DHRV平均值的關係(r=0.15)............. 574-20 下肢波速變化率對MAP變化率的關係(r=0.82).............. 584.21 下肢波速變化率對DHRV平均值的關係(r=0.67)............. 584.22 MAP變化率對DHRV平均值的關係(r=0.74).................. 584-23 本實驗不同姿態下的心跳速率............................ 594-24 本實驗不同姿態下的平均動脈壓.......................... 594-25 本實驗不同姿態下的HRV................................ 59目錄2.1 自主神經對內臟器官的影響............................... 372.2 Risk Factors for Diabetic Neuropathy...................373.1 受測者基本資料......................................... 383.2 會影響HRV的疾病........................................3
New insights to the mechanisms of varicocele-induced infertility
精索靜脈曲張(Varicocele)是指睪丸迴流的蔓狀靜脈叢血液受阻,造成內精索靜脈(internal spermatic vein;ISV)血管腫脹、彎曲及變長等現象。因解剖因素,90%疾病發生在左側。約有15~20%的年輕男性患有不同程度的精索靜脈曲張;而在不孕症的男性患者中更有30~40%同時患有精索靜脈曲張。精索靜脈曲張本身的手術治療並不困難,卻仍有2~14%不等的術後復發率;而對於這種常見的男性疾病引起不孕的相關機轉,至今也不甚明瞭。本論文的研究動機,即肇因於上述理由,希望經由探討內精索靜脈曲張的致病因素,以及睪丸組織凋亡(apoptosis)之路徑,更加瞭解精索靜脈曲張造成不孕的機轉。
過去的研究提出有關精索靜脈曲張損害精子生成的假說,包括睪丸溫度的增加、腎臟或腎上腺代謝物逆流、局部睪丸組織缺氧及性腺內分泌異常等。本論文以一系列實驗針對上述假說中的缺氧(hypoxia)因素,探討其影響機制。實驗包括(1)病人的內精索靜脈(ISV)之缺氧誘發因子-1αhypoxia-inducible factor-1α, HIF-1α的表現;以〝實驗誘導左側精索靜脈曲張〞experimental left varicocele; ELV)的老鼠,探討HIF- 1α在其ISV的表現。由於Kilinc等人(2004)及Barqawi等人(2004) 的研究;分別發現ELV老鼠其睪丸的HIF-1表現量與生殖細胞凋亡增加,顯示ELV老鼠的睪丸比正常老鼠的睪丸缺氧且造成生殖細胞凋亡增加,所以本論文接續探討(3)凋亡蛋白caspase-3在ELV老鼠睪丸缺氧環境下的表現;以及(4)ELV老鼠的睪丸組織細胞凋亡路徑(apoptotic pathway)。
由上述的四項實驗發現下列結果:(1) HIF-1α蛋白質表現量在精索靜脈曲張的患者之ISV較對照組高出七倍,主要分佈在血管的平滑肌層,表示這段發病的血管在缺氧的環境下,產生病理變化以適應環境;這也是首次探討有關人類ISV的研究;(2)利用ELV老鼠,發現HIF-1α在其ISV的表現量在術後第二、四及八週均顯著高於對照組,表示動物模式的ELV老鼠與病人相同,精索靜脈曲張的ISV均有缺氧的情形;由於ELV老鼠的睪丸HIF-1α表現量也比正常組高,因此推測男性患者睪丸的組織也發生缺氧的變化;(3)術後第八週及第十二週的ELV老鼠其睪丸的activated caspase-3表現量,顯著地高於對照組,配合TUNEL染色結果顯示生殖細胞的凋亡隨著老鼠精索靜脈曲張的時間而顯著增加。由ELV老鼠的實驗結果推論患有精索靜脈曲張的男性可能因生殖細胞凋亡比例增加而致不孕;(4)進一步分析ELV老鼠睪丸中不同凋亡路徑相關的蛋白質如Bcl-2,caspase-9,caspase-8及activated caspase-3的表現,發現隨著術後時間,實驗組織抗凋亡蛋白Bcl-2的蛋白質表現量下降,而caspase-9及activated caspase-3兩者蛋白質表現量上升;caspase-8在實驗組與對照組的表現量則無明顯差異,因此推測其細胞凋亡是經由內生性路徑(intrinsic apoptotic pathway)。
綜合以上的臨床及動物實驗結果,證實精索靜脈曲張造成靜脈及睪丸組織的缺氧,導致生殖細胞經由內生性的路徑凋亡增加。此一新解(new insights)也充分顯示精索靜脈曲張這種常見的男性疾病與不孕之間的關聯性。未來個人期望能以此研究成果為基礎,進一步朝這項疾病的治療和預防術後復發做出貢獻。Varicocele, described as an abnormal tortuosity and dilatation of internal spermatic veins (ISV) within the spermatic cord, is a common anomaly in adolescent and adult males, with an incidence of 15-20% of the general population. Several anatomic features contribute to the predominance of left-side varicoceles (more than 90%). It is the most common cause of male infertility in adults. Approximately 30%~40% of men evaluated for infertility have varicocele. The mechanisms that how the varicocele causing male infertility, however, are not clear. The surgical treatment for varicocele is safe and simple but the post-operative recurrence rates are 2%~14%. Based on the above-mentioned reasons, to investigate the pathogenesis of ISV and testicular cell apoptosis could led us to more understand more about the mechanisms of varicocele causing male infertility.
Several theories of varicocele effects on the testicles have been postulated: elevated intratesticular temperature, gonadal hormonal imbalance, renal or adrenal vein blood refluxes to ISV, and local testis hypoxia. This paper includes a series of experiments that focus on the hypoxic factor in varicocele disease. These studies contain (1) expression of HIF-1α in the ISV of patients with varicocele; (2) expression of HIF-1α in the ISV of rats with experimental-induced left varicocele (ELV). Kilinc et al. (2004) and Barqawi et al. (2004) found that either HIF-1α expression or germ cell apoptosis increased in the testes of rats with ELV, respectively, indicating the occurrence of hypoxia and increase of cell apoptosis in the testes of rats with ELV. Hence, (3) activated caspase-3 (apoptotic protein) expression in testicular germ cell of rats with ELV; and (4) apoptotic pathway of testicular tissues in rats with ELV were studied.
The results of the series of experiments are (1) HIF-1α expression in the ISV of patients with varicocele was significantly higher (7-fold) than in the control group. Moreover, expression of HIF-1α in the smooth muscle of the ISV was predominant in patients with varicocele. These data revealed that hypoxia related pathophysiological changes occurred in the ISV of patients with varicocele and that hypoxia might also occurr in the testicular tissue. To our knowledge, this is the first report on HIF-1α expression in human ISV; (2) expression of HIF-1α in the ISV of rats with ELV was significantly higher than that of the control group, especially at 2, 4, and 8 weeks after varicocele creation. This finding is compatible with the same hypoxic occurrence found in the ISV of patients with varicocele; (3) this animal study also demonstrated a significant increase on expression of activated caspase-3 protein in the testicular germ cells at 8 and 12 weeks after varicocele creation. Which indicated apoptosis of germ cells in the rats with ELV increased gradually. It may be a factor of varicocele causing male infertility in human due to increase apoptosis of testicular germ cell; (4) moreover, analyses of the apoptosis-related proteins expression in the testes of rats with ELV, e.g. Bcl-2, caspase-9, caspase-8, and activated caspase-3, showed down-regulation of Bcl-2 and gradually up-regulation of caspase-9 and activated caspase-3 expressions at 8 and 12 weeks after varicocele creation. There is no significant difference of caspase-8 expression between varicocele and control groups. So it is suggested that increased apoptosis of testicular tissue of rats with ELV was through the intrinsic pathway.
According to the results of human and animal experiments, varicocele was demonstrated to lead to testicular tissue hypoxia and increase of germ cell apoptosis through intrinsic pathway. The new insights reveal the mechanisms of varicocele and the relationship between varicocele and male infertility. These findings will shad light on the treatment of varicocele and prevention of recurrence in the future.Chinese Abstract……....………………………………………………...….............i
English Abstract…......….………………………………………………….…..…iii
1. Introduction………….………………………………………………...…...…..01
1.1Varicocele……………..…………… ………………………………….……01
1.2 Hypoxia.......………………………………........…….……………..…….…01
1.3 Apoptotic pathways.........................................................……….…….….…03
1.4 The aims of the study…………..........………………………………….….04
2. Materials and Methods……………………………….…………...…..….….…06
2.1 Patients and tissue samples..…………………………. ………………..….06
2.2 Technique and experiments of ELV rats...……………………………..….06
2.3 Immunoblotting ..…………………………………..…………………....….08
2.4 Immunohistochemistry…………………………….………………….…... 11
2.5 TUNEL assay..................................................................................................13
2.6 Statistical analyses.........................................................................................14
3. Results………………………………………………………………….……......15
3.1 Expression of HIF-1a in the internal spermatic vein of patients with varicocele………...………...........….........…………………………….…..15
3.2 Expression of HIF-1a in the internal spermatic vein of experimental left varicocele in rats…...…………..............................……………….............15
3.3 Activated caspase-3 expression in testicular germ cells of varicocele- induced rats..............................................................................................…16
3.4 Apoptotic pathway of testicular tissues in varicocele-induced rats..…....17
4. Discussion…………………….…….………………...…………………………18
4.1 Expression of HIF-1a in the internal spermatic vein of patients with varicocele..................................................................………………………18
4.2 Expression of HIF-1a in the internal spermatic vein of experimental left varicocele in rats….……………...................................……........……......20
4.3 Activated caspase-3 expression in testicular germ cells of varicocele- induced rats…..…..................…………….................……..………...…....21
4.4 Apoptotic pathway of testicular tissues in varicocele-induced rats..........23
5. Conclusions……...……………….………………………………………….…..26
6. References………………………...………………………………………......…27
7. Tables………………………..………….………………………………….….…37
8. Figures……...……………………………………………………………..……..4
Market Basket And Customer Value Analysis: Take Online Shopping Of Food And Drink For Example
根據分群結果可以發現,點心群、冷凍食品群、飲料群、配料群、速食群出現的次數最多,表示這些群裡顧客聯合購買的機會高,因此廠商可以根據分群的結果做聯合促銷誘發消費者購買動機,以提升銷售額。[[abstract]]With the rise of the E-generation, Internet channels have become an integral part of people's lives. Compared to traditional physical stores, with increasing product selection available for sale, Internet retail stores can use previous consumer buying patterns to recommend other products to customers. In this massive database, it has become a critical issue that firms have the ability to use this database to find high customer value through joint marketing groups to recommend other products or services to consumers to increase the firm's profit and sustain customer value.
In this study, we use a database of customer transactions starting with four customer value indicators: total purchase price, single purchase price, the number of food items and types of food items during the purchase to measure customer value. We use this to find out who are the high customer value groups, then re-use market basket analysis method to find the association rules to find correlations between commodities. Finally, through a tree hierarchical cluster analysis, we will decide on the appropriate combination of shopping basket groupings.
According to the clustering results the discoveries that can be made are: the highest number of snacks group, frozen food group, beverage group, ingredients group, and instant food group appeared the most, which means that customers are most likely to purchase in these groups, so manufacturers can do joint promotions based on the clustering induced consumption and customer’s motivation to purchase to improve sales.[[note]]碩
Research and Development of Biopesticide in Supporting the Related Industrial Development (II)
本研究計畫主要目的在於以群體團隊力量發展生物農藥資源與專門技術,建立標的微生物製劑及其附加產品之量產與製劑系統,以支持並強化台灣本土性生物農藥產業的發展;在未來一年半計畫中擬進行之工作,大致有下列四項: 1. 病害防治用微生物及天然物配方之發展應用, 2. 真菌性殺蟲劑之發展應用, 3. 蟲生真菌綠殭菌(Nomuraea riley)之發展應用, 4. 建立黑殭菌(Metarhizium anisopliae)孢子自動分離及收集系統以供真菌性殺蟲劑之製作應用.擬發展之標的微生物包括Streptomyces sioyaensis PMS 502分離株、Gliocladium virens G8分離株、Trichoderma spp. YT3分離株、Pseudomonas putida YLFP14分離株、Verticillium lecanii、N. rileyi及M. anisopliae之MA-805與MA-126分離株.在量產含放線菌等標的拮抗細菌方面,將建立生產以休眠狀態菌體或含抗生物質培養液為主的液態發酵標準生產流程;針對標的真菌菌株之生產方面,二階段半固態發酵法將用以生產真菌之分生孢子,並進一步發展此些孢子之收集系統與劑型之改良,擬發展之劑型包括粉劑、乳劑及噴霧乾燥之粒劑,另一方面,篩選增強標的微生物製劑生物活性或延長其櫥架壽命之添加劑或方法亦為本研究計畫發展重點,此些試做產品樣本均將經生物活性、安定性以及所預期在田間實際施用之保護效果等測試.過去兩年來,本研究團隊部份研究成果中,已成功研發兩項病害防治用微生物製劑劑型,並已經農委會將建立好之技術移轉給2家國內私人產業進行商業化量產,在所擬具的未來延續工作中,發展成功一至二項可供技術移轉產業應用之生物農藥劑型將為吾人繼續努力之主要目標.The main objectives of this proposed team effort is to develop the resources and knowhows, and to establish ready-to-spin-off biotechniques and mass production and formulation systems to support and enforce the industrial biopesticide development in Taiwan. The proposed works to be carried out in the coming year are organized into four parts: 1. Development and practical application of microbial and natural products as disease control agents; 2. Development and practical application of fungal insecticides; 3. Development and practical application of green muscardine fungus Nomuraea rileyi; and 4. Establishment of automated spore separation and collection system for production of Metarhizium anisopliae as mycoinsecticides. The targeted microbial organisms include Streptomyces sioyaensis PMS 502 isolate, Gliocladium virens isolate G8, Trichoderma spp. isolate YT3, Pseudomonas putida isolate YLFP14, Verticillium lecanii, N. rileyi, M. anisopliae isolates MA-805 and MA-126. For the mass production of bacterial isolates (include the actinomycete members), standard operation protocol (SOP) for the liquid fermentation production of the resting stage biomass and/or antibiotic-metabolite-containing culture broth will be established. For the targeted fungal isolates, the semi-solid fermentation system will be established for the production of reproductive fungal spores; and the system for spore collection and formulation will be extensively explored. The attempted formulation includes powder, emulsion and spray-dried granules. Additives and methodologies effective in enhancing the biological activity of, and/or extending the shelf-life of the attempted product are both to be extensively explored subjects. All the attempted sample product will be tested for the biological activity, the stability, and as well the expected plant protection performance in practical application. During the past 2 years, efforts from part of this work team have successfully developed 2 biopesticide formulations useful for disease control. And the established techniques have been transferred to 2 local private enterprises for commercialization. In the continued effort proposed, additional 1 to 2 biopesticide formulation ready for technique transfer to private industry are the prime goal of the group effort
Research and Development of Agricultural Machinery (II)
為因應當前農業環境之重大改變,適應世界貿易自由化、國際化之潮流,並突破當前之農業困境,擬衡酌未來土地利用型農作物之發展趨勢,研究開發本土型之農作物種苗、栽培、管理、病蟲害防治、收穫及收穫後處理等作業所需之機械,以促進農業生產全面機械化,藉以解決農村勞力不足問題,降低生產成本,確保農產品之品質.本年度本計畫將繼續水果內部品質檢測之研究,並對NIR非破壞性檢測之應用,柿子加工去皮去梗修蒂機之研製,加工用印度棗清洗、選別及劃切之一貫化及菱角剝殼機之研究進一步發展以取代人工作業模式,提高品質.研究改良桿式噴藥機、動力雙軌車,草花種苗假植機以提高作業效率.開發鳳梨園用施肥機、曳引機承載夾起式洋蔥收穫機、自走式白蘿蔔收穫機,耕耘刀表面特殊處理技術與曳引機旁載式堆肥攪拌翻堆機等機械與技術,提高生產與管理的效率,降低成本.研製蒸氣處理介質土壤病蟲害防治設備與果實蠅誘蟲器監控系統,減少病蟲害影響並減低農藥之用量.研製連續式紅外線茶葉烘培機,低濕調溫乾燥機與進行自然通風器應用於溫室環控之研究,以建立現有控制技術在農產品處理與環境上之應用系統.預期依計畫進度完成相關農產品檢測、農作物栽培、管理收穫與處理機械,以降低生產成本,提高產品品質,加速國內農業之轉型,促進農業升級.To adopt the change of agriculture environment as well as the world trade structure, it is a must to develop machines for local crops, seedlings, cultures, management, protecting system of disease and insect pest, harvesting, and post-harvesting process. Thus, mechanization in agricultural production would solve the problem of labor shortage as well as lower the cost of production, and resulted in ensuring the quality of agricultural products. There are several sub-projects proposed in this project to replace the manual operation and to improve the quality. They are listed in the followings: evaluation of internal quality of fruits, application of non-destructive NIR method, development of skin peeling machine and stem trimming for the diospyros kaki process, development of the integrated operating machine consists of cleaning, sorting and scar-cutting for Indian jujube, and study on the manufacture of peeling machine for water caltrops. In addition, there are three sub-projects proposed to improve the efficiencies of operations, such as performance improvement of boom sprayer, development of double-rail car for spraying on slope land, and design and development of a transplanter for ornamental flower seedlings. To improve the efficiencies of production and management thus results in cost reduction, five sub-projects are proposed: the study for fertilizer of pineapple yard, studies on the mounted type of onion harvester, the studies on a self-propelled radish harvester, surface hardening treatment for tillage blades, and development study of compost turner side mounted type from tractor. To reduce disease and insect pest as well as lower the usage of pesticide, there are two sub-projects proposed, such as development of the steam treatment machinery for medium and soil and design and development of a monitoring system for the oriental fruit fly trap. In addition, there are two sub-projects proposed to apply the commercially available control techniques on agricultural productprocesses and environmental system. They are the development of infrared tea roasting machine for continuous type and the study and application of the energy-free turbo ventilator used in the green house. Based on the schedule of this project, it would complete the evaluation of some agricultural products, transplanting, machines for managing, harvesting and processing, to lower the cost as well as improve the quality so that helps local agriculture upgrade and transform in a considerable speed