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    身体活動中心臓突然死防止に向けての法医学的検討 身体活動中突然死剖検例と安静時突然死剖検例との比較をもとに

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    Specific detection of Peronophythora litchii using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA analysis and Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    荔枝露疫病, 又名霜霉病 ( litchi downy blight ), 由荔枝 露疫菌 (Peronophythora litchii ) 所引起,為荔枝之嚴重病害, 主 要危害近成熟的果實,此病害經由風雨傳播,其發生與氣溫及雨水有密切 關係,持續雨季將致使此病害嚴重發生,因此若能在病害發生前作有效且 快速偵測此病原菌,除有助於防治工作之實施,並能降低本病害在儲運期 造成大量感染之損失及增加荔枝外銷競爭力。荔枝露疫菌以掃瞄式電子顯 微鏡 ( SEM ) 觀察有類似露菌屬 ( Peronospora ) 之胞囊柄及有類似疫 病菌屬 ( Phytophthora ) 之明顯乳突 ( papillae ) 的檸檬狀胞囊 ( lemon-shaped sporangium )。菌絲生長最適溫為 22 ~ 28 ℃,低於 4 ℃及高於 36 ℃菌絲則無法生長;光週期處理時生長較快,黑暗次之,光 照最慢; CV8蔬菜汁培養基的濃度則以 5 % 最佳;pH 4.5 ~ 8 皆有利於 菌絲的生長。刺傷或未刺傷二種不同處理的成熟果實,在病徵上無差異存 在,果表皆覆蓋一層白色的胞囊柄及胞囊,可推測荔枝露疫菌在適合發病 的田間環境下,果實勿須有機械性傷害,即可進行病害的傳播。利用逢機 引子在隨機增幅核酸多型性析反應 ( RAPD ) 中產生的核酸增幅條帶, 以作為荔枝露疫菌供檢測用之專一性核酸標幟 ( DNA marker),在篩選的 引子中有 9 個引子能對所有供試之荔枝露疫菌產生專一性核酸增幅條帶 。 而引子 OPW-02 ( 5'TCGCAGGTTC3' ) 可由測試所有供試之荔枝露疫菌 菌株增幅得一 595 bp 之專一性核酸片段。本研究進一步將此 595 bp 之 專一性核酸片段與載體 pCRRII-TOPO vector 進行核酸片段之選殖 ( cloning ),以 EcoR I 內限制酵素切出嵌入片段,經非放射性標定後製 備為核酸探針 ( DNA probe ),並命名為 pR4, 再進行南方氏漬染分析 ( Southern blotting analysis ),與各供試菌株作專一性測定。 探針 pR4 與所有的 P. litchii 皆可產生專一性核酸雜合訊號( signal ),與 相對照的荔枝酸腐病菌、疫病菌、腐霉病菌菌株,則皆無訊號產生。 將 此 595 bp 之專一性核酸片段進行核甘酸定序 ( sequencing ),並由此 序列衍生設計出正向引子 ( forward primer ):R4F7、R4MF245、R4 MF258 及返向引子( reverse primer ): R4R562、 R4R592, 其中以引 子對 R4MF245 ( 5'GCTCCAAGATGTTGGTTGGGATCGG3' ) / R4R562 ( 5'GATCTACAGCACAGCCCAAA GAAGG3' ),利用聚合酵素連鎖反應 ( PCR ) 技術來檢測荔枝露疫菌, 可由所有供試之荔枝露疫菌菌株增幅得一 317 bp 專一性的核酸片段,而與相對照的疫病菌菌株,則皆無訊號產生。 此 專一性引子對 R4MF245 / R4R562 利用 PCR 技術來檢測露疫菌基因體核 酸 ( genomic DNA ) 時,其靈敏度可達 500 pg; 輔以 pR4 核酸探針, 進行南方氏漬染分析,其偵測的結果,更可達到 50 pg。綜合上述研究, 可利用隨機增幅核酸多型性分析之結果,以電腦軟體進行荔枝露疫菌菌株 之遺傳親緣性關係的分析探討,引子 OPW-02 可應用於荔枝露疫菌以 RAPD 技術之分生輔助鑑定,專一性引子對 R4MF245 / R4R562 可利用 PCR 及南方氏漬染分析技術來檢測荔枝露疫菌,未來更可進一步實際應用 於田間,偵測栽培田土及果實上的荔枝露疫菌,以進一步瞭解荔枝露疫菌 在田間生態、傳播及在卵菌門之遺傳演化中所扮演的角色。Peronophythora litchii Chen ex Ko et al is a fungal plant pathogenthat cause downy blight of litchi ( Litchi chinensis Sonn. ). Thispathogen caused serious disease of premature fruit during the rainyseason by the rain and wind. It might can be controlled the developmentof!this disease and decreased the yield loss during the storage by rapiddetection. The sporangiophore of Peronophythora litchii is similar tothe same structure of Peronospora Cordax, and the lemon-shaped sporagiumwith papillae of this fungus is similar to the structure of Phytophthorade Bary which were observed by scanning electron microscopy. The optimaltemperatures for the mycelial growth of the fungus are between 22 ~ 28℃, and the limits were below 4 ℃ and above 36 ℃. The suitable termsof the mycelial growth are photoperoid, pH 4.5 ~ 8, and five percentageof CV8 juice medium. The symptoms of inoculated fruits with wound andnon-wound which were both covered with whit sporangia andsporangiophores were no differences. It was supposed that the diseasecan developed in the field without mechanical injury. Selected primerswere used to find specific DNA markers of P. Litchii by using randomamplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ). There were nine primers couldamplify the specific patterning bands by RAPD. The primer OPW-02 (5'TCGCAGGTTC3' ) amplified a distinct fragment of 595 bp that wasspecific to P. litchii, and cloned by pCRRII-TOPO vector. The insertedDNA fragment was digested by EcoR I. The digested DNA fragment waslabeled with non- isotope and named probe pR4, to be identified inSouthern blotting analysis. There was specific signal to P. litchii andthe same signal was not shown in Phytophthora spp., Pythium spp., andGeotrichum candidum. Five primers were designed and synthesized by thesequence of the inserted fragment: R4F7, R4MF245, R4MF258 are forwardprimers, and R4 R562, R4R592 are reverse primers. The primer pairsR4MF245 ( 5'GCTCCAAGATGTTGGTTGGGATCGG3' ) and R4R562 ( 5'GATCTACAGCACAGCCCAAAGAAGG3' ) could amplify a distinct patterning band of 317bp that was specific to P. litchii by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ).The minimum amount of DNA from P. litchii that could be detected by PCRwas 500 pg. And the sensitivity can be raised to 50 pg of DNA from P.litchii by using Southern blotting analysis with probe pR4. In summary,the RAPD could be a very potential technique in using the specific RAPDbands as genetic markers for identification of P. litchii. Specificprimer pairs-R4MF245 and R4R562 could detect the P. litchii by thetechnique of PCR and Southern blotting analysis. We hope thesetechniques can detect the disease of fruit and the soil in the fielddirectly in the future. In advance, to understand the role of P. litchiiin ecology, disease development, and genesis from oomyces


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    为探索胎儿肝脏化学元素的含量及其动态变化规律和营养生理学意义 ,通过分析 4~ 10月龄胎儿肝脏 2 1个化学元素的含量并与成人比较 ,将 2 1种元素的月平均值与胎儿月龄进行相关分析、分类。结果表明 ,胎儿生长发育过程中肝脏化学元素的含量呈不均匀的非稳定状态且随月龄而变化 ,其变化趋势可区分为与月龄增长呈显著正相关、显著负相关和相关不显著 3类。呈显著正相关元素的含量在胚胎 -胎儿 -新生儿、婴幼儿期由低向高变化 ,表明母体这些元素除供胎儿整体发育所需外 ,仍可使胎儿肝脏中的这类元素含量有所增加 ;呈显著负相关的元素由高向低变化 ,使单位组织质量中元素的含量很快减少 ,增加了组织对这类元素缺乏的敏感性 ;而相关不显著的元素可能不存在营养生理问


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    Rock failure results from the process of internal crack initiation, propagation and coalescence intrinsically. A 3D numerical model based on the microscopic damage mechanics is employed to simulate the failure process of numerical rock specimens containing a pre-existing surface flaw subjected to uniaxial compression. The initiation, propagation and coalescence of wing cracks, shell cracks, anti-wing cracks and the secondary crack of shell cracks are reproduced in three-dimensional manner. Numerical results are obtained as follows: (1) anti-wing cracks are induced by the tensile stress after the stress release resulting from the propagation of wing cracks; (2) the shell cracks are predominated by III-type loading, and the wing cracks stop when they propagate ahead for a certain distance; (3) the secondary cracks of the shell cracks lead to the collapse of the whole specimen; (4) III-type fracture could not be obtained by III-type loading in rocks, and the shell cracks are induced by tensile stress in III-type loading; (5) due to the heterogeneities in rocks, it is difficult to find curved wing cracks and anti-wing cracks. The numerical results will be a good supplement of experimental investigation of surface flaw. The numerical code is proved to be a satisfactory tool to investigate the rock fracture in three-dimensional manner

    Cloning and analysis of mtDNA probes of Peronophythora litchii

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    利用三種內限制酵素EcoR I 、Hinc II 及(EcoR I + Sac I)剪切荔枝露疫菌PL024菌株之粒線體核酸,將所得核酸片段與pUC 18載體黏合並進行選殖,結果選殖到4個選殖株A2-3、HC3、HC9及ES6,其插入片段大小各為0.6 kb、0.4 kb、0.65 kb及0.6 kb,分別製備為核酸探針。並以墨點漬染法與25株荔枝露疫菌粒線體核酸進行雜合反應,均有雜合交互作用。另以17株Phytophthora菌株及Pythium splendens的全量核酸與核酸探針A2-3、HC3、HC9及ES6進行雜合反應,結果HC3、HC9、ES6核酸探針與Pythium splendens皆無雜合交互作用;ES6核酸探針與17株Phytophthora菌株沒有任何雜合交互作用,A2-3 核酸探針除Phytophthora cryptogea外都有雜合交互作用,顯示ES6核酸探針比A2-3 、HC3 及HC9核酸探針對荔枝露疫菌較具有專一性。經墨點潰染測試,ES6核酸探針的靈敏度可測到100 fg濃度的露疫菌粒線體核酸。 The mtDNA of Peronophythora litchii PL024 was digested with EcoR I, Hinc II and EcoR I / Sac I, and the DNA fragments were ligated with vector pUCI8. And then the recombinated plasmids were transformated into E. coli DH5α. There were four recombinat clones, designed as A2-3, HC3, HC9 and ES6 respectively. Their sizes are 0.6, 0.4, 0.65 and 0.6 kb. Probes A2-3, HC3, HC9 and ES6 showed strong signals in dot blot hybridization with 25 P. litchii isolates. Four probes hybridized with 17 Phytophthora isolates and Pythium splendens, and none of any hybridization signals were detected except probe A2-3. None of any hybridization signals was detected as ES6 probe hybridized with 17 Phytophthora isolates. Probe A2-3 hybridized with 17 Phytophthora isolates except Phytophthora cηptogea. Specificity of probe ES6 to P. litchii was higher than A2-3, HC3, HC9. In dot blotting analysis, a weak hybridization signals were shown when these four probes hybridized with 16 Pythium isolates, and ES6 probe was sensitive to mtDNA of Peronophythora litchii in concentration of 100 fg


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    目的】α線放出核種である211Atにより標識した小分子化合物は、標的アイソトープ治療(TRT)において、安全かつ高い治療効果が期待できる放射性薬剤として注目されている。今回我々は、多くの腫瘍に高発現する癌蛋白質である“代謝型グルタミン酸1型受容体(mGluR1)”を標的とし、小分子薬剤211At-AITMを開発し、TRTへの実証研究を行った。【方法】癌蛋白質mGluR1が高発現したメラノーマ担がんマウスに211At-AITMを静脈投与し、抗腫瘍効果及び安全性等の生物学評価を行った。【結果】211At-AITM (1.85 MBq)の単回投与による治療群では、投与後15日経過したのち、非治療群に比べ腫瘍サイズは約1/10まで減少した(0.540.18cm3 vs.5.531.14cm3)。また211At-AITMの投与によって、腫瘍の増殖は薬剤用量依存的に抑制されたことが確認された。一方、有害事象である体重減少、血液毒性及び肝、腎機能障害などは認めなかった。【結論】小分子薬剤211At-AITMは、癌蛋白質mGluR1が高発現するメラノーマに対し、顕著な抗腫瘍効果を示し、安全かつ高効率なTRT薬になりえることが示唆された。第58回日本核医学会学術総