8 research outputs found

    Composition of Rice Foods Used in Taiwan

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    省產稻米的種類依據直鏈澱粉含量的多寡,可分為秈米(高直鏈澱粉含量,俗稱在來米)、稉米(中直鏈澱粉含量,俗稱蓬來米)與糯米(低直鏈澱粉含量)三種。雖然國人對此三種米均加利用,製成不同的加工品,不過秈米及糯米因分別具有高直鏈澱粉及高枝鏈澱粉含量的特性,較易被利用,而直鏈澱粉含量不高不低的稉米,在加工上的用途則較少。近年來由於米菜加工技術的開發,稉米和糯米則同時成為米果的製造原料。比較米加工品之碘呈色液波長620nm 與520nm 吸光密度比值可初步了解米加工品使用原料米種類。比值愈大時直鏈澱粉所佔比率愈高,屬於秈米類;反之則愈低,屬於稉米或糯米。 市售米加工品分析結果如下:一、不同米粉樣本其粗蛋白質含量相差懸殊,註明添加澱粉的米粉粗蛋白質含量均低於1 % ,而標示純米製之米粉中也有部份粗蛋白質含量過低的情形。二、大部份的米加工品游離糖含量均較白米高,可能是加糖調味及部份米澱粉水解成糖。三、米加工品因添加物種類及含量不同而造成加工品成分的差異;例如鈉鹽,造成灰分及鈉含量顯著增加、添加磷酸鹽增加磷含量等。四、部份米加工品鋁含量較高,推測可能與添加發粉或蒸煮時使用鋁製器皿有關。五、添加油脂調味、焙燒,造成粗脂肪含量劇增。六、添加大量外來物質,造成產品成分與白米成分大不相同,如:米血糕含有大量動物血液,其粗蛋白質、粗脂肪、灰分及大部份礦物質元素(尤其是鐵)含量均較白米高出甚多。 Three main groups of rice in Taiwan are classified according to their amylose content as Tsailai rice (high amylose, indica type), Ponglai rice (medium amylose, japonica type) and waxy rice (extremely low amylose, glut mouse). Though all three groups of rice are used to produce various rice foods, the Tsailai and waxy rice are more widely used due to their high content of amylose and amylopectin, respectively. Recently, due to the development of rice snacks manufacturing technique, both the Ponglai rice and waxy rice become good materials. What group of rice used as rice foods materials can be preliminarily identified by determined the optial density ratio of 620nm and 520nm of rice starch iodine solution. The high ratio attribute to the high amylose group rice, the low ratio attribute to the waxy rice. The analysis results of commercial rice foods are as the following: 1. The difference of crude protein content among various rice nooldle ( Mifen) samples is great. All the rice nooldes labelled starch added are with crude protein content lower than 1%. 2. Most of the rice foods contain more sugar than that of milled rice. It may be caused by addition and partly by the hydrolysis of rice starch. 3. The different composition of rice foods depend on various kinds and content of additives. For examples, addition of salt induce the obvious in crease of ash and sodium content, and addition of phosphate induce the increase of P content. 4. Some rice foods contain high alluminum content. It implied the Al-made container were used in the processing or applied with soda powder. 5. Addition of oil for flavor and baking cause dramatic increase of crude fat content of rice foods, such as rice snacks. 6. The composition of rice foods is widely different from milled rice for large amount of other substance. Such as the rice cake with pig blood had a lot of animal blood which contains protein, fat and minerals (especially Fe) than milled rice

    Comparison on Agronomic Characteristics and Chemical Compositions among Different Hsiantsao Lines(Mesona procumbens Hemsi)

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    比較農試所收集九品系仙草的農藝性狀,發現有四品系屬半直立型,五品系為匍匐型。農藝性狀與產量關係探討發現,葉綠具齒狀,葉形大且長者較高產。礦物元素含量分析,以鉀含量較高,次為鈣、磷及鎂,且此等元素均以葉含量比莖高,其中鐵含量較高者均為葉色較深綠之A、D及H品系。葉的粗蛋白質、粗脂肪及灰分之分析,仍然發現葉含量均比莖高,但粗纖維含量則較低。無氮抽出物分析結果,以A、B、C及I品系之莖葉間含量差異較微。碳水化合物組成中之游離糖及多醣體含量分析,大部份品系之莖含量均比葉高,但A及B品系之莖與葉含量較接近,因此仙草選種指標除重視葉率外,應一併考慮莖之無氮抽出物含量“單位栽培面積乾草、葉片產量調查與凝膠強度分析,於品系比較試驗結果,A品系兩年平均乾草產量達12,683 kg/ha,葉片產量3,328 kg/ha最高,次為C品系分別為9,822 kg/ha及3,203 kg/ha。凝膠強度A品系為86.69/cm,C品系為66.1g/cm較高。 桃改場所收集九品系中有二品系屬匍匐型,餘均為半直立型。單位栽培面積乾草、葉片產量調查與凝膠強度分析,發現TY3及TY4兩品系表現較佳。兩年平均乾草產量TY3品系達8,881 kg/ha,葉片產量3,096 kg/ha,而TY4品系分別為8,575 kg/ha及2,794 kg/ha。凝膠強度TY3品系平均為61g/cm,TY4品系為49.19/cm。 The agronomic characteristics of 9 different hsian-tsao lines coll-ected by TARI were compared, Results found that 4 lines are semi-erect type and the rest are runner type. Results from studiyng on relationship between agronomic characteristics and dry grass yield found that line with large leaf blade and teeth in margin has higher dry grass yield. Results from analyzing the content of mineral elements shown that highest rate in leaves and stem is potassium, following by Ca, P and Mg in order, also the contents in leaves were higher than those in stem. It also found that A, D and H lines with higher iron content had dark green leaves than those of other lines. Comparison in the chemical composition of 9 different hsian-tsao lines,it was found that the contents of crude protein crude fat and ash were higher in leaves for all lines, but crude fiber was less than in stem. The contents of nitrogen-free extracts in leaves were found little differences comparing with those in stem for A B -. C and I lines, The con-tent of carbohydrate was higher in stem than that in leaves. Among carbohy-drate compositions, the content of sugar and polysaccharide in leaves had little differences comparing with those in stem for A and B lines. Therefore, it can not consider the leave percentage as the only indicator, the content of nitrogen-free extracts in stem should be consider too for sele-oting in hsian-tsao. Results found that the dry grass and leaves yields for A and C lines were 12,683 and 9,922 kg/ha, and 3,328 and 3,203 kg/ha res-pectively, A and C lines in gel formation strength with 86.6 and 66.1 g/cm also had good performance than that of the other lines. Taoyuan District Agri-cultural Improvement Station conducted similar experiment in recent years and that 2 lines belongs to runner type while the rest are semierect type in total of 9 lines. It found that TY3 and TY4 lines had good performance in dry grass yield - leaves yield and gel formation strength than the other lines, TY3 and TY4 lines respectively obtained 8,881 and 8,575 kg/ha in dry grass yield. 3,096 and 2,794 kg/ha in leaves yield, 61 g/cm and 49.1 g/cm in gel formation strength

    Soil organic matter contents and the application status of organic materials in Taiwan

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    本文分別討論臺灣地區土壤有機質含量之地理分佈,比較臺灣地區歷次土壤肥力調查之土壤有機質含量變化趨勢並檢討本省農田有機資材之施用狀況,以明瞭臺灣地區之土壤有機質含量現狀並供為擬訂有機資材施用策略之參考。土地利用、氣候及土壤性質為影響本省土壤有機質含量之主要因子。在中海拔之森林土壤有機碳含量可達67公斤/公尺/平方公尺,而一般農田之土壤有機碳含量平均約為10公斤/公尺/平方公尺。水田或旱田之耕作亦影響土壤有機碳之含量。 以1967年與1994年之鄉鎮土壤調查資料比較土壤有機質含量,整體資料顯示臺灣地區土壤有機質含量有增高之趨勢,其原因歸諸於施肥量增加,及水田耕作次數增加,水稻根量殘留於土體中增加之故。另作者等認為本省西南部農田土壤有機質含量因曾文水庫之完工,除非有新的耕作制度或方法之擾動,應已達一新的平衡點。 因本省化學肥料之便宜與精純,相對於有機資材之來源不足及施用費工與費時等,近三十餘年來農田施用堆、廄肥已大為減少。統計資料顯示本省農田施用自給肥料公頃年均量由1952年之20千公斤降成1993年之1.6千公斤。惟近年來,政府鼓勵休耕田栽植綠肥及大力推廣有機肥之施用措施,農田施用自給肥料公頃年均量已漸增加。 The article discusses the geographic distribution of soil organic matter contents in Taiwan. It is also compared with the change of soil organic matter contents by the soil fertility survey data and the application status of organic materials in farmlands during the past 50 years. All of the information will be used to make better strategy of the application of organic materials

    Development on the Mass and Rapid Methods of Soil Testing and Plant Tissue Diagnosis

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    以3年的期程針對各地區大面積且具發展潛力之重點產業,研發及建立快速且大量化的土壤與植體營養診斷技術,結合各種作物體系肥料施用基準資訊,達成輔導農民準確施肥,生產優質農產品之目標。 The project will develop mass and rapid methods of soil testing and plant tissue diagnosis for the major crop sectors with large acreages and potential marketing. These methods will combine with many kinds of fertilizers application standards and information to guide the farmer produce good quality of agriculture products by accurate fertilizer application

    The Relationships between Rice Yield Variability with crop Nutrients on Precision Agriculture

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    以水稻為主要試驗作物,在行政院農業委員會農業試驗所農田進行精準農業之試驗研究,分析與評量試驗農田植體營養狀態之變異與土壤性質變異之相關性,並進一步利用地理統計軟體繪製各試驗田區之植體營養變異分佈圖。根據農場室於水稻收穫後所得之產量與植體分析資料進行協同克利金(co-kringing)分析,以評估植體營養分對產量之最佳關係。發展及應用有效且精確的方法,藉以評量水稻營養分之空間變異,俾建立植體養分變異與作物生長變異之相關性。 Paddy rice is the main crop for the study. The experiment field of precision agriculture is located at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute Experimental Farm. We have analyzed and evaluated the rice nutrient spatial distribution and the soil variation of the experiment farm. Geo-statistic sofiware and GIS were applied to map detailed plant nutrient distribution map of experiment fields. The rice yields and plant nutrition data were analyzed by co-kringing method to find the best relationship of rice nutrient and crop yields. For precision agriculture, efficient and accurate methods for assessing the spatial variability of rice nutrient, and relating it to yield quantity and quality component, must be developed and utilized in order to build the relationships between plant nutrient and growth variability

    (48(4):1-22)Studies on the Varietal Characters, Production Potential, Phytochemical Properties, and Antioxidant Effect of Dioscorea spp.

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    本研究針對13種山藥不同品種系塊莖之性狀與產量進行調查與比較,同時進行不同山藥塊莖物理與生化性質以及RAPD之分析,配合不同品種系塊莖抗氧化酵素活性之比較,可明確區分山藥品種系間各項特性之差異。本研究另以強迫餵食方式,進行台農2號山藥嫩芽之急性毒性測試,可確知山藥嫩芽是否安全無慮。本研究之試驗結果可供山藥品種篩選、栽培生產、加工與醫藥利用之參考。山藥不同品種系中以台農2號、大葉壽豐品系、二刺品系、大汕三品系及中國長品系等之塊莖產量表現最為優異,公頃產量皆達34 t/ha以上,其中大汕三品系及二刺品系另具有很高之過氧化酵素活性;青森品系含有高量之P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn,且塊莖亦具頗高之過氧化酵素活性,惟其產量僅為8 t/ha。由山藥台農2號嫩芽對造成白鼠急性毒性之試驗結果可知,強迫餵食組之鼠隻均不產生任何臨床症狀,亦不造成白鼠死亡,台農2號之嫩芽可歸類為無毒或少毒性類。利用篩選之隨機引子prime # 31 : 5'TGTCCGGGTG3',可在DNA層次明確區分山藥各品種系。經由RAPD分析所得之23條DNA片段中,其中3條,即587bp、834bp及1,045bp,在參試山藥15樣品之出現率依次為73.3%、66.7%及80.0%,其他20條具有多型性差異特色,有11條僅存於單一山藥品種系中,可藉以鑑別山藥不同品種系;而片段587bp不存於青森、黃藥及大汕品系;基隆品系獨具956bp及1,123bp;黃藥品系獨具556bp及802bp,且強度皆在22以上,皆可利用來與其他山藥品種系區隔及判別。A total of 13 Dioscorea genotypes had been cultivated, analyzed, and evaluated at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI). The results obtained from comparison test on the varietal characters, yield potential, and phytochemical properties of these Dioscorea plants indicated that TNG2, 70W42, 70W47, 70W35, and 80W02 might be the most promising lines due to their high yield potential over 34 t/ha, among them 70W35 and 70W42 had a higher peroxidase activity than others. Yam line 70W49 possessed more mineral elements and also a higher peroxidase activity, but a lowest yield of 8 t/ha. The acute toxicological effects of water crude extracts of TNG2 buds administered in single dose of 5,000 mg/kg (maximal test threshold) were also evaluated. No gross abnormalities were noted in any organs of the treated animals at the necropsy. The TNG2 buds belonged to one of non- or less-toxic products. In order to assess and distinguish the genetic diversity of all the Dioscorea species used in this experiment at DNA level, the Dioscorea samples were detected by RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) technique. Total 23 polymorphic DNA fragments were scored for all materials tested using primer #31: 5'TGTCCGGGTG3', a random 10 bp primer selected from 35 primers used in TARI. Among these fragments, 11 fragments existed only in each of Dioscorea samples. 587 bp didn’t exist in 70W49, 70W37, and 70W33. 956 bp and 1,123 bp existed only in 70W43, and 556 bp and 802 bp only in 70W37. These fragments could be used as useful markers for distinguishing the genetic diversity of all the yam species used in this experiments

    Study the Distributions of Soil Fertilizer of Rice Precision Agriculture by the Soil Databases

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    在行政院農業委員會農業試驗所農田進行精準農業之先驅試驗,以水稻為試驗作物,調查與評量試驗農田土壤肥力之變異與產量之相關性,利用地理統計軟體建立各試驗田區之土壤肥力分佈圖。水稻收穫後所得之產量與土壤分析、植體分析資料進行分析,以尋找土壤性質或植體性質對產量之最佳關係。整個計畫在土壤資料庫與決策系統應已有密切之結合,只要變量施肥機可以運作,精準農業之初步主體工程已大體就完成,並應可實際應用於農田肥培管理。本計畫水稻施肥之大體發展由土壤性質、土壤殘留肥力到推估調整施肥仍有極大之空間發展,應當在九十一年度前即完成最佳化施肥資訊。 A rice production system of the pilot project of precision agriculture was conducted in TART farm since the first crop of 2000. Accurate methods for assessing the spatial variability of soil, and relating it to yield quantity and quality components, must be developed and implemented. This paper describes the spatial variability of soil in the farm. Works to establish the links between the spatial variability of soil and the spatial variability of crop yield components are discussed. Soil database is combined with decision-making system in this project, if the machinery system of variable-fertilizer application will be operated, the system of nutrient management in this pilot project can be worked. Further studies of the estimation of fertilizer application rates based on soil database and plant uptake are needed. The system shall be completed before 2002