41 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Lectures Information Management System for a College

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    高校肩负着为国家和社会培养人才的重任。高校中,占主流地位的课程文化对学生带来影响,但高校的各类讲座在人才培养中也发挥着重要作用。高校讲座已成为学术交流的平台和社会知识的集散地,成为各种信息交流、交换的重要载体和思想传播的重要途径。然而,当前大学生听取讲座的实际情况并不容乐观。除了一些主观因素之外,许多高校的讲座工作没有统一管理,信息发布方式随意,造成信息发布不畅,许多师生无法提前知悉讲座信息,或因故错过感兴趣的讲座。为帮助高校师生更全面、更充分地利用讲座资源,及时了解各类讲座信息,构建一个适合实际情况的高校讲座信息管理系统,有其积极的意义。 本系统基于B/S架构,分为表现层、业务逻辑层和数据...Colleges shoulder the responsibility to train talents for the society. The dominant cultural courses impact on students in Colleges, but all kinds of lectures play an important role in training talents. College lecture has become a platform for academic communication and social distribution of knowledge, an important carrier for exchanging information, and an important way to spread ideas. However...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223115

    Development and application of antigenicity analytical methods for characterization high-risk HPV (HPV16/18/52/58) recombinant virus-like particle based vaccines

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    人乳头瘤病毒(HumanPapillomavirus,HPV)是属于乳多孔病毒科的球形DNA病毒,研究已证实该病毒与多种癌症密切相关,包括女性宫颈癌、阴道癌及男性阴茎癌等。该病毒主要衣壳蛋白L1可在体外自组装成病毒样颗粒(Virus-likeparticle,VLP),高度模拟天然病毒表面结构,并可通过类似途径刺激机体并诱导机体产生免疫应答。因此,基于重组VLP的HPV疫苗研发及应用具有极大潜力和重要价值。目前,由本实验室与厦门万泰公司联合研发的重组VLP人乳头瘤九价疫苗(HPV6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58疫苗)已经完成报批即将进入临床阶段。因而,建立针对该疫苗质量分析方...Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a spherical DNA virus belong to Papovaviridae family, many studies has confirmed that the virus is responsible for a variety of cancers, including women cervical cancer, vaginal cancer and penis carcinoma.The major capsid protein of HPV could self-assemble into recombinant virus-like particles (VLP), faithfully mimicing the structures of native virions, and they can ...学位:医学硕士院系专业:公共卫生学院_公共卫生硕士学号:3262014115056

    On Morphological Characteristics of Modern Chinese Charactersand Character Teaching in TCFL——Based on Morphological Character Analysis of The Graded Character List

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    对外汉字教学指的是对外汉语教学中的现代汉字教学,即以外国人为对象的、以现代汉字为内容的、用外语教学方法进行的、旨在掌握汉字运用技能的教学活动。汉字作为记录汉语的书面符号,有其自身的系统性和结构规律。汉字本身的性质决定了汉字教学的特殊性。汉字的教与学必须建立在对汉字字形结构的分析上,即以字形分析为基础,沟通字音与字义,从而更好地帮助汉语学习者突破书面语与口语之间的障碍。汉字之所以成为外国学生尤其是非汉字文化圈学生进一步学习汉语的瓶颈,这同我们对汉字构形的特点和理据的认识还不够透彻,同我们对第二语言学习者的汉字习得规律的认识还不够充分,以及教学中缺少相关的训练有很大关系。本文以现代汉字学理论为基础...Character Teaching in TCFL refers to the teaching of contemporary Chinese characters, which is the activity with foreigners as its objects, modern Chinese characters as its content, foreign language teaching as its method and enables the foreigners to master the skill of using Chinese characters and its ultimate goal. As the writing symbols recording Chinese language, Chinese Characters bare th...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_语言学及应用语言学学号:20030100


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    Environmental Benefit Research of Longyan Wastewater Treatment Plant

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    详细分析了龙岩市新罗区污水处理厂2001年-2005年间的投入和运行成本,在此基础上结合龙岩市新罗区污染物排放量的削减情况对该污水处理厂的环境效益进行分析。本文着重研究了该厂由于COD、氨氮和总磷减排所产生的环境效益,分析了COD、氨氮和总磷的削减情况,结合总投资计算了它们的效益-投入比并比较它们环境效益的大小。将COD、氨氮和总磷减排量所产生的环境经济效益分别相加,就可以得到2001年-2005年期间龙岩市新罗区污水处理厂所获得的环境效益值;结合各年度的投入成本值,则可以得到该污水处理厂分年度的效益-投入比。最后,本文对九龙江流域污水处理厂的环境效益做了预测。This article analyzed the investment and the running cost of Longyan City Wastewater Treatment Plant between 2001 and 2005,and on this basis we analyzed this plant's environmental benefit combining with the reduce situation of pollutants discharge amount of Longyan City Xinluo District.We focused on this wastewater treatment plant's environmental benefit due to the reduction of COD,ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus,and analyze their reduce situation,and compared their environmental benefit combining the investment.Then,we add the environmental benefit of discharge reduction of COD,ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus and we could get the environmental benefit of Longyan Xinluo District Wastewater Treatment Plant during 2001 and 2005.Furthermore,we could get the annual ratio of benefit to investment of this wastewater treatment plant combining with annual investment.At last,we predicted the environmental benefit of wastewater treatment plants of Jiulong River Catchments

    Status on the diagnosis and treatment of BK virus infection

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    BK病毒(BKV)属于人类多瘤病毒中的一个亚型。BKV在普通人群中隐性感染率高达80%。近年来,随着器官移植术的广泛开展以及强效免疫抑制剂的大量使用,在免疫抑制和免疫低下的人群中,由潜伏于体内的BKV重新被激活而引起的BKV相关肾病(BKVAN)、出血性膀胱炎、输尿管狭窄等疾病越来越受到医学界的关注。目前对BKV感染缺乏明确有效的预防措施及抗病毒药物,因此早期监测器官移植术后患者体内的BKV载量、减少免疫抑制剂的使用量、及时调整免疫抑制剂治疗方案并辅助使用其他抗病毒药物对预防BKV相关疾病的发生尤为重要。文章就BKV感染相关的疾病及其临床症状、生物学特征、感染机制以及当前国内外诊断及治疗研究现状进行综述。BK virus (BKV) belongs to a subtype of human polyomavirus. Recessive infection rate of BKV in general population is about 80%. With expanded use of organ transplantation in recent years where strong immunosuppression is essential,BKV associated nephropathy(BKVAN),hemorrhagic cystitis,ureterostenosis and other associated diseases due to the reactivation of latent BKV in immunosuppressed or immunocompromised populations are becoming more of a concern in medical community. Since the prevention measures and effective antiviral drugs for BKV are rather limited,the effective means for reducing BK associated morbidity and mortality due to BKV associated diseases are the early monitoring of viral loads,reducing the usage of immunosuppressant,adjusting immunosuppressant treatment regime and using adjuvant therapies. This review describes the clinical symptoms,biology,mechanisms and the advances in the diagnosis and treatment of BKV at home and abroad

    Preliminary study on feeding habits and trophic niche of nine economic fish species in Beibu Gulf in summer

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    应用Shannon-Wiener指数、Levins指数和均匀度指数,分析了北部湾2012年7月9种个体数量占优势的经济鱼类的食物组成和食性类型,并对其营养生态位进行了初步研究。研究表明,这9种经济鱼类可划分为3种食性类型:日本发光鲷Acropoma japonicum、日本竹筴鱼Trachurus japonicus、蓝圆鲹Decapterus maruadsi和六指多指马鲅Polydactylus sextarius为浮游生物食性,主要以桡足类为食;二长棘犁齿鲷Evynnis cardinalis、日本鲱鲤Upeneus japonicus和刺鲳Psenopsis anomala为底栖生物食性,主要以长尾类为食;多齿蛇鲻Saurida tumbil和白姑鱼Pennahia argentata为游泳动物食性,以鱼类饵料占较大优势。9种鱼中,白姑鱼的营养生态位宽度值最高,多齿蛇鲻的营养生态位宽度值最低。夏季北部湾这9种经济鱼类的营养生态位宽度与其摄食习性和饵料基础密切相关。In this study, based on fish samples collected in Beibu Gulf in July 2012, diet composition, feeding habits and trophic niche breadth of nine economic fish species were analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener index, Levins index and evenness index. Results showed that nine economic fish species could be classified into three types according to feeding habits, referred to as plankton predators(including Acropoma japonicum, Trachurus japonicus, Decapterus maruadsi, and Polydactylus sextarius), benthic predators(including Evynnis cardinalis, Upeneus japonicus and Psenopsis anomala) and nekton predators(Saurida tumbil and Pennahia argentata). Trophic niche breadth of Pennahia argentata was the highest(Shannon-Wiener index=0.938 and Levins index=2.238), while trophic niche breadth of Saurida tumbil was the lowest(Shannon-Wiener index=0 and Levins index=1). The trophic niche breadth of the nine economic fish species in summer in Beibu Gulf was strongly influenced by feeding habits and feeding foundation of surrounding environments.国家海洋公益项目(201005012)~

    Denitrification Determination in soil of Wu Chuan Agricultural Catchment and the Control Measure

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    反硝化作用是土壤氮素转化的一个重要过程,为探明五川流域内的农业土壤的反硝化作用强度及其影响因素,利用乙炔抑制-原状土柱培养法对其进行测定。通过3次试验测定,发现五川流域农业土壤具有较强的反硝化作用强度,在种植季节,土壤平均反硝化作用强度为0.1kgN·hm-2·d-1,最高达到0.6kgN·hm-2·d-1,其中蔬菜地反硝化作用强于其他土地利用类型。反硝化作用同土壤的NO3-含量、含水量、温度以及pH都存在正相关关系,它们是流域土壤反硝化作用的主要影响因子。五川流域农业土壤经由反硝化作用氮损失量占流域平均施肥量的16%,高于国内其他地区。针对五川流域的环境和农业经济特点,提出了控制反硝化作用的措施:在温度较低的夜间进行施肥灌溉宜以防止氮肥损失,用农村富余的厩肥代替化肥以减轻反硝化作用的发生,同时加大节水灌溉力度。Denitrification in soil is the main pathway of gaseous nitrogen loss in the catchments.In order to find out the denitrification flux in top-soil and the affecting factors in Wu Chuan catchment,the denitrification rate of top-soil was determined using the acetylene inhibition-intact soil core technique for 5 months.Three times of the denitrification experiment were carried out from Dec.15th 2005 to Apr.18th 2006,at the same time,the chemical and physical properties of the soils were also measured during every experiment.The soils in Wu Chuan catchment belong to typical Haplic red soil,with the chemical and physical properties suitable for denitrification and the organic matter,total N,NO3-N and pH of the soils being 9~25 g·kg-1,0.4%~7.9%,1.5~6.8 mg·kg-1 and 4.9~5.7,respectively.The results indicated that denitrification of the soil showed temporal and spatial variations.The denitrification rate in uplands of the catchment was higher than that in any other places,and was enhanced when there were many rains and when the soil temperature was high.The flux of denitrification was mostly related with fertilization,soil moisture,air temperature and pH.Air temperature affected denitrification significantly.The gaseous N loss rate through denitrification represented about 16% of the fertilizer applied in the catchment scale.Also,the denitrification flux of the top-soil in Wu Chuan catchment was much higher than that in other places of China,and the denitrification rate of soils in south was higher than that in north.The soils in Wu Chuan catchment may be the source of atmospheric nitrous oxide gas.Since the high level of agricultural economic development in Wu Chuan catchment and the frequently used fertilizers,the flux of fertilizers is much higher than other agricultural region in China.Based on the environmental characteristics and agricultural economy in Wu Chuan catchment,the following control measures should be adopted:(1) fertilization and irrigation in the low-temperature night to prevent fertilizer loss;(2) utilization of livestock waste instead of fertilizer to inhibit denitrification;(3) popularizing economical irrigation to avoid reductive situation in the soil.国家自然科学基金(40301045和40671116

    An ecological study on zooplankton in the northern Beibu Gulf V: the effects of microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton in summer

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    2011年8月份于北部湾北部海域5个观测站位获得的分层水样,分析了表层叶绿素A含量和表层微型浮游动物丰度以及类群组成;同时于现场采用稀释培养法研究了该海域浮游植物生长率(μ)和微型浮游动物的摄食率(g)。分析和测定结果表明:调查海区的微型浮游动物丰度400—1167个/l,类群组成以无壳纤毛虫为主;浮游植物的生长率为-1.50—1.13 d-1,微型浮游动物摄食率为0.33—1.08 d-1;推算微型浮游动物对浮游植物现存量以及初级生产力的摄食压力分别为28.1%—66.0%和-7.4%—438.4%。相对于中国其他海区,8月份北部湾北部海域微型浮游动物摄食速率处于中等水平。调查期间,广西沿海高生产力海区,浮游植物生长率大于微型浮游动物动物的摄食率,浮游植物生物量处于积累期;涠洲岛以南海域,浮游植物生产力较低,微型浮游动物摄食作用是控制浮游植物生长的重要因素。In August 2011,we quantified the impact of microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton production in the surface waters of the northern Beibu Gulf,Vietnam.Shipboard dilution incubation experiments were carried out at five stations to calculate phytoplankton specific growth rates and the specific rates of grazing losses to microzooplankton.Dilution experiments using chlorophyll a( Chl a) as a tracer were used to estimate daily rates in two size fractions; image-analyzed microscopy provided quantitative estimates of microzooplankton standing stock( including ciliate and vertebrate larvae).PFW( particle-free water) was used to dilute seawater to five target dilutions of 0%,20%,40%,60%,and 80%.Microzooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth rates were estimated by the linear regression of AGR( apparent growth rate) versus dilution factor.We estimated the grazing impact of microzooplankton on phytoplankton by calculating the percentage of phytoplankton standing stock and potential primary production ingested.Average total chlorophyll a concentration was( 0.67 ± 0.58) μg / L.Small-celled phytoplankton dominated this particular community.A notable characteristic of the phytoplankton community structure was that nano- and picoplankton made up a significant portion.Aloricate ciliates dominated the microzooplankton samples,in particular Strombidium,which accounted for 27.2% of total aloricate ciliate abundance.In addition,loricate ciliates and copepod nauplii were recorded.Microzooplankton densityvaried from 400 to 1167 ind / L.The horizontal distribution of microzooplankton was greater in nearshore than in offshore waters.Abundance did not differ significantly with chlorophyll a concentration in this study; however,there was a positive correlation between microzooplankton abundance and temperature.The phytoplankton growth rate( < 200 μm) ranged between-1.50 and 1.13 d-1,with the highest values being associated with nearshore waters.Meanwhile phytoplankton mortality due to microzooplankton grazing( 0.33—1.08 d-1) was highest at the same nearshore sites; however,growth rates were low at these sites.Consequently,microzooplankton consumed 28.1%—66.0% of chlorophyll a standing stocks and-8.1%—438.4% of the primary production per day.However,the grazing rate of microzooplankton on nanoplankton( 2— 20 μm) varied from 1.87 to 0.52 d-1,with an average of( 0.94±0.57) d-1.Given that the rates of grazing on phytoplankton of <200 μm were lower than those on nanoplankton,we conclude that microzooplankton prefer to graze on nanoplankton.There was a positive correlation between phytoplankton growth rate and grazing rate; in addition,significant differences between grazing rate and chlorophyll a were found.This suggests that microzooplankton grazing activity is the main factor regulating the community structure and restraining the growth of phytoplankton.During the investigation period, microzooplankton grazing effectively controlled the growth of phytoplankton,consuming 176.2% of primary production on average.When grazing rates are far greater than phytoplankton growth rates,energy is transferred from lower to higher trophic levels more effectively.In the surface waters of the northern Beibu Gulf,microzooplankton largely control the growth of phytoplankton by grazing offshore rather than in nearshore waters where primary production is high.The growth and grazing rates combined promote planktonic ecosystem stability in this area.These results indicate that grazing by microzooplankton is a key process controlling the growth of phytoplankton in this area.海湾公益项目(201005012


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    多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是一类典型的溴系阻燃剂,其具备良好的阻燃性及热稳定性,被广泛应用于日常生活用品中。然而,在这些产品的生产及使用过程中,PBDEs极易扩散,并可长期存在于各类环境介质中。此外,其亲脂性特征可使其在生物体中蓄积,并通过食物链最终富集至人体,对机体健康造成不利影响。已有研究表明,PBDEs对人体存在多种毒理效应,包括神经毒性、肝脏毒性及内分泌干扰作用等。肾脏是重要的排泄器官,其细胞损伤很可能影响肾脏功能的正常发挥,因此,亟需开展有关PBDEs对肾细胞的毒理效应及其效应机制的研究。 本研究选取PBDEs主要系列物——2,2’,4,4’-四溴联苯醚(BDE-47)作为研究对象,以人胚肾细胞HEK293作为受试细胞系,利用光谱法、流式细胞术、实时荧光定量PCR、蛋白免疫印迹及代谢组学等技术手段,全面考察了BDE-47对人HEK293细胞的毒理效应,并阐明了其毒理效应机制,为PBDEs的毒理学研究及其环境风险评价提供理论依据。本论文研究结果如下: (1). 一定剂量BDE-47 (10-6~10-4 M)对HEK293细胞的毒理效应分为毒性响应及代谢响应两部分。毒性响应结果显示:10-6~10-4 M BDE-47可诱导细胞产生毒物兴奋效应;当BDE-47浓度为10-5 M时,可同时造成细胞内ROS水平升高及细胞凋亡现象,指示两者可能具有相关性。代谢响应结果显示:10-6~10-4 M BDE-47可造成HEK293细胞内多种代谢物变化,且存在剂量-效应关系;分析表明,BDE-47可引起HEK293细胞的能量代谢紊乱、蛋白质分解代谢增加、胞内氧化应激状态及细胞膜的压力响应等现象。 (2). 一定剂量BDE-47 (10-6~10-4 M)对HEK293细胞的毒理效应机制体现于转录水平及翻译水平,研究主要分为以下三部分。 a.   首先,由HEK293细胞中凋亡相关基因的表达水平变化情况可知,BDE-47对基因表达水平的影响集中于10-5~10-4 M,可造成p53、Bcl-2家族成员的编码基因(Bcl-2、Bax、Bad及Hrk)及Caspases家族成员的编码基因(Caspase-8)的表达水平上调。研究结果表明:BDE-47可通过外源死亡受体途径及内源线粒体途径诱导凋亡。其中,p53及Bcl-2家族主要通过内源线粒体途径发挥调节作用;Caspase-8则可同时参与死亡受体途径及线粒体途径;在凋亡最后的执行阶段,HEK293细胞可能通过非Caspases依赖的途径实现细胞凋亡。 b.   其次,由HEK293细胞中细胞增殖(SFRS3)、氧化应激(APE1)及凋亡(p53)相关蛋白的表达水平变化情况可知,随BDE-47浓度的变化,SFRS3及APE1蛋白表达水平分别与细胞相对增殖率及胞内ROS水平存在一致性。实验结果说明,SFRS3与BDE-47诱导的HEK293细胞增殖变化密切相关;APE1可能是细胞氧化应激与细胞凋亡间重要的中介因子,可通过诱导p53的高表达引起凋亡。 c.   最后,由p53启动子区域基因片段(p53-DNA)的光谱变化情况可知,10-6~10-5 M BDE-47可造成p53-DNA紫外-可见吸收光谱产生增色效应,并使EB-p53-DNA体系发生静态荧光猝灭,此外,10-5 M BDE-47可使p53-DNA的熔点上升0.5 oC。综合以上结果推测,BDE-47主要以沟槽形式与p53基因结合,并造成其损伤。<br /